Emperor Wu's face was livid, and he stared at Chu Feng and the two cows and horses behind him with murderous eyes.

Not to mention the two cows and horses, they were originally his subordinates, and recently because of betrayal, they have been on the wanted list of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

The handsome man in a black robe is indeed the guy who occupied Emperor Wu City.

This incarnation of the demon ancestor is really the demon ancestor summoned by this idiot woman. The other clones are really stupid. They even said that this person came from the wild small world!

When Emperor Wu thought about swallowing the blood of the enemy just now, he felt nauseous! As soon as he took it, he used the supreme secret technique to reject and suppress the blood.

But unfortunately, this blood was much more difficult than he thought. As soon as it entered his body, it completely merged with him and became indistinguishable.

It was already frustrating enough to encounter such a thing.

Now this stupid woman actually wants him to thank the incarnation of the demon ancestor. Why should I, Emperor Wu, bow to others in my life?

Emperor Wu raised his head calmly, his eyes flashing with coldness, his eyes like a sword, piercing Chu Feng.

���A slight sound.

The fair jade hand gently hooked the head of the Emperor Wu, pressed it down, and persuaded softly:"Bao'er, the demon ancestor is one of us, there is no need to be so indifferent. The grace of blood not only saved the declining fortune of our clan, but also greatly benefited you. No matter how much I thank you, it is not too much."

The face of the Emperor Wu turned black, and he said coldly:"Thank you for the blood of the demon ancestor."

His murderous intent was boiling in his heart, and he was extremely aggrieved.


Chu Feng looked at the Emperor Wu who was forced to press his head and dared not resist. He inexplicably had the illusion of a clear and stupid college student going home to visit relatives.

Under the halo of his old mother, is the Emperor Wu still the stubborn demon emperor?

Not to mention him, even the cattle and horses looked at each other, and looked at each other. They were not qualified to come to Tiankun Ancient Star before, let alone see the performance of the Emperor Wu.

Chu Feng patted the Emperor Wu on the shoulder with relief and said:"Don't be so polite. After all, your mother and I have a relationship here. We are all family. Just call me dad when you meet in the future."

Call me dad?

I'll call you horse!

Emperor Wu's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent!

You are taking advantage of me, right?!

""Demon Ancestor, is this really okay?"

Before the Emperor could speak, surprise flashed in Luo Hanyan's eyes, and there was disbelief in her tone, as if she had gotten a great advantage.

Chu Feng waved his hand:"Of course you can. Hanyan, don't be so formal, I still admire you very much, and since Baoer is your child, he is also my good son."

He gave Niu Ma a look.

The Demon Ancestor asked the Emperor to call him dad again?

What the hell, what the hell? Are you serious?

Niu Ma's heart was shocked. When the Demon Ancestor met the Emperor for the first time, he kept asking the Emperor to call him dad. They thought that the Demon Ancestor was mocking the Emperor, but now looking at the Queen Mother's performance, why the hell, it seems that there is some explosive inside story that we don't know???

Niu Ma and the others are very good at observing people's words and expressions, and subconsciously one of them took out a crystal ball.

""Mother, what do you mean? What did you do with him?"

Emperor Wu's face changed drastically, and his voice trembled when he heard Luo Hanyan's words.

Chu Feng hugged Luo Hanyan's shoulders with a calm face, and his fingers unintentionally pulled open one side of the shoulder strap on the long skirt:"Silly baby, it's like this, why are you still asking questions when you know the answer? Of course I did everything."


Luo Hanyan's beautiful face was stained with a blush, and she lowered her head gently. The charm of that moment was beautiful beyond words.

The white jade-like shoulders and the complicated"Chu" character were eye-catching.

Emperor Wu's eyes flashed with shock, and sparks were almost coming out of his eyes:"Slave seal? You……"

Luo Hanyan's eyes were like water, she leaned gently in Chu Feng's arms, opened her pink lips slightly, and said to Emperor Wu:"Bao'er, this is the price of summoning the ancestor, it's nothing, the demon ancestor is not in this world, this slave seal is more of a formality."

"Besides, Master Demon Ancestor has supreme bloodline after all, and he has already ascended to the immortal world."

"Although I have never been to the fairyland, I know that the power and status of the demon ancestor in the fairyland must be stronger than yours in the demon world."

"My mother had read some ancient books. It was said that some great emperors who became immortals could only be ordinary lower-class people in the fairy world. No matter how powerful they were in the past, they would be enslaved and work as miners in the fairy world."

