A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 664 Great Demon King

Felix walked slowly into the castle.

That girl should be Dumbledore's younger sister Ariana, right? He used the resurrection stone to recall the projection in his memory... But does the resurrection stone have such a powerful effect?

Felix pondered that his eyes could see the glimmer of the soul. In other words, Dumbledore used his own power to give the memory projection a trace of soul quality, or he shared a part of his soul, the two. Is it a lose-lose situation now?

But one thing is certain, Dumbledore understood the soul completely beyond his own.

The state of his soul at this time is simply terrifyingly powerful.

Felix had a feeling that Dumbledore could break away from reality at any time, open a portal, and send away all the ghosts entrenched in Hogwarts Castle. Just like Helena back then.

The legend of the Deathly Hallows slowly flows in my heart. He learned the names of the three Peverell brothers from Luna. Felix prefers that these three people are wizards with powerful mana. They have embarked on different magical paths and left three pieces to represent them. My own treasure.

Treasures contain their own understanding of magic. Just like Felix's Book of Runes, if it is obtained thousands of years later, it is likely to follow the same path as him.

It may also be that one of the Peverell brothers has a very clever alchemist, who made these powerful magic items according to the different characteristics of the three. In this possibility, Felix thinks that the wise alchemist is between the second and third, because the eldest is positioned closer to a warrior in the legend.

If it's true, the alchemist's magical attainment is amazing. Not only does he know a lot about the soul, but he must also take into account the wand maker and alchemy... It's scary, but it's not impossible.

But unfortunately, there are not many stories about them left in history. Gee, time!

As for the "mission" in Dumbledore's mouth, Felix scoffed.


The next day was overcast and cloudy, and the little wizards walked through the castles in the drizzle.

At the end of the first class in the morning, Felix came to the staff lounge, and Professor McGonagall couldn't wait to hand over a newspaper.

"The personnel list has been published." She said with a smile.

Felix took it over and took a closer look. It said the list of Animagus members. The newspaper used an exaggerated method to warmly congratulate the Animagus of this century for reaching double digits, and these four. All individuals are current students.

In fact, there have been seven Animagus registered in this century, and if you count Rita Skeeter and Sirius, there are nine. Coupled with Peter Pettigrew and the undisclosed James Potter, the real number has long been more than ten people, but the existence of Peter Pettigrew is intentionally or unintentionally ignored in the newspapers.

"So fast?"

"It's not too fast, it's been almost a month." Professor McGonagall said, the wrinkles on his face stretched out, "These three students are starting to emerge in the improvement class - Granger has always been the first It's not obvious yet, but Able and Malfoy are making rapid progress. I also gave Longbottom an extra study note, he will take the Transfiguration Ordinary Wizarding Rank exam this year, and I'm sure he can keep up with the progress."

Felix knew in his heart that Draco was very proud of himself recently. The Malfoy family had donated a large sum of 50,000 Galleons, which caused quite a stir. His father Lucius took the money to open the way, and with Lucius' speech at the press conference, many media turned the tide.

Recently there have been newspapers (Felix guessing that Lucius was secretly stuffing money) showing interest in the heir to the Malfoy family, and upon closer inspection, there are indeed quite a few things worth reporting: members of the Anti-Dark Magic Alliance (co-developed Contribution of the Bright Fire Charm), Harry Potter and his friends' rivals at school (supposed to be glorified), ambitious (the healer's dream), and the freshly-baked Animagus.

Draco was complacent, with a peacock embroidered on his chest at some point, and walked around the school all day.

Among the first batch of seven qualified people, Harry was the first to feel the throbbing of Animagus, but also the first to fail; of the remaining six people, only four successfully practiced Animagus, and They are all Harry's classmates this year, and to be more precise, they are all frontline lookout station members who have mastered the Patronus Charm.

On the contrary, the last two seventh-grade students, Virgil and Jemelin, were still struggling, not only having to keep reciting the spell sooner or later, but also learning the Patronus magic. This is the advice given by Professor McGonagall.

"It's such a hassle," said Ron.

"If we start from the moment we master the Patronus Charm, we are the slow ones." Hermione said rationally: "The professor said that Animagus is like a complicated magic ritual, and it was done by the predecessors. The fruit of a coincidence."

"Does anyone really come up with such tedious steps?" Harry asked, puzzled. He couldn't figure out who would do something like stuffing a month's worth of mandrake blades in their mouths unless that person was cursed. Curse stupid.

