The magnificent bridge connected directly in the vortex of the sky and fell down.

This holy bridge is the vision that countless powerful people in the Xuanjie dream of!

The Saint Bridge!

Once the Saint Bridge is activated and recognized by the Heavenly Dao, you can be promoted to a saint, and from then on you will be completely transformed. Not only will your life span reach ten thousand years, but your physical body can also withstand the void storm for a short time and travel to other worlds!

This means that if a world encounters a devastating disaster, the saint can at least run!

This is the gap between the saint and the king!

In the Xuanjie, the Great King is indeed awesome, but in front of the saint, you can only be a younger brother!

Si Budao glared and said,"Bridge of Sainthood? Which fool without eyes becomes a saint on such a grand day as someone's wedding?"

Bai Xin'er was startled and said hesitantly,"It seems... that guy brought it here himself."

Elder Jiang stayed where he was, his eyes dull,"Bridge of Sainthood? No... isn't it about drawing a sword? Emperor Chu Tian, what are you doing? Why don't you play by the rules?"

Elder Zhang beside him also had a dull look in his eyes,"Bridge of Sainthood.���Bridge, such a supreme vision, can it be summoned? Open your eyes, open your eyes."

Elder Sun also looked dull:"Why did Emperor Chu Tian summon Chengsheng Bridge? Could it be that he wanted to... But the Pavilion Master has already……"

Everyone's eyes fell on Nangong Qin. Chu Sheng had already become a saint, so naturally he couldn't use the Saint Bridge himself. He could only lead it to others.

But everyone in Chongxuan Pavilion didn't know that Nangong Qin had been seriously injured once, and his future was cut off. If he wanted to become a saint, even if he could activate the Saint Bridge, the Heavenly Dao would not agree to such a mess!

The moment Nangong Qin saw the Saint Bridge, her body trembled, her eyes were filled with tears, and she gently hugged Chu Feng and said,"My husband is thoughtful."

"I accept this kindness, but even if the Saint Bridge falls, my current body cannot bear it, and the Heavenly Dao will not approve of my advancement to the Saint Path."

She did not expect that the little thing Chu Feng mentioned would actually become a Saint Bridge, and she was very moved.

Not being able to become a Saint has always been her obsession.

This is also the real reason why she is willing to be a concubine.

But now this man, who has always been casual and seems to not care about anything, gave her a surprise at the wedding.

The Saint Bridge.

Even if he only took a look and appeared for her alone, it was enough to move Nangong Qin to the extreme!

At this moment, her feelings for Chu Feng reached the peak.

【Nangong Qin's favorability towards you has been raised to the maximum value, and the hidden task completion rate has reached 300%. The hidden task has been automatically completed, and you have obtained a flawless gift package. Do you want to open it? 】


When Chu Feng received this prompt, he almost forgot that there was still a hidden task to be done.

This Saint Bridge was picked up by chance when he was strolling with Gu Yan before. It is useless to keep it in his hands, so he might as well give it to Nangong Qin. Unexpectedly, he would complete this hidden task on a whim. The jade-like body in his arms was smooth and warm. Chu Feng smiled and said to her,"Don't say that. You can even bear it for me, how can you not bear the Saint Bridge?"

"Just follow my arrangements."

His unquestionable tone startled Nangong Qin.

She knew Chu Feng's ability, and he must not be joking when he said that.

But even if the injury can be cured, it is impossible to pass the test of heaven.

At this time, the magnificent Saint Bridge in the sky had fallen to less than a hundred meters above Nangong Qin, and would soon be connected with her.

Bai Xiner's peach blossom eyes flickered:"This guy doesn't really want to give the Saint Bridge to this woman, does he? It will destroy her."

Nangong Qin has two difficulties in becoming a saint.

The first point is that her physique is flawed and she cannot bear it.

The second point is that the Heavenly Dao will not compromise.

Thinking of this guy's domineering hand, there may be a way to solve the first point, but how to solve the second point?

The Heavenly Dao is the supreme will and absolutely follows the rules of the world.

What's more terrible is that if there is a dispute with the Heavenly Dao, it will be hostile to all Heavenly Daos, and it will be in big trouble when going to that world.

Although the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanjie world is completely incomparable to the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Demon World, even if she is at her peak, she will not easily go against the Heavenly Dao.

"This holy bridge has fallen"

"What on earth is Chu Daoyou thinking about?"

