Xuan Wei was still dressed in white, handsome and heroic.

A new domain of immortal kings was born in the immortal world, and a list of immortal kings was also born, which caused a huge wave in the immortal world.

She had originally planned to go to the Xuan Realm, but was delayed because of this. Her original body hurriedly prepared a big gift and was ready to pay a visit to the God of Willow.

After everything was ready, she slashed out another projection and went down to the Xuan Realm.

With the previous experience, Xuan Wei was very cautious this time.

For this projection, she used a true immortal-level immortal weapon as the skeleton, and the strength barely reached the true immortal realm, which was much stronger than the last projection.

Except that the projection has a time limit, the combat power is absolutely extraordinary!

Even if she meets that unreasonable guy again, she will not be afraid of him at all, and can even teach him a lesson.

Unfortunately, until she came to the familiar yet unfamiliar Xuan Realm passage, she did not see that hateful guy again.


"How come there are only one passage left out of seventy-seven?"

"This is not good for Xuanjie."

Xuan Wei strolled through the passage, and after arriving at Xuanjie, she found that there was only one passage left, and frowned slightly.

Before she left Xuanjie, she deliberately opened up seventy-seven passages, just to keep Xuanjie under pressure at all times, so that the creatures of Xuanjie could maintain their strong hearts under the pressure of the outside world.

But this time, after coming back and finding that there was only one passage, she suddenly felt that this was not going to work.

One passage is much easier to defend than seventy-seven passages.

How can Xuanjie become stronger in this state?

In this environment, there should be fewer and fewer strong people in Xuanjie, right?

She subconsciously used her divine sense to sweep, and her brows were as furrowed as a mountain.

"A quasi-emperor? And not from the Xuan Realm?"

"Saint King, only two?"

"There are only a few great saints and sages? How did the Xuan Realm become like this? The spiritual energy is so thin, and the Heavenly Dao... seems to have a faint trace."

Even though the world has changed a lot, and thousands and tens of thousands of years have passed, many people and things in the Xuan Realm that were once related to her have been erased by time, but as the place where Xuan Wei's dream began, she still has a lot of feelings for the Xuan Realm.

Seeing the Xuan Realm become like this, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Especially the Heavenly Dao of the Xuan Realm. When she was not strong enough, she did not realize that the Heavenly Dao had taken care of her a lot in secret.

Now that she has become an immortal, she knows a lot of secrets, and knows that the Heavenly Dao of the Xuan Realm helped her in the past, and now she wants to repay it.

"What happened in Xuanjie? No, wait till I get the immortal source and take Xuanjie to the immortal world."

She had the idea of taking Xuanjie away.

Business was more important. She started searching for the origin treasure in Xuanjie.


"Why is there no scent from that door?"

Xuan Wei searched for a long time but found nothing.

Her heart skipped a beat and she had a bad feeling. Could it be that the immortal source was taken away?

I found it myself and it was waiting to be picked. Who is so bold as to snatch my immortal source?

Xuan Wei thought about it and immediately denied it:"It may not be someone who stole it. Now that the Xuan Realm is exhausted, the immortal source may be hidden in the origin. Forget it, the projection time is limited. Let's take the Xuan Realm back to the Immortal Realm first, and then slowly look for it later."

She floated on a plain and waved her hand.

Suddenly, the Xuan Realm was shaken!

All the strong men in the Xuan Realm who were above the saint level only felt that the surrounding scenery was blurred, and then appeared on this plain.

"Pavilion Master Nangong? Bai Sheng?"

"The Holy King? The Hidden Saint?"


The Xuanjie strongmen present were all stunned, looking at the familiar people around them, they were all stunned.

They didn't understand how they were suddenly teleported to the same place. What shocked them even more was that a zombie with only half a head, exuding a terrifying aura, also came with them and wandered in this plain.

Sage King?

Nangong Qin's face changed, and she looked at the zombie vigilantly.

But she saw a ray of green light falling, landing on the corpse of the Sage King. Suddenly the zombie was stunned, and its brain gradually recovered. The turbid eyes actually showed a rare bit of clarity. Is this Sage King recovering his mind? ?

It was this woman who did it!

Bai Xin'er has not returned to that small world these days, but has been practicing in Chongxuan Pavilion. As a former quasi-emperor, she is the calmest and noticed Xuan Wei's existence at the first time. Her pupils shrank immediately.

Who is this person?

So strong, completely unpredictable, even more oppressive than that man.

"Emperor Xuan? ?"

Si Budao suddenly spoke in shock. He also noticed the strange young man in white standing there. The moment he saw her, the young man's figure overlapped with the portrait, and he was stunned.

Emperor Xuan?

The quasi-emperor who was born in the Xuan Realm that year?

The saints of the Xuan Realm were all shocked, and they all looked at Xuan Wei.

Xuan Wei smiled, nodded to them lightly and said,"It's me."


All the saints' faces changed immediately, and many of them gasped!

"Hidden Saint, meet the Emperor Xuan!"

"Tu Sheng, meet Emperor Xuan!"


Immediately, several saints immediately bowed to Emperor Xuan and greeted him.

They were all muttering in their hearts.

A quasi-emperor who lived nearly ten thousand years ago suddenly appeared in front of them. Could he have become a great emperor by now?

Nangong Qin's eyes flickered, with a bit of vigilance in her eyes, and she asked softly:"Emperor Xuan, why are you looking for us?"

Emperor Xuan, who had not been seen for nearly ten thousand years, suddenly appeared, and displayed amazing magical powers without any discussion, summoning all of them together. This is not necessarily a good thing.

