A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 862: He Jichen, let's have a baby (12)

"Are you trying to make him rich? But, there are more rich people in this world. Just like you, it is not difficult to find someone who is richer than him. Are you looking handsome? He is in your stardom , The existence of a lot of people with high value does not necessarily have to find him, you think, his temper is up, he will kill, maybe he will be violent to you, even if he is not violent to you, but He bears such a case on his body. What do people think of you? You don’t know. We had a classmate meeting some time ago, because of him, several people said not to call you..."

"Have you finished?" Ji Yi, who couldn't hear it, said slightly coldly.

Probably because her voice was too ice, the dull Ruan Jie finally realized that something was wrong and shut up.

The atmosphere between the two people froze for a while, Ruan Jie said with a little embarrassment: "Ji Yi, don't be angry, I don't mean anything else, I just..."

Ji Yi's heart is actually a bit fierce. She doesn't understand. Everyone may not even take care of their own lives. How can there be so much leisure to worry about others.

She didn't wait for Ruan Jie to say something sorry, so she turned her head and looked at her, and then stopped her words: "For me? But, you are not me, how do you know me..."

The words "rare your good", before Ji Yi said it, stared at He Jichen, who was standing not far away, pushing the car in his hand, and stopped.

Compared to just now, when he was picking things with her, there were a lot of things, all of which were her favorite snacks.

Ji Yi's heart burst into discomfort, and then there was a panic that could not be said.

Although, Ruan Jie's words made her very unhappy. Although she had encountered unhappy things in the past, she would share it with He Jichen for the first time, but she was a little afraid of Ruan Jie's words at this time. To.

He was always irritated with emotions, and there was no emotion flowing out on his faint face.

Ji Yi looked at He Jichen for a while, and didn't see any clues.

Ruan Jie, who was on the side, stopped halfway after seeing Ji Yihua's words, frowned a little bit puzzled, and then found that she was staring in a certain direction, and then turned her head to look around, when he met He Jichen In seconds, Ruan Jie obviously took a step back.

Such a small move disturbed Ji Yi.

Ji Yi didn't even look at Ruan Jie. He took a direct step and walked towards He Jichen.

"Aren't you going to choose vegetables? Where did you go?" He Jichen opened his mouth when Ji Yi approached him.

His tone is the same as usual, so there is no problem, so he shouldn’t have heard what Ruan Jie said... Ji Yi thought for a moment, before bending his eyebrows, his tone came back softly: "I met a college classmate , Chat a few words."

"What did you talk about?"

He chatted with her casually, and it turned out that she was too nervous...Ji Yi relaxed: "Nothing to talk about, just a few random words."


"I have adjusted the vegetables. Tonight, you cook. Except when you played Yu Guangge, you cooked once. Until now, I haven't eaten your cooking."

"it is good."


After coming out of the supermarket, He Jichen drove to the front of the building first. After Ji Yi got off, he drove to the underground garage.

After stopping the car, He Jichen did not hurry to get off, but touched a cigarette and lit it.

Through the smoke, his ears suddenly sounded, just in the supermarket, the girl he did not know, those words to Ji Yi...

PS: Reader OS: Dog author, abuse my morning brother again! Author OS: Hee hee hee hehe hehe hahaha, who told you not to leave me a message to vote, let me sing a one-man show~

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