In the meeting hall, one could hear a pin drop.

Pairs of eyes, as big as bells, stared at the sword in Nangong Qin's hand in amazement.

It looked familiar, very familiar.

Nangong Qin:(๑•. •๑)

Elder Jiang: w(゚Д゚)w!!!

The elders: _=͟͟͞͞(•̀=͟͟͞͞(•̀д• =͟͟͞͞(•̀д• )

Nangong Qin subconsciously raised the sword, and the flames of the golden holy sword illuminated the hall. The two words"Emperor of Heaven" on the sword were dazzling!



Elder Jiang raised his finger tremblingly, pointed at the sword, and stammered:"This, this, isn't this the Emperor of Heaven Sword?"

The Emperor of Heaven Sword, what a supreme weapon! ?

Even if Nangong Qin is a great king, how could he pick up the Emperor of Heaven Sword so easily without the permission of the master?

What does this mean?

Everyone looked at the purple-robed boy who was smiling and sitting casually on the chair with his legs crossed.

Elder Zhang was round and his mouth was also very round. He blurted out:"Saint Chu, so you are the Emperor of Xuan!!"

At this time, everyone understood!

What the hell are you asking the Great Saint of the Sima family!

It turns out that the Buddha is worshipped in his own temple!

"No wonder! No wonder! No wonder Chu Sheng told the Pavilion Master earlier that everything was under control and asked us not to worry. So that's how it is!"

"Absolutely! It’s really fucking amazing!"

After the elders reacted, their faces were all broken with laughter.

To be honest, when the Xuan Realm was undergoing a great change and life and death was at stake, some of them might have had doubts in their hearts, thinking that this Chu Saint was boasting so loudly that nothing could be seen at the critical moment. It turned out that it was not that he didn’t pretend to be awesome, but that he pretended to be too awesome, and these stupid old guys couldn’t react at all!

Bang bang bang bang!

A series of muffled sounds rang out!

It was even more amazing!

The elders looked at Elder Sun in horror, and he slid down to his knees on the spot and kowtowed to Chu Feng several times:"Thank you, Emperor Xuan, for saving the people, saving Chongxuan, and saving my life!!"

Elder Sun is also a very honest person.

He said before that he would kowtow to the master of the Heavenly Emperor Sword, so he had to kowtow!

He didn't care about his image as the master of the Medicine Hall of Chongxuan Pavilion at all!

When he slid to his knees, the other elders were immediately confused and looked at each other.

How about we kowtow too?

The Emperor Xuan was a person from the ancient times, it's not shameful for them to kowtow!


Just when the elders were about to learn the spirit of Old Sun, Chu Feng quickly stretched out his palm, turned his palm from vertical to downward, and signaled them to stop:"The Emperor Xuan has nothing to do with me, don't recognize the wrong person."

When he saw the portrait of the Emperor Xuan, for some reason, he instinctively felt a little disgusted.

No, it has nothing to do with me.

I am so kind, it must be that this Emperor Xuan did something wrong.

Speaking of which.

This Emperor Xuan is so boastful, could he be a destined protagonist?

He squinted his eyes and thought for a while.


You are not the Emperor Xuan?

Elder Sun was dumbfounded, and he looked at Nangong Qin.

Nangong Qin pursed her lips and nodded to him gently.

My husband is most likely not the Emperor Xuan, and I have judged it just now.

If it is the Emperor Xuan, he will definitely not be so crazy about himself.

Men like to say that they are big, strong, and good.

Who would say their mother?

She had an in-depth exchange with Chu Feng and knew that he Not only strong, but also very strong.

This is an absolute male chauvinism, how could he say this about himself?

Elder Sun’s wave of gratitude just now thanked the wrong person, which might make her husband unhappy.

She did not speak, but nodded slightly to Elder Sun to confirm the information.

How to deal with it depends on him personally.

Just now, Elder Sun was the most pious to Emperor Xuan and roared the loudest.

This time it was completely awkward.


It doesn’t matter, cultivation is not about fighting and killing, but about human relations and worldly affairs.

Elder Sun has his own little tricks to resolve embarrassment.

Bang bang bang bang!

He shouted again without hesitation:"Thank you Emperor Chu Tian, save the people, save Chong Xuan, and save my life!!"

Nangong Qin:"……"

Elder Jiang:"……"


Where are you putting this doll?

No! This bastard knocked it a little more!

Even more pious!

An elder noticed it keenly and called Elder Sun smooth.

Chu Feng raised his eyes, smiled at him, waved his hand and said:"It doesn't matter, this Emperor has never cared about these empty names, Elder Sun, I feel your heart."

With his wave of his hand, Elder Sun's kneeling body naturally stood up.

What surprised him even more was that at this time, his whole body was comfortable, all the previous hidden injuries disappeared, and even the cultivation that had not improved for many years had a tendency to loosen.

Chu Tiandi, awesome!

Elder Sun was ecstatic.

Seeing this, Nangong Qin quickly handed the Emperor Sword in her hand to Chu Feng, and said softly:"My husband's big sword is really dazzling. The elders seem to be too surprised. In a moment of excitement, they mistaken your identity. I apologize to you on their behalf."

Chu Feng took the Emperor Sword, and seeing Nangong Qin deliberately cooperating, he smiled at her:"So that's the case. I'm sorry for you this time."

He couldn't resist Nangong Qin's desire just now, so he took out the Emperor Sword for her, not to show off, there was no need, and he was least good at showing off.

But playing is playing, and making trouble is making trouble.

I, Emperor Chu, killed all the invading demons in the Xuan Realm with one sword, and I have to make it clear.

Wearing brocade clothes at night, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, that's what the protagonist of destiny likes to do.

As the saying goes, an open man doesn't pretend to be a dark man.

He is a villain, and he has done a good thing, so of course he has to admit it openly.

When the Emperor of Heaven's sword killed all the monsters, it was not that he did not want to show up and show off, but he had just unlocked his new god-level identity, and the amount of information poured in too much at once, and the CPU almost burned out, so he could only casually strike with a sword.

When he came to his senses, all the monsters were gone.

Chu Feng was very sorry that he did not see the shocked expressions of the Xuanjie masters.

What surprised him was the woman Nangong Qin.

Although he did not have any feelings for Nangong Qin before, he just regarded her as a tool to complete the task, and their communication was more of an exchange of interests.

But after these days of contact, he found that he admired her a little.

High emotional intelligence, sensible, responsible, not crying or making trouble, she is a good woman.

Nangong Qin pursed her red lips and knew what Chu Feng was talking about.

The wedding ceremony had been ruined because of Gu Yan and the big things that happened afterwards.

She was just a concubine and had no right to ask for anything more.

It was wronged.

At this time, Elder Jiang on the side made a sneaky suggestion:"Well, in this case, do you want to hold the wedding again?


"Emperor Chu Tian saved the people of Xuanjie, but the people of Xuanjie didn't know about it yet."

"I just happened to take this opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding. What do you think, Emperor Tian?"

He just thought about it.

No, it's not right.

Saving the people of Xuanjie is a great fortune!

All living beings will be grateful, and it can be said to be a great merit. It would have been fine if we didn't know it before.

Now that we know it was done by Emperor Chu Tian, we still want to let the Emperor Xuan who is jumping around who knows where take the credit. Then where is our Emperor Chu Tian's face?

No, this guy must help Emperor Chu Tian to put it back!

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