Tianwu Small World, this is a world smaller than Xiaozhu World.

A girl in a white dress, with a delicate face like a painting, and a faint pink on her fair skin, as if she is a peach blossom blooming in early spring, shy and delicate.

She sits cross-legged in the void, with the fluffy fox tail behind her gently swaying in the air.

The breath on her body swallows and retracts, as if absorbing countless vitality around.

Late Four Extremes.

Early Dragon Transformation


In less than an hour, the aura of the fox-tailed girl has undergone several qualitative changes, and her realm has been continuously broken through, reaching the peak of the immortal stage.

"I am finally reaching the Great Power Realm. My elder sister is so cruel that she made me practice for so long."

"But it is indeed like what my elder sister said, I seem to have gradually forgotten that person when I was immersed in cultivation.

The girl muttered, thinking in her heart

"What is this?

Suddenly, a red letter with a gold border floated over the grassland and landed in front of the fox-tailed girl.

"Princess, be careful."

With a stern shout, a sturdy man with horns on his head flashed out and stood in front of Bai Xin'er, looking vigilantly at the letter that appeared so suddenly that he didn't even notice it.

At this time, the innocent and pure color in Bai Xin'er's peach blossom eyes faded, replaced by a tranquility like a deep spring.

She waved to the Green Ox Monkey King and said,"It's okay, there's no danger.

" With a flick of her white hand, the red letter unfolded and the content jumped out before her eyes.

Looking at the letter, Bai Xin'er's eyes flashed with surprise.

This guy, has taken a concubine again?

How long has it been?

"No, that's not the point."

"We hid in Tianwu Small World, how did he find me again?"

Bai Xin'er put down the invitation letter, her heart sank.

When she sensed the pressure of Emperor Wu sweeping the Xuan Realm that day, she took Qingniu Dasheng to hide in this Tianwu Small World.

This small world is extremely hidden.

And as a safe house, she and Qingniu Dasheng arranged many hiding methods here.

The most important thing is that this time she was determined to hide until she was invincible before coming out again, so in this small world, she arranged a two-way isolation!

Not only can the outside world not find Tianwu Small World. Even if they were in Tianwu Small World, even the previous quasi-emperor Qingtian Mirror could not detect any movement from the outside world!

Not to mention the Great Sage, even if Emperor Wu came in person, he would subconsciously ignore it if he didn't know she was hiding here.

And this guy... found her again!

This made Bai Xin'er think about it carefully.

At this time, Qingniu Dasheng had already widened his eyes with curiosity, saw the content on the invitation letter clearly, and said in shock:"Fuck! Is it that Chu? Holding another concubine ceremony? Is he a stud?"

"Wait, how did this guy find us?……"

He also reacted, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly.

He had been hiding in the small world in the wilderness before, and he didn't even know that he was found at his doorstep.

This time he hid in a more hidden place, but he was still discovered. Even the Great Sage Qingniu was a little confused.

He came back to his senses and looked at Bai Xiner with a thoughtful look on his face:"My lord, should we hide somewhere else? This place has been exposed."

Bai Xiner held the somewhat hot invitation in his hand:"No, let's go to the Xuanjie."

The Great Sage Qingniu was surprised and said:"Go to the Xuanjie? Emperor Wu...……"

Bai Xiner narrowed her eyes and waved her hand, saying,"Since this guy dares to hold another wedding ceremony with such fanfare, it must mean that the crisis in the Xuan Realm has temporarily passed."

"The Xuanjie should have repaired the magic arrays on the three passages."

"That man probably had some special skills to evade the Emperor's detection."

"If my judgment is correct, Xuanjie should be calm and safe for the time being."

The Great Sage Qingniu disagreed. He scratched his head and said,"Even if Xuanjie is safe, we have just been making trouble in Xuanjie for so long. Now this Chu guy invites us to his wedding. It must be a bad omen."

Bai Xiner nodded and confirmed his statement,"That's true. But it was you, Qingniu, who made trouble in Xuanjie. What does it have to do with me? I will go alone this time. You stay in Tianwu Small World and take care of other tribesmen." The

Great Sage Qingniu:???

I am just a runner. Your Majesty is the mastermind behind the scenes.

Having said that, it seems that what he said makes some sense.

Before the monarch appeared in Xuanjie, no one else knew about it except the Chu guy.

He hesitated to speak,"But...your safety."

Bai Xiner smiled faintly,"Without the Emperor Wu, no one in Xuanjie can keep me."