Xuan Wei was not interested in saying too much to these mediocre practitioners in Xuanjie.

She went straight to the point and said:"It's like this.

I have been an immortal for many years.

Today, I am overwhelmed with emotions and came to Xuanjie.

I found that my former hometown is already in tatters and almost destroyed, so I felt compassion and wanted to bring Xuanjie back to the immortal world and nurture it again.

As the descendants of Xuanjie, you are the descendants of Xuanjie.

���Strong ones, I will inform you.



What? Emperor Xuan became an immortal?

Everyone was shocked, with surprise in their eyes!

Emperor Xuan saw that Xuanjie was too dilapidated, and was going to take Xuanjie back to Xianjie for cultivation. What does this mean?

How come our Xuanjie is like a treasure in your mouth, and can be taken away at will?

Nangong Qin hesitated and said,"Emperor Xuan, you will take Xuanjie away, where should we go?"

Everyone looked at Xuan Wei in unison.

Xuan Wei smiled, this woman is very smart.

It is okay to take Xuanjie to Xianjie, but you cannot take the creatures of Xuanjie with you. There will be earth-shattering cause and effect, and there is no need to bear it.

She is not a person without justice. When she came up with the idea of taking Xuanjie away, she naturally thought about how to settle these creatures of Xuanjie.

Xuan Wei spoke without thinking:"Of course I will help you arrange a good place"

"The cultivation environment will be many times better than the current Xuanjie."

"Don't worry, it's not far away, just behind that passage, I have found several worlds for you."

Si Budao immediately shouted and waved his hands,"No, no, Emperor Xuan, we have a grudge against the other side of the world, once we go over, we are no match at all."

Xuan Wei raised her eyebrows and said unhappily,"Why are you in such a hurry? Listen to me."

"Of course I know that the other side is a demon race. It is definitely unrealistic to merge with them in a short time."

"But don't worry, I have rich experience in dealing with this kind of thing. I will greet the monsters over there, and they will give me some face."

Bai Xin'er immediately frowned and reminded:"Impossible, there is a very powerful being on the other side."

Xuan Wei raised her eyebrows and stared at her lightly:"Are you talking about the little Kunpeng? Don't worry, he is dead, you can go without worry."


Little Kunpeng??

Bai Xin'er was stunned, do you want to listen to what you are talking about?

""You killed... the Martial Emperor over there?"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded.

The Saint King who had lost his brain before regained consciousness and asked.

Xuan Wei casually said:"Martial Emperor? I don't know if it was him, but it's not important that I didn't kill him. He's just a minor character."

"Don't worry, I will leave you some inheritance. If someone can achieve enlightenment and ascend to the upper realm, please come to the fairyland to find me. I have founded a great sect in the fairyland, and it will be no problem for me to accept you."

Her words made everyone present fall into silence.

This is so sudden. The Xuan Realm is going to be moved away.

Who wouldn't be confused when hearing this?

""Since Emperor Xuan has said so, I agree."

At this time, the hoarse-voiced Saint King slowly opened his mouth and agreed.

Saints Yinsheng, Tusheng and others hesitated for a moment, but were also moved. After all, it was Emperor Xuan's inheritance and Emperor Xuan's promise. They all said,"Emperor Xuan will follow your arrangements."

Only Bai Xiner, Nangong Qin and others did not speak.

They always felt that this matter was not appropriate and they should wait for Chu Feng to come back and decide.

Tusheng persuaded,"The threat from the opposite world is too great for us. Now that we have the help of Emperor Xuan, the immortal, I think this is a great opportunity."

"Do you all want to live in the Xuan Realm like a coward for the rest of your life?"

Xuan Wei saw that some people were unwilling to do so despite the generous conditions, and she was a little unhappy and said,"Don't be so selfish and delay the development of the Xuan Realm's creatures."

"I am doing this for the good of the Xuan Realm."

After she finished speaking, she sent a precious light from the upper realm.

In a flash, a black token appeared in her hand, with the word"realm" engraved on it:"Did you see it? This thing is called the Realm Lord Token, a treasure I obtained from a secret realm in the Immortal Realm."

"I don't actually need to inform you. As long as I use this world master order and get the approval of the Xuanjie Heavenly Dao, I can take the Xuanjie away at will. I don't need to care about you at all."

"I am not threatening you. Mystical Heavenly Dao and I had a very good relationship back then. As long as I ask, it will definitely agree to go with me."

"Do you understand what I mean? We are all from Xuanjie, I just want to help you."

Seeing that Nangong Qin and others were still unwilling, Xuan Wei was a little angry, and directly threw out the Realm Lord Order, intending to become the Realm Lord of Xuanjie, and then talk to them.

As the Realm Lord Order was activated by Xuan Wei.

Suddenly, a magnificent and ancient aura permeated the sky, and an extremely terrifying pressure suddenly pressed down.

The Saint King said hoarsely:"This is... the breath of heaven."

Everyone changed color, they didn't expect that Xuan Wei was actually telling the truth!

There is such a magical thing as the Realm Lord Order in this world.���Seeing this

, Xuan Wei smiled faintly and said to Nangong Qin and others:"If I become the master of the realm and you still don't agree, then don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

After that, she planned to enter the Heavenly Dao Space to reminisce with old friends.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a few golden ancient characters suddenly appeared in the sky above.

【Sorry, we are not familiar with each other. Don't get too close. Chu Feng will misunderstand. 】

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