80s Taoism

Chapter 581 Fighting

"Then I dare not take you. Your tea is too expensive." Ji Jiaxin waved her hands repeatedly.

"We farmers have a habit. If you don't sell something, it's not money. This is a little different from the city people. The city people are used to adding everything together. If the things in the farm field are put in the city, they are considered good things. According to what you city people say, they are all green vegetables. But in the countryside, if you can't finish it, you use it to feed animals." Zhang Jiaohua said.

"Then I can't eat it. If you can't finish it, give it to me. If I eat it, wouldn't I become your kitten or puppy?" Ji Jiaxin knew that Zhang Jiaohua didn't mean that, but she misunderstood it on purpose. I just want to see Zhang Jiaohua's nervous look.

"That's not what I meant." Zhang Jiaohua scratched his head.

Ji Jiaxin chuckled. Zhang Jiaohua obviously understood what Ji Jiaxin meant and smiled too.

"Actually, I'm not an experienced tea drinker. When the tea is in my mouth, I can always tell the difference. I know that the tea is delicious. Such a good tea is a waste of money for me to drink. If others are willing to spend so much money on your tea, you can sell it. However, you promised to play with me, but you have never fulfilled it. When will you fulfill it?" Ji Jiaxin looked at Zhang Jiaohua with bright eyes.

Zhang Jiaohua scratched his head, "After the auction, I'll take you to a place, I'm sure you'll be satisfied."

"That's good, it's a deal." Ji Jiaxin and Zhang Jiaohua agreed by high-fiving.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for the auction in a blink of an eye.

Gu Hao asked the staff sent by Wu Yaping to keep an eye on every move of Xu's Auction House, but they never found any connection between Xu's Auction House and Biyu Xianyin Group.

Wu Yaping did not let go of the investigation of the Biyu Xianyin Group. As a result, the results of the investigation were similar to those of other forces. The processing sites and channels of Biyu Xianyin ordinary tea are almost transparent. However, the processing location and distribution channels of Biyu Xianyin's top products have always been a mystery. But the new product released this time, even the headquarters of Biyu Immortal Drink didn't know about it.

According to insiders at the Jasper Immortal Drink headquarters, the Jasper Immortal Drink headquarters only knew about the variety of Jasper Spiritual Tea through the media. At first, he thought that someone else had used the brand of Jasper Immortal Drink, and when he was about to pursue the investigation, Zhang Youping, the chairman of the company, stopped the company's legal department from taking action. It's just a new trademark registered. This shows that the new variety of Jasper Lingcha is not a counterfeit. Instead, the mysterious channel of Jasper Immortal Drink launched a new product.

Afterwards, Gu Hao also thought of many ways, using the Gu family to put pressure on Biyu Immortal Drink, and wanted to obtain Jasper Spiritual Tea, but he did not expect that the Biyu Immortal Drink Group would not accept such a thing at all. Gu Hao didn't dare to go too far blatantly. As a result, I didn't even see what the Jade Spirit Tea looked like.

"This Jasper Immortal Drinking Group is really a smelly and hard stone in the latrine. I didn't want their tea for nothing, but I didn't give them any face. After the old man's birthday, let me free up and see how I deal with them." Gu Hao said fiercely.

"Hao Shao. For a big company like Biyu Xianyin, it's better not to use tricks. Who knows who is the real boss behind Biyu Xianyin? How can he be an ordinary person who can make the group so big? If anything happens, Hao Shao himself will suffer in the end." This time, Wu Yaping did not follow Gu Hao's words.

"I know this. But if I don't find something for Biyu Xianyin Group, I really can't swallow this breath." Gu Hao clenched his fists.

"Hao Shao, now is not the time to talk about this. I think we should focus on the auction. Hurry up and see who is here. I am worried that this auction may exceed our expectations." Wu Yaping said worriedly.

"Xiaohao!" Gu Heling walked over, "It seems that you are also here for the spirit tea. I wonder if you have enough money? If not, I advise you to just take a look. In case people say that our Gu family is too petty."

Gu Hao's expression changed with anger. When it comes to being rich, Gu Hao is definitely not as good as this cousin who already occupies a pivotal position in the family business. She is very scheming, Gu Hao and Gu Lianyu together are not as good as Gu Heling. It's just a pity that she is a girl and is not loved by the old man. If Gu Heling was a boy, I'm afraid there would be no such thing as Gu Hao and Gu Lianyu.

"You, are you rich? Naturally, I'm fully prepared to come here today." Gu Hao said angrily.

"Hey, who is that boy who walked with Xu Yanzhang's daughter? It seems that he has never seen him before." Gu Heling saw Xu Xiaoting and Zhang Jiaohua walking together, immediately threw Gu Hao aside, and walked over quickly.

"Xiaoting, this is your friend, don't you want to introduce me to my sister?" Gu Heling quickly walked in front of Xu Xiaoting and Zhang Jiaohua.

"This is my high school classmate, Zhang Jiaohua. This is Gu Sister." Xu Xiaoting quickly introduced Zhang Jiaohua to Gu Heling, and at the same time briefly told Zhang Jiaohua the basic information of Gu Heling. She was not very happy to introduce Zhang Jiaohua to Gu Heling. Because she doesn't like people like Gu Heling very much.

"Hello. I'm Gu Heling. Since you are Xiaoting's sister's friend, you are also my Gu Heling's friend. You can call me Sister Ling from now on." Gu Heling said.

"Sister Ling, are you here today too?" Xu Xiaoting is very familiar with Gu Heling.

Zhang Jiaohua could only stand aside, listening to the two girls exchange pleasantries.

Gu Heling listened to Xu Xiaoting: "Xiaoting, is this classmate Zhang Jiaohua really just your classmate? Don't lie to my sister."

"It's really just as simple as a classmate." Xu Xiaoting blushed, and secretly glanced at Zhang Jiaohua, for fear that Zhang Jiaohua would listen to Gu Heling's words just now. Seeing that Zhang Jiaohua was still looking at today's auction house flyer without distraction, he was relieved.

Gu Heling chatted with Xu Xiaoting for a while before letting Zhang Jiaohua and Xu Xiaoting go.

But as soon as she turned around, she immediately told her subordinates: "You should check this classmate Xu Xiaoting carefully. I think this boy is definitely not as simple as he seems."

Zhang Jiaohua and Gu Xiaoting found a seat and sat down. After waiting for a long time, the auction began.

Zhang Jiaohua took a look around, there are quite a lot of people here today. From the attire and style of these people, Zhang Jiaohua could tell that the standard of Xu's auction was much higher than that of the last auction.

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