The vast Heavenly Demon Realm, the Seventh Realm, the core city.

In the heart of this huge city surrounded by countless buildings, stands a magnificent imperial temple.

The gate of the imperial temple is majestic and magnificent, inlaid with dazzling spiritual crystals and Kunpeng patterns.

Entering the imperial temple from the gate, in front of the main hall, there is a tall and sacred stone statue. The stone statue has a heroic outline, wings on its back, holding a halberd, and looking down on the world. It is the emperor of the Heavenly Demon Realm - Emperor Wu. In front of the statue of

Emperor Wu, incense is burning and green smoke is curling.

"Emperor Wu, please bless my kid to break through the Xiantai realm before this competition."

"Almighty Emperor Wu, can you lend me a ton of spirit crystals? When I run away... and break through to Sainthood, I will return it tenfold."

"Great Emperor Wu, I am an old sheep of the Qingqing Sheep Clan. Recently, the ewe that my little lamb has been pursuing is pregnant, but the child is not his. However, he still wants to marry this ewe. What should I do?"


The followers of Emperor Wu knelt devoutly in front of the Buddha statue, clasped their hands together, and silently recited their wishes.

Their faces were filled with piety and awe, showing their worship of Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu had unified the world of demons for five hundred years, bringing great changes to the entire world of demons. Countless demons worshipped Emperor Wu to the point of fanaticism. When Great

Sage Canglang walked into the Temple of Emperor Wu, he saw people coming and going from all directions, and the incense was burning. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling that his soul had been sublimated and cleansed:"The Temple of Emperor Wu is indeed extraordinary."

"I am ashamed. I am just a great sage. How ridiculous that I dared to look down on Lord Wudi before."

He felt a little ashamed.

After witnessing the defeat of the army of the Heavenly Wolf Realm and the escape of Emperor Wu, he found that he was slowly becoming unclean.

He gradually lost his awe of Emperor Wu, the supreme leader of the Heavenly Demons. He even occasionally had the illusion that"the little Emperor Wu is nothing but that."

If a great sage's state of mind is problematic and he cannot find the direction in time, it is easy to get into trouble.

So the Great Sage Canglang remembered what his mentor on the road of wolf life, the great spiritual leader of the Heavenly Wolf Clan, who had unfortunately passed away, had said.

The Temple of Emperor Wu is the most dazzling pearl in the Heavenly Demon Realm!

No matter what troubles you have, come to the Temple of Emperor Wu and under the guidance of the great Emperor Wu, you can get out of trouble easily. In the end, everything will be wiped out.

There are Martial Emperor Temples in almost every major city in the Heavenly Demon Realm, and their number is as numerous as the sand. When Great Sage Canglang arrived at the Martial Emperor Temple, he felt that his spiritual leader had not deceived him.

The previous blasphemous intentions towards the Martial Emperor disappeared the moment he stepped into the Martial Emperor Temple, and only piety and worship remained.

Just as he was quietly enjoying the long-lost peace in his heart and re-establishing his belief in the invincibility of the Martial Emperor in his heart, he suddenly heard a noise in his ears.

He looked over.

On one side of the Martial Emperor Temple, spiritual herbs and trees were swaying, and the spiritual energy was much richer than in many places in the city.

Many monsters who had paid homage to the Martial Emperor gathered here to stay and brag.

"Lord Wudi is so domineering! I wonder when I can meet Lord Wudi again."

"To meet the Martial Emperor? Don't be so delusional. In this remote place like ours, if you want to meet the Martial Emperor, you must at least become a Quasi-Emperor. By the time you become a Quasi-Emperor, the Martial Emperor would have already ascended to the Immortal Realm."

"Alas, forget about being an emperor. It’s already great if I can become a saint in this lifetime. What do you think of the Emperor Wu, what is he like in private?"

"Is there any need to think about this? Lord Wudi must be a wise elder, speaking in a gentle and elegant manner, with an outstanding temperament, and is the dream demon of all the female demons in our demon clan!"

"No, no, no! Look at the Emperor Wu's image. How can the Emperor Wu have such a temperament? To be able to unify our Heavenly Demon Realm, the Emperor Wu must be a killing god! Standing there, he is so majestic without being angry, and he scares the demons to piss themselves!"

"I think Lord Wudi must be a very charming male god. He can make a demon pregnant with just one glare from him!"

"Impossible! Emperor Wu must be a wise elder! You know nothing!"

"Emperor Wu is a killing god! Don't scream here!

"Get lost! Emperor Wu is a charming male god! Let's fight!"

"Damn it, just fight, who's afraid of you! Today the king of heaven is here, and Emperor Wu is also a killing god!"