"I don't think that man invited me this time to watch the ceremony. He must have seen how powerful the Emperor Wu is and is in a state of panic. He wants to join forces with us."

The Great Sage Qingniu hesitated and said,"But, this Chu is a human after all, he may not be reliable."

Bai Xiner walked to the edge of the grassland and looked up at the blue sky:"It doesn't matter whether he is reliable or not. Facing a terrifying opponent like the Emperor Wu, no matter how many thoughts you have, you have to restrain them and deal with them with all your strength, otherwise you will die."

"That man is very smart, he definitely understands such a simple truth."


Three days later, the sky was a little gloomy, with thick clouds.

The gate of Chongxuan Pavilion.

A chubby old man wearing the clothes of the Chongxuan Pavilion elders rose into the air and shouted angrily:"Get lost!"

Suddenly, a terrifying spiritual pressure dissipated, and the clouds disappeared one after another as if being chased by a dog. The sky suddenly cleared up and the sun was blazing.

Elder Zhang nodded with satisfaction:"The sky is clear and the scenery of heaven and earth is magnificent. It is a good time for marriage. Even the heavens are supporting it. Today's wedding will be perfect."

He rubbed his hands in anticipation.

This time, the wedding ceremony was reopened, and the scene was even bigger than before. Even some saints and great saints who had not appeared in the world before were invited.

These days, he saw some old friends from other forces still bragging about the Xuan Emperor!

He sneered and felt superior.

What is the Xuan Emperor?

It's outdated and out of date!

Now in the Xuan world, only my Chongxuan Pavilion Chu Tiandi is the best!

When he thought about the saints and great saints staring at Emperor Chu Tian in shock, Elder Zhang was so excited that his fat was shaking!

This is even more exciting than pretending to be cool!

Soon, a rainbow of light appeared in the sky.

Elder Zhang bowed and said,"Master Ji, we meet again."

"Elder Zhang."

Ji Kong smiled and threw a golden light. A shout suddenly rang out from the mountain gate:"Ji Family, the head of the Ji family is here! Gifts - quasi-saint weapons, a pair of Liuyun Tianxin bracelets!" Quasi- saint weapons! This is a big deal.

Elder Zhang was a little shocked:"Master Ji spent a lot of money, please come in."

Ji Kong smiled, and without much greeting, he went inside.

Not long after, a rainbow flashed in the sky again.

"Taikun Immortal Palace, Palace Master Li has arrived! Gift - a Jade Void Mist Ball!"

"The master of stargazing has arrived at the Star Picking Tower! Gift - a Qinghui Purple Star!"


Chu Feng is now a great saint in the eyes of many transcendent forces.

Even when the wedding ceremony was reopened, they did not perfunctorily give gifts, which were even more expensive than last time.

But as time went by, the auspicious time was gradually approaching, and Elder Zhang became a little anxious.

The strong men from all the transcendent forces have come, but until now, there is still no great saint, not even a saint, which makes him feel empty! If you don't come, I will have to eat less braised pork at this banquet today!

Elder Zhang suddenly fixed his eyes and saw a petite and beautiful girl slowly walking in the air in the distance.

The girl's eyes were like glass, her breath was ethereal, and her pair of snow-white jade feet stepped in the air, tender and cute, very eye-catching.

Elder Zhang's heart was slightly shocked, and he found that he could not see through the breath of this girl!

He is a great king, and even he can't see through it...

He understood it instantly!

Which saint is this?

When Elder Zhang was surprised, the girl smiled and cast a light at the mountain gate below.

There was a burst of noise and clamor below, which seemed to be extremely excited.

Soon, Elder Zhang's ears moved slightly. After learning about the treasures received below, his pupils dilated and he was shocked!

He looked at the girl in disbelief and swallowed his saliva subconsciously. However, a breeze came to the girl and bowed slightly, saying,"Saint, please let me know your name, so that Chongxuan Pavilion can remember your friendship."

The girl laughed like a silver bell:"Call me Bai Sheng."

After she finished speaking, she stepped lightly on her jade feet and walked towards the direction of Baiyu Xiantai.

In order to cooperate against Emperor Wu in the future, she valued that man very much. This gift was a big loss.

Bai Sheng?

This Xuan Realm is too vast, and there are endless strong people. I am so ignorant of the name of Bai Sheng. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Elder Zhang looked at the back of the stunning girl and was slightly surprised.

An unprecedented and extremely loud shouting sounded from below, resounding throughout the Chongxuan Pavilion.

"Bai Sheng——Here!"

"Gift—one ounce of Wudao tea!"

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