All the people who came to watch the ceremony today were big names in Xuanjie.

They all took a wait-and-see attitude towards Gu Yan's sudden appearance.

Even the elders guarding the door could think of the problem, so these big names could naturally think of it.

This person who was wanted by the entire Xuanjie of Chongxuan Pavilion could appear here openly, holding a big bell in his hand. He dared to attract hatred like this, and he must have something to rely on.

The elders present in Chongxuan Pavilion were also ready to take action at the first time, suppress Gu Yan, drag him down and torture him severely.

But there was a person present who was faster than them!

Ji Kong!

He looked at Gu Yan pretending to be cool, and his hands immediately itched!

The head of the Ji family, who had his own son killed because of Gu Yan, and even half of the Ji family was destroyed because of him, was extremely disgusted with Gu Yan!

Not to mention, he knew the attitude of the saint towards Gu Yan very well.

This Gu Yan dared to snatch a woman from the saint.

Others could hold back, but he couldn't!

For the Ji family and the saint, he must resolutely kill Gu Yan's arrogance at this time!

After seeing Ji Kong angrily attack and slapping Gu Yan in two, all the guests fell silent!

Not long after, a cheer rang out:"Good!"

"well played!"

"The head of the Ji family has good intentions. On a big day, there has to be some blood to bring some joy!"

God damn, blood brings joy!

" As soon as these words came out, countless eyes turned to the cheering person!

It was a fat man with a bloated figure and a square face who was applauding.

He was dressed in silk and satin, and wore a rustic and huge gold bracelet and gold chain on his wrists and neck. The main theme was arrogance! The eldest son of the Li family!

Li Zhengyang!

Many people recognized the identity of this fat man at once.

As expected of a man who started out as a business, he is really good at talking.

Many bigwigs murmured, they glanced at Gu Yan, although Gu Yan's head and body were separated, he was still a young genius after all. Ji Kong did not dare to kill him on his own initiative, he just wanted to kill Gu Yan's spirit, so he deliberately held back. Now Gu Yan's body is busy looking for his head.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Gu Yan finally put his head back on his neck.

He stared at Ji Kong with wide eyes and growled:"Ji Kong!!"

"Because you are my brother's father, I won't bother with you."

Ji Kong sneered:"Who are you calling your brother? My Wenfeng is too high to be with you."

Li Zhengyang also shouted at this time:"Gu Yan, who do you think you are? How dare you come to watch the ceremony? Hurry up and kill yourself on the spot to celebrate for the saint!"

Faced with his former friend, Li Zhengyang did not hesitate to get close to him and use his full power!

What friends or not.

After he offended the saint, Gu Yan had already been blocked by him.

Not to mention that their Li family was well-informed and knew that although the Ji family was punished by the saint, they later turned a disaster into a blessing and obtained many quasi-saint-level skills!

Saints are rare, but such a generous saint is simply hard to find even with a lantern!

Originally, he was worried that he would not be able to find an opportunity to lick the saint, but he did not expect that Gu Yan, the loser, would appear at this time.

Li Zhengyang did not even hesitate, and directly attacked Gu Yan!

Commit suicide on the spot, to celebrate the saint??

When Gu Yan heard this, his pale face turned blue.

Why didn't he realize that Li Zhengyang's mouth was so poisonous before! He had secretly moved his heart to kill, and decided to kill Li Zhengyang after inviting the saint!

He came with the purpose of making a big fuss, and immediately gritted his teeth and shouted coldly:"Celebrate the saint? You lick stinky feet!"

"Chongxuan Pavilion is also a transcendent force. Nangong Qin, this bitch, sold her body for a little bit of profit. She has no shame and is willing to humiliate herself. She is a concubine and has to hold a wedding ceremony. She is really a whore who wants to build a memorial archway. There should be many of you who come to see the joke today, right?"

This is quite vicious!

In a few words, Chongxuan Pavilion and Nangong Qin were belittled to nothing.

A queen in Zhaixing Tower immediately sneered,"A little bit of profit? You have grown up so big, is your brain made of water? Do you know what a three hundred jin quasi-saint-level technique is? Don't say three hundred jin, if you bring me ten quasi-saint-level techniques, I will say you have a promising future."

After hearing Gu Yan's ridiculous remarks, a beautiful woman in Wanfa Ziran Pavilion couldn't help it. She sneered,"What's wrong with being a concubine? If you have the ability to take three hundred jin, I will be your concubine. Don't say concubine, I can even be your foot-washing maid, idiot!"

Another female saint from a transcendent power also sneered:"You are young and full of energy, so you take things for granted. You don't even know how much advantage your former master took. Now you say it as if you suffered a loss."

"I heard that you, little guy, have feelings for Pavilion Master Nangong. Fortunately, your Pavilion Master is not blind, otherwise the entire Chongxuan Pavilion would be harmed by you."

Gu Yan's words are ridiculous!

This is a fantasy world where the strong prey on the weak!

What can a three hundred kilogram quasi-saint-level technique bring!

Any top-level strongman with a little bit of brains knows the value of it!

In fact, they were too lazy to criticize Gu Yan, but after hearing her words, these stunning goddesses were jealous!

So jealous!

Just like they said, with such an opportunity, let alone being a concubine, even being a foot-washing maid would make you happy!

Gu Yan didn't expect that no one in Chongxuan Pavilion objected, but instead, people from other forces jumped out to humiliate him.

These big guys are all top goddesses in the Xuan Realm!

He used to look up to them!

Each of them had a 36-degree mouth, but said such cold and cruel words.

It was so cold!

Gu Yan was furious.

Even the Great Sage Qingniu, who was watching remotely through the Qingtian Mirror, couldn't help smacking his lips:"In other words... this girl from Chongxuan Pavilion can get a three hundred kilogram quasi-saint-level technique just by being a concubine?"

"Who is this Chu Sheng? He is so arrogant!"

"Even I, Old Niu, was a little tempted."

Three hundred kilograms!

" Although I knew that Gu Yan was being hunted by Chongxuan Pavilion, Gu Yan never mentioned the matter of Xuanjie, so Bai Xin'er was not very clear.

After hearing this, even she was shocked.

Quasi-saint weapons weighing tens of tons, and quasi-saint skills weighing hundreds of kilograms!

Did that guy dig up the tomb of the emperor?

The quasi-emperor is not so rich!

She was very uneasy.

With her previous rank, a mere three hundred kilograms of quasi-saint skills certainly could not move her.

But... put yourself in their shoes.

If there are really so many, although it is not to the point of selling your body, selling some other things is not impossible to consider!

"That guy appeared."

Just when Gu Yan was shaking with anger.

In the Qingtian Mirror, Bai Xin'er's pupils shrank, and she saw a familiar figure slowly emerging from the fairy platform below.

Today, Chu Feng's profile was as perfect as a sculpture, and his eyes were as deep as the starry sky.

He was wearing a lavender robe, with the luster of the sun and the moon on it, and his temperament was lazy and rich.

Next to him was Nangong Qin, who was wearing a bright red dress, with skin whiter than snow, and a cold face on her stunning face.

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