Chongxuan Pavilion, Chongming Palace.




The huge water flow formed a Milky Way, falling from the steep cliff, splashing water and overwhelming spiritual energy.

Beside the waterfall, pavilions, terraces, corridors and boats are integrated with the mountains and rivers.

As the place for the master to practice, it seems simple, but it is not simple at all.

The spiritual energy floating in the air is extremely rich, and there are endless magic arrays and runes around, all of which are details.

Surrounded by all the attics, in the main pavilion surrounded by stars.

Chu Feng, dressed in a black robe, sat cross-legged, comprehending the Xiantian Chaos Sutra.

Suddenly, his sword eyebrows moved slightly, and his eyes as vast as stars opened.


"As expected of the protagonist, even if he falls into danger, he can survive and get a chance."

"This method of teleporting in the void... is at least a method that can only be used by those at the Great Saint level."

"If I were really just an ordinary saint, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do anything to him."

There was a faint smile on his lips, with a bit of cynicism.

Under the coverage of the emperor's divine consciousness, everything that happened in Chongxuan Pavilion was under his perception, naturally including Gu Yan who had just escaped.

If he wanted, he could easily catch Gu Yan back.

But there was no need for this, what he wanted was the destiny value and the destiny treasure chest.

After a few days of research, Chu Feng had realized that simply beating Gu Yan would not yield any benefits, and he would only get something if he let him jump a few more times.


"I finally escaped, but instead of leaving quickly, I came to Chongming Palace."

"Interesting, do you want to come and see Nangong Qin?"

"Gu Yan, Gu Yan, should I say you are infatuated or stupid?"

Chu Feng's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm. This Gu Yan is a typical youthful protagonist.

He is impulsive, arrogant and willful.

These are all fatal weaknesses.

Well, there are some things that need to be verified, and it's not bad to use you as a guinea pig.

He sensed that Gu Yan's movement trajectory was getting closer and closer, and he stood up and walked out of the hall.

Behind the main hall of Chongming Palace, a waterfall fell below, forming a pool of holy springs called Qianxuan.

Qianxuan Holy Spring is a secret realm for cultivation, which can greatly temper the body.

To enter this secret realm, it costs a lot in Chongxuan Pavilion.

Of course, for Chu Feng, it's nothing. The purpose is just like a bathhouse.

It is very good for taking a bath and relaxing.

He walked leisurely, and with every step he took, the surrounding space changed a little bit, which was countless times more powerful than the void method used by Gu Yan.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng came to the outside of Qianxuan Holy Spring. There was a faint silver light in the spring water, and heavy white clouds were floating on the water, like a fairyland on earth. The black robe on his body faded naturally, revealing a perfect figure with clear lines and well-proportioned muscles.

Just as he walked into the Qianxuan Holy Spring water, feeling the nourishment of the warm spring water, a soft voice came to his ears:"Brother Chu, can I come in?"


Chu Feng was not surprised by Nangong Qin's arrival.

In fact, every time he came here to take a bath in the past few days, Nangong Qin would come to serve him voluntarily.

Soon, a slender figure was seen outside the mist, walking slowly.

Nangong Qin was only wearing a black veil, revealing a large area of fair skin.

The fragrance came, and as Nangong Qin approached, her stunning face was tinged with blush, and her long black hair gently fell on her shoulders, three parts of charm and seven parts of holiness, like a fairy descending to the mortal world.

A pair of round and slender jade legs stepped into the pool, the black veil was soaked in the holy spring, and the atmosphere was Ambiguous.

A pair of soft hands gently fell on Chu Feng's shoulders, rubbing slowly, like a maid.

Chu Feng is not a protagonist like Gu Yan who is submissive and pays attention to moral integrity. As a villain, can he still be called a villain if he doesn't enjoy it?

He closed his eyes and enjoyed Nangong Qin's service.

Neither of them spoke, silent and tacit.

Suddenly, Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes and glanced upwards lightly.

Haha, it came quite quickly.

This kind of scene can't be shown to you.

As soon as he thought about it, fog suddenly appeared in the holy spring.

The fog was very thick, and from the outside, Only two blurry figures could be seen.

Gu Yan, who turned into nothingness, manipulated the power of the mysterious door and sneaked into Chongming Palace silently.

He searched secretly in Chongming Palace for a long time, but could not find the figure of his master.

Where did he go?

Wait, Qianxuan Holy Spring.

Gu Yan suddenly had an idea, stepped on the ground, and the power of the void was transmitted, and he appeared outside the holy spring.

Under the cover of thick fog, he still found a familiar figure.


There is another person, that guy... man?

Gu Yan's heart trembled, his eyes widened, and he could hardly believe his eyes.!

He stared at the Qianxuan Holy Spring, but the fog was too thick and he could only see two blurry shadows.

How could this happen?

What is the master doing?

He couldn't help but tremble all over!

He wanted to see more carefully, but he found that the fog was too thick! He could n't see clearly at all! He could only vaguely hear some sounds!

