Being glared at by the Great Sage Qingniu's bull eyes.

Gu Yan shuddered subconsciously!

He felt a little uncomfortable.

This feeling was not good!

Bai Xin'er now was no longer the little sister of the Bai family that he could tease at will.

As the princess of these monsters.

Even if Bai Xin'er herself didn't care, other monsters obviously didn't think so.

If he dared to do something to Bai Xin'er in public, then these monsters might peel off his skin.

"I'll have to pay attention to this later."

"When we are alone together, it is okay to get closer to Sister Xin'er."

Gu Yan reminded himself to be careful.

He knew that this was only temporary.

He was very confident in his own talent for cultivation.

Becoming a saint was a foregone conclusion!

"When I become a saint, no one will dare to point fingers at me."

Bai Xin'er was already some distance away from him while he was thinking.

Gu Yan followed him again and stepped into the huge martial arts arena.

The martial arts arena was outside before, covered by the light blue sky, and there was no movement.

After stepping in, Gu Yan immediately heard a deafening sound, which made him frown slightly.

Looking up, he found that the monsters were fighting each other!

The fighting was fierce, and large pieces of blood rain fell down. Those thunder-like sounds were the sounds of the bodies colliding when these monsters were fighting fiercely.

"The body is so strong."

"Moreover, the weakest of these monsters are all at the Great Perfection of Dragon Transformation."

"There are many who are at the Immortal Stage. This demon race is really a place where dragons and crouching tigers are hidden."

Gu Yan is also a genius who has experienced many battles. When he watched them fighting, he immediately had a basic understanding of the strength of these young demons.

Because of this, his heart was slightly shaken!

He put himself in the shoes of others and made a comparison. If he was in his prime, with treasures in his hands, he might be able to fight these demons on equal terms.

Now... many of them are no match.


Just as Gu Yan was concentrating on watching the fight in the sky, he heard the cold voice of the Great Sage Qingniu. The Great Sage had jumped down without knowing when.


Bai Xin'er had already stood beside the Great Sage Qing Niu. Compared with the huge Great Sage Qing Niu, Bai Xin'er looked very small. She glanced at Gu Yan.

Gu Yan immediately reacted and hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted the Great Sage Qing Niu, saying,"Greetings, Great Sage Qing."

He was a little confused. What did the Great Sage Qing Niu call me for at this time?

The Great Sage Qing Niu looked at Gu Yan and said lightly,"Little guy, your cultivation is really too low."

"If you go to the Xuan Realm with this level of cultivation, I can't help you even if I want to."

"Now I want you to break through to the Immortal Stage as soon as possible so that it will be convenient for you to move."

You dislike my low realm?

You want to help me break through to the Immortal Stage?

Gu Yan was also stunned when he heard this.

He has been praised as a genius wherever he goes since he was a child, but this is the first time he has been disliked for his low cultivation.

But knowing that the other party wants to help him break through to the Immortal Stage, he immediately became excited.

With the guidance of the Great Sage, this is undoubtedly an opportunity for him.

He immediately said:"Thank you, Qingsheng, I will listen to you in everything you do, please feel free to arrange it."

Qingsheng nodded lightly and said:"Okay."

"Time is running out, so let's get started."

He pointed to the huge ancient tripod behind him that was ten meters taller than him and said,"If you want to break through to the immortal stage, you must polish your body well. With your current small body, it's too difficult to reach the immortal stage."

"These days, you just need to hold these ancient tripods here."

"The longer you carry the tripod each time, the better the effect of tempering your body will be."

"When your physical body can bear five ancient tripods at the same time, your physical body will be small."

Bear a tripod?

Gu Yan was stunned for a moment, and took a look at the ancient tripod behind the Great Sage Qingniu.

The ancient tripod was about fifteen meters high, green in color, and covered with strange animal patterns. An ancient breath was overwhelming. From Gu Yan's point of view, this ancient tripod was very likely to be very heavy.

He felt a little numb on his scalp, and asked subconsciously:"How heavy is this tripod?"

The Great Sage Qingniu said lightly:"It's not heavy, probably about 18,000 kilograms each."

"Eighteen thousand jin?"

Gu Yan took a deep breath.

This weight... is a bit exaggerated!

Family members know their own business!

It is very stressful to lift an ancient tripod with physical strength alone!

And to lift five at the same time, nearly one hundred thousand jin! Just thinking about it made his heart sink!

Can I do it?

The hesitation only lasted half a second. Thinking of the small grave of the Gu family and his good brother Ji Wenfeng who died with his eyes open, Gu Yan said without any hesitation:"Okay, I accept this trial."

The Great Sage Qingniu nodded and said:"You are still a bit brave."

""Let's start with an ancient tripod."

After saying that, he pointed casually, and suddenly, the huge ancient tripod floated up and landed above Gu Yan.

Gu Yan's figure was as small as an ant against the backdrop of the huge ancient tripod.

""Hands support the sky, feet exert force, keep your mind focused."

The voice of the Great Sage Qing Niu came to his ears, and soon Gu Yan felt a shadow above his head.

His eyes moved!

Immediately, as the Great Sage Qing Niu suggested, he raised his hands above his head and supported the black shadow that fell from the sky.


Just when Gu Yan supported the belly of the tripod, he felt that his bones were about to break, making a crackling sound!

The power of this ancient tripod is definitely not just 18,000 kilograms!

Gu Yan's face turned red, and he gritted his teeth, feeling that his blood vessels were about to explode!

Because of the huge weight of the ancient tripod, a very conspicuous deep pit appeared under his feet.

"Very good, hold on for a day first."

The Great Sage Qingniu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Gu Yan to be able to hold up an ancient tripod for the first time, and he said immediately.

One day?

Gu Yan felt his eyes go dark and wanted to give up.

Chu Feng's mocking smile suddenly appeared in front of him, and he gritted his teeth and insisted!

Isn't it just one day?

I want revenge!

I want Chu Feng to die!

Soon, Gu Yan felt the effect of the ancient tripod.

His palm felt a stream of heat from the belly of the tripod constantly pouring into his body, and he felt a warm feeling.

"This ancient tripod is definitely a rare treasure. If I can lift five of them at the same time, my body will definitely undergo a qualitative change!"

"This is my chance!"

Gu Yan bit his teeth to pieces, but he said nothing.

"This won't work, Uncle Qing."

"There is not much time left for Gu Yan, and we need to add one more."

However, at this moment, Gu Yan heard a suggestion that made him almost vomit blood!

Add another ancient tripod?

Do you want to kill me!?

Gu Yan opened his eyes wide and stared at Bai Xin'er.

Bai Xin'er didn't seem to be abnormal, her pair of peach blossom eyes were clean and clear, as if she was making a suggestion seriously.

"That makes sense."

The Great Sage Qingniu readily followed Bai Xin'er's advice.

He immediately raised his hand again.


An ancient tripod ten meters away was pulled by the power of the void and fell on top of the giant tripod supported by Gu Yan.


The sound of the huge ancient tripods overlapping made Gu Yan, who was at the bottom, kneel down and break his legs on the spot!

The white bones were immediately exposed under the worn flesh!



"That's amazing!"

"It seems that we can add one more.

Bai Xiner showed surprise and suggested again.

"Bai Xin'er! You idiot! Do you want me to die?"

Gu Yan roared angrily.

What more?!

He will die soon!

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