A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 43: Those bright colors (3)

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In fact, I really want to comfort him, but I do n’t know what to say, or what he thinks in his heart. If he is like me, crying directly on the table, it ’s easier to handle. But he was smiling all the time, and Yun Danfeng was as light as if nothing had happened. I really do n’t know what to do. I can only do my best to prepare the literary and artistic performance, which can be regarded as a solution to his problems.

I thought that the matter of the chairman of the student union was settled here, but it didn't take long for a peak to occur.

On Sunday night, I went to study for the evening as usual. Just at the entrance of the teaching building, a group of people suddenly rushed into our school with iron rods and sticks, grabbed a few boys and started beating. In the three teaching buildings in the high school, a lot of boys were rushed out, and they fought against them.

The flower bed next to it is being repaired, and there are piles of unused bricks. Many boys directly took the bricks and took pictures of each other. One after another, more boys joined.

The scene in front of me surprised me as if I had returned to junior high school. I have been living high school life simply and happily. I feel that life has never been simpler, but I do n’t know that I have chosen a simple life, not a simple life itself.

The students hid in the teaching building in fear, but gathered in the doorway to watch the excitement.

The cabaret and dance hall are places where group fights are frequent. I have already seen numbness, and I walked to the classroom with no interest in carrying the schoolbag.

Going up to the second floor, I saw Zhang Jun blocked at the entrance of the corridor, and they were not allowed to go downstairs to the group of students who wanted to fight. The boys yelled and shoved and shoved again. Zhang Jun would n’t let them go. He shoved and saw that they were about to fight Zhang Jun. The siren sounded outside.

Zhang Jun gave way, a group of boys immediately rushed downstairs, I immediately stood close to the wall, gave them way, whispered in my heart, did not hear the siren sound? Who is waiting for you? It's already gone!

When the boys whirld away like a whirlwind, I turned around and looked up. When I wanted to go up, I saw Zhang Jun still standing on the stairs, staring at me from the top. At that moment, only me and him were on the ladder. The uneven space gave me hallucinations. It seemed that we were very close. As long as I reached out, I could grab him. I stayed a while, looked away, carrying the schoolbag expressionlessly, and walked past him.

This time it was provoked by the students of the technical school. The group fight in which the students of the third grade of a middle school and high school participated in was the first group incident in the school since the establishment of the school. A student was injured by a brick head and there were countless minor injuries. The school expelled two students and warned and remembered a large number of punishments.

In this group incident, no classmates from (4) class participated, and the school gave collective praise to (4) class.

Zheng Anguo, as the core character of this year's live-in students, has been hiding in the classroom when the fight happened. After the flag-raising ceremony on Monday, he reviewed his dereliction of duty with the whole school and voluntarily resigned from the position of chairman of the student union. Shen Yuanzhe took over.

Soon after, the news that Shen Yuanzhe was approved as a reserve party member came out.

Later, Ma Li said that the technical school students came to Zheng Anguo. Of course, Zheng Anguo did n’t dare to go out, but why the technical school students came to fight Zheng Anguo, he did n’t know clearly, only that the technical school brothers he knew said so. Probably Zheng Anguo is too furious!

After this trouble, Zheng Anguo's buddies felt that he was too arrogant, and they turned over with him, and no one wanted to be friends with him. Zheng Anguo is a live-in student and his parents are not in this city. In the second two years of the first middle school, he had a very painful life and tried hard to integrate into everyone, but everyone was very indifferent to him and could only walk alone, but Because no one played, Zheng Anguo could only spend all his time studying, and later admitted to a good university in Beijing. Perhaps, this is what Teacher Gao said, "Sometimes it is lost to get it."


The thoughts of boys and girls

Why is love in my youth simple but clumsy and sincere but sharp?

Why when we do n’t understand love, love is the most reserved,

And when we know how to love, are we no longer willing to give it easily?

Before the final exam, the class teacher told us good news that the school will organize an astronomical ocean summer camp to select a group of students with excellent academic performance and excellent class cadres to Beijing and Qingdao. After careful selection, the candidates for our class are Lin still, Yang Jun, Shen Yuanzhe and me.

I am excited, the capital of the motherland, I have not been to it yet, the key is still free!

After I went back, I told my parents that they were so proud that they immediately told all their friends and relatives, which made me more beautiful among them.

As soon as the final exam is over, we are ready to go, and the exam results can only be known after we come back.

