Ji Kong made a lot of noise along the way.

"This person is... the head of the Ji family? He is a big shot! What is he doing?"

"What is he carrying behind him? A black coffin! He came to Chongxuan Pavilion with a coffin on his back. There must be a story behind it."

"The head of the Ji family is asking the saint to punish them? Could it be that the Ji family has done something extremely evil and offended the saint?"


In the distance, many powerful people from the Xuan Realm were watching, seven parts puzzled and three parts shocked.

At this time, a large amount of rainbow light flew out from the Chongxuan Pavilion.

Each rainbow light exuded the aura of a king. These were the elders of the Chongxuan Pavilion. They looked at Ji Kong with anger.

Elder Xu stepped out and shouted loudly:"Ji Kong! Your Ji family helped Gu Yan enter the passage between the two worlds, causing Gu Yan to escape from the Xuan Realm. You deserve to die. How dare you come to the Chongxuan Pavilion to apologize?" The news that

Gu Yan borrowed the Ji family's token to leave the passage between the two worlds could not be concealed at all! What

's more, the Ji family didn't want to hide it!

When Ji Kong was carrying the coffin to apologize, the news that Gu Yan escaped into the passage between the two worlds had already been known to the Chongxuan Pavilion.

Ji Kong looked miserable and said loudly:"It's all my fault for not educating my son well, which made my son make a big mistake!"

"I have punished him personally, and I ask for forgiveness from the saint!"

He waved his arm.

The black coffin behind him was held up by a great force.

With a bang!

It fell on the ground outside the gate of Chongxuan Pavilion, creating a deep pit.

What's in this coffin...

The elders of Chongxuan Pavilion looked at the coffin behind Ji Kong and their hearts moved slightly.

The head of the Ji family was a ruthless man! He even killed his own son.

They heard that Ji Kong doted on Ji Wenfeng so much, and now he killed Ji Wenfeng and walked 100,000 miles with the black coffin on his back to come and ask for forgiveness in person, which was very sincere.

The elders looked at each other and looked towards the direction of Chongming Palace.

They were not qualified to make decisions for the saint.

Chongxuan Pavilion, Chongming Palace.

Chu Feng glanced at the system panel

【The righteous will have many supporters, the unrighteous will have few supporters. The destiny protagonist Gu Yan's luck is damaged, and his destiny value is reduced by 3,000 points. You get a destiny treasure chest*1】

【The righteous will have many supporters, the unrighteous will have few supporters. The destiny protagonist Gu Yan's luck is damaged, and his destiny value is reduced by 3,000 points. You get a destiny treasure chest*1】


His eyes were full of interest. These days, every time Gu Yan encountered setbacks, his destiny value would decrease, and an extra destiny treasure chest would appear in his sea of consciousness.

It's a pity that Gu Yan only has so many friends, and he has almost ruined them all.

And now Gu Yan only has a pitiful 36,000 destiny points.

His eyes moved away from the panel, and he casually glanced in the direction of the mountain gate of Chongxuan Pavilion, sensing Ji Kong's arrival.

He didn't step out of Chongming Palace, and the Ji family was not worthy of him showing his sainthood.

He already knew the ins and outs, and now seeing that the Ji family helped Gu Yan, they actually came to apologize in person, which was really a bit surprising.

This protagonist of destiny seems to be in a miserable situation now.

"As for me, I actually have no opinion on the Ji family, but I am really sorry. A villain should act like a villain, and a saint is absolutely not allowed." He whispered to himself. He pointed casually.

A purple light appeared on his fingertips and flew towards the Ji family like a comet.

The Ji family helped Gu Yan, and this matter was known to everyone in the Xuanjie.

If he remained indifferent at this time and chose to forgive the other party, people would think that he was weak and could be bullied, which might cause a butterfly effect and make more people secretly help the destiny protagonist.

The destiny protagonist's luck cannot be judged by common sense.

Now the overall situation has been decided, and he is just waiting to harvest Gu Yan's Eternal Gate.

He doesn't want to cause trouble and be overturned.

What's more, Dao If apologies were useful, the world would have been peaceful long ago.

We are all adults.

If we do something wrong, we must be beaten.

Boom boom boom!

