Bai Xin'er was holding the teacup, stunned.

The scent of tea lingered in her nose like a cloud.

She felt a cool breath coming towards her, washing away the dust in her heart and making her feel relaxed and happy.

"This is……"

She looked down at the tea in the cup in disbelief.

The tea soup was clear, and circles of Dao patterns naturally appeared on the surface of the soup, evolving into countless mysterious principles.

The most shocking thing was the tea leaves at the bottom of the tea!

The tea leaves showed a deep dark green color, as crystal clear as jade.

She was very familiar with this tea leaf and recognized it at a glance.

"Enlightenment tea? ?"

"A penny is put in such a small tea bowl? Are you crazy? Can't live like this? ?"

Her pupils dilated slightly and she took a breath of cold air!

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, the correct way to use a penny of enlightenment tea is to take a special large jar, put a penny of enlightenment tea in it, and soak it in the best spiritual spring for 9981 days, then you can get a jar of enlightenment spring!

Now, in such a fist-sized tea bowl in her hand, there is actually a penny of enlightenment tea!

What a waste of nature!

Before Bai Xiner could think more, she heard a friendly greeting from her ear:"Friend Bai, would you like to drink this tea? I'm a little thirsty."

Si Budao from the next room wiped his nose with his fingers and asked"I'm sorry".

Bai Xin'er's eyes flashed and she looked at Si Budao. Could it be that this great sage of the human race found that there was something wrong with my tea?

She looked at Si Budao's table. The sumptuous dishes were untouched. The cup of tea bowl, well, was being held in the other party's hand like a treasure, and his fingers were clenched so tightly that veins popped out:"Don't you have it?" Being stared at by Bai Xin'er like this, Si Budao's old face turned red, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. He quickly opened the lid of the bowl, raised his hand and poured it out, gulping down the tea.

What's even more outrageous is that after the old guy finished drinking the tea, he even stuck his tongue in, licked the entire tea bowl clean, and rolled the enlightenment tea in the tea bowl directly into his mouth.

"Crunch Crunch Crunch……"

Just like a starving ghost reincarnated, he ate wildly!"……"

After Si Budao finished showing off, his eyes lit up and he said,"Now I don't have any more, but I'm still thirsty. If you don't drink,……"

"No, I refuse."

Bai Xin'er hugged her tea bowl and looked at him warily. Could it be that the old man also had a penny of enlightenment tea in his tea bowl?

She immediately understood something. This Chu guy was so generous? Si Budao and I both gave him enlightenment tea, and he returned the favor by giving it to us?

He was thoughtful. The key is that enlightenment tea is used as a base, not for drinking!

But soon, Bai Xin'er and Si Budao's faces froze.

"Holy crap! Holy crap! This tea is not right, fellow Taoists, this tea is not right!!!"

"Wrong?? What's wrong? It's just a bowl of tea... Holy shit!!!"

"This tea…gulp…dong…gulp…enlightenment tea! It’s enlightenment tea! Oh my god!"


Screams rang out one after another.

Bai Xiner looked over and saw that the Xuanjie strongmen who had just sat on the cloud platform and looked decent were howling and falling!

Some people held the tea bowl without caring about their image, carefully, as if they were holding their little wife.

Some people's eyes were shining, and they excitedly covered their sleeves and covered the tea bowl behind their robes.

There were also people who looked around and locked their eyes on those who didn't drink tea, trying to trick their fellow Taoists like Si Budao!

It's a pity that there were too many"wow" sounds in the audience!

Others who didn't care at first picked up the tea bowls in their hands and started to see the clues.

Then... crazy!

The eyes of the Xuanjie strongmen were shining!

Enlightenment Tea Enlightenment Tea Enlightenment Tea!!!

This is actually Enlightenment Tea!!! There are hundreds of people present today, and everyone has it!!

Is this something a human can do?

When they found out that there was enlightenment tea for them, many people didn't care about anything else and hurriedly picked it up and drank tons of it.

Then, some people started to make breakthroughs and some started to realize the truth!

The sky, which was noisy just now, suddenly became more than half quiet, leaving only various brilliant visions caused by enlightenment, like auspicious signs.

"Enlightenment tea? Where did it come from? ?"

The elders were dumbfounded!

They hadn't arranged it!

No, even if they had arranged it, there was no such holy item!

Soon, they realized how dumb they were!

This is Emperor Chu Tian!!