Unfortunately, the day before departure, Yang Jun sprained his foot while playing basketball and had to give up the opportunity to go to the summer camp.

On the day of departure, the school bus picked me upstairs.

In order to catch the train, we had to leave in the early morning hours. When I got into the car with sleepiness, I found that most people were already in the car, which was very lively.

The compartment was dark, and everyone was shrinking back into the seat. I couldn't see who was who, so I could only cry with a voice: "Lin is still."


I jumped over immediately and sat down: "Is the seat reserved for me?"

Lin still smiled and nodded.

The classmates in the carriage took the excitement of going to the capital, chatting, singing and singing. I didn't know which class I was sitting in, but turned back, and Lin was still facing the answer to the math exam. I was incredulously surprised for a moment, and in response, the excellent students of our grade could be gathered in this car.

When I arrived at the train station, I stood up happily, and the students behind my seat also stood up. The two faced each other, and I found out that it was Zhang Jun. He had to reach out for the backpack, and I had to reach out for the backpack too. The hands of the two met, my heart jumped, and the whole person seemed to be electrified and immediately retracted his hand. After a while, I pretended to calmly get the bag on the luggage rack, and found that it was easy to throw up, but a little difficult to take it down, tiptoe, did not take the bag down.

After finishing his bag, Zhang Jun helped me take it down and handed it to me. He said nothing, and I took it without saying a word.

I do n’t know if my smile is a bad job. Anyway, I keep smiling, and I do n’t know how I got out of the car and walked into the train station.

More than two hours before driving. Because the school considered that there were many people and was afraid of accidents, it planned its time more generously. I did not expect that we would be more flexible than others, and everything went smoothly.

The leader was a young female teacher who called us together and introduced myself first: "My surname is Xing and I am the head teacher of class (4). This is also the lead teacher this time. Even if I am the leader, any student has Please contact me for any questions. "

Our physics teacher also introduced himself: "My surname is Wang, the physics teacher in classes (5) and (6), the deputy team leader of this event, students are welcome to contact me at any time, our task is to be safe and complete Everyone takes it out, and then brings it back safely. "

After teacher Xing made a few more disciplinary requirements, she appointed Shen Yuanzhe and Zhang Jun as the principals of the classmates. If there is anything wrong with the classmates, you can also find Shen Yuanzhe or Zhang Jun.

After the meeting, some students took out playing cards, spread the newspaper on the ground, and began to sit in a circle to play poker. I shrunk in my chair, biting my finger, thinking about the embarrassment of the future. I went out and went together for a month. This trip to Beijing seemed to be a lot of unhappiness.

Shen Yuanzhe is very popular, and everyone knows that someone dragged him to play cards, he saw me and Lin still sitting on the side, smiled and declined, and came to accompany us.

I was in a daze for a while, and asked Shen Yuanzhe: "Guan He should be the top three in class (4), why is class (4) not off?"

"I had her, but she gave up on her own, as if something happened at home."

I sighed a little, she must have wanted to come.

Although the school is responsible for basic expenses for this event, it always costs money to go out. My mother nagged the poor and rich roads and gave me 1,500 yuan. Guan He ’s stepfather was afraid that he would not be so generous.

When I got on the train, the class differences among my classmates immediately became apparent.

For this trip, all the expenses are from the school, but it is limited to the most basic, for example, the train can only sit on the hard seat. The children of ordinary families like me naturally sit on hard seats, but several good students like Zhang Jun and Jia Gongzi have paid for their own sleepers. However, it is now daytime, they put their luggage in the sleeper compartment, and for fun and fun, they ran to the hard seat compartment to play with everyone.

A crowd of them sat on the seats of six people to play poker together, which was not lively.

Everyone is like a monkey that has lost its bondage. Boys and girls sit together without restraint, laughing and screaming in excitement. There are several open games, and some are gathered together for fortune telling, future, and love. laughing out loud.

Lin still can't play poker, and he's not good at getting acquainted with strangers quickly, sitting quietly aside; I'm because Zhang Jun is here, so I won't join in.

In order to take care of the two of us, Shen Yuanzhe sat with us to chat, making the three of us (5) class a little out of place with everyone.

I said to him: "You don't have to take care of us specially."

