Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, half an hour had passed.

The memory scenes in the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth had been simply processed by Chu Feng, just like fast playback, and you could see them immediately by looking into it.


There was a muffled sound.

The Great Seal of Heaven and Earth in Luo Hanyan's hand suddenly fell to the ground, and her bright and colorful eyes were full of shock and despair.

She murmured,"It's impossible, it won't happen, it's fake."

All along, no matter what the Emperor Wu became or what realm he reached, in Luo Hanyan's heart, he was always the Bao'er who would grab her hand when she was a child and let her fly and soar into the sky.

But the memories in the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth completely shattered Luo Hanyan's heart.

The Emperor Wu was not her Bao'er. He was the real immortal who took over Bao'er's body.

Her Bao'er was killed by the current Emperor Wu many years ago.

If Bao'er hadn't forced the Emperor Wu to swear a great oath before his death, she would have been killed by the Emperor Wu long ago.

When seeing these scenes, Luo Hanyan's first reaction was disbelief.

Emperor Wu has been a filial son for so many years, and the entire ancient Tianpeng clan has seen it.

But now he suddenly told her that all this was an act.

The filial piety and respect that Emperor Wu showed in front of her, everything, was just because of the constraints of the oath.

Luo Hanyan's delicate body trembled, and she gasped heavily. That was the instinctive reaction of the body after being greatly stimulated.

Chu Feng watched indifferently from the side.

You have to believe it.

Many details in the memory of the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth cannot be fabricated.

Especially for Luo Hanyan, the real biological mother, it is too easy to distinguish.

In the final analysis, Luo Hanyan is a poor woman.

For Emperor Wu, she can sacrifice herself without hesitation.

But in the end, she found that all this was wishful thinking. Emperor Wu was not her son at all, but the murderer who killed her son.

He gave the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth to Luo Hanyan for his own plan, to use her, and to help her.

Emperor Wu is not a destined protagonist like Gu Yan in the traditional sense who likes to use a hypocritical mask to package himself, but a destined protagonist like a tyrant. In order to achieve his goals, he can do whatever it takes and use countless means.

Luo Hanyan, who is as white as a lotus, would have a miserable end if it weren't for this kind villain like him.

Chu Feng did not interfere with Luo Hanyan's acceptance of this cruel reality, and simply said a few words to Niu Ma, who was completely dumbfounded.

Niu Ma and Niu Ma were stunned, with three parts of surprise and seven parts of excitement.

As Chu Feng waved his hand and threw out a few treasures, Emperor Tianma disappeared, leaving only Emperor Kuiniu standing by with a crystal ball in his hand.

【Luo Hanyan, the mother of Emperor Wu, the protagonist of the destiny, has a strong hatred for Emperor Wu. His destiny value has been reduced by 100,000 points. You have obtained 5 destiny treasure chests. 】

A system prompt soon came to Chu Feng's ears.

His eyes moved slightly and looked at Luo Hanyan, who was in tears.

Oh? Have you finally accepted the reality?

Emperor Wu's destiny value has been deducted by 100,000 points. It seems that Luo Hanyan has a great influence on Emperor Wu's luck.

Emperor Wu, Emperor Wu, you really bring trouble upon yourself.

Chu Feng stepped forward and gently hugged Luo Hanyan's shoulders, like a warm man, and said in a caring voice:"Are you feeling better?"

The tears in Luo Hanyan's red eyes gradually disappeared. She stared at Chu Feng, her eyes gradually became clear and serious. She whispered:"Master Demon Ancestor, how did you know about this?"

Chu Feng smiled faintly and weighed the seal of heaven and earth:"You recognize it, right?"

Luo Hanyan nodded immediately:"Treasure... a treasure of the Emperor Wu, he attaches great importance to it and has been carefully nurturing it. I have only seen him use it once or twice."

Chu Feng said calmly:"This seal is actually mine"

"Not long after you summoned me, this Heaven and Earth Seal sensed my presence and returned impatiently. I found that there were some strange things on this seal for no reason, so I checked it out. I didn't expect it to be related to you, Han Yan."

"This time I came here to tell you this."

"All those things before were just simple tests. I need to verify the authenticity of the Heavenly Dao Oath. Don't take it to heart. I'm not interested in being the father of that kind of person."

Luo Hanyan bowed slightly and thanked Chu Feng:"I, I understand."

"Thank you, Master Demon Ancestor. If it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would have been kept in the dark by him. He is indeed not worthy of being your son."

Chu Feng looked at her with a faint smile and asked,"What are you going to do now?"

This woman is simple, not stupid.

After all, she has lived for such a long time and is a quasi-emperor.

He didn't believe that Luo Hanyan didn't know why the Emperor Wu sealed this memory in the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth.

Hearing this, a rare cold light flashed in Luo Hanyan's eyes, and her chest like a mountain rose and fell violently:"I need Master Demon Ancestor to help me, I want revenge."

At this time, the Emperor Wu, in her eyes, was no longer Baoer, but the murderer of her son.

How much she loved him before, how much she hates him now.

Chu Feng smiled, just waiting for you to say this, he waved his hand and summoned the Ten Thousand Demons Tower:"Follow me."

The Ten Thousand Demons Tower emitted a light purple light, instantly sucking in Luo Hanyan and the melon-eating Kui Niu Emperor.

At the bottom of the Ten Thousand Demons Tower, countless purple chains wrapped a figure like a cocoon, airtight.

Not far from this purple cocoon was the white-haired Wu Emperor who had just been captured.

"Damn it, I was tricked."

His face was grim, and he had already reacted belatedly.

