Gu Yan's escape from the Nether Cliff was soon discovered by Elder Xu.

The entire Chongxuan Pavilion was shocked when they heard about it!

No one thought that Gu Yan, a mere dragon, could actually escape from such a desperate place as the Nether Cliff!

The most unsettling thing is that Gu Yan offended the saint. If the saint blames him, the consequences will be disastrous.

In less than an hour,

Chongxuan Pavilion issued a wanted order for the Xuan Realm!

All channels were used to notify all the major transcendental forces in the Xuan Realm, and a huge reward was offered to capture Gu Yan in the entire Xuan Realm!

At this time.

In an extremely remote town to the west of the Xuan Realm, there were few people. Gu Yan walked out of a small shop covered with a black robe. He stared at his wanted order with an ugly expression.

"It's really ruthless."

Gu Yan's eyes flashed with murderous light, knowing that he was in big trouble now.

Even in such a borderland, there was a wanted order for him. If he dared to appear in any big city in Xuanjie, he would be caught.

What's more troublesome is that Chongxuan Pavilion is very likely to target the Gu family. He must seize the time and leave Xuanjie as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Gu Yan came to the outside of the city gate and looked ahead. The horizon was dim.

He had been here before and knew that if he walked west along this small town, there would be a desert.

And in this desert, there was a transcendent force in Xuanjie, called Zhaixing Tower.

When he was out for training on behalf of Chongxuan Pavilion, he met a genius named Xiaoxingjun in Zhaixing Tower. The two had explored the secret realm together and were good friends.

The most important thing is that Zhaixing Tower has a cross-border legend. Sending magic circle!

You can return directly to Xiaozhu Realm!

At this time, he came to Zhaixing Tower to seek the help of Xiaoxingjun, and wanted to try to use the transmission channel of Zhaixing Tower to return to Xuanjie.

He took a deep breath, stepped on the ground, turned into an afterimage, entered the desert, and flew towards the territory of Zhaixing Tower.

An hour later, Gu Yan dodged many desert beasts and came to the depths of the desert.

Looking ahead, there was an unfathomable pit, like a path to hell. Gu Yan did not jump into the pit, but flew all the way up along the pit.

Five minutes later, he saw a suspended pavilion above the pit, as huge as a star, shrouded in strong winds.

Gu Yan took out a very mini golden ball that looked like a marble.

After crushing it, Xiaoxingjun in Zhaixing Tower will soon receive his message.

"I have always had a good relationship with Xiao Xingjun, and we often go on adventures together. He is a loyal person like me, so he should help me."

Gu Yan mobilized the power of the void and floated in the air.

Hiding his body, he quietly waited for Xiao Xingjun's response.

He was full of confidence and believed that Xiao Xingjun would definitely help him.

However, time passed, half an hour, an hour...

Gu Yan frowned, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Suddenly there was a loud bang!

A golden hand appeared in the pavilion like a huge star!


A palm slapped the void indiscriminately!

The void exploded! The air waves scattered!

Gu Yan was terrified and ran away!

Fortunately, he The power of the void is very magical, and he was almost hit by this golden hand!


Gu Yan cursed inwardly.

The king of Zhaixing Tower has taken action!

Xiao Xingjun did not remind him from beginning to end, and the answer was obvious.

Gu Yan's face was livid, and he mobilized the power of the void and quickly left the desert.

If he doesn't leave, his life will stay here!

Five minutes after Gu Yan left, the terrifying golden hand was still slapping in the void, trying to kill a small fly as if it was slapping a fly.

"What a pity that we didn't keep that little bastard."

A sigh came from the void, as if it was full of regret.

"Tianluan, keep a close eye on your disciple and don't let him step out of the Zhaixing Tower in the near future."

The voice in the void instructed again.

Soon a female voice responded,"Of course, this Gu Yan is a disaster star! He doesn't see him when there are good things, but when he offends the saint, he immediately comes to harm the Little Star Lord. It's really unlucky to be friends with such a person."

The golden hand said,"Don't blame the Little Star Lord. The child has a pure heart. At least he told us about this matter. If he secretly colluded with Gu Yan, it would be a big trouble."

At this time, another voice sounded in the void,"Speaking of which, who is the origin of the saint who appeared in Chongxuan Pavilion? Our Xuanjie has not had a saint born for more than a thousand years. The saint's aura is too strong. I felt terrified when I saw him from a distance that day. I even suspected that he was a great saint."

The female voice said at this time,"Don't talk about the saints. These are not things we should explore."

Although there is only one level difference between a king and a saint, the strong men of these transcendent forces are very clear that the difference is a world of difference!

It is too difficult for a king to step into the realm of a saint. The fact that there are only a few saints in the Xuan Realm over the years is enough to illustrate the difficulty, which is why they don't even have the courage to help Gu Yan.

