Chapter 125 Absolutely

On this side, Qin Jin left the courtyard, took the indictment written by Li Qiao for him, and found Xun Dong.

Xie Dong opened his eyes and saw that the identities of the plaintiff and defendant, the claims, facts and reasons were written clearly. "Your daughter-in-law is really talented. She can write complaints." He has some knowledge in this line of work.

If you ask him to write, he won't be able to write all at once.

Qin Jin raised her chin arrogantly: "My daughter-in-law is naturally the most powerful."

Xie Dong curled his lips: "It's shit luck for eight lifetimes! It's a shame that she deserves you."

Qin Jin agrees and disagrees, since it is a heaven-sent marriage, he must have a bright spot, and he can definitely match her to death.

Xie Dong led Qin Jin to the District Court to complete the registration. The former said, "Just wait for the news now."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Qin Jin sincerely thanked him. Or the daughter-in-law had the foresight to win over Xun Dong in advance, otherwise he might have to be locked up in the village for several days. He said, "When will you be free? I'll pick you up and have a drink or two."

Xun Dong: "I'm not free for a while, is Li Qiao holding a school entrance banquet?"

Qin Jin: "I say to do it, but she doesn't agree." Her reason was that the weather was too hot, and she was afraid that the food would turn bad and people would blame them for eating bad food.

"I'll let you guys know later when I'm free." Xie Dong said bluntly.

The two chatted for a while, Qin Jin left, bought two popsicles and ran back to the courtyard.

Li Qiao was hot, so he took a popsicle and stuffed it into his mouth. The refreshing fragrance came to his nostrils. After he took a bite, it was refreshingly cool, and the sweet ice water penetrated into his taste buds. The aftertaste was endless: "It's so sweet."

I don't know if it's because the original owner of the body hasn't eaten good ones in the past ten years. It's her turn to eat anything and think it's delicious in the world.

The old lady Qin thought it cold: "I won't eat it, you can eat it yourself."

After eating the popsicles, the grandparents and grandchildren worked together to pick the grapes in the yard, and found a big bag to put them in a car to go home.

As soon as Mrs. Qin arrived at the door, she began to distribute grapes to everyone.

The aunts were overjoyed with the fruits for nothing, and they kept saying nice things.

Coaxing old lady Qin from ear to ear: "You guys are busy, I'll go to sleep."


The old lady Qin was sleeping, Qin Jin was going out, and Li Qiao was reading the novel while sitting outside under the shade of a tree.

Yu Feng took a piece of cool red cloth and asked the aunts what kind of bridal clothes to make. Yu Cuiying thought that Yu Feng was too high-profile, and the second marriage was not as good as the first marriage. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if things go wrong?

And Ah Jin, to be honest, something is wrong, who in the village doesn't know that he is a person who will take revenge?

This time he was wronged by Boss Feng, after he was cleared of the suspicion, he didn't cause any trouble to the Feng family, so don't wait until the wedding day to cause trouble.

She persuaded Yu Feng in a low voice.

Yu Feng pulled her face: "I think you can't see that I got a high school student's daughter-in-law." She said to Li Qiao: "Qiao Qiao, your sister is getting married, what do you want to say?"

Li Qiao raised her legs and entered the yard, Li Jinhua's marriage is none of her business?

The aunts laughed and said: "You want to use Li Jinhua to make friends with Qiao Qiao, you have miscalculated. If you want me to say that the girl is not easy to give, I heard that she has a mental illness a while ago, you have to weigh it carefully."

"What's crazy? That's someone's nonsense. I met that girl, she's normal." Yu Feng couldn't listen to anything.

We did not persuade.

Li Qiao went back to the house and put down his book, carrying a basket and went out to cut grass to feed the rabbits. He had just squatted down to cut some grass when he heard the voice of his elder sister.

"Qiao Qiao."

Li Qiao turned his head, Li Jiaoyang was supporting the bicycle, his face was covered with sweat, his cheeks were flushed, a bulging fertilizer bag was placed on the pole of the bicycle, and a plastic bucket was tied to the side of the back seat.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Li Jiaoyang wiped off his sweat: "Your eldest brother-in-law caught a lot of fish today, I picked some and brought them to you. I also saved a lot of mushrooms that you asked me to dry before, and I will send them to you together." Come on. What are you doing here?"

