Although Elder Jiang's acting was exaggerated, the effect was indeed explosive.

Originally, everyone was still immersed in the shock that the Heavenly Dao was really gone after Chu Feng's two words.

After being reminded by Elder Jiang, everyone subconsciously looked at the sword.



Why does this sword look so familiar? ?

Once you look at it, you can't move away.

This sword edge, this sword body, and this color...

Soon, Elder Zhang, who had been prepared for a long time, was the first to react. His face turned red in an instant, pointing at the sword and shouting:"The Heavenly Emperor Sword! This is the Heavenly Emperor Sword!!"

Zhaixingzi's body shook wildly, and he shouted in disbelief:"What! Chu Sheng, he turned out to be the Xuan Emperor!!"

Chu Sheng is the Xuan Emperor! ?

After recognizing the Heavenly Emperor Sword, the Xuanjie strongmen were all dumbfounded.

They never expected to see the Heavenly Emperor Sword that killed all the demons in Chongxuan Pavilion!

Even more unexpectedly, the owner of this Heavenly Emperor Sword would be Chu Sheng!!

If this is the case, then everything can be explained!

What is the identity and status of the old man Xuandi?

The invincible figure in the ancient times of Xuanjie has returned!

Isn't it very reasonable that the great saint who suppressed the demon clan, slashed the demons in the other world with swords, and shouted back the way of heaven?

They naturally thought that Chu Feng was the Xuandi!

After all, it was the Xuandi who made the move before, and it had been personally certified by the great saint Si Budao!

Even Si Budao was shocked, his round face was full of surprise:"Fuck!" He said hurriedly:"I knew that Chu Sheng was handsome and extraordinary at first glance, and he was the first-class in the world. Compared with Chu Sheng, I am like a firefly to the bright moon."

Bai Xiner was also shocked.

Xuandi, this stinky man is also a quasi-emperor!

Is this the identity he has been hiding all the time?

When she thought of this, her face inexplicably turned red again.

Everyone is a quasi-emperor, no wonder she always failed in her previous calculations against Chu Feng.

In the final analysis, it was still too careless.

It's really hidden so deeply.

Fortunately, fortunately, when the Origin Supreme Treasure was revealed, she did not confront him head-on. Thinking of how she had only briefly tested Chu Feng when the Origin Supreme Treasure was revealed, and did not attack him directly, Bai Xiner felt a little relieved.

If she had attacked at that time, this guy would have held the Origin Supreme Treasure and was a quasi-emperor. If she had confronted him head-on, she would have been able to escape, but the green ox would have been roasted.

Nangong Qin had long known Chu Feng's identity, and at this moment, she was inexplicably proud and puffed out her chest, and the majestic mountains almost broke through the wedding dress like clouds.

At this time, Chu Feng saw Nangong Qin's promotion to sainthood, and he also looked away, and heard the shocking voices around him.

With a raised hand, the Heavenly Emperor Sword flew back like a dog that was greeted by its master, and drilled into Chu Feng's sea of mind, and he did not speak.

At this time, Nangong Qin had already opened her mouth slightly, and her voice resounded throughout the audience:"My husband is not the Xuan Emperor."

Not the Xuan Emperor?

This voice was like thunder in the plain.

Everyone looked at it in disbelief.

Seeing Nangong Qin speak, Chu Feng stood beside her, but did not refute, but nodded lightly.


Is there a Quasi-Emperor in my Xuan Realm?

This made everyone present doubt their lives.

Guan Xingzi trembled and said,"If it's not the Xuan Emperor, who else could it be? Your strength is definitely that of a Quasi-Emperor. The sword that flattened the demons made me dream of you when I was practicing." Ji Kong took a deep breath, and he was more direct, pretending to kneel down on both knees:"No matter who you are, Chu Sheng, you have saved the Xuan Realm from fire and water. This is a fact. Please accept Ji's worship!"

Elder Sun was anxious. He was in the limelight. It was finally my turn. Why is there someone stealing my script?

I have been rehearsing for this scene for several days!

