[Good news: The host has successfully won the hearts of the people and is deeply loved by the powerful people in the Xuan Realm. He is in line with the fate of the villain and is rewarded with ten tons of enlightenment tea】

【The protagonist of the destiny, Emperor Wu, encountered a sudden disaster, his luck was damaged, and his destiny value was reduced by 30,000. You get a destiny treasure chest*1】

【The protagonist of Destiny, Emperor Wu, encountered a life-and-death catastrophe, his luck was damaged, his destiny value was reduced by 50,000, and you obtained 1 Destiny Treasure Box. 】

At this time, three system prompts sounded in Chu Feng's ears.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes.

What the hell is the first message?

Buying people's hearts? ? ?

I'm just doing an experiment, how can it win people's hearts?

Is it necessary?

I'm as handsome as the readers, and there are people who pay for me even if I stand there and do nothing. Is it necessary?

Good news, dog system, is this the emotional value you provide me? ?

Chu Feng felt the new pile of green leaves in the sea of gods, and he was speechless.

It was not easy to spill a few pounds of this enlightenment tea, and I got another ten tons. Now, let alone soaking my feet, I can't even use it up for a bath.

【Dear host, the Emperor Wu exploded. 】

The system was like a traitor and quickly changed the subject.

Chu Feng's heart moved and he focused on another piece of news.

The Emperor Wu exploded!

The destiny value decreased by 80,000 in the blink of an eye. What happened?

Could it be that the Immortal Scroll took effect?

After a glance, he found that most people in the audience were still immersed in enlightenment. He remained calm, and the Emperor's divine consciousness randomly descended to a passage in the Xuan Realm and directly poked in.

After passing through the passage, Chu Feng was stunned. It was pitch black on the opposite side!

The Emperor's divine consciousness was like falling into an abandoned planet in the desolate universe.

In the perception, it was all storms!

The breath was chaotic.

Is this Immortal Scroll a nuclear bomb? How did it make the opposite side even more outrageous than Xiao Ri Zi Island?

Chu Feng quickly took back the Emperor's divine consciousness. In this situation, let alone looking for the Emperor Wu, there was no place to find him.

Imagine a huge typhoon sweeps over, and you have to run from your company in another city back to your happy hometown that was blown up to the sky, and then find the pants that were blown away from the balcony. How much effort would it take? It would be better to wait until the storm on the opposite side is over.

The emperor withdrew his divine consciousness, and Chu Feng also understood why no monsters came from the opposite side of the Xuanjie channel recently.

77 channels seem to be a lot, but in fact they are basically concentrated in a certain area of the opposite world.

The opposite world is almost the end of the world, no wonder no one has come in the past few days. Could it be that I had just exited the channel a few days ago and the opposite side had exploded?

Chu Feng was thoughtful and felt that the Emperor Wu was really a piece of shit. He actually did such a thing that angered the heavens and the people. He must teach him a lesson next time they meet.

At this time, the first batch of Xuanjie strongmen who fell into the state of enlightenment have gradually awakened.

They all had surprises on their faces, holding the tea bowls in their hands as if they were holding the urns of their ancestors, cautious and careful.

"Saint Chu, please accept my greeting!"

"I have no way to repay your kindness today! If you have any questions in the future, just tell me, I will go through fire and water for you!"

Suddenly, a strong shout came from his ear.

Chu Feng looked over and saw a strong man on the platform with a glowing look in his eyes. His whole body was like a reborn body!

At this moment, he jumped off the platform, half-knelt on the ground facing Chu Feng from a distance, clasped his hands together, and his tiger eyes were full of brilliance.

"Ji Kong was originally a great king, and this time he suddenly realized that he might have a chance to become a saint."

At this time, Nangong Qin's voice came to her ears, with some envy in her tone.

Becoming a saint.

It was once within reach, but because of Gu Yan, it became an unattainable dream. She often regretted it. Now seeing Ji Kong's appearance, her mind was full of thoughts.

"I, Guanxingzi, will remember the kindness of Chu Sheng in my heart. If Chu Sheng has any problems in the future, Zhaixing Tower will always be there."

"Thank you, Saint Chu! I finally made a breakthrough! After being stuck in the late stage of the King for three hundred years, I finally made it today and will hopefully become a Saint in the future. This is all thanks to your enlightenment tea!"


Ji Kong woke up from his epiphany, and other strong men also woke up one after another, their faces flushed, and they learned to thank Ji Kong.

Some of them relied on the enlightenment tea to comprehend the wonderful method, some broke through the shackles that had troubled them for many years, and some even had the feeling of becoming a saint. It won't be long after today, and there will be at least three or five more saints in the Xuan Realm.

This is both a favor and a cause and effect.

And what did they do?


Isn't it just a simple meal and an ordinary gift?

