"Go notify Chongxuan Pavilion."

Li Zhengyang looked at Gu Yan who was suppressed in the deadly soul-sealing formation, and instructed a Li family warrior beside him.

After the warriors left, Li Zhengyang, who was standing outside the formation, sneered:"What a joke, you want our Li family to help you offend the saint with just a saint-level technique, it's a beautiful thought." The

Li family's intelligence network is very strong, and they know very well that on the day when the saint of Chongxuan Pavilion was born, he arrogantly smashed out hundreds of kilograms of saint-level techniques!

Is this an existence that their Li family can afford to provoke?

Even if there is no wanted order, Li Zhengyang would not dare to take in Gu Yan even if he has a hundred thousand courages.

Not to mention helping!

The Li family doesn't want to die yet!

Li Zhengyang snorted coldly and turned away.

Two hours later.

An old man in tattered robes flew from the horizon.

Suddenly, a fat man with a round figure came up to him happily:"Elder Xu"

"This time, it’s all thanks to Patriarch Li. If you hadn’t taken action, I think Gu Yan would have really let him get away."

The old man in tattered robes was Elder Xu from Chongxuan Pavilion. He rushed over as soon as he received the news from the Li family.

Hearing Elder Xu’s words, Patriarch Li smiled bitterly and said to Elder Xu,"I’m really sorry. We’ve already caught this little beast, but I didn’t expect that I still underestimated his strength."

"I don't know how this little bastard managed to break through our Li family's deadly soul-sealing formation and escape."

Speaking of this, the head of the Li family was very helpless.

The Li family actually took Gu Yan very seriously, but they didn't expect that Gu Yan was really capable.

He was a little nervous at this time! He was afraid that the saint would blame him.

"Ran away?"

Elder Xu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but he didn't say anything. After all, the Li family was kind enough to help.

What's more, even the Nether Cliff of Chongxuan Pavilion couldn't hold Gu Yan, so it didn't seem strange that he could escape from the Li family's formation.

Looking at the apologetic and somewhat nervous head of the Li family, Elder Xu waved his hand and said,"It's okay. Thank you for your help, head of the Li family. Half a month later, we will hold a concubine ceremony in our pavilion, and we hope that the Li family can be present."

Hearing Elder Xu's polite reply, the head of the Li family, who was already a little apologetic, waved his hand and said,"That's for sure. This is the wedding of a saint, and we will definitely prepare generous gifts."

His tone was full of envy.

Chongxuan Pavilion is really lucky!

Don't think it's just a concubine, but this is a domineering saint who can take out hundreds of kilograms of saint-level skills!

Although it sounds a bit bad, now that the news has spread, which transcendent force in the entire Xuan world doesn't envy Chongxuan Pavilion?


A quagmire.

Gu Yan, who had managed to escape from the Li family formation by relying on the power of the void, was now hiding in the mud of a quagmire, covered in a foul stench.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

He roared in his heart.

Li Family!

I will definitely settle the grudge with you later!

You cheated me of half of the Saint Rank, and then you wanted to capture me and send me back to Chongxuan Pavilion.

If he didn't have the help of the Mysterious Gate, he might have been captured again now!

"What should we do now?"

"There are only a few transcendent forces that I know of that can help me get to Xiaozhujie."

Gu Yan closed his eyes, forcibly suppressed the irritability in his heart, and thought about how to break the situation.

"The only one left is the Ji family. If the Ji family doesn't help……"

Gu Yan felt as heavy as if a huge rock was pressing down on his heart!

If the Ji family didn't help him, he would really be at a dead end.

If he wanted to return to Xiaozhu Realm, he had to find another way.

In fact, he didn't want to find the Ji family unless it was absolutely necessary.

Because his relationship with the Ji family was far not as good as those of the previous transcendent forces!

Ji Kong, the head of the Ji family, once looked down on him.

If he hadn't saved the life of Ji Wenfeng, the eldest son of the Ji family by chance!

At this time, Gu Yan would not think of the Ji family at all, but he was not sure whether the other party was willing to help him.

If he was unlucky, it might be possible that what happened to the Li family would happen again!

