
The Xuanjie strongmen, who were almost suffocated by the terrifying pressure of Tiandao just now, looked at the golden ancient characters on the sky in astonishment and were dumbfounded.

What is Tiandao saying?

Sorry, we are not familiar with each other, don't get too close?

Many people subconsciously looked at Xuan Wei with a dull look.

Didn't you just brag that you and Tiandao are old friends? Aren't you going to reminisce?

That realm master order sounds very awesome. They all thought that Xuan Wei would become the master of the Xuanjie in the next second. Why did Tiandao say that he was not familiar with you as soon as he appeared? What's even more explosive is Tiandao's last sentence!

Afraid that Emperor Chu Tian would misunderstand? ?

Damn, what kind of shocking melon is this!

Is there any hidden relationship between Tiandao and Emperor Chu Tian?

A little taste can see through the emotions inside.

The meaning of this sentence is as if Tiandao is afraid of Emperor Chu Tian. Why does Emperor Xuan use the realm master order to contact Tiandao, and Tiandao still has to look at Emperor Chu Tian's face?

Magic, too magical!

Bai Xiner was also sincerely moved in her heart at this time, he is worthy of being that man, even if he is not here, he can still do such an unexpected thing.

Nangong Qin pursed her bright red lips, her eyes flickering, she stared at Xuan Wei, the dullness in her eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by astonishment, surprise, and a little anger.

That snow-white face was even redder.


Too embarrassing!

Xuan Wei felt the gazes of those Xuanjie powerhouses, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

What is this Xuanjie Tiandao doing?

How could he make such an outrageous response!

She didn't expect such a scene to appear, and shouted:"Tiandao, don't you recognize me? I am the Emperor Xuan. Who is that Chu Feng? What are you afraid of?"

Seeing Xuan Wei's questioning, the Xuanjie powerhouses couldn't help but hold their breath again.

How will Tiandao respond this time?

Tiandao's response was very timely, and the golden ancient characters on the sky were refreshed in an instant.

【Know, not familiar, don't contact】

【Chu Feng is the master of the Xuan Realm. I am very scared. I am leaving first. It would be bad if he saw me.】

Tian Dao responded to Xuan Wei's questions one by one.

Then the pressure of Tian Dao in the sky instantly receded like a tide.

Xuan Wei:"……"

The powerful ones in the mysterious world:(っ°Д°;)っщ(゜ロ゜щ)

Si Budao shouted:"It turns out that our Xuan Realm already has a Realm Master!! As expected of Emperor Chu Tian, we didn't even know about such a big thing!!"

Bai Xin'er was also stunned. That guy... is the Realm Master?

She instantly figured out a lot of things.

No wonder he was able to find the origin treasure before me.

No wonder he dared to lead the Holy Bridge at the wedding ceremony before, and even the Heavenly Dao had to give him some face. So that's how it is.

She glanced at Nangong Qin and found that the smile of this bright woman became more and more intense.

Bai Xin'er didn't know why, but she envied her inexplicably.

After being hit by the Heavenly Dao twice in a row, Xuan Wei suddenly came back to her senses at this time, and her heart was shocked:"How could there be a Realm Master in the Xuan Realm!? Wait, my Realm Master Order!"

She sent out her mind and searched for the breath of the Heavenly Dao.

It's a pity that the Heavenly Dao ran very fast and deliberately wanted to hide in the Xuan Realm. Xuan Wei was just a projection and couldn't find it in a short time.

The Realm Master Order is also an extremely precious thing in the Immortal Realm.

Although she had great luck to protect her and always encountered many adventures, this world master order was not blown by the wind. Once activated, it would be equivalent to using it.

She felt distressed. She was even more angry!

The Xuan Realm had a world master, which not only meant that the world master order was wasted, but also meant that it would not be so easy for her to take the Xuan Realm away now.

Even... if her immortal source had been taken away by that Chu Feng one step ahead... it was unrealistic. The Quasi-Emperor could not push open the door at all, let alone extract the immortal source.

