
Opposite the pure white light ball, there was a light blue light ball. She rejected it coldly.

"But, but, Brother Gu Yan has helped me a lot before.……"

"Help you? Wake up, he is only doing it for himself. The benefits he got from you back then are much more than you can imagine."

"Besides, if I really had you in my heart, why didn’t I even tell you when I went to the Xuan Realm?"

"If he really had you in his heart, you wouldn't have had any idea of what he wanted to do just now, right?"

"That guy showed up, otherwise I would have knocked him out with a slap. What the hell, he wants to have my body."

The pale blue light sneered.

"No, that's him.……"

"Okay, stop thinking too much about a dying person."

"The person he offended this time was too powerful. Killing Gu Yan was as easy as crushing an ant."

"Although I don't know what he wants to do to Gu Yan, you should not get involved in this matter. I don't want to ruin our relationship for this kind of trash.���Things."

The resolute words of the pale blue light ball made the pure white light ball very anxious. She hurriedly said:"But, but we can't seek the skin of a tiger. That guy is obviously not a good person. Helping him may cause accidents."

The pale blue light ball said:"I know, but what can I do? He gave too much, fifty kilograms, hundreds of holy weapons, you don't understand what this means"

"But if he has bad intentions……"

"Bad intentions? Haha, if he wants to plot against me, then he might have made a mistake."

Bai Xin'er's eyes flickered with cold light.

Her former strength was beyond the imagination of the saints in the Xuan Realm. A quasi-emperor.

A giant who almost became an emperor.

As long as she was cautious enough, no one in this small Xuan Realm could plot against her.

"Woo ah ah……"

At this moment, Gu Yan on the ground groaned in pain.

Bai Xiner whispered to herself,"Okay, little sister, now that things have come to this, let me take control of your body in the near future."

"Don't blame me for being cruel. Being targeted by such a cruel person, Gu Yan has no future at all."

"Just a Gu Yan, fifty tons of Saint-level weapons, his life is worth it."

She raised her jade palm, and Gu Yan, who had just shown signs of waking up, was knocked unconscious again.

【A rift has arisen between Bai Xin'er and the protagonist of destiny, Gu Yan. The destiny value has decreased by 5,000 points. You get a destiny treasure chest*1.

Chu Feng, who had just returned to the Xuan Realm, received the system prompt and smiled.

Bai Xin'er's personality is completely different from the other naive and timid one. It's all black when cut open.

It seems that Gu Yan's situation may not be very good in the next wasteland world.

System: Dear host, it seems that the heroine has not been successfully captured this time.

"Why rush? How can you conquer the heroine so quickly?"

Chu Feng said calmly,"One body with two souls, this is very difficult, very difficult, understand?"


You were very fast before.

Chu Feng is not in a hurry for this conquest task.

Indeed, the progress of meeting Bai Xin'er this time is not fast.

Compared with the conquest of Nangong Qin, it is even more different.

In the final analysis, the two heroines are completely different.

As the head of Chongxuan Pavilion, Nangong Qin carries a heavy burden, has a steady and responsible personality, and at the same time takes into account the fate of the Nangong family. She has already prepared for sacrifice in her heart.

As long as the benefits are sufficient and the right medicine is given, it is of course easy to conquer.

But Bai Xin'er is different. She is one body with two souls. To conquer her is equivalent to conquering two women with very different personalities.

In addition, the origin of this woman is a mystery.

Although it was only a brief contact, Chu Feng could feel the arrogance and...a trace of barely detectable contempt for him.

You know, Bai Xin'er has already tacitly accepted that he is a great sage, but she still looks down on him, so there is only one possibility.

She was at least a Saint King, or even a stronger one.

A strong person of this level would not easily value Saint-level weapons.

He could see that the reason why Bai Xin'er was willing to agree was simply because she was poor.

If he wanted to impress the other party with his ancestral sincerity like Nangong Qin.

Maybe he would have to use hundreds of tons of extreme imperial weapons?