Si Budao, who had been acting out of tune all along, now looked extremely solemn.


However, no matter what the people present thought, the Sainthood Bridge fell down! It landed directly on Nangong Qin's head.

The golden light reflected her beautiful and flawless face, making it look holy and elegant.

"Pavilion Master."

Elder Jiang and others all clenched their fists, extremely nervous.

Fortunately, they believed in Chu Feng. This was Emperor Chu Tian, an invincible figure at the quasi-emperor level. He must have his own reasons for doing this.

Nangong Qin also gently closed her phoenix eyes.

Although the Saint Bridge was brought by Chu Feng, she could interrupt it at any time if she wanted.

She chose to believe Chu Feng without reservation at this moment.

Seeing this, Chu Feng curled his lips.

He patted her on the shoulder, and the Innate Chaos Sutra in his body started to operate at will.

As a god-level technique, the Innate Chaos Sutra has too many wonderful uses.

After only running a circle in Nangong Qin's body, all the hidden injuries disappeared without a trace.

The golden light of the Saint Bridge sank into Nangong Qin's head, and her whole body was like a piece of glass shining, and a powerful aura burst out from her!

She is being promoted to a saint!

It only takes one stick of incense to be promoted to a saint!


At this moment, there was a sudden violent tearing sound from the sky.

Then, a magnificent power that made everyone present change color pressed down

"Heavenly Way"


Si Budao choked his neck and roared, then with a vigorous step, he crawled under the cloud platform and shrank.

The other Xuanjie strongmen were also in a mess at this time.

Although most of the strong men in the world often talk about the Heavenly Dao, there are not many people who have truly felt its terrifying pressure.

It is a completely different kind of pressure from the pressure erupted by the cultivators. It is cold, rigid, and ruthless like a wolf king who controls all beasts.

Everyone who has been swept by it feels like a salted fish that has been locked in an ice cellar for more than ten years.

The huge difference in the food chain makes it difficult for them not to tremble.

"We meet again. You rubbish Tiandao."

Chu Feng glanced at Tiandao and raised his hand. Last time he met Tiandao through the Great Destiny Talisman. Although Tiandao did not deliberately show it, he still keenly perceived that Tiandao seemed to be a little afraid of him?

Since you are afraid of me, then I will not be polite!


A golden holy sword burning with brilliant power soared into the sky.

The terrifying sword power, relying on Chu Feng's imperial power, was so powerful in the void!

With the appearance of this golden holy sword.

The cold and terrifying pressure in the void suddenly paused, as if a little confused.

Anyone dare to resist?

And this person... The breath seems very familiar?


It's the killing god who killed my son of destiny!


Even if we don't mention the last time, Tiandao seems to have a spirit and is inherently afraid of Chu Feng.

The next moment, the intimidating pressure receded like the tide.

The golden glass light on Nangong Qin's body became more and more perfect, and she became a saint in an instant.

Bai Xin'er: ???

Si Budao: ???

Xuanjie strongman: ???

Chu Feng: ???

He ran away?

What the hell, didn't I just call you trash?

He didn't expect that Tiandao would run away.

This guy doesn't look like a wolf king, but like a husky.

Everyone gasped!

No one expected that things would change like this!

As Tiandao receded like the tide, the golden light on Nangong Qin's body gradually faded, but her aura became more and more perfect!

Nangong Qin, became a saint!

Nangong Qin's wish was fulfilled, her eyes were red, she looked at Chu Feng affectionately, and thanked softly:"Thank you, husband."

Chu Feng laughed, hugged her and whispered:"How should I thank you."

Nangong Qin blushed, and said in a voice transmission:"The wedding is not over yet, let's talk about it later."

The two people's little interest was not noticed by anyone.

Because what happened just now was really too crazy!

Family members, who would believe it!

I just saw someone chase Tiandao away like a dog!!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Ji Kong couldn't help but sighed in a low voice:"This ceremony of combining two swords is actually like this... It's worthy of being the Saint of Chu."

Bai Xiner heard this and the corner of her mouth twitched.

This is obviously not that ghost ceremony, even a blind man can see it.

Even so, she inexplicably felt some strange emotions in her heart at this time.

This stinky man seemed a little strange from the one she knew before.

He was willing to offend Tiandao for a great king.


"That, the words engraved on the sword!!"

Just when everyone was confused.

Elder Jiang screamed loudly, trembling all over, staring with eyes wide open, pointing at the Emperor Sword.

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