Xuan Wei calmed down her anger.

She looked at the saints who supported her before and asked,"Who is this Chu Feng? Is he a man or a woman?"

Tu Sheng smiled bitterly and said,"Chu Tiandi is the highest-level Quasi-Emperor in the Xuan Realm. Naturally, he is a man. His strength is extremely powerful. We don't know that he has become a world master."

When Xuan Wei heard that Chu Feng was a man, she frowned.

When she heard the name of Tiandi, her heart was inexplicably shocked.

The fairy world had just stirred up a big wave. The mysterious invincible fairy king who suddenly rose to the top of the fairy king list like a rocket was called the Heavenly Emperor.

A quasi-emperor from the lower world dared to call himself the Heavenly Emperor, which immediately made her a little unhappy.

She snorted lightly:"This man is just a quasi-emperor, but he dares to call himself the Heavenly Emperor. He is really sitting in a well and looking at the sky. He doesn't know what is good or bad. Isn't he afraid of being entangled with the real Heavenly Emperor?"

Si Budao, as a lackey under Chu Feng's seat, heard Xuan Wei's belittlement and immediately said with confidence:"Xuan Emperor, what you said is wrong! Chu Tiandi has great merits for my Xuan world, why can't he be called the Heavenly Emperor? I think he deserves this title of Heavenly Emperor!"

Xuan Wei disagreed:"Great merits? How great can the merits be?"

"When I was in Xuan Realm, I also did many good deeds, but have I ever been called the Heavenly Emperor like Chu Feng?"

If it were mentioned about other things, Xuan Wei might not have any opinion.

But doing good deeds is what she has always insisted on doing.

Because of this, she is even more disdainful.

People who really do practical things will not show off.

Si Budao frowned when he heard it and was about to refute something, but Nangong Qin shook her head at him.

She was very calm and understood the situation at the moment.

This Xuan Emperor was secretly annoyed that her husband had taken her position as the Lord of the Realm, and her own realm had already entered the realm of the Immortal Dao. No matter how strong her husband was, he had not yet achieved enlightenment and was not a match for the Xuan Emperor. If she said too much, it would bring trouble to her husband.

""Sir, there is a stone tablet beside the passage, on which the achievements of this Chu Tiandi Emperor are engraved."

At this time, the Saint King suddenly spoke.

The place where they were was not far from the passage. When Xuan Wei proposed to lead the sentient beings of the Xuan Realm to migrate to the world across the passage, the Saint King simply used his divine thoughts to sweep through the passage. With his strength, he could easily find a conspicuous immortal tablet at the entrance of the passage.

Now, hearing Xuan Wei's words, he immediately pointed in the direction of the passage and said.

Xuan Wei raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the words, and waved in the direction pointed by the Saint King. Suddenly, the world turned.

Everyone's face changed suddenly, and they saw that the land under their feet was shifted in an instant, and everyone appeared neatly at the entrance of the passage.

Above the huge sea of sacred trees outside the entrance of the passage, there was a black jade immortal tablet about a hundred feet high, engraved with golden fonts, shining brightly.

Xuan Wei glanced at it.

【Emperor Chu Tian alone blocked the passage with thousands of troops】

【Kill one hundred thousand Saint Kings!】

【Kill a thousand quasi-emperors!】

【Create a thousand-year-old feat and protect the Xuan world forever】


The Xuanjie characters on the black jade immortal stele were flying and dancing, glittering, and surrounded by starlight, exuding an inexplicable sense of sacredness.

All the practitioners who came here could see it at the first time.

Xuan Wei looked at the immortal stele with disdain on her face. She was about to sneer, but suddenly froze. She looked at it carefully for a moment, and then she couldn't help but say:"A quasi-emperor actually has such a record?" Did the

Xuan Emperor believe it?

The saints of the Xuanjie were stunned for a moment and looked at each other.

If someone else came and saw such an exaggerated record, they would definitely not believe it.

Believed it!

