The two elders guarding the gate of Chongxuan Pavilion were shocked!

They didn't expect to see Gu Yan, a little beast, on such a happy day!

Didn't he hide in the lower world?

How did he come out from where?

He dared to come to deliver the bell on such a happy day.

Doesn't he want to live?

One elder was furious, puffing his beard and glaring, and a huge sword like a door panel appeared in his hand, and he wanted to hit Gu Yan in the face with the sword.

"Don't be impatient."

Another elder immediately stopped him, staring at Gu Yan and said,"When this little beast was in our Chongxuan Pavilion, he was insidious and cunning."

"Given his current situation, he would definitely not be bluffing if he dared to come to Chongxuan Pavilion in such a grand manner on a day like today."

"Let's see what he wants to do first."

The cautious elder's reminder made the elder loosen the heavy sword in his hand.

Those who can become elders of a transcendent force are all experienced and powerful people, and their IQ is definitely not low.

Gu Yan, with his white hair fluttering, saw that the two elders did not take action immediately, and he couldn't help but sneered and said,"Haha, you still have some brains."

"Open your eyes and see what this is."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and threw out a golden invitation in a very chic manner.

It was the one Chu Feng gave him!

"What is this?"

The two elders looked at the invitation letter unfolding in the void, and looked at each other with surprise in their eyes:"This... where did this wanted little beast get the invitation letter?"

"Could it be that it was given by the Pavilion Master?"

"How is it possible? The Pavilion Master has already severed his relationship with him, how could he do such an unwise thing?"

"Then, should we ask for instructions?"

Gu Yan, who was above, saw the two of them like this and sneered:"A good dog doesn't block the road, get out of the way, don't delay me from watching the ceremony."

He was arrogant and domineering, as if he had returned to the peak and became the high-spirited genius of the Chongxuan Pavilion!

But now, he does not belong to the Chongxuan Pavilion, and he will no longer have the slightest respect for these elders!

The two of them communicated quickly, and at this moment, a faint voice sounded in their ears.

The pupils of the two Chongxuan Pavilion elders shrank suddenly, and they looked up at Gu Yan, as if they were looking at a clown, and said lightly:"If you want to go in, go in."

Seeing this, Gu Yan's face did not change, but he was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect it to be so easy to get in.

This is a little different from what he imagined..

But... In this case, let's wait until we get in and make a bigger fuss.

He lifted his white robe, his feet were like clouds, and he picked up the big bell that was about to break below, and rushed towards the direction of the White Jade Fairy Platform.

Seeing Gu Yan enter, the two elders looked at each other:"Follow him, I'm afraid there will be a good show to watch today."

They also dodged immediately and followed.

Not long after the two elders disappeared, a shadow flashed, with almost no breath leaking out, blowing gently into Chongxuan Pavilion like a gust of wind, and sneaked into another direction with ease.


A small world in the wilderness.

In a hall filled with all kinds of strange statues, two figures stood in place, looking at a five-meter-high ancient mirror in front of them that was emitting a blue halo.

On the ancient mirror, the scene that just appeared in Chongxuan Pavilion was reflected.

The Great Sage Qingniu nodded with satisfaction and said,"This Gu Yan has some brains."

"Entering Chongxuan Pavilion with great fanfare, trying to cause a riot"

"On the other hand, the puppet transformed by Tianxin Doll sneaked into Chongxuan Pavilion with the Breaking Formation Chisel."

"This is a diversion. With the attention this little guy has received in the Xuan Realm, he will surely be able to cause a lot of trouble. If Chongxuan Pavilion is a little lax, there is a high chance that the Fu Mo Fa formation below Chongxuan Pavilion can be successfully destroyed."

Hearing the praise from the Great Sage Qingniu,

Bai Xin'er glanced at the shadow that had sneaked into the picture, and a trace of doubt flashed in the depths of her eyes.

This... is also possible?

She was a little shocked.