"I told you to kill me! I told you to kill me! I’ll kill you, you bastard!"


There was a commotion.

Originally, everyone was just chatting and eating melons, but after all, this is the sacred Temple of Emperor Wu.

When someone talked about the image of Emperor Wu himself, it immediately angered a group of fanatical followers of Emperor Wu. The demon clan has always been tough, and the two sides fought over a disagreement.

The Great Sage Canglang was stunned.

Emperor Wu...what kind of person is he?

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth for some reason. As a strong demon clan member who had the honor of seeing Emperor Wu, he felt a little proud for some reason.

This group of believers would never have thought that Emperor Wu had several clones. Emperor Wu has everything you want!

Only fools would argue about such boring things.


The Great Sage Canglang had just come up with this thought, and suddenly his eyelids jumped, and he subconsciously looked up at the sky.

The sky was full of waves, and the originally thick clouds were dispersed by the inexplicable power. Countless golden lights pressed down with terrifying pressure.

"The Quasi-Emperor is showing his power?"

The face of the Great Sage Canglang changed slightly. This pressure was very familiar to him who had just experienced the battle in the Heavenly Wolf Realm.

When many Quasi-Emperors generously entered the Xuanjie channel to die, the pressure was similar to this.

In the Seventh Realm, a Quasi-Emperor is definitely a big shot. Why did he suddenly show his power?

He could clearly sense that this Quasi-Emperor's aura was not only showing its power in this city, but could be seen throughout the Seventh Realm.

Even the monsters fighting each other subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Soon, an illusory image came from the sky.

The image gradually became clear, and a figure known to the world in the Heavenly Demon Realm emerged.

The Martial Emperor

"Thank you, Demon Ancestor, for the blood you gave me."

The signal of the Emperor Wu in the video seemed to be a little bad, and it looked a little blurry, and only a little shadow could be vaguely seen.

The Great Sage Canglang immediately heard a familiar frigid voice.

The Emperor Wu was given blood by the Demon Ancestor?

This is a great opportunity.

He was slightly surprised, and the voice of the Emperor Wu's thanks clearly echoed throughout the Nine Layers Realm, allowing him to hear clearly and know what happened.

The picture on the sky was still slowly appearing at this time, but the voice came again.

This time it was not the Emperor Wu, but a casual voice.

"Don't be so polite. After all, your mother and I are related. We are family. When we meet in the future, just call me daddy."

Call daddy?

Who should I call daddy?

The eyes of the Great Sage Canglang condensed, and he looked at the sky carefully like the other monsters.

The picture on the sky was as high-definition as blue light at this time.

The Emperor Wu appeared in the picture, but he was not as majestic and domineering as the statue of the Emperor Wu in front of the Emperor Wu Temple. Instead, a jade hand pressed his head:"Quick, call daddy."

The Emperor Wu, whose head was pressed, growled at a black-robed man in front of him like a primary school student:"Dad." The black-robed man smiled and patted his head:"Good boy, good boy, so good."

"It's just a small matter. I will treat Bao Er as my own wild son."


The sound and the image came simultaneously.

All the demons were dumbfounded!

They looked at the sky in shock, and felt that their worldview had been impacted.

"Is this Emperor Wu?"

"The Martial Emperor is actually like this?"

These pictures and images are not just in the Seventh Realm.

The Nine Great Realms of the Heavenly Demon Realm and countless small realms all showed this scene at the same time.

When everyone saw the Martial Emperor who was as mighty as a god and high above them in their minds being pressed down on his head and called daddy, and still obeyed obediently.


Someone's heart was broken.

Along with the filter, the layers shattered.

Just like a glass mirror, it was covered with countless cracks in an instant.

What a bullshit elder, killing god, male god?

It seems that they only exist in their fantasy!

How can the real Martial Emperor look as obedient as a child?!

You are the Martial Emperor!

How can you just follow him? Calling someone daddy when you poop? ?

In the demon world, there are very few Martial Emperors who are as lucky as the Great Sage Canglang.

His image is like a god, engraved in the minds of every believer who worships him like a totem.

But now they saw with their own eyes that the Martial Emperor suddenly jumped from a high and mighty god to the mortal world, and in front of them, he humbly called a strange man daddy, and was even pressed on the head and patted...

Are you the Martial Emperor or a kid?

The Great Sage Canglang sighed, and when he heard the doubts of the surrounding demons, he subconsciously said,"This is indeed the Lord Martial Emperor, but why would he be like this?"……"

His words did not cause any waves.

