Chapter 124 Broken Mouth

He Qiurong was stunned by a resentment, feeling uneasy in her heart: "You and she are classmates, of course you should speak for her."

Hu Xiufang suspected that this person had a problem with Li Qiao. No matter how much she argues, the other party probably won't believe it. She simply ignores it and discusses weaving with Li Qiao in a low voice: "My sister-in-law also learned how to weave. She made two of them yesterday. My elder brother is going to deliver them to your door today. Fortunately, something happened and I changed my mind." , or rush to nothing."

Li Qiao smiled and said: "The people who work in my house are pretty good, we can leave it to them to take care of them, and when we go back, they will say that the bill has to be settled next time."

"I'll talk to my elder brother when I get home." Hu Xiufang said curiously again: "I went to the supply and marketing cooperative yesterday, and there weren't many knitting products on the counter. Can they sell them all with so much?"

"It can be sold elsewhere."

The two chatted from knitting to going to college.

Hu Xiufang enviously said: "You don't have to worry about majors, I don't know what to study in the future? How about studying at a normal school? A relative of our family was recommended to go to a normal university. He said that according to my estimation, the major can be chosen at will."

Li Qiao repeated what he said to the educated youths.

Hu Xiufang insisted on her own point of view and retorted: "How nourishing is it to have winter and summer vacations? And it won't delay salary payment."

Li Qiao: "Winter and summer vacations are used by teachers to adjust their mood, right?" "If you want to be a teacher, you can be a teacher in a university. College students are easy to manage. But the threshold is relatively higher, and universities cannot relax."

"I'll try my best. What can you do after you major in mathematics and science?"

Li Qiao looked up proudly: "I can enter the research institute to be a scientist. My childhood dream was to grow up and build a spaceship, find a handsome partner, and take him to travel in space."

Hu Xiufang covered her mouth and smiled: "Traveling in space? How dare you dream."

Li Qiao bared his teeth, children, how normal is it to be whimsical?

He Qiurong pricked up his ears to hear the words "be a scientist", and thought to himself that you can be a fart!

Qin Jin was extremely happy. It turned out that he was one of her childhood wishes.

After the car entered the city, Hu Xiufang was the first to get off with Mao Siqin.

Cai Hechuan looked at Li Qiao who was chatting with Qin Jin after talking with his classmates, and couldn't help but said, "Qiao Qiao, where are you going?"

Cai Hechuan turned a blind eye to Qin Jin's sharp slash. He didn't believe that Qin Jin dared to hit someone in public.

The old lady Qin answered on her behalf: "Go around."

At this time, Qin Jin called to the driver to stop at the intersection.

After a while, the car stopped, Qin Jin jumped out of the car, Li Qiao followed behind and supported the old lady Qin, and did not take back her hand until Qin Jin greeted the old lady.

The car is gone.

Cai Hechuan's gaze was still following Li Qiao, and He Qiurong scoffed, "What's so interesting?!"

"Qiao Qiao is very filial."

"It's just for outsiders to see, who wouldn't? It won't do you any harm if you throw this kind of woman away. Look at her hair, it's not tied up in a serious style, it's tied up to the sky, restless!"

Cai Hechuan remained silent. He thought so before, but later he felt that something was wrong.

If Li Qiao is restless, why doesn't he even let him pull the girl he's been with for a year? Wanting to do something else, she asked to wait until after she got married, but now she is all cheap Qin Erliuzi!

The grandparents and grandchildren got out of the car and walked about 500 meters to the gate of a courtyard house.

There are more than a dozen families in a row, with blue bricks and black tiles, which is quite ancient.

The entrance is about 30 meters away from the front row of houses, and there is a road in the middle that allows people to pass through. The separated space can be planted with a fence to grow vegetables.

Qin Jin took out the key and opened the door.

In the deserted and ruined courtyard, the steps covered with moss can be seen everywhere.

There are two sweet-scented osmanthus trees and a grape trellis in the courtyard, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

There were clusters of purple grapes hanging on it, some of which were overripe and fell to the ground.