Looking at the other clone not far away, which was wrapped like a dumpling and completely motionless, he still refused to accept his fate and was still struggling, trying to escape from the confinement of the Ten Thousand Demons Tower.

But it was obvious that he didn't have the ability to do so, and was just furious.

A flash of light appeared.

Chu Feng, Luo Hanyan, and Niuma appeared below. Looking at the imprisoned Emperor Wu, Luo Hanyan's eyes were slightly cold, and frost covered her beautiful oval face.

"Leave it to you to deal with."

Chu Feng smiled faintly and said to her.

Luo Hanyan took a deep breath and said to Chu Feng:"Master Demon Ancestor, please put him down. Untie all the restraints."

The cows and horses opened their mouths on the side, but did not speak.

What if the Emperor Wu escaped after untying his restraints?

Chu Feng did not care. In the Ten Thousand Demons Tower, under his nose, if the Emperor Wu could escape, he would be a cow baby from today.


He snapped his fingers casually.

All the chains on the Emperor Wu retracted into the lingering clouds like snakes.


A heavy and dull sound suddenly sounded.

The Emperor Wu fell directly to the floor of the bottom floor of the Ten Thousand Demons Tower.

Luo Hanyan, who was beside Chu Feng, twisted his waist and walked forward barefoot.

Even Chu Feng was a little curious about how Luo Hanyan was going to take revenge on the Emperor Wu.

""Evil beast, kneel down."

Luo Hanyan's clear voice, suppressed with anger, suddenly sounded.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and he gestured to the Kuiniu Emperor, who immediately took out the crystal ball, shook it, and started the recording mode.

The Emperor Wu, who was bound by the oath, knelt down with a gloomy face just about to escape. He shouted:"Mother, what are you doing? Get me out quickly, this incarnation of the demon ancestor is not a good person, and he definitely has no good intentions. Don't believe anything he says."

Luo Hanyan was furious, and said coldly:"Turn your back and take off your pants."

The Emperor Wu was stunned.

There was an expression of disbelief in his eyes. He turned around uncontrollably, and with trembling hands he pulled off the quasi-emperor armor covering his lower body.

The development of the matter was beyond Chu Feng's expectations, and he was also stunned.

He thought Luo Hanyan was going to stab the Emperor Wu twice, and go in and out seven times.

Why did this woman ask the Emperor Wu to take off his pants? ?

He was stunned for a moment, and quickly gestured to the Emperor Kui Niu, aiming the crystal ball at the Emperor Wu's white buttocks.

At this time, the Emperor Kui Niu's breathing slowed down by half a beat, his hands were a little stiff, and he asked dully:"Demon, Lord Demon Ancestor, can I take a picture of this?"

"Stop talking nonsense and focus on shooting"

"Don't call me Demon Ancestor, call me Director Chu, and work hard."


Kui Niu Di was confused and filled the camera with the crystal ball, taking a lot of photos.

Luo Hanyan raised her white palm aggressively.





She was spanking the Emperor Wu's butt!

It was like she was beating up a child.

Luo Hanyan's tears were sparkling, and with infinite strength, she hit out an afterimage!

"Ah!! Ah!"


The supreme emperor of the demon world, at this moment, stuck his butt out, like a naughty child who had made a mistake, was beaten to a bloody mess, howling continuously, it was very painful to the eyes!

"" Mother, what are you doing? Stop it now."

The horrified voice of Emperor Wu came.

He didn't feel any pain now, but being humiliated in front of his opponent made his mentality completely explode.

Luo Hanyan whispered hatefully:"I am not your mother, Emperor Wu, give me Baoer back."





"Bitch! Damn you bitch! Stop it! Stop it!"


When Emperor Wu realized what was happening, his face changed drastically and he cursed angrily.

This only made Luo Hanyan even angrier!

【The protagonist of the destiny, Emperor Wu, is socially dead in front of all the demons in the demon world, his prestige plummets, and his destiny value is reduced by 50,000 points. You have obtained 2 destiny treasure chests. 】

Chu Feng heard a system prompt in his ears, and he had not yet recovered from his astonishment.

He did not expect that Luo Hanyan, a quasi-emperor, would use such a primitive and slightly willful method to deal with Emperor Wu.

This is really...

It's really a show effect!

"It's you, you bastard!"

The Emperor Wu felt pain and figured out everything. He turned his head and glared at Chu Feng, as if he wanted to eat him with his eyes.

Seeing that the Emperor Wu's eyes were red, he looked straight at him.

Chu Feng's eyes moved, and he suddenly screamed and scolded the Emperor Kuiniu:"Little Niu, what's wrong with you, you idiot? Just shoot it! How can you broadcast this kind of thing live to the Heavenly Demon Realm? Now all the monsters in the Nine Heavens Realm have seen it, how can the Emperor Wu survive in the future?"

The Emperor Wu's eyes suddenly froze and his expression froze.

Live broadcast?

The entire Heavenly Demon Realm??

What the hell did you just do??

【The protagonist of the destiny, Emperor Wu, has a mental breakdown and a demon in his heart. His destiny value is reduced by 30,000 points, and you get 2 destiny treasure chests. 】

In his two lives, he has traveled the world and has never encountered such a despicable and shameless opponent.

Emperor Wu, who was already ashamed and angry, stared at the confused Kuiniu holding the crystal ball with his eyes wide open. He felt his eyes go black and the world spun. He fainted at Luo Hanyan's scream. ps: Three consecutive updates, please use love to generate electricity, five-star praise, kowtow to you, bang bang bang!

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