A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 861: He Jichen, let's have a baby (11)

Ji Yi groaned in the bottom of his heart, and the motion of reaching into his pocket suddenly stopped.

Before she went out, she wore a mask deliberately. Why was she recognized?

She didn't look back, looking forward to the person who called her, thinking that she had mistaken the person and walked away.

Who knows, the person who called her not only did not walk away, but moved closer to her: "It's really you, Ji Yi."

This familiar tone didn't look like a fan... Ji Yi's heart settled down a little, and turned to look at the sound source.

The person who called her was a little familiar, Ji Yi recognized that she was a classmate of B shadow and lived in the same dormitory building. The intersection was not too much but not too small. It was just that she had graduated from university for a while and she was a little uncertain. To avoid embarrassment, her name didn't say hello to Ji Yi.

Touching Ji Yi's sight, shouting at her, she reopened: "I look at your back from a distance, and I think it is you. When I get closer, I feel more similar. It's really a coincidence. We can actually Encountered here."

After that, the person who called her added another sentence: "My name is Ruan Jie. We haven't seen each other for almost two years. Do you remember me?

"Remember..." Ji Yihui was a little bit ill-fed. She was afraid that Ruan Jie would see the flaw, and soon she continued to speak, turning the subject: "...to buy something?"

"Yeah, I am married, and my husband's family is next to it. Some of my family's items are used up. Come and supplement." Ruan Jie returned to Ji Yi's question and asked again: "You? Will you live near here too? ?"

Ji Yi remembered it a little bit. When Ruan Jie went to school, she talked a lot. Unexpectedly, she still did not chat like Ruan Jie in detail, but nodded gently.

"Then we are really destined..." Ruan Jie seemed to be very happy, and he smiled with his lips curled up, and then he hummed, and received the smile on his face, wondering: "... I remember, your house is not here. Did you buy a new house here?"

Ji Yi shook his head: "No."

"That was living in a friend's house?" Ruan Jie was obviously gossip: "Will it be a boyfriend?"

Speaking of Ruan Jie here, she realized afterwards that she had made some hot news about Ji Yi online these days, and she suddenly opened her eyes: "Ji Yi, you are really with that murderer Together?"

Murderer... Ji Yi lowered her eyelids to hide the unpleasantness of her eyes, and the voice of her mouth was slightly cold: "Sorry, he is called He Jichen."

Ruan Jie is obviously a nerve-wracking person, unaware of Ji Yi’s strange appearance: "Of course I know his name, he was also a good figure in our school, but it’s a pity that he could not accept such three The view is too ruinous..."

Ji Yi didn't have any interest in continuing the conversation with Ruan Jie, and interrupted her words appropriately: "Sorry, I'm going to take a look over there, let's look back..."

"Exactly, I'm going to go shopping there too. Let's go together..." As he said, Ruan Jie took Ji Yi's arm and took her to the place where Ji Yi pointed, turning her mouth again. The opening words were followed by the words just before being interrupted by Ji Yi: "...and, Xiao Yi, you said you are young and beautiful, what kind of man is not good, how to find such a man, you see You are scolded on the Internet for what you look like, you made yourself like this for him, as for?"

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