A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 44: Those bright colors (4)

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When I voted for Lee, I looked around for a fan. I saw an unused fan on the card table next to me. I walked over and just wanted to reach out and covered my fan with one hand.

Zhang Jun picked up the fan, opened it with a snap, fanned while looking at the card in his hand, as if he didn't see me at all.

I retreated silently.

Later, the train crew came to sell playing cards and fans. I bought one for five dollars. Although it was a little expensive, I would use it later. I sat next to Shen Yuanzhe and read a book while helping Shen Yuanzhe fan.

When Shen Yuanzhe woke up, Beijing also arrived.

In the crowded train compartment, everyone soon became familiar with it. Everyone liked Shen Yuanzhe, and even his classmates who had negative thoughts about him because of rumors also liked him.

He always pays attention to the students who are silent and introverted, takes care of them, remembers to call them when playing cards, and remembers them when the berths are held, and will not ignore them because they will not come and are not lively. Both Zhang Jun and Zhen Gongzi ceded their sleeper tickets to Shen Yuanzhe, but Shen Yuanzhe did not go to the sleeper compartment to rest from beginning to end, and each time gave the opportunity to others.

Teacher Xing looked in his eyes and said with exclamation: "No wonder the teacher in charge of your class has nothing to worry about, and your heart has been finished by you." She looked at the students and looked at Shen Yuanzhe, and immediately said, "However, Zhang Jun of our class It ’s also very good, thanks to him for this year, otherwise I really do n’t know what to do with Song Peng ’s gangsters. ”

Teacher Xing gritted his teeth and the students laughed. The two boys in our worst grade are in class (4). That is not mischievous for ordinary bad students. Teacher Xing is really not easy. However, she is very smart and knows to cure evil with evil. Use him as the monitor to deal with Song Peng.

When I arrived in Beijing, two people stayed in the same room. Lin and I were still in the same room. Zhen Gongzi and Jia Gongzi are in the same room, Zhang Jun and Shen Yuanzhe are in the same room.

Everyone eats together, plays together, and listens to the teachers in the university to teach us astronomical knowledge.

A group of young people of the same age all get along very well. The only unhappiness comes from me and Zhang Jun.

The relationship between Zhang Jun and Shen Yuanzhe is getting better and better. The two people exchanged cameras, and you directly took pictures of me, and I took pictures of you, often inseparable.

Lin and I still don't have a camera. Shen Yuanzhe always calls us to take photos of us in order to take care of us. Lin is still very happy to take photos of the places she has been to and take them back to share with her parents, so she has been with Shen Yuanzhe. I was very depressed, because this meant that I wanted to be with Zhang Jun and wanted to slip away, but Shen Yuanzhe and Lin always dragged me and took good care of me.

Because four people often play together, even Wen Jing Lin still started to talk and laugh with Zhang Jun, but I still didn't talk to Zhang Jun.

Shen Yuanzhe found that Zhang Jun and I had never spoken, thinking that we were sleeping on the train for one night and one during the day, and had no chance to get familiar with it. We introduced each other to us specially: "This is Zhang, the monitor of class (4) Jun, my good friend; this is Luo Qiqi of our class, my good friend, meet me. "

Zhang Jun and I nodded, smiling and saying, "Hello."

Both Shen Yuanzhe and Lin still thought that we had never known each other before. Both Zhang Jun and I actually kept silent. No one would say that our elementary school is a classmate.

Shen Yuanzhe happily took us to play together, but he soon discovered that Zhang Jun and I didn't call at all, and it was completely unpleasant to watch one another, and no one gave face to anyone.

I do n’t want to participate in the activities that Zhang Jun participated in; I definitely do n’t want to go where Zhang Jun proposes to go.

Zhang Jun did not object to participating in the activities I participated in, but he never forgot to make trouble for me.

Sometimes, obviously I and Shen Yuanzhe had a very good conversation, but he would suddenly insert it. Every sentence was a satire, so that Shen Yuanzhe and I could not speak at all, and we could only end the topic awkwardly.

When climbing to the top of the Fragrant Hill, it was exactly the setting sun. I trouble Shen Yuanzhe to take a picture for me. The two are taking pictures in a gleeful way, but Zhang Jun is sneering at the side, either mocking my posture or mocking my stiff expression, which makes Shen Yuanzhe very embarrassed and keeps playing round the field. More and more.

Others say me, maybe I smile, but he is Zhang Jun, even if my face is really thicker than the wall of the Great Wall, he can easily hurt me. I am embarrassed and uncomfortable, said Shen Yuanzhe : "I don't want to take pictures anymore, I don't need to take pictures of me anymore."