Xuan Wei really believed it!

She has a special method that can observe merits. The so-called merits are a special existence that is extremely difficult to obtain even in the immortal world.

With merits to protect the body, the luck is overwhelming, and misfortune can be turned into good fortune.

Merits can also refine treasures and break through bottlenecks... There are countless wonderful uses.

Although the numbers of the record on the immortal stele are exaggerated, you can sense the rich breath of merits!

Xuan Wei deduced.

If a war breaks out between the Xuan Realm and the world on the other side of the passage, and it lasts for thousands of years, she would definitely be able to do it.

Not only would she be able to do it, but her merits would also be far greater than that.

"Xuanjie has gone through countless wars over the years, and it seems that it is not easy to hone such a son of destiny."

Xuan Wei understood why there are only a few strong men in Xuanjie now. They were all defeated.

If it is really as she thought.

She even suspected that the numbers on this merit monument were deliberately kept conservative, otherwise the merits would not match!

This Chu Feng is something.

Everyone present looked at Si Budao with strange expressions on their faces.

This guy not only wrote books and biographies, but also carved a merit monument here. Originally, the people of Xuanjie would just entertain themselves.

Now it's good.

In the eyes of the immortal Xuandi, Chu Tiandi didn't know what he looked like.

Si Budao didn't change his face or heart, and said loudly:"Xuandi, how is it?" Xuan

Wei nodded lightly:"He is a figure, but this number is wrong. At least 10,000 saint kings and 500 quasi-emperors should be added to make it right. This Chu Feng is quite humble."

With a flick of her hand, a beam of mysterious light fell on the stele, increasing the number on it a little.

This way it was right.

She has always been very fair in doing things.

Even if she doesn't like Chu Feng, she will not erase his achievements.

Si Budao: Huh???

Xuanjie Saints:???

Shit, Emperor Xuan, do you have a problem with your brain?

Xuan Wei simply expressed her opinion and continued:"However, the name of the Emperor of Heaven is a taboo in the fairy world and cannot be used without permission. This Chu Feng is too ignorant."

"Do you have a way to contact him? Let him return to the Xuan Realm immediately and tell him that there is a fairy fate waiting for him."

The Saint King was shocked and said,"Fairy fate?"

"Yes, I want to accept him as an outer disciple and pass on the supreme Taoism to him."

She smiled indifferently and changed her mind.

Although Chu Feng is a man, he is only a quasi-emperor, but he has merits and virtues. He must have great luck and superb combat power.

He is also the master of the Xuan Realm. It is not too late to train him well, instill the idea of female supremacy in him, and lead him to the right path.

She is not the kind of dull and paranoid person, but broad-minded.

As long as there are useful people who can recognize her ideas, regardless of gender, she will treat them equally.

Moreover, if she accepts the master of the Xuan Realm as a disciple, she can arrange the Xuan Realm as she likes.

Even if the Immortal Source is really taken by Chu Feng in advance, she can use the reason that your realm is too low and you can't grasp it, and help him keep it temporarily.

This is a good way to kill three birds with one stone.

Unexpectedly, when Xuan Wei finished speaking, there was a sudden violent thunder in the sky.




"It’s a calamity cloud!"

"The thunder tribulation that only occurs when the heavens punish you!"

The saints of the Xuan Realm were horrified. Looking at the thunderclouds in the sky, they scattered like birds and beasts, quickly moving away from Xuan Wei.




Thunder comparable to the peak attack of a quasi-emperor, like rain, blasted down towards Xuan Wei!

Xuan Wei was hit by the sudden thunder, her clothes were in disarray.

As a projection of the true fairyland, these thunders could not cause any substantial harm to her, but they were extremely insulting.

Xuan Wei was numbed by the electric shock!

She looked up at the sky, and the pressure of the Heavenly Dao reappeared in the sky, and shouted angrily:"Xuanjie Heavenly Dao, what are you crazy about again?"

【Your remarks are too outrageous, I cannot bear to see them any longer. 】

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