Bai Xin'er was shocked, but she acted calm on the surface:"Let's see, the Fu Mo Fa formation is not as easy to break as imagined, and that human saint is not simple." The

Great Sage Qingniu did not know the inside story, and said disdainfully:"What kind of waves can a mere human saint make. My Lord, you are too cautious."

Bai Xin'er said nothing.

From the beginning, she had no hope that Gu Yan could destroy the Fu Mo formation of Chongxuan Pavilion.

After that man found her, Gu Yan had become a discarded pawn in her heart.

If she could attract the man's attention because of Gu Yan and allow other chess pieces to complete their tasks, then it would be worth it.

But for some reason, Bai Xin'er always had an uneasy feeling in her heart.

Every step of Gu Yan seemed to be predicted by that guy! The

Great Sage Qingniu did not notice the monarch's concerns at this time, and his bull eyes were still staring at the picture on the Qingtian Mirror.

The picture followed Gu Yan and had arrived at the White Jade Fairy Platform.

The white clouds were stacked layer by layer, and the rich spiritual energy manifested as substantial fairy mist diffused in the clouds.

A huge cloud platform was suspended in the sky, more than 10,000 meters wide.

On all sides of the cloud platform, there were miniature small cloud platforms floating around, and the scenery was very good.

At this time, the area was crowded with people. At a glance, the entire mirror was a festive red color.

"Let's see what this guy will do next."

"Maybe I will have to help later."

The Great Sage Qingniu was talking to himself when a commotion broke out in the Qingtian Mirror.

Gu Yan entered the arena alone!

With his hands behind his back, his eyes were defiant, his white hair fluttered in the wind, and he exuded a strong aura of pretentiousness.

At first, many powerful people didn't notice him, but when their eyes fell on him, they couldn't look away.

"This is... Gu Yan?"

"Gu Yan? That shameless scum with corrupt morals, dirty thoughts, and the intention to get his hands on his master and snatch women from the saint?"

"That's right, it was that ugly guy who was expelled from the sect, but didn't know what was good for him and slandered the saint everywhere, causing the Chongxuan Pavilion to want him."

"Hiss... I know he has offended the King of Chu and refused to surrender. Instead, he tried to resist and even caused the death of the eldest son of the Ji family!"

"Didn't he escape back to the netherworld? Where did he come from? What was he doing with the clock in his hand?"


Everyone present was surprised when they recognized Gu Yan.

They never expected that Gu Yan, a rat that everyone wanted to kill, would come to attend this wedding at this time. What was he thinking? Wasn't he afraid of death?

""Little beast! How dare you come to Chongxuan Pavilion!"

The elders of Chongxuan Pavilion stared at Gu Yan with murderous eyes, fire in their eyes, and surrounded him with magic weapons in their hands.

Gu Yan's face was as cold as iron, and he heard the noisy discussions around him, all of which were boring and nonsense directed at him.

In the past, he would have been furious and his face was pale with anger.

But now is different from the past.

He is no longer the Gu Yan of the past!

He will not break the defense again.

He has grown up!

No matter how these people talk about him or how they attack him, he is indifferent.

Let him curse, the breeze blows over the hills!

Gu Yan faced the murderous elders of Chongxuan Pavilion, he narrowed his eyes, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura!

He threw the bell to the wide fairy platform below. His left hand quietly grasped the green seed, raised his right hand, and shouted in a low voice:"Sword!"

Suddenly, a divine sword with a flashing purple light appeared in the palm of his hand, as if to fight these elders of Chongxuan Pavilion.

"It's just a broken fairy platform, what are you pretending to be?"

Gu Yan's pretentious and cool appearance caused dissatisfaction among the powerful people present.

Ji Kong slapped him directly.

In front of countless powerful people, a big bag slapped Gu Yan on the head.


Blood gushed out!

Gu Yan, who was just pretending to be as cool as the wind, staggered, turned upside down in the void, his head and body separated, and was slapped away a hundred feet.

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