Shen Yuanzhe smiled: "Chat is also fun." He pointed to a person and introduced me to Lin. "Zhang Jun, the monitor of class (4), has been introduced by teacher Xing just now, and you should all have seen him. Beside him It was Zhen Yun, nicknamed Zhen Gongzi. His father was the director of Zhen who visited the school last time. Zhang Jun and Zhen Gongzi had a strong relationship. Zhen Gongzi had a strong mouth and arrogant personality, but the person was not bad. It's the famous son Gong Jia. "

Both Lin and I have only heard of their names, and have never seen their people. After all, all of our fathers and mothers are under the control of their dads, so we stared at them a few times and found that this high-ranking child looked very Ordinary, smiling gently and gentlely, yet Zhen Gongzi looks big, I asked: "How can he come, his grades are not so good? He is not the monitor, he can't be an excellent cadre."

Shen Yuanzhe said with a smile: "The school's original plan was four people per class, but because several people gave up, the school gave up the quota, as long as no mistakes were made, you can participate in all expenses yourself, so not only Jia The son, Zhen Gongzi and Huang Wei who are telling everyone fortune telling are also their own money. "

The girl was wearing light makeup and wearing jewelry, probably because she was on vacation, and was outside, and the teacher didn't care. I asked: "Which class does she belong to?"

"(2) Class."

I think the name Huang Wei seems to have been heard, but I can't remember where I heard it. Lin still gave a soft "ah" sound.

I immediately asked: "Have you heard of her?"

Lin still probably did n’t expect me to react so quickly. He glanced at Shen Yuanzhe, blushing and pressing his voice and said, "I have a primary school classmate who is in junior high school in the third middle school, and I heard her say that there is a girl named Huang Wei in his school who is a boy. He committed suicide by cutting his wrist.

It was another girl who was outside, no wonder I listened to her name well, I did not continue to question, looked at Huang Wei, and cast my gaze out the window.

At night, Zhang Jun, Jia Gongzi, Zhen Gongzi and Huang Wei all went to the sleeping car.

Seeing Zhang Jun gone, I was relieved and said to Shen Yuanzhe: "Let's play poker!"

Lin still shook his head: "I won't play."

I smiled and said: "You and my family, I will take you, very simple, one million times simpler than English, if you play English so much, you will learn this in one time."

She and Shen Yuanzhe both knew that English was my pain, and they all laughed. In fact, they still saw everyone playing so happy and wanted to play in her heart, but she had a stronger self-esteem and did not want to let her family follow her because she was weak. lose.

Shen Yuanzhe went to get two decks of playing cards. Our three squad leaders of class (6) played double buckle, two boys and two girls, they would play, they still would n’t play, it seemed they occupied Cheap, but the opposite result soon appeared.

Lin is still quiet, not wooden. After a few hands, she is already on the road, and I know that she has a very good memory. One hundred and eight cards, who played what cards, and what cards did not show, she counted clearly in her head. Coupled with my playing skills, the two of us played well.

(6) The class leader sighed: "I didn't expect good students to play cards so well."

Lin was still very excited, pursing his lips and laughing.

The four of us hit more than four in the morning and were extremely sleepy, some lying on the table and some fell asleep against the glass window.

Lin was still sitting upright even when he was sleeping; I curled up and leaned on her. It was very sleepy, but it was uncomfortable to sleep. When I woke up, I woke up, and it was hard to get to early morning.

Jia Gongzi, Zhen Gongzi, Zhang Jun and Huang Wei came over. They should sleep well and refreshed one by one. Teacher Xing and Teacher Wang were in a sleeping car and a hard seat car last night. At this time, Teacher Xing looked at us and let Teacher Wang take a rest.

Teacher Xing whispered and discussed with Jia Gongzi, and asked them if they could let their classmates borrow their berth to sleep for a while. All four said no problem. Because there are many people and Teacher Xing is not easy to designate, let them four arrange for themselves.

The four people naturally handed over their sleeper tickets to their familiar classmates. Zhang Jun came over and gave the ticket to Shen Yuanzhe with a smile. I was a little surprised. It turned out that they were not just nodding.

Shen Yuanzhe was not polite and asked with a smile: "Do you mind if I give it to the girl first?"

Zhang Jun smiled and shook his head: "You're in charge."

Shen Yuanzhe handed the ticket to Lin still: "You go to sleeper compartment for a while."

Lin was still looking at me in embarrassment, and I pushed her with a smile: "Go quickly, I have been tumbling last night, and you haven't fallen asleep at all. When you finish sleeping, I will sleep again."