Who in the Xuan Realm hasn't experienced such ordinary communication a thousand times?

No one wants to get anything from it!


But damn, he actually invited me to drink enlightenment tea!!

Is there any justice or law?

We are not familiar with each other at all! How can I drink enlightenment tea?

And enlightenment tea that costs one penny per person!

This kind of thing should only happen in dreams, okay?

All the Xuanjie strongmen who drank the enlightenment tea were extremely grateful to Chu Feng at this time, and they regretted it from the bottom of their hearts!

I really deserve to die!

Why didn’t you send all the secrets of the sect to me!! ?

Chu Sheng is at a loss!

I am at a loss for him!

Bai Xiner was also very touched when she saw this scene.

Although the enlightenment tea was not of much use to her, it was of great use to her younger sister, and she was destined to owe him a favor.

She was suddenly stunned for a moment

"No, didn’t I come here today to give you three coins of enlightenment tea? How come I drank one coin and now I owe you a favor? ?"

Bai Xiner was a little confused. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

At this time, Chu Feng looked at the Xuanjie strongmen who were floating up from the cloud platform one by one, and smiled faintly,"Haha, sit down, it's a basic operation, nothing to be surprised about."

Si Budao immediately said,"Yes, yes, yes! Chu Sheng's auspicious time has arrived, Sima Qi, you little bastard, hurry up and sit down, don't embarrass yourself."

Sima Qi's face flushed red, watching his ancestor grab the enlightenment tea in his tea bowl and run away, his mentality collapsed. This ancestor was getting more and more shameless, drinking my tea, stealing my tea, and running away. If it weren't for the fact that you are my ancestor, I would have severed ties with you on the spot!

Chu Feng's words made all the powerful people in the Xuan Realm listen and sit back in their seats.

Elder Jiang also came out again at this time. He nodded slightly to Chu Feng and asked for instructions.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and Elder Jiang rubbed his hands expectantly and announced:"Then, next, the wedding ceremony will officially begin."

"Today, at the Chu Sheng wedding, we will use the ancient ritual that has been passed down in our Chongxuan Pavilion for a long time - the combination of two swords!"

The elders also became excited at this time.

Although the pretentious opening move was interrupted.

But the big move still has to be released, even if the effect is worse than expected, it will definitely blind everyone's eyes.

Si Budao frowned and said:"The combination of two swords? ? What kind of ritual is that?"

"Isn't a wedding ceremony just about causing some strange phenomena and letting the Heavenly Dao witness the marriage?"

The other Xuanjie strong men were also a little confused.

However, no one would be blind enough to question it at this time.

Elder Jiang said expectantly:"Fellow Taoists must be very confused. The so-called double swords are two magic swords unsheathed, symbolizing that as long as two people are together, they can exert greater power, and the Heavenly Dao will have to say it is good."

The other strong men were a little confused. Considering that it was Chu Sheng's wedding, there must be a deep meaning. They could only agree:"This ceremony is a bit strange."

Chu Feng looked up at the sky.

Just like this?

He asked the elders to appear purely because Elder Jiang and others said mysteriously that they wanted to give him a surprise.

In the end, they relied on this to show off?

Your imagination seems to be a little lacking.

She frowned slightly at this time, and she felt that something was wrong:"Husband, how about letting me stop them from making trouble?"

Chu Feng glanced at Nangong Qin.

Nangong Qin had a beautiful and refined face, with sparkling eyes.

Her wedding dress was as gorgeous as clouds, and the exquisite embroidery shone with a gorgeous luster under the light, as if the morning glow in the sky was draped over her body.

Even with her brows frowned, she was still beautiful beyond words, with a charming style, like a ripe peony, making people want to hold it in their arms and play with it.

He smiled and waved his hand and said,"No, it's a happy day, it's okay to be casual."

"By the way, the wedding was ruined due to some things, which made you feel wronged. I have prepared a little gift for you."

The wedding was busy chasing the Gate of Eternity, and the wedding was ruined by Emperor Wu. This account will be settled with him sooner or later.

The only one who was wronged was Nangong Qin.

A child who doesn't cry or make a fuss should not be without candy.

"little things?"

"No, I didn't think so much."

Nangong Qin's hands gently held her hair, and her flawless face was radiant.

This extremely beautiful woman, whose inner qualities were carefully carved by time, made her understand what it means to be content.

At this time, Elder Jiang had learned from the previous lesson, and after a brief explanation, he said loudly without any nonsense.���Said:"Now - the ceremony begins!"

"Please draw your sword, Saint Chu!"

"Please draw your sword, Master!"

Chu Feng stepped forward.


The purple star robe moved without wind, and he raised it casually, naturally and unrestrainedly.

Above the sky, all the clouds suddenly rolled up, forming a vortex.

In the center of the vortex, the golden holy bridge fell down!

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