A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 524 The old wand and the new wand

Looks like they've come together - mainly Minerva and Severus - to mark some of their summer homework in the middle of the day. As for Felix, he was much more free than the other two.

Still, he sat in an armchair, holding a stack of papers and reading.

For a while, the staff lounge was quiet, only the voice of correcting papers. The three professors marked in different ways: Professor McGonagall was the most serious, the rustling of the quill almost never stopped, like the sound of drizzle on the grass; Snape was the opposite, he was very long. There was no movement in time, and then he suddenly drew heavily on the parchment with a lot of strength. After just listening for a while, Felix could roughly judge the level of the student and how Severus was in the mood...

Felix wrote a series of page numbers at the end of the paper to indicate what the students needed to re-understand. After half an hour, he stood up from his chair, straightened his body, and prepared to go out to get some air. Snape, who had not spoken, raised his head, stared at Felix's back, and followed him out of the staff lounge.

Felix appeared in the courtyard, drizzling outside, standing by a tall pillar. A wide eaves stretched from the heights of the castle and cast a great shadow over a small patch of bushes.

Felix narrowed his eyes, gazing at the blurry vision in the distance, where a student was bouncing like a rabbit in the rain.

Magic is amazing and convenient. He couldn't remember how many times the thought flashed through him.

Snape stood next to him at some point, and other students in the yard came out to breathe, but whenever they approached, Snape glared back with vicious eyes, so the next conversation went smoothly. The two of them appraised the atmosphere and spoke at about the same time—

"I heard you got a new wand," Snape said.

"I heard you recently got a part-time job," Felix said.

Snape's face froze, and he said softly, "Our principal really trusts you...then you have to be careful, it usually means that he has a new arrangement for you."

"Are you saying that he intends to reuse me?" Felix asked, he found a rather interesting thing, in the eyes of different people, Dumbledore's image may be completely different, what about himself? How many faces does he have in other people's hearts?

"Reuse..." Snape repeated playfully, "If you don't mind being a chess piece, your every move is tightly controlled... so be it."

"It's scary~ He won't have the blood of a prophet, will he? But I remember that he himself doesn't believe in prophecy very much." Felix exaggerated.

Snape gave him a sideways look, "Our headmaster is a very good chess player, he will analyze you thoroughly before the conversation starts. It will make you think that everything you do is chosen by yourself, but it just happens to be That's what he wanted."

Felix felt a familiar feeling, and he seemed to do the same himself - prepare as much as possible before negotiating, and don't give the other party a chance to refuse. So it sounded like Snape was blaming himself.

"It's full of complaints, Severus."

"It's just a feeling," Snape said calmly. "So, your new wand's name is 'The Elder Wand'?" Although it was a bit of a mouthful, Felix still understood.

"That's right," he answered briefly.

"Is it Ollivander's work?" Snape demanded.

"Yeah, the craftsmanship is quite superb."

"But some people don't think so," Snape said softly.

Felix rolled his eyes, "Is it your part-time master? Don't you think he is too lenient—"

"Some people think," Snape raised his voice, his dark eyes staring into the layers of rain, "that this wand has been around for a long time, has been kept by the Ollivander family, and has only recently found its owner again."

Felix was slightly surprised, "That's strange." Did Voldemort misunderstand something? Felix started his brain, and the picture of Voldemort retreating without a fight flashed before his eyes, what he misunderstood...

"The Elder Wand?"

Snape fell silent. Felix pondered, so, Lucius told Voldemort what happened in the wand shop? He carefully recalled the conversation with Mr. Ollivander, and he was sure that his words were full of jokes about fairy tales.

But who knows what Voldemort thinks, his mind is not normal...

"There are indeed legends of various powerful wands in history, the elder wand, the death rod, the wand of fate... The elder wand is the most exaggerated, and its spreading process is also the most bloody and cruel... Of course, not many people believe it. People listen to them as stories...but you can't tell that these powerful wands really never existed," Snape said in a low voice.

"Why is the process of spreading the Elder Wand bloody and cruel?" Felix asked, picking a familiar name.

Snape glanced at him.

"Rumour has it that only the wand's true owner can be seized from its previous owner. And that usually means intrigue, bloody killing. There's plenty of evidence of that—"

"So you believe that too?" Felix asked.

Snape did not answer directly, he continued: "Several powerful dark wizards in history have used their own lives to prove its prestige. Of course, there is another school of thought that this is just a nonsense coincidence, and it is a later researcher. Through chiseling and attachment, and by inferring from the alternation process of a limited number of wand owners, the wrong law summed up from it is just a story that is quite interesting."

"I don't have an elder wand in my hand." Felix laughed.

"It doesn't matter if I believe it or not, it doesn't matter if I say it." Snape pouted.

Felix was dumbfounded. He had a new understanding of what Dumbledore said before. How could he know the thoughts of the enemy? As long as it is reversed by what he has done, at least in this case, Felix can come to a conclusion: until Voldemort knows the true and false of the "Elder Wand", he will never dare to be an enemy of himself.

The deterrent effect of a fake elder wand is staggering.

Even Felix couldn't help but feel a little moved - just as Voldemort was afraid of Felix, Felix was also afraid of Voldemort. It is normal for two wizards of equal strength, far exceeding the normal level, to value each other's true thoughts inadvertently.

Of course he knew that the old wand in his hand was a fake, but if there really was an invincible wand in reality, and he somehow named his new wand after it, would this indicate that what? Like, will he eventually get the real Elder Wand?

But Felix quickly calmed down this idea. He was reluctant to believe that there was an invincible wand. How strong can a wizard be?

Besides, the wand was just a transition for him, and he didn't need to spend too much energy on something he was destined to give up. It's better to study how to fight Voldemort's life-threatening curse. He now has at least three ideas - the scaling spell to enlarge the entity, the seventh-level iron armor spell, and the transformation of magical creatures. But it will take time to be flexible.

Felix was lost in thought. He had always underestimated the scaling spell in the past, and only thought about how to shrink the target, but thinking about it carefully, it is also a good strategy to enlarge the things around him.

In the future, he can carry some coins, stones, nails and the like with him, and throw them away when he encounters Voldemort...even a mouse.


"Who's there!" Snape exclaimed suddenly. He walked aggressively into the shadows, his robes rattling.

Felix came back to his senses, just in time to hear Snape's frantic voice shouting, "Fifty points off for eavesdropping on the professor! Everyone! Plus confinement!"

Felix blinked and took a few steps to the side, now he could see clearly.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood together with their heads bowed and sickly, Harry holding a floppy rope, the telescopic ears invented by the Weasley twins.

The other end of the retractable ear was shaking at Snape's feet, and Snape's nose seemed to be crooked with anger.

Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye it will be December, the beginning of the month, please guarantee the monthly pass~

Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~

Guaranteed monthly pass~

End of month ticket~

monthly pass~


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