A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 525 Confinement and jumping the pot

"Like his father, arrogant, arrogant, self-righteous, obsessed with breaking discipline, like to be in the limelight, nosy, impudent—" Snape looked at the three people who were leaving, his eyes firmly fixed on Ha There was unforgettable hatred in Li's eyes.

"Judging by Slytherin's values, he's really not likable. Well, all three," Felix said softly, "but you heard it, they only know the last few words, no beginning or ending. ...so I said to them, we're talking about my new wand, and I'm giving it a fairytale name."

Snape didn't speak. The dark eyes were still gazing back at Harry, who looked like his father from this angle.

After a while, he said coldly: "Felix, I will reveal the information about your wand to that person."

Felix said calmly: "I have this expectation, you decide how much to say."

"You think I'm the master?" Snape threw a dissatisfied sentence, his black robe shaking, passing through the layers of rain. His figure was blurred.


"Unfortunate," Ron muttered as he stepped on the steps.

"Oh, stop talking—"

They stood at the door of the staff lounge, and Harry knocked on the door nervously, sincerely hoping that no one was inside. The few seconds of waiting seemed like a long time. Finally, a familiar voice said from inside, "Come in."

Backfired. Harry thought, and when he heard sighs from both sides, he plucked up the courage to push the door open and walked in. It was a long room with a soft light hanging from the ceiling, and it was warmer inside than outside, probably because of the fireplace in the corner. Professor McGonagall looked up from the pile of parchment, piercing eyes peering under Fang Fang's glasses.

"Potter, Weasley, Granger, what's the matter with you?"

"We've been asked to come and see you because... because of some mistakes." Harry handed over the note in his hand, and Professor McGonagall frowned and took the note. The sticky notes were the way of the Order of the Phoenix. Her eyebrows were twisted deeper, and she took out her wand and placed it on top of it, and the note opened automatically.

Professor McGonagall looked at it quickly, and did not speak for a long time after reading it.

"Is this true?" she said, "Eavesdropping on the professor's conversation?" In addition to roughly explaining the process, the note also used a vague way to mention the background of the conversation. The two were talking about the confidential information of the Order of the Phoenix.

"We didn't do it on purpose," Harry explained palely, "we- uh, came out after lunch to get some air, and then--" Professor McGonagall snorted, Harry continued to bite the bullet, and the time returned to ten A few minutes ago—

"Did you hear that? Sirius' class was very popular," said Hermione thoughtfully, as she, Harry and Ron had just come out of the Great Hall, ready to breathe.

"He said it's going to be a secret," Harry said in an indignant tone, stomping his feet. "It's a surprise, we don't have his class until tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it."

Hermione and Ron laughed.

"What's wrong?" Harry looked at them blankly.

"You sound like a kid arguing with their parents... watch out!" Hermione said, as a freshman stumbled over and nearly bumped into them.

"Running is forbidden in the castle, you will bump into other people." Hermione said sternly, then softened her tone, "What's going on?"

The freshman looked terrified and kept looking back, as if someone was chasing him.

The three Harry looked at each other.

"Hey, little one, we're prefects, if someone bullies you, feel free to speak up," Ron puffed out his chest, making the prefect badge more prominent on his clothes, "I have the right to be locked up and deducted points. …”

"Come on, Ron, we can't abuse prefect power." Hermione said seriously, she looked at the freshman, and the freshman said with a frightened expression: "I-I just met the potions professor in the yard, His eyes are so scary!"

"You didn't know until the first day... well, really," Ron muttered.

"Professor Snape...well, he's really strict," Hermione said slowly. "If you made a mistake and got reprimanded, just change it. You don't have to worry about the rest—"

"Yeah, bad days are coming," said Ron again. Hermione rolled her eyes, and he shut his mouth immediately, and when her attention was back on the freshman, he started winking at Harry, who thought Ron's words were quite accurate.

"No, no, Professor Snape is talking to another professor, I think...they don't want to be disturbed." The freshman blushed, stammered, and turned around and ran away in tears.


"So you want to find out what's going on?" said Professor McGonagall in a stern voice.

Harry, Ron and Hermione nodded dumbly.

"We're prefects, we gotta, gotta..." Ron scratched his ears and Professor McGonagall glanced at him, "With all due respect, Mr. Weasley, there's nothing in the prefect's code that explains your behavior today, let alone , this is not the first time."

When the bell rang for class, Professor McGonagall stood up and stuffed the parchment on the table into the drawer, "I totally agree with Professor Snape's approach, deducting points..." She pursed her lips, "and confinement, from Starting this week—"

Harry and Ron looked up in horror, they thought of the same thing, the Quidditch tryout was Friday afternoon.

"—From Saturday night until the lights go out, process the potion materials until the end of the month."

After speaking, they were swept out by Professor McGonagall, and the three hurried to the Potions classroom, Ron rambled all the way: "I'm going to be late again, I bet that old bat will definitely trouble us... Why didn't Professor McGonagall say a few words for us, Snape is making a big fuss, now that he has found someone to help him with the potion materials for a whole semester..."

Harry suddenly felt nauseated, remembering the dark classroom in his mind, the toad with the disembodied belly, the smoked ginger root and peppermint, the horseradish, and the secretions of the variegation, the spleen of the bat and the rat, sticky. Gooey slugs... His scalp tingled.

Until night, they trudged back to the lounge.

"Let's just say it, Snape didn't intend to let us off easily, because each person was deducted ten points for being late. Whose reason is this... The total is close to two hundred percent." Ron wailed, and was about to catch up with crying Myrtle was gone, and they slouched to the most remote part of the lounge.

Harry and Hermione were not very interested.

