Junior brother...

Gu Yan's face turned ugly. When he heard this, all his guesses came true.

Before he was expelled from Qingyun Sword Sect by Chu Feng, he was indeed Chu Feng's junior brother in terms of seniority.

Now the Chu Feng in the red light is obviously the saint, but he said this. Is there any need to question it?

Gu Yan opened his mouth, his throat was dry, he gritted his teeth and asked:"Chu Feng, it's you, what do you want to do?"

The red shadow Chu Feng looked at him calmly and said jokingly:"What do I want to do? Haven't you been targeting me?"

"Now that you have come to Qingyun Sword Sect, you wouldn’t just want to simply admire your brother’s corpse, right?"

"This has nothing to do with you."

Gu Yan's face froze when he heard this, veins popped up on his forehead, and his heart skipped a beat.

He even felt a sense of fear!

Ji Kong was here with a premeditated plan.

Chu Feng had already predicted his actions!

Chu Feng didn't care, and continued to speak slowly:"Speaking of which, you must hate me now, and hate Chongxuan Pavilion even more, right?"

Gu Yan's teeth were almost broken.

What is the purpose of this guy, just talking nonsense

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry"

"Let me guess what you are going to do next."

Chu Feng looked at Gu Yan and smiled faintly:"Do you really want to blow up the Fu Mo Fa circle under Chongxuan Pavilion?"

"It must be very exciting to do this."

Gu Xuan's heart trembled, and he felt that his whole body was as heavy as if it was filled with lead. He was guessed again!

He did have this plan next.

Compared with Chu Feng, who was originally his enemy, Gu Yan's heart was not so turbulent after learning that he was a saint.

What really made him hate was Chongxuan Pavilion!

The sect that cultivated him, now completely ignored the past feelings, and turned around to kill him who had made outstanding contributions, killing him without leaving any survivors.

This made Gu Yan feel deeply betrayed and hate Chongxuan Pavilion very much!

According to his original plan, he wanted to find an opportunity to return to the Xuan Realm after he became powerful in the future!

The first thing after returning was to blow up the Chongxuan Pavilion's Fu Mo Fa Circle!

But he didn't expect that this plan would not even take one step forward. Before he even took a step out, he was already being calculated by the other party!

At this moment, Gu Yan just felt cold all over!

The Fu Mo Fa Array is very important to all the major transcendent forces in the Xuan Realm.

To protect the Fu Mo Fa Array is to protect the safety of the entire Xuan Realm. When necessary, it is even necessary to exchange what they have and help each other. This is the consensus of many powerful people in the Xuan Realm!

He wanted to destroy the Fu Mo Fa Array. Once the Fu Mo Fa Array is broken, the foreign demons will invade the Xuan Realm, and lives will be lost and corpses will pile up!

This is absolutely crazy and hysterical table-turning behavior!

But now, Chu Feng said it in one word!

This made Gu Yan feel like an invisible big hand had put him in a jar. No matter which direction he wanted to escape, he would keep hitting a wall.

"Are you scared? This is not the arrogant and conceited Gu Yan that I am familiar with."

"Come on, I'll give you a chance."

Gu Yan remained silent, and did not affect the shadow that Chu Feng transformed into to continue talking. He waved his hand and another light red light fell towards Gu Yan.


What is this!

Looking at this light red light, Gu Yan quickly jumped away like a rabbit with its hair standing on end!

"Don't be so scared, you are still useful, you won't die now."

The phantom Chu Feng looked at Gu Yan and dodged quickly, saying jokingly.

At this time, Gu Yan looked at the red light and found that it was a page of paper!

Invitation letter.

On the tenth day of the third month of the 3200th year of the lunar calendar, the saint Chu Yu Zhongxuan Pavilion Kongming Mountain took in his concubine Nangong Qin, and sincerely invited the distinguished guests to come and make his humble home glorious.

"This is... an invitation to attend the Master's, no! That bitch's concubine-taking ceremony! ?"

Gu Yan opened his mouth:"What on earth do you want to do!"

Chu Feng looked at him strangely and said casually:"It's just to fulfill your tiny wish. With this invitation letter, no one dares to touch you when you come to Chongxuan Pavilion"

"You can blow up the magic circle any way you want. If you don't know how, I can teach you."

"What, you don't dare to come?"

Gu Yan's face turned pale, he couldn't figure out Chu Feng's true intention, he could only snort coldly.

Chu Feng didn't care at all, he said lightly:"Don't think too much, in my eyes you are just a useless tool"

"The more opportunities you get, the better it is for me."

What do you mean?"

Gu Yan frowned and said nothing.

"Don't you understand? Little chive, you were lucky enough to find the door I left outside, and it became his food, so you should protect it."

"If something goes wrong with the door when I take it back, I will make you wish you were dead."

Chu Feng stared at him with a half-smile.


He said door?!

Gu Yan was struck by lightning!

He opened his mouth so wide that an apple could fit in it!

The mysterious door in the sea of gods is his biggest trump card!

But now Chu Feng has revealed it all!

Your door?

Picked up by me? I am nourishment?

What does that mean?

Does he mean he has always known that there is a mysterious door in my sea of gods!?

Impossible, I have never leaked this news.

He is cheating me!

Gu Yan quickly denied:"I don't know what you are talking about"


Chu Feng smiled faintly, without deliberately explaining. For some things, it is enough to stop at the point.

If he does nothing next, Gu Yan will doubt his life.

His shadow is gradually fading. Before disappearing, Chu Feng reminded again:"Remember to come and participate, little leek."

Seeing Chu Feng's figure shattered like light and shadow, Gu Yan's legs softened and he sat on the ground.

If he had countless confidence before that he could compete with the Chu Feng of Chongxuan Pavilion, including the saint��

All he lacked was time.

But now he was scared, really scared.

When Chu Feng revealed the secret of the mysterious door in his body.

He seemed to have his spine broken, his eyes were blank, and he completely lost his confidence.

It turns out that what I have been hiding is a joke in the eyes of others!

That guy knew about the mysterious door in my body from the very beginning!

He is a saint, but he has appeared in front of me several times since I joined the Qingyun Sword Sect. He even"sent" me many opportunities with his own eyes. Is he acting? What on earth is this door? Is it really his?!

Am I, have I been just a tool, a leek, from the very beginning?

Gu Yan looked inward at the mysterious door floating quietly in the sea of consciousness, and recalled the previous intersections with Chu Feng. There was a light purple mist in his dazed eyes.

He has begun to fill in his own brain, doubting his life, and his whole body is torn apart.

【Because the destiny protagonist Gu Yan's faith was shaken and he lost his heart of strength, his destiny value was reduced by 10,000 points, and you received 3 destiny treasure chests. 】

Ji Kong, who was outside the Tianyuan chessboard, looked at Gu Yan, who was limp on the ground, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

He didn't know what the saint who appeared in the red light said to Gu Yan, but he knew from his appearance that he was now greatly shocked.

This is not surprising, after all, it was the method of the saint.

Now that the official business is over, the next thing is private business.

"Even if I can't kill him, I will make him suffer!"

Ji Kong's eyes flashed with a cold light!

He did not have the slightest pity for Gu Yan because he was as miserable as a wounded beast at the moment. Instead, he raised his fist, controlled the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard, and hit Gu Yan's key parts fiercely!


""Who is it!"

Ji Kong was shocked and shouted.

But it was too late.

A big hand appeared in the void, grabbed the Tianyuan chessboard fiercely, and directly grabbed Gu Yan. A large amount of blood rain fell, and the big hand disappeared.

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