Si Budao's smooth and flowing operation stunned everyone present.

Oh my God!

Is this possible?

Bai Xin'er was stunned. She had cultivated for so long and had never seen such an unscrupulous operation.

Sima Qi's veins popped up. It was so embarrassing to have such an ancestor!

Recognize Chu Tiandi as your godfather? ?

Do you really want to recognize him?

Your abacus beads are about to fall on my face! You still drink enlightenment tea and copy the quasi-saint level exercises. What are you thinking!

This unworthy ancestor!

No, no!

I have to take him away quickly. I can't let him continue to embarrass himself here.

When Sima Qi was about to carry his ancestor away, he was suddenly startled, as if he thought of something.

Looking at Si Budao's tearful eyes, begging with tears and snot, and knocking his head from time to time.


If the ancestor can really recognize Emperor Chu Tian as his adoptive father, then wouldn't Emperor Chu Tian have to call me a good grandson? ?


There is such a good thing!

Sima Qi woke up with a start!

He silently dismissed his previous thoughts, and began to nervously watch the expression on Chu Feng's face, silently praying in his heart that the ancestor's wishes would come true!

What expression could Chu Feng have?

He looked at Si Budao indifferently.

If the full score for this operation is 10 points, Chu Feng is willing to give him 8.4, because he really has 1.6.

However, wanting to be his son is wishful thinking.

He actually didn't have much prejudice against Si Budao.

The first time he came to Chongxuan Pavilion to attend the wedding, he gave him three coins of enlightenment tea.

Now there is such a sincere apology attitude, and his face has been saved. It is enough to stop at the right time.

Just when Chu Feng was about to slap Si Budao away


【Sensing the appearance of a qualified character, the villain system - the lackey module is activated】

【As a qualified villain, who is able to plan and have an overall view of the situation, how can he not have a group of qualified lackeys?】

【Activating the running dog module allows the host to receive special rewards when accepting a running dog. 】

??? ???

Chu Feng suddenly heard a system prompt in his ear.

What the hell?

What is the running dog module?

Chu Feng was stunned for a moment, but soon understood it, and his mouth twitched.

Running dog means little brother. If the dog system is not well-educated, you can consult me first, and don't add drama to yourself.

Complaining in his heart, he looked at the system panel without changing his expression, and found that next to [Achievements], there was a new entry [Running Dog].

His eyes fixed, and the [Running Dog] panel expanded.

He found that Si Budao's name appeared on it.

Si Budao

Realm: Late Great Sage

Current relationship: Passerby

Loyalty to the host: 99

【Tip: Si Budao meets the conditions and can be accepted as a lackey. 】


Chu Feng suspected that his eyes were blurry, and deliberately looked at Si Budao's loyalty.

Damn, this guy is not doing it, I treat you as a guest, you actually want to be my son?

He was shocked.

Si Budao is a great saint in the Xuanjie after all.

In this Xuanjie, he is definitely a top existence. The first time he met me, his loyalty was so high, and he also pried open the heart of the system in one fell swoop, and helped him activate the lackey module with his own strength.

Shocked, quite shocked.

What is this guy trying to do?

Chu Feng was shocked in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged. He looked at Si Budao and said lightly:"Forget about the foster father. If you really want to work under me, I still lack a gatekeeper here." Is this okay? It really touched Emperor Chu Tian? ?

The people around were stunned.

What kind of person is Emperor Chu Tian? A quasi-emperor!

The most important thing is that he is arrogant and generous.

Even if he can't be an adopted son, being a subordinate is also a good deal.

Si Budao was also stunned immediately. He didn't expect Chu Feng to have this attitude.

The round-faced man's black eyes showed surprise, and he quickly patted his chest and assured:"It's okay, as long as my godfather is willing to let me hang out with you, I'm willing to see any gate."

He really wanted to hug Chu Feng's thigh sincerely.

Few people know that he can get to where he is today by hugging legs.

When he was the king, his nickname was the leg-hugging king!

Whoever has the thickest legs, he will hug their legs tightly!

Absolute loyalty, absolute obedience!

Work diligently and conscientiously, practice steadfastly!

There is no such thing as face.

This is how he has always handled things, but he has lived too long and outlasted many of his contemporaries. In addition, he has cultivated to the level of a great saint, and he can't even find his legs when he wants to hug them. This often makes Si Budao secretly sad!

Unexpectedly, this time he came to Chongxuan Pavilion on a whim, and was originally planning to pull Chu Feng, the Great Sage, into the group and run away. Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a supreme quasi-emperor, and the dead memory suddenly began to attack him!

