Gu Yan opened a scroll that was emitting a bright light.

On it was the information Ji Wenfeng had given him. After a brief glance, Gu Yan found that there was not much content inside.

This was normal.

After all, although Ji Wenfeng was the eldest son of the Ji family, he was helping secretly after all, and he was only at the Dragon Transformation Realm, so the information he could collect was also quite limited.

But for Gu Yan, who was now completely in the dark, this was already very satisfying.

"Brother Ji is also thoughtful."

Gu Yan felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Adding icing on the cake is far less than sending charcoal in the snow.

Although this volume of information is not valuable, he is very grateful to Ji Wenfeng and regards him as a lifelong brother.

He quickly browsed through the information, most of which were insignificant, some important events that happened in the Xuan Realm in recent days.

The most critical one was the information about the saint in Chongxuan Pavilion.

Gu Yan wanted to find clues from it, but unfortunately found that most of the descriptions were all kinds of praises and flattery, which made him feel sick and very unhappy.

"Wait, this saint is also surnamed Chu?!"

Gu Yan's pupils shrank, and he caught the key information!

In an inconspicuous record, the saint Chu was called.

Chu, Gu Yan immediately thought of Chu Feng……

"It definitely can't be him! How can he, a lowly creature from the lower realm, be a saint who is so high and mighty?"

Gu Yan's heart sank when he saw this news, and he had a bad feeling.

Especially when he thought of the news of the first saint's birth, which was from the legend of the Little Bamboo Realm.

Gu Yan remembered some ancient books he had read, which recorded that some saints would evolve saint incarnations and travel the mortal world in order to break through to the great saint realm.

If Chu Feng, who was his enemy, was the incarnation of a saint, then the other party's appearance and why he was so targeted at him would make sense.

"I hope I'm just overthinking, the probability of this happening is too small"

"Wucheng is almost here, I'd better go back home first and then make plans."

Gu Yan's mouth was the only thing that was tough now.

He didn't want to face the reality, so he forced himself to divert his attention and looked at the end of the horizon, where he could vaguely see some city outlines.

With his current strength in the Dragon Transformation Realm, even without using the power of the void, he could move forward quickly in the Little Bamboo Realm as if walking on flat ground.

Watching the surrounding scenery quickly passing by, familiar plants and trees gradually appeared in the distance.

Gu Yan felt a little disappointed.

When he went to the Xuan Realm with high spirits, who would have thought that he would return to the Little Bamboo Realm in this way?


"I have family and friends."

"They won't betray me like Chongxuan Pavilion did."

He suppressed his anxiety and excitement and quickened his pace.

It was afternoon, the sun was shining on Wucheng, and there was a lively scene.

Gu Yan expected that someone from Xuanjie would come to Xiaozhujie to hunt him down, especially in his hometown of Wucheng.

He used the power of the void and hid in the void for a while before stepping into the gate of Wucheng.

Walking through this small town that once had many memories, Gu Yan's eyes swept across the street corner and found that the city had changed a lot!

The shops on the roadside have all changed their appearance, and some familiar people have disappeared.

"Huh? Why don't I see any shops of the Gu family?"

Gu Yan suddenly realized something was wrong, and his heart trembled.

Wucheng is the base camp of the Gu family. After his rise, the head of the Gu family even became the city lord of Wucheng!

Originally, the Gu family had many shops in Wucheng. Logically speaking, now that the scale has expanded, there should be more shops.

How come I haven't seen a shop named Gu family after walking hundreds of meters.

Gu Yan walked quickly towards the city lord's mansion, with a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Oh no, could it be that Chongxuan Pavilion has already taken action?

When he passed by a restaurant, the voice of a storyteller happened to come from inside:"The world is unpredictable and there are many changes. Dear readers, who could have thought that the Gu family, a big family in Wucheng, would be destroyed overnight?"

"I heard from the grapevine that the reason why the Gu family was destroyed was because the genius Gu Yan of the Gu family molested a supreme goddess in the upper world, which attracted the monstrous revenge of the forces behind it, and even the Gu family far away in the lower world was implicated."

"So, young people, there is a sword hanging over your head due to lust. This is a warning to the world and you must always keep it in mind!"


The Gu family was wiped out?

Gu Yan, who was passing by, stopped and his face turned pale instantly. After that, the storyteller's voice could no longer be heard in his ears.

How could this be! It

's absolutely impossible! These idiots must be talking nonsense!

Gu Yan, who came to his senses, had no time to question the storyteller for making up a dirty rumor about him. After all, he was a teenager at heart. He was overwhelmed with grief at this moment, and directly exposed his powerful cultivation. He stepped into the City Lord's Mansion in Wucheng in one step.

However, he saw that the City Lord's Mansion, which was supposed to be luxurious, had already collapsed and shattered, and became a mess! What made

Gu Yan even more shocked was that no one knew who had done it, but the entire City Lord's Mansion was full of graves.

One after another, they were connected into one piece, like a haunted house.

Gu Yan staggered into the City Lord's Mansion. He found that in front of each grave, there were stone tablets engraved with the names of the dead.

"Master Gu, elder brother, younger sister Xiaoying……"

Gu Yan's face was grim, scenes of people emerged in his mind, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

He breathed heavily, but he didn't get angry, nor did he make any extreme actions. He just stood there quietly, watching those people who had been very kind to him turned into graves.

The sun gradually set, and the moon was high in the sky.

Time passed, the sky became bright, and in the blink of an eye it was the next morning.

Gu Yan, who had been standing there, didn't know when, his black hair had turned completely white.

White hair overnight!

His eyes were full of coldness and hostility.

He turned around, looking coldly outside the City Lord's Mansion, and didn't know when he had been quietly surrounded by people.

There were strong men from the original Xiaozhu Realm, and there were also pursuers from the upper realm.

He whispered to the graves in front of him:"Family members, I will not let you die in vain"

"From today on, I will no longer have any bottom line. Chongxuan Pavilion and that guy, you... will regret it."

"There's something wrong with Chongxuan Pavilion's magic array. Do you really think I don't know?"

"There is also Qingyun Sword Sect. No matter if you are Chu Feng or not, I will start with Qingyun Sword Sect and prepare to face my wrath."

Gu Yan's eyes were boiling with murderous intent. This night, he not only spent it in sadness and despair, but also thought about how to take revenge!

He did not run away like before, but walked out of the door in a swagger.

Two hours later, Gu Yan was covered in blood and broke through the Great Perfection of Dragon Transformation.

There were corpses on the ground behind him.

Many strong men who were stronger than him were killed by him across the border!

Looking at Gu Yan's disappearing back, the strong men who were still alive felt a little numb, as if they saw a killing god.

Xuanjie, Chongxuan Pavilion.

Chu Feng supported his cheek with one hand and half-lying on the couch casually

【Because the protagonist Gu Yan went astray and was possessed by evil spirits, his luck was damaged and his destiny value was reduced by 10,000 points. You get 3 Destiny Treasure Boxes 】

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