He was breathing heavily.

The sweat that flowed was all green and slid down his cheeks.

He wanted to make bigger movements, but he couldn't!

Heavy special chains were locked on his limbs, sealing all his spiritual power!

Before Gu Yan had time to sense the reason for this emptiness.

The Nether Cliff didn't give him too much breathing space. The green mist around him turned into strange tentacles, piercing his head and limbs...

He trembled all over, his eyes rolled back, and was pulled into an endless nightmare again.

In the nightmare, he would experience countless deaths, and each time it was the most painful way to die.

Ordinary people who fall into the Nether Cliff will go crazy within three days.

But Gu Yan's will is extremely tenacious!

Even if he is like a living dead, he is still holding on!

I don't know how many nightmares he has experienced, and subtle changes have finally occurred in his body!

The Great Wilderness Scripture!

Gu Yan gradually regained consciousness and sensed that the holy-level technique he practiced was actually slowly absorbing the green mist around him, turning it into a pure spiritual power to repair his severely injured body. What he didn't expect was that this pure spiritual power not only gradually restored his injured body.

Moreover, it actually flowed through his body to the mysterious gate deep in the sea of gods.

Gaga ga ga...

The ancient and broken door railings of the bronze gate were pushed by this force, and a little light was faintly revealed.

This mysterious gate that had been silent in his sea of gods for a long time actually opened a tiny gap at this time!

With a loud bang!

In his muddled head, it was as if the world was suddenly created!

Gu Yan felt that he had an unprecedented perception out of thin air.

His fingers subconsciously stroked the void, and the chains that originally imprisoned his arms and thighs gradually faded, as if they were gradually transparent.


It was not these chains that were transparent, but his body!

As his body became transparent, the green mist that had been entwining him like a venomous snake suddenly swayed gently in place, as if it had lost its direction.

He discovered that by absorbing the nightmare power in the green mist, he could actually draw a special power from the mysterious gate in the sea of gods!

"This power seems to be able to travel through the void."

"I... am saved."

Gu Yan's heart was pounding!

He had been imprisoned in the Nether Cliff for an unknown period of time. He originally thought that he was in an illusion and was undergoing a test.

But just now, he pushed open the crack of the door in his body and clearly felt an unprecedented reality.

This door was reminding him that there had never been any illusion.

This information made Gu Yan, who had just been excited, feel like he had fallen into an ice cave, and his limbs went cold.

"How could it not be an illusion?"

"There won't be such outrageous things in this world"


Gu Yan still hadn't recovered from the previous blow.

But in a dangerous place, his reason forced him to suppress some of his not-so-smart thoughts and carefully observe his surroundings.

Inside the Nether Cliff, all he could see was green mist. He couldn't tell the direction. The space was


"With the blessing of the void power inside the door, these green mists can't hurt me for the time being."

"I will collect more nightmare power first, and then explore slowly, and I will definitely find the exit."

Gu Yan retracted his gaze and made a decision quickly.

These mists with terrifying nightmare power, now with the dual blessing of his operation of the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture and the Mysterious Gate, have become useful.


I don't know how long it has been.

Gu Yan's skin is full of green, as if he has become a little green man.

But Gu Yan didn't care, but was happy in his heart.

These nightmare mists, under the transformation of the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture, were enough to support him to escape!

Not long after, the fog where Gu Yan was located became much thinner than the surrounding area!

Suddenly, the sky shook.

Gu Yan's face changed slightly, and he looked up.

The sky was also covered with green fog, but at this time it was rippling like water.

"Someone is coming?"

Gu Yan's face darkened, and he immediately mobilized the void power of the mysterious door. His figure gradually became transparent and hidden in the void.

Soon, Gu Yan saw the person who entered the Nether Cliff.

The person was a tall and thin old man wearing a tattered Taoist robe.

Gu Yan knew him, and he thought to himself:"Elder Xu?"

This elder was the caretaker of the Sutra Hall of Chongxuan Pavilion.

He had been lucky enough to find a lost ancient book in the Sutra Hall before, and he got along very well with Elder Xu at that time, and the other party admired him very much.

But now, Gu Yan just felt chilled!

Because he felt a murderous intent from Elder Xu that made him shudder!

The other party was definitely not here to save him, on the contrary, it is very likely that he wanted to kill him!

When he thought of this, a hideous look appeared on Gu Yan's face

"Damn it! Why do you treat me like this? I have made so many contributions to Chongxuan Pavilion before. Just because a saint appears, you want to kill me?"At this moment, Gu Yan deeply felt the cruelty and darkness of this world.

At this time, he did not hate Elder Xu, but hated the saint who suddenly appeared and looked exactly like Chu Feng!

"One day, when I become a saint, I will repay you double for all the humiliation I have suffered today!"

He swore secretly, his face grim.


"Where did the person go?"

At this time, Elder Xu, who broke through the air, frowned slightly, and sent out his divine sense, constantly searching the Nether Cliff, but he did not find Gu Yan's figure!

This made his face change slightly:"Not good, could he have escaped?"

His face suddenly became gloomy, and he searched carefully again.

If Gu Yan really escaped, this would be troublesome.

At this time, Gu Yan used the power of the void to leave the Nether Cliff along the location where Elder Xu came.

Gu Yan returned to the vast world again. He greedily inhaled the fresh spiritual energy in big gulps, and his heart was happy!

"Elder Xu, who is in the King Realm, didn't even notice my whereabouts!"

He looked around.

As the forbidden area of Chongxuan Pavilion, Nether Cliff was deserted and no one outside noticed that he had escaped.

But now he was facing a new problem!

Where should he go after escaping?

His backer in Xuanjie was Chongxuan Pavilion!

Now Chongxuan Pavilion had completely given up on him, and it was absolutely impossible for him to gain a foothold in Xuanjie.

Especially that guy who looked exactly like Chu Feng!

"I can't stay in Xuanjie any longer! I'll go back to Xiaozhujie first."

Gu Yan made the decision in just a moment!

He knew very well how huge Chongxuan Pavilion was in Xuanjie!

If he stayed in Xuanjie, something would happen sooner or later.

It was easy to go to the upper realm, but it was not so convenient to go to the lower realm. It would take time to descend from Xuanjie.

He was also very familiar with Xiaozhujie, and there were several secret strongholds where he could hide.

The most important thing was that he was in a great disaster now, and it was very likely to affect the Gu family.

He was very worried about the relatives of the Gu family and the friends in Xiaozhujie, so he decided to settle them all down first, and then make plans.

Then there was a new problem in front of him. It was just as troublesome for him to go to the lower realm. He had to spend a lot of money to go through the channel between the two realms, or the cross-realm teleportation array.

These things were not something that a Dragon Transformation Realm could get.

Gu Yan's eyes flickered, thinking about a way.

He looked around, his mind was full of thoughts.

Suddenly, Gu Yan's eyes stopped in one direction.

There was Chongming Palace, where his master Nangong Qin originally practiced.

He looked there, with an unwilling look on his face.

"Are we really going to leave like this?"

He was very familiar with every tree and grass in Chongxuan Pavilion. But now he was going to be hunted down by Chongxuan Pavilion and flee.

Is the master...really so ruthless?

Gu Yan was unwilling to accept this.

The master's feelings for him were definitely not fake.

"Let's take another look."

He wanted to secretly take another look at Nangong Qin before leaving.

If there was a chance, he wanted to talk to Nangong Qin.

He was not stubborn. With the mysterious door, he was confident that even that damned saint could not see through his tricks.

Gu Yan urged the power of the void and quietly flew towards Chongming Palace.

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