"You said, can we deduct points from other colleges?" Ron said on a whim. The other two ignored him. Harry and Hermione were both used to Ron's daily unreliable advice. Anyway, he will give up.

"We can't do that, and you have to write a lot of reports," Hermione finally corrected.

"If it's the Malfoy gang..." Ron's eyes gleamed, then dimmed. "Oh, no, I forgot he was a prefect too."

At this moment, Harry, who had been silent for a while, suddenly asked.

"That story...is the one that Professor Hepp picked out and named his new wand. It's a legend called the Three Brothers, um, is it famous..."

"It's like thunder, buddy, I grew up listening to it," Ron said without hesitation. "It's a little story in The Tales of Bedouin the Poet."

"Wait, I think I've seen the name of this book somewhere, Peter the Poet-Bido, somewhere else..." Harry said slowly, and he looked at Hermione subconsciously, usually at this time, Hermione Always give accurate answers.

But this time Hermione also had a thoughtful look on her face.

"Have you really seen it, Harry?" she couldn't help asking.

Harry returned with a visibly confused look.

Ron, who was next to him, held back a smile and said, "It's a rare thing. Miss Know-it-all will have a day when she can't find the answer."

Hermione glared at him. "If you know, say it quickly."

But Ron enjoyed the process so much, he shook his head for a while: "Think about it, there's something Harry and I both know, um—there's an opportunity to touch, and you just happen to miss—"

Hermione's eyes seemed as confused as Harry's.

Harry had ideas on his side, and it was definitely not something related to learning, because Hermione would not leave any corner of the textbook or reference book, she just had the ability. That's just what he and Ron saw when they were passing the time...

"I remember," Harry's eyes lit up, and Hermione stared into his face immediately. He said in a positive tone, "It's "The Adventures of Little Wizard Mick", which was mentioned above, but I don't remember where it was."

"But I've also read... a few volumes." Hermione recalled, she and Harry looked at Ron together, Ron still wanted to betray, but when they were both staring at him at the same time, he immediately raised his hand and surrendered.

"Well, that's what the last book is about: little wizard Mick's friend is in danger, and he uses magic in a critical moment - and thus exposes his identity as a wizard. Mick is sad because after he received Hogg Watts lost a group of friends at the same time as the notice. But on the day Mick left, his friends came back, they didn't care if he was a wizard or not, but sincerely wished him. Then Mick gave his friends Tells the story of 'The Witcher and the Trickster'."

Ron finally made his final decision, "That's where the name of "The Story of Bedouin the Poet" was mentioned, just once."

"It's yours," Harry praised.

Ron grinned.

Hermione was still pondering what he had said earlier, "Wizards and Tumblr...what?"

This stumped Ron, he thought for a moment, then hesitantly said, "Probably means... well, a good old wizard is dying, and he was kind to Muggles while he was alive, always trying to do as much as he could. Helpers, neighbors loved the old man very much. But his son didn't understand him, so the old wizard left an enchanted cauldron before he died - the old man must have been an alchemist, like Nick Lemay! Well, I go on - after the old man died, his son refused to help the poor neighbor any more, and it was hard-hearted anyway, and then the cauldron started tossing the old man's son, making him unable to eat and sleep, At the end of the story, the son decided to follow his father's lead and continued to help the neighbors as much as he could."

Ron was a little breathless when he said so much in one breath. He took two breaths and concluded: "I guess this story is to show that wizards and Muggles can live in peace and help each other...my mother said it." He finally added.

"But—" Hermione bit her lip, still puzzled, "I don't see peace—I mean, the old wizard must be the friendly side, but his son was forced to Good deeds are driven by that cauldron."

Ron shrugged. "I don't know either."

Hermione glared at him.

"Don't look at me, I was only a few years old at the time, it's good to have a little impression." Ron said.

At this moment, a voice suddenly interjected, "Don't make it hard for him, he was still drooling with his teddy bear at that time." Fred and George walked over beamingly, "Sold seven telescopic ears. Start school. first day!"

"Are you still short of money?" Harry asked.

"That's not true," Fred said casually, sitting next to him. "But we need some testers who promise to give product feedback."

"Like what you guys did with the quick-action candy?" Hermione asked suddenly sternly.

"What?" Fred asked in surprise.

"I saw it all! You posted the recruitment notice for recruiting testers on the bulletin board, if I hadn't found out when I went to post the list of assessment spells-" She pursed her lips and looked very much like Professor McGonagall.

Fred and George looked at each other.

"It won't be long before you change your mind, Hermione." George said disapprovingly, "You will definitely use it. This year is O.W.Ls. Every year, a few students break down, and the others are not feeling well. The better the score, the easier it is to be recruited... Remember, Selton was wearing an onion-smelling amulet?"

"Of course I remember," Fred said solemnly. "After all, we sold it to her. Unfortunately, the concentrate of euphoria doesn't seem to be compatible with onions." He stood up and tilted his head at George. "Come on, Let's go to Lee, and there may be something to gain from him—"

Seeing Hermione staring at him angrily, he closed his mouth alertly and changed the subject fluently: "Oh, by the way, George and I asked about your previous question--Dad said, the wizard There are always good and bad, so people like him have meaning in existence."

"Someone like him...?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Dad was making laws to protect Muggles," George said succinctly. While Hermione was thinking, the two left together.

Harry felt so conflicted right now that, on the one hand, Mr Weasley's approach to protecting Muggles through legislation was as admirable as the old wizard in fairy tales who restrained his son with a cauldron; but these words were taken from Frey. When De and George said it, they always felt a little weird, especially their backs were sneaky...

As he lay on the four-poster bed, he cast aside all these cluttered thoughts. The thought of hearing Sirius's class tomorrow filled him with anticipation.

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