What he said was meaningful, how could it be so simple?

This must have been arranged by Emperor Chu Tian, right!?

I don't know if they ate well, but everyone almost drank it to heaven!!

Elder Jiang held the enlightenment tea tremblingly:"Everyone has the enlightenment tea, I surrender! Conquer! Too domineering! Those who didn't come today will regret it for the rest of their lives!"

Take a sip of tea!

The effect is so good that Elder Jiang realized it on the spot!

They helped Chu Feng read the pretentious manuscript ten thousand times, but none of them had a bowl of enlightenment tea in hand, which was so refreshing and direct!

What is enlightenment tea!?

I don't know how many people will realize the truth and break through the realm today.

Even if the matter of the Emperor Sword is not exposed, this favor is enough for all the strong people who came to the Xuan Realm today to remember for a lifetime!

He bumped his shoulder with Elder Zhang, who was sipping beside him, and sighed with emotion:"Old Zhang, do you understand? What is pattern? This is pattern!!"

Elder Zhang was almost choked to death, and hurriedly held the tea bowl in his hand, shouting awesome!

He suddenly remembered something, and looked at Bai Sheng with mixed feelings. Bai Sheng seemed to be stunned.

An inexplicable feeling arose.

This one or two pieces of enlightenment tea... doesn't seem to be that much.

"All of them?"

Bai Xiner was stunned when she saw this scene!

"Even if each bowl costs one cent, with so many people, it would weigh several kilograms.……"

Her pink lips were trembling, and her fists were clenched:"This guy is getting more and more hateful."

Several kilograms of enlightenment tea were taken out to entertain guests.

What kind of family can do such a thing?

Even Emperor Wu couldn't do it!

But she happened to see it with her own eyes.

At this time, Bai Xiner also realized.

He could come up with such a big hand.

This guy not only has enlightenment tea, but also may have at least dozens of kilograms!

She also felt the complicated gaze of Elder Zhang at this moment, which made her feel like sitting on pins and needles!

Bai Xiner thought of the scene where the one or two taels of enlightenment tea she had just sent were drunk crazily by Chongxuan Pavilion.

And she was looking forward to Chu Feng's surprised expression after receiving the enlightenment tea, and suddenly her whole body was numb.


Too embarrassing!

I can't raise my head in front of that guy anymore.

Bai Xiner's snow-white jade feet unconsciously grabbed the ground with her toes, and it felt like she could dig out a three-bedroom and one-living room!

The skin, which was whiter than snow, was even more pink because of shame, and the blush was like a cloud on her cheeks, which was charming and breathtaking.

However, no one cared about this beautiful scene at this time.

Even Si Budao didn't know when he walked away. Bai

Xiner saw this old guy running to Sima Qi, who was holding the enlightenment tea and fell into the state of enlightenment. He carried a pot of spiritual spring water and kept pouring it into the tea bowl in Sima Qi's hand, and kept drinking it. Tons, tons, tons, in just a short while, he drank five bowls of the one-cent enlightenment tea, which was really a scam.

No matter.

This is a rare opportunity, I will drink it too!!

She took a deep breath, drank the bowl of tea in her hand without hesitation, and began to enlighten.

Unknowingly, the auspicious time has arrived.

Many people are still immersed in the state of enlightenment.

Chu Feng came quietly with Nangong Qin.

Chu Feng was still handsome.

Today he changed into a lavender robe, with stars flowing on it and traces of the myriad things, like a god descending to the earth.

At this moment, he swept his eyes across the audience, with a smile in his eyes.

"Not bad. My guess is right."

He treated these guests to enlightenment tea, not to show off, but to verify his guess.

Most of the Xuanjie strongmen present today are the top combat forces of the Xuanjie.

After taking the enlightenment tea, many of them have made breakthroughs.

Every time someone breaks through, the Xuanjie origin in the star bead on the Eternal Gate increases a little.

Accumulated, the scale is quite large.

Chu Feng made a simple calculation. If he could accumulate the origin to half a grid, he might be able to push the door open completely.

Push open a gap, and you will be promoted from the late emperor to the peak emperor!

If you push it all open, won't you take off directly? ?

And what he paid was just a few kilograms of enlightenment tea.

It's a bloody profit!

He used so much enlightenment tea to soak his feet, and he didn't know what was so good to drink.

What surprised Chu Feng even more was...

At this time, a system prompt came to his ears!

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