He slid down and knelt down very skillfully:"Thank you, Emperor Chu Tian! I, Sun Miao, will kowtow to you first!"

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Ji Kong was stunned. Seeing Elder Sun stealing the show, he immediately knelt down.

Someone took the lead.

At this time, whoever doesn't kneel will be embarrassed!

Moreover, many people wanted to kowtow to Chu Feng because of the kindness of the Enlightenment Tea.

Now they knew that Chu Feng was a quasi-emperor and a great benefactor who saved the Xuan Realm.

Now they had no more burden.

Suddenly, everyone knelt down, and the wedding ceremony was in chaos.

"" My husband, what should I do?"

Nangong Qin, who had become a saint, looked at the entire White Jade Fairy Terrace area.

Except for the two saints who came to watch the ceremony on the top cloud platform, everyone knelt.

Chu Feng smiled and waved his hand:"It's okay, just call me Chu Tiandi, don't call me the wrong name again."

The name Chu Sheng is not nice.

Don't get involved with the sissy Emperor Xuan.

Chu Tiandi, this name is just right.

It has a little bit of domineering and a little bit of arrogance.

It is very suitable for the fate of a villain.

Hearing him say this, all pairs of eyes suddenly looked up at the sky.

Chu Tiandi?

They silently remembered this name.

No one had the courage to really inquire about Chu Feng's origins.

There was no need for this.

Just look at the power of the Tiandi Sword.

If Chu Tiandi wanted to deal with them, they would have died long ago.

Just kneel down and sing a song of gratitude!

"Emperor Chu Tian! It's all Si Budao's fault. He was the one who talked nonsense and we mistook you for him!"

At this time, an enthusiastic person named Sima Qi jumped out to report it!

Si Budao, who was sitting at the top with an embarrassed look on his face, also realized at this time that he had mistaken you for someone else.

"Why? How can you admit your mistake?"

"The sword on Emperor Xuan's body is also Emperor Tian's sword."

"This, this is a huge sin."

Si Budao murmured in his heart.

This is a big deal!

The great merit of saving the people was almost lost because of his few words.

If this Chu Tiandi took it seriously, he would be torn apart on the spot.

""Emperor Chu Tian, misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

He threw his sleeves and flew down from the highest fairy platform in the sky.

"Sima Qi, you little bastard, stop spreading rumors here"

"I didn't know that there was such a selfless quasi-emperor in our Xuan Realm who secretly controlled the universe and protected all living beings."

Si Budao shouted and flattered

"This is my problem, my problem! I beg Emperor Chu Tian to forgive me, I am willing to be punished."

He made an unexpected move.

Knowing that he had made a big mistake, he slid down and knelt in front of Elder Sun in public without hesitation.

The whole audience was shocked.

This great sage, where is your integrity? You kneel down when I say kneel??

Bai Xiner was also stunned.

Even the stupid Qingniu has his own great sage dignity and can't do such a shameless thing.

Chu Feng was also stunned, he looked at him indifferently.

Although this matter really has little to do with Si Budao, after all, no one would have thought that there is a great emperor like him in the Xuan Realm who secretly controls the world and protects all living beings.

But there must be dignity.

In view of the fact that the other party gave three coins of enlightenment tea when he came, he said indifferently:"What do you think?"

Si Budao stretched his neck and said:"If you make a mistake, you will be beaten"

"Please give me a chance to reform."

"I have been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met a wise master. If you don't abandon me, I am willing to be your foster father!"

After he finished speaking, he kowtowed to Chu Feng.

Sima Qi:"……"

Nangong Qin:"……"

Chu Feng:"……"

You, your grandson's face is full of wrinkles, and you still want to recognize me as your godfather?

Where is your moral integrity?

Seeing Chu Feng silent, Si Budao kowtowed again, begging with tears streaming down his face:"As long as godfather accepts me, even if I have to drink enlightenment tea every day and copy the quasi-saint level exercises as punishment, I will be willing! Please godfather." ps: I changed the update, and three chapters will be released at the same time in the evening. Do you like this, or do you like it in different time periods as before? ps2: Please generate electricity for love!

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