"This is fake, this is fake, in my mind, Emperor Wu is the supreme emperor who conquered the world of demons, a god who has no right to change his words, how can he be compared to any of my followers?���Like a lamb that the ewe can't catch?"

Many demons saw the Martial Emperor for the first time. Their filters instantly shattered and they opened their mouths in disbelief.

"Everyone calm down, that woman is Emperor Wu's biological mother, the queen mother of the ancient Tianpeng tribe! Emperor Wu is the most filial person, isn't it normal for him to be respectful in front of his mother?"

"Didn’t you hear what the Emperor said? Thank the Demon Ancestor for the blood, that man is the Demon Ancestor! There seems to be nothing wrong with recognizing the Demon Ancestor as your father, I would also call him daddy if I were in your place!!"

At this time, some fanatical followers of the Emperor racked their brains to help save his reputation.

Yes, that man is the Demon Ancestor, if he is the Demon Ancestor, isn’t it normal for Lord Wu Emperor to behave a little differently than usual?

When some followers with broken filters heard this, it seemed to be the truth, and they couldn’t help but praise:"He is worthy of being the Emperor, a real man, even the Demon Ancestor is optimistic about him."

At this moment, new images and sounds appeared in the sky.

""Evil beast, kneel down."

The scene is not suitable for children. There is a white butt in front of you.

Then there is a quarrel.

"Mother, what are you doing? Get me out now. This demon ancestor incarnation is not a good person. He definitely has bad intentions. Don't believe anything he says."

"Turn your back and take off your pants."


Snap! Snap!

Snap! Snap!





The crisp sound, accompanied by the Emperor's cry of pain, resounded throughout the Heavenly Demon Realm.

At this moment, all the demons watched the Emperor being hung up and beaten by Luo Hanyan like a naughty child."……"

Devout believers of Emperor Wu Temple:"……"

All demon races in the Heavenly Demon Realm:"……"

Silence, so quiet that you can hear a pin drop in the Emperor Wu Temple, which is full of incense.

All the demons felt that their faith had collapsed.

Emperor Wu, how could you be like this?

We worship you so much, but we didn't expect you to be such an Emperor Wu! How can a person of such age still be spanked by his mother? ?

That can only be a naughty child!

How can a naughty child be trusted by the entire demon world?

Damn, it is a shame to believe in such a spanked naughty child!

The gods in their hearts burst like bubbles!

At this time, no matter how strong the faith of the Emperor Wu was, they all felt that their mentality exploded!

I don't believe in the Emperor Wu!!

The Great Sage Canglang, who had just regained his confidence in the Emperor Wu, also trembled at this time.

He was not angry, but felt ashamed!

It turned out that he had a sense of superiority!

He thought he was standing higher than these demons, and he really looked up to the Emperor Wu and knew how extraordinary the Emperor Wu was!

But now, the Great Sage Canglang was also stunned like a fool.

I am so stupid! Really!

It turns out that the Martial Emperor who was so high and mighty that he had seen before was also an illusion!

The real side of the Martial Emperor was exposed. Damn, he was not as mature as him! What future could the Heavenly Demon Realm have with such a childlike Emperor? ?

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became.

He looked at the mighty Martial Emperor not far away.��

The Wolf Great Sage was getting bolder and bolder, and a bold idea came to his mind

"Damn it, what qualifications does this kind of trash have to build a temple and a statue?"

With red eyes, he punched the statue of Emperor Wu!


With a loud noise.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, the statue of Emperor Wu in the Temple of Emperor Wu suddenly exploded!

The shattering of the statue of Emperor Wu immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Every demon was stunned. If it were in the past, it would definitely be a rebellious act. Just spitting could drown the guy who smashed the statue of Emperor Wu.

But now the situation is very strange.

After seeing the statue of Emperor Wu shattered, no sound was made.

After two minutes


Suddenly a cheer rang out!

"well played!"

"I've been fed up with this for a long time! Emperor Wu is just like this. No wonder he never responded to me every time I went to the statue of Emperor Wu to ask for spiritual crystals. He's so stingy! Ah... tui!"


In the Wudi Temple, applause and cheers rang out, and the noise returned.

In the sky, an invisible black smoke slowly rose towards the sky.

Not only in this huge city, but also in the major worlds of the Heavenly Demon Realm, similar things happened in the Wudi Temple!

Puffs of black smoke gathered into a wild storm, rolling towards the depths of the universe and landing on the heads of the three Wudi clones.

【The protagonist of the destiny, Emperor Wu, has lost the support of the people, his luck has plummeted, and his destiny value has decreased by 50,000. You have obtained 3 destiny treasure chests. 】

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