"All the steps are not set at once, and you can't assume that the other person is a student like you." Hermione said plausibly: "Professor Sprout said in class that mandrakes have extremely high medicinal properties. By value, it's an important part of most antidotes, so we can imagine a scenario like this:"

"An ancient solitary sorcerer who specializes in Transfiguration and Potions - two subjects that play an extremely important role in the study of Animagus - for some reason or coincidence, he picks it on the night of the full moon When he was using the mandrake, he put a leaf in his mouth, probably to detoxify or something... In short, after a few days, he found that the mandrake had undergone an unknown change, so he used his knowledge of potions to conduct research. ."

"It still sounds troublesome..." Harry muttered. Ron nodded in agreement.

"If you study magic more deeply, you can feel this subtle change, which is equivalent to a signal. Before those magic laws were discovered, most wizards went on by feeling." Min said.

Ron murmured something that sounded like "divination lessons" and Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"Pay attention!" snapped Sprout, standing in front of a yam pear tree more than twelve feet tall. "We're going to learn about the protector tree today, which is a very meaningful lesson."

The three of Harry hurriedly stopped talking. Sprout wasn't just talking to them. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry caught a glimpse of Draco Malfoy putting away a newspaper and puffing out his chest so that his clothes The peacock pattern on the top is more conspicuous.

I wonder if his taste has changed recently? Harry thought to himself, but he didn't dare to say it, because he had observed this conclusion from Hermione, who had a special preference for peas on the table these days.

Harry knew that Hermione had been working diligently with Animagus Transfiguration recently.

At the time, the four successful students spent a weekend in Professor McGonagall's office, focusing on morphing and recovery techniques. After that, they were asked to spend a certain amount of time each week on it, repeatedly experiencing the transformation process.

Harry felt that it was similar to how Sirius would have turned into a big dog and roamed the campus once a month when he was in school.

But what puzzled him and Ron was that they had never found a place where Hermione practiced Transfiguration, nor did her roommates Lavender and Parvati know that Hermione had never practiced this magic in her dorm room. At this time, Sprout let out the guardian tree behind him so that the students could see more clearly.

"...the protector tree is a magical sorbus tree that protects those who touch its trunk from dark creatures. Therefore, the processed protector tree material is widely used in many defense items, and their wood and leaves They can be used to make amulets, self-defense jewelry, carved vigilance charms, etc. They grow slowly, and the bark is smoother at the seedling stage, so they are also good as ornamental plants."

Professor Sprout asked the students to look closely. Behind her, in addition to a large Dharma protector tree with rough skin, there are two smaller ones, planted in flower pots, lush and looking quite pleasing.

"You can touch it, it's not dangerous, unless you are disguised as dark creatures." She said aloud, "But be careful when you meet it in the wild, there may be a group of husks living on the tree."

Harry reached out and placed his hand on the trunk of the Great Protector Tree, probably because there were no Dementors or Inferi around, he didn't feel any difference, the branches of the Yamanashi were rustling, and he raised his head, trying to get in the thick of it. Look for a fruit or two among the foliage.

"Ouch—Professor Sprout, it hit me!" Lavender Brown exclaimed suddenly, withdrew his hand sharply.

"My dear, I think it may be because your mind is too complicated. The characteristics of the guardian tree are similar to the wands made from them. They are very defensive and like people with a clear mind and a pure heart." Professor Sprout said .

Not far away, Draco Malfoy grinned, his chest straighter.

"It's weird, I thought he'd take one too." Ron said regretfully when Professor Sprout asked the students to use the buckets to mix fertilizer suitable for the guardian tree.

"I think maybe it's because I learned Animagos. Weasley." Draco Malfoy caught up with a bucket, bumped Ron on the shoulder, and turned his head as he passed them. , showing a smug smile.

Ron opened his mouth to retort, but Harry held him back.

"Don't get caught, he wants us to fight him." Harry said calmly, "Malfoy, we have to finish the first step in two days, and if we're lucky, we will too when the Easter break is over. Animagus."

"That's right." Ron came to his senses and said warily.

"I'm waiting," Draco said condescendingly, narrowing his eyes, "I can give you some pointers if you don't understand anything. If you didn't faint." He was speaking to Harry. of.

"If you knew what Harry did, you'd piss your pants, Malfoy," Ron exclaimed. Draco slowly approached menacingly and was about to say something when Professor Sprout came over and looked at them suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

"No, nothing."

"Then hurry up. You're behind schedule," she pointed out sternly.

So they hurried to the corner of the greenhouse, where various types of fertilizers were piled up, mainly the feces of magical animals. The students used the floating spell to pick out suitable materials with disgust, and then quickly left.

While standing in line, Ron suddenly asked Hermione, "Your dream is still to be the Minister of Magic, isn't it?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?" Hermione asked, puzzled.