Shen Yuanzhe kept comforting me and made Lin still persuade me. I just shook my head and refused to take pictures again.

Zhang Jun saw that I was no longer taking pictures, and closed his mouth. I asked him coldly: "The ugly man is no longer making trouble, are you satisfied?"

He said nothing.

Since I've been to Xiangshan, no matter where I go, except for the group photo requested by the teacher, I will never take another photo.

But Zhang Jun still didn't look good to me. We went to the Summer Palace and played all the way. Zhang Jun looked at me unhappy and always picked my fault and stabbed me. It made me totally unable to remember what the Summer Palace looks like, only remembered that he mocked me, he mocked me again, he was still mocking me!

I never knew that Zhang Jun was such a mean person. In my memory, he belongs to a person who doesn't speculate, but turns around and walks away, only fighting, not arguing.

I sometimes wonder, where did I offend Zhang Jun? Why should he target me everywhere? In fact, I don't want to conflict with him. I try to avoid him as much as possible. I don't want to contact him. Even if I do, I try to avoid talking to him. But he treats me like this, I am not a clay figure, because he is bullied, so I can only fight back, and the two people have become more and more conflicted. To the extent that they almost need to stab each other, they seem to want each other to disappear immediately. .

Zhen Gongzi happily watched the excitement on the side, and poured some oil from time to time. Jia Gongzi is a temperamental gentleman, but because of his good relationship with Zhen Gongzi and Zhang Jun, he also beat the drums and helped Zhang Jun strike me together.

Although we are only a small group of more than 30 people, because we come from different classes, we unconsciously divided into three or four small circles. Zhang Jun and several of them are the largest group in our small group. Because of the attitudes of their three core figures, I have been gradually isolated by everyone. No matter what they do, no one will call me.

Isolate! I have not been isolated!

I don't eat their set at all and play as much as I want. Lin still didn't know if she was aware of the confrontation between me and Zhang Jun. Anyway, she still treated me and stayed with me all day long. What did I do and what did she do. With such loyal friends, I am not afraid of their isolation.

Shen Yuanzhe became a sandwich cookie. As the person in charge of this small group, he did not want this kind of confrontation to happen; as a good friend of Zhang Jun and me, he especially did not want us to confront each other. He kept doing ideological work for us. In front of me, I kept talking about Zhang Jun's good words, and ran to Zhang Jun again, talking about my good words. I just hope that Zhang Jun and I can change our "bad feelings" towards each other and get along with each other.

I don't know what Zhang Jun reacted to when Shen Yuanzhe praised me. Anyway, I never refuted Shen Yuanzhe's exaggeration of Jun. Not only did he not refute, but he listened very carefully without expression.

I have been trying very hard to isolate myself from Zhang Jun's world, but my heart has always been eager to understand him bit by bit. I like to listen to Shen Yuanzhe tell me that Zhang Jun is very loyal, and he is very respected and respected among boys. Even Song Peng is very convinced of Zhang Jun; I like to hear him exaggerate that Jun is smooth and sincere, but he is sincere. It's hard to be hard; I like to hear him talk about Zhang Jun's earnestness in learning and doing things rationally. He likes to say how much he admires and admires this friend.

I even enjoyed Shen Yuanzhe ’s talk about Zhang Jun, because I never dared to talk about Zhang Jun so blatantly. For the first time, someone kept talking about him in front of me for an hour or two, and it was all his good, I listened quietly with joy, sadness, pride, and various complex moods.

But when the two of us met, we were immediately intolerable.

Shen Yuanzhe worked very hard and carefully to maintain peace among the two of us, while continuing to speak Zhang Jun's good words in front of me and Zhang Jun's good words in front of Zhang Jun, hoping that one day we two could be influenced by him and turn him into a jade silk.

One night, Lin still went to play poker, because Zhen Gongzi was at the table, so I avoided it.

While watching TV alone in the activity room, Huang Wei came to me with playing cards: "Are you fortune telling? I'm pretty accurate."

I was a little surprised that everyone except Shen Yuanzhe and Lin Shun was a bit isolated from me. She and Zhang Jun played very well. Why didn't they help Zhang Jun, instead came to me to play? However, of course, I will not reject her kindness, and immediately responded: "Okay!"

Huang Wei asked me to shuffle the cards three times, saying the names of four boys and four girls, and predicting for me what these people will do with me in my life.

After shuffling the cards, I smiled and said casually: "Shen Yuanzhe, Yang Jun, a wolf on the island, horseshoe, Lin still ..."

Huang Wei helped me fortune telling while chatting with me. She said: "It looks like Shen Yuanzhe is very fortunate to you, are you talking to him?"

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