After thinking about it, Gu Yan decided to try his luck. This was his last way out.

One day later, Gu Yan quietly came to the Ji family, and he used a secret method to contact them.

Not long after, a tall and handsome young man met him.

Pale in face, in the early stage of the Dragon Transformation Realm, it was Ji Wenfeng, the son of the Ji family.

"Brother Gu, it's been a long time since we last met. I didn't expect that our meeting would be like this."

Ji Wenfeng looked at Gu Yan, whose face was covered in dirt and whose clothes were ragged, and felt very sad.

Gu Yan was not relieved. With the previous experience of the Li family, he said to Ji Wenfeng vigilantly:"Brother Ji, you should also know what my situation is now. I just want to use your Ji family's channels to help me get a token of the passage between the two worlds so that I can leave the Xuan world."

Ji Wenfeng smiled lightly and said to Gu Yan:"Brother Gu, you saved my life back then, and now I should naturally lend you a helping hand."

"I have prepared a token for you."

"In addition, I have also collected some recent developments in the Xuan Realm for you, including information related to the saints. Wait until you leave the Xuan Realm before opening it, otherwise it may be sensed by the saints."

He seemed to have been prepared, and took out a six-pointed star token shining with silver light from his arms and handed it to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan was stunned, and his heart was inexplicably moved.

He felt the sincerity in Ji Wenfeng's words. Looking at those clear eyes, Gu Yan knew that he had friends all over the world, and he still had real friends after all.

He said seriously:"Good brother, everything is self-evident. I will remember your kindness today, and I will repay you in the future."

Ji Wenfeng shook his head and said:"I help you, Brother Gu, just to have a clear conscience. The situation is dangerous now, and it is not appropriate to stay here for long. You leave first, and we will meet again when we have a chance in the future"


Gu Yan took the six-pointed star token without hesitation, turned around and flew towards a passage between the two worlds.

Looking at Gu Yan's back, Ji Wenfeng sighed:"I never thought that the former prodigy would fall to this point. Brother Gu, I can only help you to this extent."

Seeing Gu Yan disappear, Ji Wenfeng was filled with emotion. He still remembered that when he first met Gu Yan, the other party had emerged and suppressed many prodigies from transcendent forces.

Even geniuses such as Xiao Xingjun and Chenxi Saint had to temporarily avoid the edge. Unexpectedly, it has been less than a year that he has fallen to this point.

And it was Chongxuan Pavilion who personally hunted him down!

It's really hard to offend the saint. I hope Brother Gu can get out of trouble as soon as possible.

When Ji Wenfeng was sighing, he suddenly heard a roar in his ears:"Rebellious son! I really should have shot you on the wall back then. Do you fucking want our Ji family to die?"

After this thunderous voice resounded, a burly man who looked like Ji Wenfeng appeared. He had a ferocious face and was furious. He raised his hand and his terrifying force was like the howling of wind and thunder!


Ji Wenfeng was slapped into a pulp with a single slap!

Ji Wenfeng died just like that. He was killed by his father, Ji Kong, the head of the Ji family, with tears in his eyes.

""Gu Yan! Don't let me see you, it's you, the little beast, who caused Awen's death!"

After killing Ji Wenfeng, Ji Kong burst into tears and roared to the sky.

Ji Wenfeng was too humble, without any edge, and had always been a good man.

The whole Ji family liked him very much!

But no one expected that it was because of Ji Wenfeng's character that he brought disaster upon himself.

Who did Gu Yan offend? Didn't Ji Wenfeng, this idiot, know?

Among all the transcendent forces in the Xuan Realm, Chongxuan Pavilion has never fallen out of the top three. And the Ji family could only barely make it into the top ten!

Even Chongxuan Pavilion could only be a dog for that saint, so how could their Ji family afford to offend him?

After killing Ji Wenfeng, Ji Kong put him into a black sarcophagus. His body became dozens of times larger. He carried the sarcophagus on his back and walked 100,000 miles all the way to the door of Chongxuan Pavilion.

"Please punish me, Saint."

Ji Kong looked very sad. He knelt on the ground outside the gate of Chongxuan Pavilion and shouted to the sky.

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