If a saint wants to, he can easily destroy a transcendent force!


The boundless green forest stretched to the end of the world.

A sneaky figure approached the forest.

"Saint Dawn, we went on adventures together. In the Dragon-Tiger Abyss, I helped her obtain a rare treasure to complete her natural body."

"I have a favor to her, so it shouldn't be a problem to ask her to help me borrow a cross-boundary teleportation array."

Gu Yan looked at the forest. This is the Wanfa Ziran Sect, which is also a transcendent force in the Xuan Realm.

He and the Saintess of the Wanfa Ziran Sect's generation also had a very good relationship.

Moreover, compared with the disloyal Little Star Lord, the Saintess of Dawn was gentle and helpful. Gu Yan believed that she would definitely help him.

He came to the edge of the Wanfa Ziran Sect, took out a small sword and flew out.

Not long after, a light blue paper fluttered out of the Wanfa Ziran Sect.

What is this?

Gu Yan was a little surprised. He held the light blue paper in his hand and took a closer look.

His face changed immediately.

A letter of breaking off friendship!

After receiving his message, Saintess of Dawn immediately chose to break off friendship with him!

This made him furious!

It's a waste of my trust in you!

Blame me for being blind and treating such a person as a friend!

He turned and left!

Not long after Gu Yan left, an extremely sharp aura of a strong man broke out in the Wanfa Ziran Sect!

"Saint Dawn had an affair with a sinner, which is a serious mistake. She will be punished to face the wall for 500 years!"

As soon as the words fell, a tall, short-haired woman looked gloomy. She sighed and was slapped into a secret place of the Wanfa Ziran Sect by the figure.

The figure looked at Saint Dawn and said coldly,"Dawn, don't blame your father for being cruel. We can't afford to offend the saint."


Two days later, Gu Yan, covered in dust, traveled through mountains and rivers, and arrived at another place of transcendent power.

The Li family!

The son of the head of the Li family, Li Zhengyang! He had once lost to him in a certain assessment competition. At that time, he generously gave him advice, which attracted his admiration. The two of them admired each other.

Because the Li family was the richest in the world, and their businesses were all over the Xuanjie, he and Li Zhengyang often visited each other.

"Li Zhengyang is a very realistic person, but such people will definitely help me as long as the benefits are enough."

Gu Yan's eyes flickered. Although many of his treasures had been robbed, he actually had something.

He decided to take out the upper half of his Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture and give it to Li Zhengyang to obtain a token of entering the channel between the two worlds.

After he returned to the Xiaozhu World, he would send the lower half.

This is a holy-level technique. Even if the Li family knew about it, they would definitely help him.

After carefully disguising himself, he came to a secret room of the Li family, and Gu Yan tried to contact Li Zhengyang again.

Fearing that the same situation would occur as before with the Saint of Dawn, he went straight to the point and told the other party his conditions.

Sure enough, this time he got a response quickly.

Soon, a square-faced boy came out and met at the place they agreed on. As soon as Li Zhengyang saw Gu Yan, he stood up for him:"It turns out that Brother Gu has come from afar. I have known about your situation for a long time and have been worried about you for a long time! I believe that with your personality, Brother Gu, it is absolutely impossible for you to be like what the wanted order says."

Gu Yan was relieved when he saw this, and handed over a piece of beautiful jade, and said quickly:"I knew that Brother Li was reliable, don't worry! The conditions I promised you will definitely come true. This is the first half of the Great Wilderness Heavenly Scripture."

Li Zhengyang squinted his eyes and carefully examined the jade handed over by Gu Yan for a moment, then carefully put it away, and then said to him with a smile:"Brother Gu is really polite, even if I don't have this thing, I will help you with our friendship."

"Let's go, you go first, I have prepared everything for you."

Gu Yan finally put down the heavy stone in his chest after hearing this. After hitting the wall one after another, he suddenly met a reliable person, and his eyes were a little wet.

He followed Li Zhengyang and walked into a secret place in the Li family's secret cabinet. The road was calm and the two talked and laughed.

Soon, a magnificent hall appeared in front of them, but Gu Yan's heart trembled, and he inexplicably felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

He immediately said to Li Zhengyang:"I'm sorry, Brother Li, I suddenly remembered that I had something urgent to do, so I'll leave for a while."

Li Zhengyang was stunned, and suddenly looked at him, his eyes flashing with a fierce light and coldly said:"Are you leaving now? Brother Gu, what do you think of our Li family? Come and go as you want?"

The voice fell!

In the empty hall, a powerful magic circle flickered and opened.

At the same time, several figures with powerful auras appeared and surrounded Gu Yan.

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