"Then you must do your best to get him promoted and kick him out of the Ministry of Magic."

"Don't be angry, Ron, and the newspaper said that he would become a therapist in the future. I don't think he would regret it easily, even for face," said Hermione.

"I don't think so," said Ron affirmatively, "I bet his dad would definitely give him a spare job in the Ministry, like a consultant or something . Those who are named must go to and from get off work on time..."

He spoke cheerfully, and Draco had returned with the materials, giving him a smug glance. Patting his chest, the peacock on his chest suddenly shook Ron's eyes and strode away.

Ron thought it looked like a fried pheasant, and Justin behind them wasn't too happy to hear that his patron saint was a pheasant. But his good friend Ernie McMillan said that Justin's favorite food is chicken thighs, and the two started fighting.

Sprout, who arrived, gave the Hufflepuffs and the Gryffindors five points.

"Hurry up!" she shouted again.

"Oops!" Hermione exclaimed suddenly when it was Harry's turn.

"What's wrong?" Harry whispered, and he had to hold his breath, the smell was so bad.

"My wand is gone!" said Hermione, and Harry and Ron gasped, eyes wide in disbelief. "No, not what you think, I think I know where it fell."

She took out a small wooden stick from her pocket with a quirky expression, which at first glance resembled a wand, but combined with what she had said earlier, Harry noticed a difference.

"Exclusive wand?"

"Warren's," said Hermione briefly.

"Oh—" Ron said in a long tone. Hermione blushed.

"I, um, it was Warren who invited me, he was very interested in Animagus, I thought... it's really boring to transform alone, it's better to follow Warren for a walk outside the castle... From an animal point of view Look, some of the things you're used to are actually fascinating, and Warren is an expert on that."

"No need to explain, Hermione," said Ron carelessly. "Sirius has managed to befriend Crookshanks. Maybe it's Animagus' stealth use, I should have thought about it..."

In the end, Harry used his wand to help Hermione choose the right material. Hermione originally wanted to try it with a special wand, but Harry stopped him. Now is not the time. Just trouble.

The students returned to a large spacious workbench one by one, and began to mix fertilizers. "Take a portion of the soil of rotting melons and fruits, and a portion of the dung of a moon beast... God, this smell is really great!" After a while , the smell in the greenhouse became more and more choking.

The bubble head spell came in handy at this time.

"I don't recommend you use spells, because smell is also an important part of judging the quality of fertilizer. Of course, it's not necessary, if you really can't stand it..." Professor Sprout said dryly.

But Neville was the only one who didn't use the Bubble Head Charm, and when he got rid of his share of fertilizer, he looked like he was going to faint.

"Perfect, Mr. Longbottom," said Professor Sprout with satisfaction.

"Teach, professor? Can I go out, go out to get some air?" Neville asked, with an abnormal flush on his face.

"Oh, of course," Professor Sprout said understandingly, and Neville ran for the door immediately, "plus, ten points for Gryffindor," she exclaimed, expecting other students to follow suit, but the students stared at Eyes hid behind the fishbowl-shaped spell, silently disposing of the sticky mass in his keg.

After class, Hermione disappeared immediately.

Harry knew that Hermione must be going to get back her own wand. Professor McGonagall had asked them to hide her wand properly when she transformed, because wands couldn't transform like clothes, not only wands, but also items that were related to magic. .

So probably the process is that Hermione handed the wand to Warren for safekeeping, let it hide in her pocket, and after turning into a beaver, the two little guys walked around slowly and leisurely against the castle wall...

Ancient Rune Office.

"Miss Granger?" Felix asked in surprise. "What's the matter?"

Hermione panted, holding out a finger. "Yes, sorry, Professor, I'm looking for Warren."


Felix turned his head, strangely. Sniff, who was drawing on the parchment, raised her head, blinked, and pointed to herself suspiciously. Hermione waved at it, which meant "yes, that's you."

Warren jumped off the sofa and came over unhurriedly. Hermione picked it up in a hug.

"I'm sorry, professor, we'll be right back."

After a while, Warren came back alone. It carried its small hands behind its back and shook its head for a while. Hermione was so careless, I'd better laugh at her next time we meet, but not now, her size doesn't prevail at all.

"What is she looking for from you?" Felix asked curiously.

Warren shook his head quickly, unable to say that it won't let the big devil know about its fight for allies.

"Is she your new animal friend?" Felix mused.


"I didn't peek at your diary," Felix curled his lips. "It was you who talked in your sleep at night, and said you wanted to unite and defeat the Great Demon King... How did Grindelwald provoke you?"

Warren stared at him, dumbfounded.

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