It was a particularly exciting feeling! All the cells in the body were excited and exploded!

Chu Feng smiled:"That's what you said. Also, don't call me godfather. If you call me that again, go back to where you came from."

Si Budao looked in all directions of Chongxuan Pavilion without changing his expression:"Emperor Chu Tian, I, Si Budao, have always been very consistent in my words. Which mountain gate do you want me to go to? I'll go now."

Chu Feng smiled and said:"Aren't there 77 gates? Now they are all under your care. You take good care of them. If something goes wrong, I will trouble you."

77 gates?

Everyone was puzzled. Where are there so many gates?

Bai Xin'er and Nangong Qin suddenly moved their eyes, and they all looked involuntarily towards the direction of Wanzhang Mountain in Chongxuan Pavilion. Could it be that they were talking about that place?

Si Budao also reacted, he was struck by lightning, stammering:"Emperor Chu Tian, do you mean to guard the passage below the magic circle?"

"I'm afraid I can't watch this door by myself."

Chu Feng smiled:"It doesn't matter, you can leave at any time if you don't want to. I don't mind."

Si Budao was entangled. With his rich experience and sharp eyesight, he could see that this new thigh would definitely be worth holding.

But now this job... It's called guarding the door, but it's too scary!

Don't look at him as a late great sage, because of this, he knows very well how terrible the world on the other side is.

This is a test for me.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally seemed to have made up his mind and said:"Okay! I'll listen to you, Emperor Chu Tian, I'll help you watch these 77 passages first."


【Si Budao becomes your junior lackey, and his loyalty is permanently increased to 100%】

【Your destiny has improved. 】


Ultimate villain destiny? Is this the reward for taking in a lackey?

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, thinking.

"Why are you still here?"

He collected his thoughts and looked at Si Budao who had not left yet.

Si Budao looked at him eagerly:"What if there are too many people coming from the opposite side and I can't beat them?" Chu Feng asked curiously:"You should have the manners of a gatekeeper to guard the gate. No one is allowed to come in. Don't you know to call for help if you can't beat them?"

Si Budao wanted to cry but had no tears. Call for help, who else can he call in this Xuanjie except you?

He finally struggled for a moment. He didn't know why, but he trusted Chu Feng very much now and believed his words without thinking:"Then I will do as you say, Emperor Chu Tian."

Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder:"Do a good job, the future of guarding the gate is bright."

Si Budao turned around and left, turning into a cloud of mist, split into 77 paths, and disappeared.

Everyone was stunned.


How come in just a few words, Emperor Chu Tian sent Si Budao, who was just as cunning as a ghost, to guard the gate?

Is this the charm of personality?

Seeing everyone stunned, Chu Feng smiled and waved his hand:"Why are you all standing there? The wedding is not over yet, keep playing music and dancing!"

Oh oh!

Everyone woke up from their dream when they heard it.

The whole wedding became lively again.

In the background of a lot of flattery, this ordinary wedding finally came to an end.

That night, the moon was full in the high building.

Chongxuan Pavilion, a courtyard full of big red lanterns

"Hahaha! Lao Zhang, was my shout today the essence of the sword? If it weren't for me, the style of Emperor Chu Tian's sword would have been reduced by half on the spot!"

"Tsk! Lao Jiang, your acting is too exaggerated. If I hadn't reacted quickly, the guests would have definitely noticed that we were deliberately pretending."

"If you ask me, that's not the case. Emperor Chu Tian didn't follow our script at all. But I have to say that Emperor Chu Tian is Emperor Chu Tian. He is much better than the script we discussed for so many days. My kneeling was real! It was definitely not an act!"


The elders of Chongxuan Pavilion were in another small building outside the courtyard, constantly boasting about their high-end operations at the wedding ceremony today. The atmosphere was cheerful.

In the courtyard,

Chu Feng was hugging the charming Nangong Qin and was in the room that had been decorated long ago.

"Chu Feng, when are you free to talk?"

Bai Xin'er's voice came from his ear.

Unhappily, he replied,"Are you polite?""

What politeness?"

Bai Xin'er was stunned for a moment.

Before she could react, she felt a black screen in front of her eyes, and was knocked unconscious by Chu Feng.

After dealing with the rude guest, Chu Feng got busy with business.

At night, the high building was filled with moisture, and all things came back to life.

Until the next day, when the sun was high in the sky,

Chu Feng slowly got up and suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, and there’s still that perfect gift package that hasn’t been opened yet."

He looked towards the Sea of Gods, where a striking red treasure chest was quietly suspended.

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