Lin still went to the sleeper compartment, the seat was empty, Shen Yuanzhe greeted Zhang Jun to sit, Zhang Jun actually sat down, sitting next to me, I was very depressed, wanted to go, but he sat outside, if I want to go, Also talk to him.

(6) The squad leader of the class is still dozing by the carriage, but Shen Yuanzhe seems not at all sleepy, chatting with Zhang Jun. I was so upset that I fell on the table and started to sleep. Shen Yuanzhe was busy talking while helping me sort out the things on the table, asking with concern: "Do you want to eat something and go to bed."

I bored my head and said, "No need."

The classmates squeezed together to play cards again, with eight people squeezing eight people and four people squeezing five or six people. On the surface, I watched as I slept, where I actually fell asleep, my ears were raised tall, and I always listened to Zhang Jun's movements.

Both Shen Yuanzhe and Zhang Jun were finally pulled to play poker, and the seat next to me was empty. I took a few books as pillows, curled up and lay down with my feet on the seat opposite, and started to sleep hard. It was really sleepy. Although the noise in the car was so loud and the sleeping posture was strange, I still slept to death.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon, there were boys singing and girls explaining the results of fortune telling. I do n’t know if I lost the game or what. I heard a girl yelling: "Jia Gongzi, are you a pig? Dare to play this card?"

After all, being young, the outside world has limited impact on us, and the students in this trip have excellent grades. Everyone is full of confidence in the future. In fact, everyone is not in the eyes of Jia Gongzi and Zhen Gongzi.

I closed my eyes and smiled. In such a small space, more than thirty teenagers huddled together is really a wonderful experience.

The train compartment in summer is very sultry, and the hard-seat compartment of the Pui Kuai was not air-conditioned. I slept in a sweat and sat up dimly while looking for water to drink. After a few sips of water and glasses, I found this There are only two people in my personal seat. The person opposite me is Zhang Jun!

When did he come? Why didn't he play cards?

I was too surprised and surprised. I didn't know how to react at all. I only looked at him silly.

The two of us stared blankly at each other for a few seconds before my blank brain got brain waves again, stooped and took out the washing tool from under the seat to wash. After washing, he didn't return to his original seat, pretending to be a fortune teller, and just found an empty seat and sat down.

Zhang Jun was still sitting there, looking quietly out of the car window. He didn't know what he was thinking. He sat so alone.

A long time later, there was one person missing from the poker table and he was called to play cards.

Seeing him go, I took the toiletries and returned to my seat.

Lin still returned from the sleeping car and returned the ticket to Shen Yuanzhe. Shen Yuanzhe asked me if I wanted to go to bed. I shook my head: "I have enough sleep."

He returned the ticket to Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun glanced at me, took the ticket, and gave it to a girl. Everyone took turns to sleep in the sleeping car, and there were seats vacated by students who were crowded with playing cards.

For the rest of the time, I would either take a nap with my eyes closed or read a book, anyway avoiding contact with Zhang Jun.

In the evening, as soon as Zhang Jun left, I started to grow into a tiger. Lin and I were still asleep in the daytime, and we played overnight overnight poker.

In the early morning, Zhang Jun still gave the sleeper ticket to Shen Yuanzhe, Shen Yuanzhe still gave Lin Shun, Lin still went to sleep in the sleeper compartment, and I curled up on the hard seat to sleep like yesterday. The temperature was higher than the day before yesterday, and the cabin was very sultry. I slept with sweat on my back, so sleepy, I couldn't sleep well.

In my sleep, I suddenly felt a cool breeze, the heat gradually disappeared, my body and mind gradually calmed down, and I slept beautifully.

When I was half awake and half awake, I realized that Shen Yuanzhe was sitting opposite and had been fanning me all the time. I was touched and uneasy. I got up quickly: "Thank you."

He smiled: "What is politeness?"

The (6) squad leader who was playing cards at the seat next to him joked: "I will ask for your help next time."

Everyone laughed loudly and said to Shen Yuanzhe, "I want it too, I want it too!"

Zhang Jun is also holding a card and smiling, but his eyes are staring at me.

I was laughing, but when I saw his smile, I couldn't get a smile anymore. I avoided his sight and hurriedly took out the washing utensils to wash. When the wash came back, I found Shen Yuanzhe lying on the table and sleeping.

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