A bolt from the blue!

Gu Yan's eyes widened as he looked at the corpse on the sword monument in disbelief.

Blood was still flowing slowly from the corpse, and the whole body was in pieces, with blood holes all over it. It was obvious that it was forcibly hung on the sword monument.

He tightly grasped the pale green long sword in his hand, trying his best to restrain his sadness!

In a short period of time, he experienced such cruel things as the destruction of his family and the death of his best friends. He was just a teenager in his early twenties!

He didn't go crazy, which showed that he had a strong psychological quality!

""Brother Ji, I am sorry for you."

Gu Yan felt so much regret in his heart. He knew that Ji Wenfeng's death was closely related to helping him.

Drop by drop, tears flowed down Gu Yan's cheeks.

In Gu Yan's memory, Ji Wenfeng was a gentle and gentle boy, and every gentle smile of his could infect others.

But now he can no longer smile gently. His pair of black and white eyes bulged out as much as possible, staring at the front like a goldfish, as if he would not close his eyes until he died.

���No matter what, he never thought that Ji Wenfeng would be killed by Chongxuan Pavilion just for helping him to go down to the world.

Brother Ji, he is the eldest son of the Ji family!

Gu Yan knew very well that Ji Wenfeng's death must be related to Chongxuan Pavilion!

He never thought that Ji Wenfeng would die like this!

"If I had known that something like this would happen, I would never have come to you."

If he had known in advance that the Gu family was destroyed, he would not have been so anxious, and perhaps he would have thought of other ways and would not have had to force his way through the passage between the two worlds. When he went down to the world before, he had secretly vowed to repay Ji Wenfeng in the future, but it had only been a few days before Ji Wenfeng was murdered and they were separated from each other.

Gu Yan felt cold!

In order to serve the saint as a dog, Chongxuan Pavilion did not hesitate to offend the Ji family to death!

This was something he had never expected!

His hidden figure slowly fell towards the nameless mountain, looking at the miserable body of Ji Wenfeng who died with his eyes open.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Gu Yan solemnly tidied up his bloody clothes, which were already a little tattered. His knees softened, and he knelt down without hesitation and kowtowed to pay tribute to Ji Wenfeng.

"Brother Ji, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!"

Gu Yan swore solemnly and said seriously


""Hahaha, little evil beast, how can you take revenge? What qualifications do you have to take revenge?"

Suddenly, a cold shout came to Gu Yan's ears, which made his heart tighten.

Sure enough!

A strong man ambushed in secret!

He actually knew what was going on. He relied on the power of the void to dare to come to pay tribute to Ji Wenfeng in such a high-profile manner.

When the sense of danger came, Gu Yan prepared to control the power of the void to escape without hesitation!

However, when Gu Yan saw a burly man who looked eight points like Ji Wenfeng, exuding murderous aura and falling from the sky, he was shocked.

""Master Ji?!" he blurted out, not expecting it to be him!

Ji Kong, the master of the Ji family.

At this moment, Ji Kong's face was ferocious, but revealed a sense of fatigue and pain.

When he was in the Xuan Realm, he used to look down on him. At a certain competition, he made a big splash and slapped Ji Kong's face hard!

He still remembers Ji Kong's ugly face at that time.

Unexpectedly, after the end of that conference, they met again, but here.

Feeling Ji Kong's anger, Gu Yan immediately said:"Master Ji, we are not enemies."

"Wenfeng is my best friend……"

Gu Yan knew that the head of the Ji family loved Ji Wenfeng very much, and he must have appeared in Xiaozhu Realm at this time to collect Ji Wenfeng's body.

Maybe this is an opportunity. If I want to deal with Chongxuan Pavilion, he is an ally that can be won over.

Ji Kong laughed in anger and said,"Best friend? Is there anyone like you who is a friend?"

"When you're in big trouble, instead of finding a place to hide, you go to Wenfeng. You're such a good friend!"

"It’s because I, a rebellious son, am a fool that I fell for your trick and brought disaster upon myself!"

Hearing his scolding, Gu Yan’s face darkened. He felt aggrieved and retorted,"I, I didn’t expect this to happen. I am sorry to Wenfeng."

Ji Kong glared, raised his fist, and shouted,"People are dead, is it useful to say sorry? I’m going to kill you today!"

Gu Yan took a half step back, secretly mobilized the power of the void, and hurriedly said,"Master Ji, I know you hate me very much, but putting aside the facts, don’t I feel guilty?"

"I promise you that"

"Wenfeng's death was unclear, I will definitely find out who killed him, cut him into pieces, and scatter his bones and ashes!"

Cut the person who killed Ji Wenfeng into pieces, and scatter his bones and ashes?

Ji Kong was stunned when he heard it.

Coming back to his senses, he flew into a rage on the spot:"Bullshit! I killed this rebellious son with my own hands!"

"It is because of you, the calamity star, that our Ji family has suffered a great disaster!"

Ah? What do you mean?!

Gu Yan was stunned. Ji Kong's words contained too much information, and almost burned his CPU!

Ji Wenfeng, it was not Chongxuan Pavilion that did it, but Ji Kong did it himself?!


Gu Yan never thought that the truth of the matter would be like this! He would never have thought that Ji Kong would kneel outside Chongxuan Pavilion with a coffin on his back and ask for forgiveness.

This was beyond his imagination!

Ji Kong was too lazy to say anything more to Gu Yan. He stayed here just to ravage Gu Yan!

A punch fell!

The whole mountain exploded!

Only the sword monument and Ji Wenfeng's body were fine!

Gu Yan was horrified, and he stirred up the power of the void and hid under the sword monument.

Seeing this, Ji Kong was furious.

He clapped his hands, and golden light burst out from his palms!

A huge chessboard descended from the sky.

Ji Kong's holy weapon!

Tianyuan chessboard!

As the chessboard fell, Gu Yan was directly trapped in the chessboard and strangled by countless black and white chess pieces, creating a large blood mist!

Originally, Ji Kong wanted to kill Gu Yan directly to vent his hatred, but he personally stayed in Qingyun Sword Sect because the saint had also assigned him a task.

At this time, he resisted the urge to kill.

A large blood-red piece fell into the Tianyuan chessboard.

The moment this large piece fell, it flew towards Gu Yan.

Gu Yan, who was supposed to escape with the help of the power of the void, was horrified to find that the power of the void that had been invincible in the Xuan Realm was ineffective at this time!

He was horrified!

At this time, the red piece that trapped him suddenly unfolded and gradually turned into a phantom.

"Chu Feng?!"

Gu Yan looked at the figure in the red light in disbelief, and blurted out in shock!

The red figure Chu Feng looked at Gu Yan, stood with his hands behind his back, and smiled faintly:"Junior brother, we meet again."

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