The Ji family, which is 100,000 miles away from Chongxuan Pavilion, was hit by an unprecedented terrifying purple star falling down!

A huge sound was heard!

The huge ancestral land of the Ji family collapsed in an instant, and countless Ji family warriors died!

A bottomless pit appeared at the original location of the Ji family ancestral land.

The luck of the transcendent Ji family plummeted!

Outside the mountain gate of Chongxuan Pavilion, many Xuanjie warriors saw the purple light flying out of the pavilion and fell, and their eyes were filled with deep fear.

"It's over."

As the head of the Ji family, Ji Kong immediately felt the destruction of the Ji family's ancestral land. He instantly collapsed to the ground with his eyes blank.

He knew it was over!

Without the ancestral land and a large number of Ji family masters, the Ji family's luck would plummet, and it would instantly fall from a transcendent force to a second-rate force.

"This matter ends here."

Before Ji Kong had time to feel sad, Chu Feng's faint voice sounded outside Chongxuan Pavilion.

"Thank you for your mercy, Saint."

Ji Kong shuddered when he heard this, and immediately forced himself to come back to his senses, kowtowed and knelt to thank you.

He knew that all this was their Ji family's fault.

If Ji Wenfeng hadn't committed suicide, it wouldn't have come to this point today. When the saint was angry, hundreds of millions of people would die.

He knew that if the saint really wanted to settle a score with him, then now the Ji family, including him, would have been wiped out in the Xuan Realm.

The reason why the Ji family was still here was because he decisively came to ask for forgiveness and fought for a glimmer of hope for the Ji family.

The saint has now shown him mercy.

Thinking of this, Ji Kong was both afraid and relieved!

The powerful people in the Xuan Realm around him finally realized what kind of impact the purple light had caused.

Although they had guessed it, the strength of this saint was really terrifying.

But the experience of the Ji family also made the forces such as Zhaixing Tower, Wanfa Ziran Sect and Li family who were watching secretly secretly feel relieved.


Fortunately, they are not stupid!

If they had secretly helped Gu Yan before, their fate would be the same as the Ji family.


Just when Ji Kong was about to turn around and leave to clean up the mess of the Ji family.

Suddenly, Chu Feng's indifferent voice came to his ears:"Go to Xiaozhu Realm again, hang Ji Wenfeng's body here, and put this thing there too." As soon as the voice fell, a deep vortex tunnel suddenly appeared beside Ji Kong.

At the same time, a light red light appeared out of thin air and fell into his hand. A wild passage between the two worlds?

Where did the saint hang Xiao Wen's body?

The moment he saw this passage, Ji Kong's body shook and his expression was ugly.

This thing is...

Ji Kong glanced at the thing in his hand and his pupils shrank.

He didn't dare to think too much, and stepped into this wild passage between the two worlds without hesitation.



There was a dead silence. This was the entrance of a long-dead volcano.

A small black hole suddenly appeared in the cave.

Gu Yan, covered in blood, fell down like a dying wild dog.

"I'm back. I'm finally back."

"Temporarily safe."

Gu Yan was barely breathing, and nine out of ten lives were lost on the way back to Xiaozhu Realm.

Although he was lucky enough to get the token of entering the channel between the two worlds from Ji Wenfeng.

But the Ji family reacted instantly and did not let him go!

After he entered the channel between the two worlds, a large number of people and horses came to hunt him down soon.

In order to get rid of the pursuers, Gu Yan jumped into the violent and unexplored gap in the channel between the two worlds.

If he was unlucky, he might be torn to pieces by the void storm!

Fortunately, his luck has always been good!

Although he was seriously injured, Gu Yan finally returned to Xiaozhu Realm!

"Brother Ji, I will never forget your kindness"

"Just wait, your good days are still to come! I will definitely repay you fiercely."

Gu Yan kept Ji Wenfeng's kindness in his heart while healing his wounds.

He has always been a righteous man, and if others help him, he will double the return. It is definitely not a polite remark!

Half a day later, Gu Yan's injuries gradually recovered.

""The spiritual energy of Xiaozhu Realm is far inferior to that of Xuan Realm."

He complained casually, stepped on the ground, and left the dead volcano.

Holding the information that Ji Wenfeng gave him, he rushed towards Wucheng.

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