There are four main rooms, two wing rooms on the left, a kitchen, a small study on the right, and a squatting toilet.

The furniture is old, but everything is available.

The old lady Qin observed: "This room is nice, big and spacious, Qiao Qiao, what do you think?"

Li Qiao was very satisfied: "It's very good." Comparing the two dilapidated houses in the countryside, the house here is comparable to a mansion. "I really want to move in right away." There are many snakes, insects, rats and ants in the earth house in summer. Although Qin Jin sprinkles sulfur around the house every now and then, mice and bats will still get into her room, which is terrible.

Qin Jin said: "Tomorrow, I will hand over the key to Feng Fugui and ask him to bring someone here to clean it up. Let's go out for a while and just move in."

Li Qiao smiled brightly: "Okay."

"Are you new residents? Did you rent or buy the house?" A thin, high-pitched voice came into the ear.

There were about twenty-five or six people here, wearing red and white plaid skirts, their exposed arms and legs were neither white nor black, but their faces were white, and they were fanning vigorously with palm-leaf fans in their hands.

Qin Jin stared at her face and responded: "I bought it, hello, our family name is Qin, my name is Qin Jin, this is my grandma, and this is my daughter-in-law Li Qiao."

"My name is Yan Qiuyu, and I'm the neighbor on the left of your house." Yan Xiaoyu smiled and looked at him.

This young man was so handsome, even in front of his daughter-in-law, he looked at her without any scruples, he was quite courageous.

Men are really horny.

She looked away and looked Li Qiao up and down. Her facial features were exquisite, and her skin was white and pink.

Blue trousers, with a white stripe on both sides of the legs, striped short sleeves on the upper body, and a high ponytail, youthful and vigorous.


It's strange that I have to recruit men.

Can't dress up.

Only mature women like her who know how to dress can recruit men.

She added: "Your wife is like a student."

Qin Jin: "It's a student, a college student. What's on your face? Flour that you kneaded at home?" It's like frost on a donkey's dung. When we met for the first time, he didn't have the nerve to say anything later.

Yan Xiaoyu: "." I have no experience! Is she a fan? Still college students, no quality! She left angrily.

The old lady Qin said half-angrily and half-angrily: "You bastard, why are you so talkative! I had an ominous premonition when I stared at people. This is all right, and I will offend the neighbors before I live in it." She thought her grandson was Seeing that the dress is beautiful, I was going to inquire about buying it for my granddaughter-in-law, but who knew that when I opened my mouth, I would talk about her face.

Li Qiao covered her mouth and laughed until her stomach ached.

Qin Jin scratched the tip of his nose: "I can't hold back my curiosity."

When the old lady Qin saw him, his indifferent attitude was like a beating.

Qin Jin ran out of the yard early: "Grandma, you and Qiao Qiao are waiting for me here, I have something to do when I go out!"

"You're the only one who has a lot to do!" Mrs. Qin scolded.

Li Qiao went into the house and moved a stool, found a rag, washed it with well water, wiped the stool for the old lady to sit on, and went to the grape arbor to pick grapes to wash.

The old lady Qin smiled kindly: "Why are you so filial." She prepared for the baby without asking.

Li Qiao secretly supported his forehead and wiped a stool. What is filial piety? After she washed the grapes, Mrs. Qin also wiped a stool for her.

The grandparents and grandchildren sat in the aisle and ate grapes. The sweet and sour taste was very appetizing.

When the wind blows, there is a slight coolness on the body.

"The grapes taste really good. They are fragrant and sweet. I will pick them all later. Qiao Qiao, is there anything to buy? Go and buy them while the sun is low."

Li Qiao said: "There is no shortage of things." She bought daily personal items once, and Qin Jin would silently write down the preparations for her in advance, and he knew exactly when her aunt would come. The same is true for the clothes I wear. I have already bought five or six skirts.

But no one in the village wore skirts, so she was ashamed to set a precedent.


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