"You need to have a longer-term vision"

"With your talent, you will definitely ascend to the immortal world in the future. I can't do anything else to help you. I can only ask the demon ancestor to sign the slave seal to pave the way for you."

"At first, mother just wanted to ask for some blood essence, but she didn't expect that Demon Ancestor was a real man who valued friendship and loyalty, much better than your father who passed away earlier. He is now willing to acknowledge you as his heir. If you are smart, you will have a backer when you ascend to the fairyland in the future."

"This is a great advantage for our Tianpeng tribe."

""Come on, call me daddy."

Luo Hanyan persuaded earnestly.

She was afraid that Emperor Wu would give up the amazing opportunity for his ridiculous self-esteem.

Emperor Wu was furious.

Especially when he thought of the scene of his mother in this body, entangled with his archenemy in bed, being extremely charming, and accepting the impact again and again.


His mentality collapsed!

Exploded! Cracked!!

Even if it wasn't because of the oath, the respect for Luo Hanyan in his bones made Emperor Wu tremble with anger at this time.

"Idiot, this idiot woman"

"You don't know how great I am."

"Once I become an emperor with the Nine-Turn Emperor Certification Method, I will be the most powerful emperor in history, and I can directly attract the immortal source and ascend to heaven in broad daylight."

"Then I will ascend to the immortal world and shine with great light. Mining? I will mine your ancestors!"

"What is a mere demon ancestor? Countless immortal kings are fighting to snatch me and give me overwhelming wealth and inheritance. Do I need an idiot woman like you to pave the way for me?"

He kept cursing in his heart, but his body honestly growled at Chu Feng:"Dad."

Seeing that the Emperor was so obedient, Luo Hanyan smiled sweetly.

Chu Feng smiled and this time he went a step further and patted the Emperor on the head:"Good boy, good son, so good."

The Emperor's white hair moved without wind, and his body trembled, like a volcano about to erupt.

Niu Ma and the others, who were not far away, were completely shocked at this time.

The crystal ball given to them by Lord Demon Ancestor can record images and pictures.

It is a quasi-emperor-level treasure.

They recorded this precious scene of Emperor Wu calling Chu Feng dad in all directions and 360 degrees.

What a big event!

This matter is too big!

It turns out that Demon Ancestor is really Emperor Wu's father!

They are all family!

A loving family!

If we had known this, we would not be afraid of anything. It is all their own internal affairs.

The Emperor Wu also sensed the movements of the two people at this time, and glared at them with murderous eyes.

Luo Hanyan hugged Chu Feng, with a faint fragrance in the air, and asked him:"Lord Demon Ancestor, if Baoer ascends to the fairyland in the future, I hope you can take care of him more."

Immortal world?

I haven't even been to that place, so I can't take care of this guy.

Chu Feng held the soft jade in his arms, waved his hand, and said arrogantly:"It's a small matter. I will treat Baoer as my own wild son."

Wild son?

This didn't sound right, but Luo Hanyan could understand what Chu Feng meant, and her smile was so charming.

"Bring it here!"

"Bring it to me!"

At this time, the Emperor Wu shouted angrily and finally couldn't help but take action.

Not to Chu Feng, but to the two Quasi-Emperors Niu Ma who had been holding crystal balls to take pictures.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Damn it!

If these images were to leak out, his reputation would be ruined.

Luo Hanyan frowned slightly when she saw the Emperor Wu take action.

After all, the Niu Ma Emperors were brought by the Demon Ancestor. She opened her mouth and said,"Baoer, you……"

""Shut up! You brainless idiot! You're going to kill me!"

Emperor Wu shouted angrily.

With infinite power, he slapped the forehead of Emperor Kuiniu.

If this palm landed, Emperor Kuiniu would surely die.

Suddenly, a purple nine-layered demon tower suddenly appeared and floated in the palace.

Infinite pressure pressed on Emperor Wu, and his breath suddenly dropped!

"Rebellious son, who told you to yell at your mother?"

Chu Feng frowned, waved his hand, and the Ten Thousand Demons Tower swallowed the Emperor directly.


Seeing Emperor Wu being suppressed by the Ten Thousand Demons Tower, Luo Hanyan was shocked and said quickly,"Master Demon Ancestor, please calm down. Bao'er just has a bad temper and doesn't mean any harm."

Chu Feng smiled lightly, and with a flick of his hand, he took out the Heaven and Earth Seal from the Sea of God and threw it to her:"Come, take a look for yourself, is it just a bad temper?"

What is this?

Luo Hanyan subconsciously took the seal and probed into it with her mind.

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