Gu Yan gritted his teeth. Although he relied on the power of the mysterious door, he didn't dare to get too close.

If he was seen through and captured again, maybe even the mysterious door might be discovered.

He could only prick up his ears and want to listen to what the two people were talking about.

"" Brother Chu, what's wrong?"

Nangong Qin noticed that the fog was getting thicker, and her phoenix eyes moved slightly. She was a smart person, and seemed to have thought of something, so she asked softly.

Chu Feng stared at the calm pool in front of him and asked casually,"Has the wedding date been set?"

Nangong Qin's hands were slightly stiff, and she immediately said,"Elder Jiang and others have invited various forces from the Xuan Realm, and it is tentatively scheduled for half a month later."

Wedding date, half a month later?

Gu Yan was shocked when he heard this in the dark.

Even though he has gradually recognized the reality, when he heard the news now, he still felt like a sledgehammer suddenly hit his heart, making him feel miserable.

Chu Feng nodded gently and said,"If you don't want to, you can still regret it now."


Gu Yan clenched his fists. Master was forced, and she must be unwilling!

As long as Nangong Qin hesitates, he still has a chance!

Nangong Qin's voice sounded immediately, and she said softly,"Brother Chu, we have come to this point, what is there to regret?"

How far have you come?

What have you done these days?"

Nangong Qin's voice sounded again:"I am willing to do all this. If Brother Chu despises me, I will give up."


Her voice was calm but firm. Chu Feng chuckled and was slightly surprised.

Nangong Qin would be easily discovered if she lied in front of him.

This woman was really clear.

As the saying goes, a forced melon is not sweet.

He did not force Nangong Qin. She was willing to do everything.

Under normal circumstances, it was normal for Nangong Qin to be unwilling in her heart because they had no emotional foundation and were forced.

But the words just now were from the heart, which gave him a new understanding of Nangong Qin.

Nangong Qin was very calm. She was indeed a little unwilling at the beginning.

Committing herself to a It is very risky to deal with a strong person you don't know at all.

But she is not a teenage girl anymore. Whether it is the high betrothal gift given by Chu Feng, the crumbling Fu Mo Fa circle of Chongxuan Pavilion, or the fate of the Nangong family, she knows very well that she has never had any choice.

Besides, after getting along with him these days, she found that although Chu Feng is strong, he is gentle and easy-going, respects her very much, and looks very good.

What else can she not be satisfied with?

Hearing Nangong Qin's humble words, Gu Yan felt his throat dry and his head green.

This... bitch!

He was completely desperate and felt that there was nothing more sad than a dead heart.

【Because the protagonist of destiny gave up on Nangong Qin, the hidden task strategy Nangong Qin's completion increased by 50%, and the current completion rate is 200%. Do you want to settle the reward? 】

Seeing the prompt on the system panel.

Chu Feng smiled indifferently, as expected.

This hidden task is not to cultivate Nangong Qin's favorability, but to use Nangong Qin to torture Gu Yan.

In the past few days, he and Nangong Qin have also cultivated feelings, but the completion rate has not increased at all.

As soon as Gu Yan came, it immediately soared by 50%.

As long as you have a relationship with Gu Yan, the completion rate will increase.

He held Nangong Qin's jade hand, pulled her from behind to his chest and hugged her, and asked with a faint smile:"I heard that you are going to take action against the Gu family where Gu Yan came from?"

Nangong Qin was suddenly hugged, and did not resist, but gently leaned on Chu Feng's chest, as docile as a little deer, and her phoenix eyes moved slightly and said:"The elders have this decision, I did not participate, and I don't know the specific situation." Are you talking about me?

Gu family?

Gu Yan was shocked, as if struck by lightning.

He immediately became anxious.

As he expected, the Gu family was in trouble!

He pricked up his ears and wanted to listen.

However, the two people in the holy spring pool did not continue to���Talking about this topic.

Not long after, there was a burst of lewd music.

Damn it!

Why didn't they chat anymore? What are they doing?

Gu Yan was confused. Although he had a strong possessiveness, he was a traditional person.

Although he had several confidantes, they all abided by their own principles and had not yet proceeded to that step.

At the moment, there were some guesses in his mind, his eyes were as big as copper bells, staring down, trying to penetrate the fog.

But it was a pity.

There was too much fog, and tears flowed down uncontrollably, blurring his eyes.

Listening to the panting sound coming from Nangong Qin.

Gu Yan's heart was broken, he clenched his teeth tightly, urged the mysterious door, and disappeared from the spot.

【Because the destined protagonist was greatly stimulated, the completion rate of the hidden task guide Nangong Qin increased by 30%. The current completion rate is 230%. Should the reward be settled?】

【Because the protagonist's mentality collapsed, the hidden task strategy Nangong Qin's completion rate increased by 30%, and the current completion rate is 260%. Do you want to settle the reward? 】

After Chu Feng sensed that Gu Yan had left, he looked up at the sky and smiled faintly.

My Eternal Gate looks really useful.

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