If Chu Feng had them, he would have given them to her.

It would definitely not be a loss.

He got both the body and the heart, so these things should still be returned to the original owner.

The key is that I am not a super rich man, and there is no surplus food at home, so I can only take a long-term view and go with the heart first and then the kidney.


The next day, in the small world of the desert,

Gu Yan woke up in the small bamboo house with a splitting headache.

"Ah~ My head hurts, what happened last night?"

He felt his throat was dry and looked around blankly.

He was lying on a bamboo bed, surrounded by bamboo walls on all sides. There was a window on the east side, and the sun shone in, illuminating some simple furniture and decorations in the room. Was this the room last night?

Where was Xin'er?

Gu Yan, with a pale face, supported himself on the bamboo bed with his hands and stood up with difficulty. He carefully recalled last night. He only remembered that he had just wanted to hold Bai Xin'er's hand last night, and his eyes went black.

""Before I passed out, I seemed to see a figure?"

Gu Yan frowned and thought, his heart skipped a beat. After careful recollection, that figure looked exactly like his nightmare Chu Feng.

He immediately rejected it in his heart:"No, that's impossible!"

"This is a secret place where the demons live, and there is a great sage in charge."

"It is impossible for a saint like Chu Feng to find this place."

"Even if they find this place, they will be easily suppressed by Qing Sheng."

"It seems that I must be too obsessed with Chu Feng and have hallucinations."

"Let's go find sister Xin'er and ask her first."

He took a deep breath and walked outside the bamboo house.

Outside the bamboo house was a dim muddy land. In the distance, he could see scattered dilapidated stone houses and vaguely saw some demon tribe figures walking around.

Gu Yan was a little confused. He was unfamiliar with the place. He only knew Bai Xin'er. For a moment, he didn't know where to go to find someone.

"Wake up?"

Just as Gu Yan looked around, a faint voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Gu Yan looked back, his eyes lit up and said:"Sister Xin'er, where have you been?"

Bai Xin'er glanced at her calmly and said calmly:"Come with me."

She walked past Gu Yan and headed east.

"Where are you going?"

Gu Yan saw that Bai Xin'er ignored him and couldn't help but feel a little strange. This girl seemed very cold today.

"Uncle Qing wants to see you and has plans for you."

That great sage is looking for me?

Gu Yan was startled. Seeing Bai Xin'er's back getting farther and farther away, it seemed that she had no intention of waiting for him. He hurriedly followed and asked,"What's the situation?"

Bai Xin'er didn't even turn her head and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The little sister treated him as a treasure. She didn't have that much patience for a dying man.

Seeing that Bai Xin'er was still aloof, Gu Yan began to murmur in his heart.

What's wrong? Is she in a bad mood?

Why is this girl a little different from usual?

Gu Yan was puzzled and felt a little unhappy.

He exerted force on his feet, caught up quickly, and raised his hand to grab Bai Xin'er's little hand from behind:"Xin'er sister, wait for me, what happened last night? Why did I suddenly faint."

Feeling Gu Yan's greasy behavior, Bai Xin'er frowned, and directly shook her jade palm to avoid the sneak attack. She felt a little disgusted:"You are so weak, how do I know why you suddenly fainted?"

"Don't make any moves here, Uncle Qing is right in front, be careful he might chop off your hands."

Bai Xin'er's cold words made Gu Yan's face startled.

I, I'm weak?

Are you serious?

He didn't have time to think about it, and caught the key information in Bai Xin'er's words. His eyes hurriedly looked into the distance, and at the end of his sight was a huge martial arts arena, with several huge nine-patterned tripods standing in the middle of the arena. The tripods released crystal jade light, spraying towards the sky, forming a blue sky curtain covering it. On the sky curtain, some demon clan figures could be vaguely seen interweaving.

And on the nine-patterned tripod in the center, the Great Sage Qingniu sat cross-legged on a tripod ear, his eyes bigger than fists bulging, staring straight at him.

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