Li Qiao said: "Cut the grass and feed the rabbit, and I will take one away for you later." Qin Jin said that the meat of the rabbit raised for half a year is the most tender.

She was reluctant to eat it, but it was hot recently, and there was always a smell in the yard. Anyone who entered the door would cover their noses, saying that the house smelled bad, which made her face hot, so she should kill it.


Li Qiao cut a basket of grass and walked home side by side with Li Jiaoyang.

By the way, tell Li Jiaoyang about the marriage between Li Jinhua and his neighbor, Boss Feng.

Li Jiaoyang couldn't believe it: "How did they get together? That neighbor of yours must be thirty? Does Li Jinhua agree? Does the stepmother agree?" Feng Lamei had always hoped that Li Jinhua would marry a man who would eat commodity food. It's good to keep up with the elation.

Li Qiao recounted the reason.

Li Jiaoyang felt wronged for Qin Jin: "Ah Jin really had a bad luck, and was planted once or twice for no reason. Is he alright?"


Li Jiaoyang continued to scold Li Jinhua, stopped talking when he was almost at the door, greeted his aunts, and followed Li Qiao into the house to put down morels and fish.

Li Qiao weighed the morel mushroom, and it was three catties and six taels: "Ah Jin will give you the money when I come back later."

Li Jiaoyang waved his hand: "No, we two sisters are talking about money."

Li Qiao poured a cup of tea for Li Jiaoyang, and said in a low voice, "We also sold it, and one more thing, Ah Jin sold a courtyard house in the city."

Li Jiaoyang was stunned: "Buy a yard in the city? How much did you pay for it? I heard people say that Ah Jin made tens of thousands of yuan by reselling fertilizers. Is it true?"

Li Qiao laughed and said: "It must be fake. Who can have tens of thousands of yuan? I think it is one or two thousand. It is probably used to buy a house. I didn't ask the exact amount."

"You have to ask, he has money, if there is another woman outside and spends money for others, how much will you do? You have to put his money in your own pocket." Li Jiaoyang urged Li Qiao to take charge of the house.

Li Qiao agreed with his mouth, but refused in his heart, so she would not take care of his account.

It is his ability to support other women.

But the premise is to hide it from her.

Let her know that dumping him was not discussed.

She brought grapes to entertain Li Jiaoyang, the two sisters chatted for a while, when Qin Jin came back from the outside, Li Qiao told him that the elder sister brought three catties and six taels of mushrooms.

Qin Jin calculated at ten yuan a catty, and gave Li Jiaoyang thirty-six yuan.

Li Jiaoyang was dazed with the money: "Are those mushrooms worth so much money?"


Li Jiaoyang regretted not falling: "I used to see it often in the village. Since the flood, there have been fewer people coming out, and they disappeared in summer. I should have searched around when Qiao Qiao and I mentioned it."

Li Qiao smiled and said, "Let's see when it's cold." It might have something to do with the climate.

Li Jiaoyang took the money, at this time the old lady woke up and greeted her warmly.

Li Jiaoyang moved out the stool under his buttocks and gave it to Mrs. Qin.

The old lady Qin yawned and waved her hands: "I won't sit, you sit." She found that there was an extra plastic bucket at home, and when she took a closer look, it was full of big fish: "Girl, you gave it to me."

"Hey, my target was shot down the river, and I sent it here specially for you to try it out." Li Jiaoyang laughed.

Mrs. Qin: "You're too polite."

Li Jiaoyang sat for a while and proposed to leave. Li Qiao picked out a fat rabbit, gave him two big grapes, sent him to the entrance of the village, turned around and walked home.

On the way, Qin Jin met a big fish with one hand, and she said, "Where are you going with the fish?"

"For Feng Fugui and Feng Kui, please help us clean the house."

Li Qiao had a thought: "When shall we leave tomorrow? Where shall we live at night?"

"Leave early in the morning, there are many places to live, I will keep you unforgettable." Qin Jin vowed.

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