A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 665 Easter Holiday

For Felix, the Easter break has something to deal with.

The Future World Company, which had experienced the war, has grown again. Now more than one-third of the people are unfamiliar. He took advantage of this holiday to get acquainted with the new employees. Many of them are humanoid races.

"According to your request, elf, vampire, werewolf, goblin... Each category has recruited six or seven employees, and even two trolls, but no one is willing to live with them." Lupin said, He had two dark circles under his eyes, but he was in a very good mood. "Most of them are mixed blood, they can use magic wands, and it is very convenient to communicate. My task is to propose modifications to existing products, and to promote our products in different gathering places - mainly based on material Barter."

Felix nodded.

"What about centaurs and mermen?"

"The progress is slow, centaurs are quite xenophobic, and mermen, their hybrids with wizards are rare, and even if there are, they don't want to walk around the wizarding world," Lupin said.

"Oh, well, is there an interesting story?"

"Werewolves admire you very much." Seeing Felix's somewhat surprised expression, Lupin smiled: "Didn't you recruit some werewolves in Hogsmeade? They were amazed when they saw you transformed. Now the news has spread."

"...They don't think I'm a werewolf, do they?"

"There is indeed a small group of werewolves who think so," Lupin said with an odd expression. "But after the press conference, such rumors are not so marketable. Many foreign potions experts stayed in the UK, and they spontaneously gathered A few loose circles set out to study werewolves' magical anatomy. And therapists—they suspect that many incurable diseases are related to the distortion of the body's magical power. Based on this, many conjectures have been made."

"Very energetic," Felix said with satisfaction.

He spent a week in Sword Castle, walking from room to room, and was greeted warmly by the house-elves, who seemed to like their work environment and the group life. He also sees Dobby, and although Dobby is the house-elf closest to him to Felix, Dobby is still involved in actual work, unlike wizards, house-elves are generally considered not to work is shameful.

Even Dobby was just asking for a little salary, not running away from work.

"Sir, we have a present for you," Dobby screeched, and the little ones stepped aside to reveal a giant Easter egg, which Felix reckoned could allow a elf to live and live in, Each eggshell is engraved with the name of a house-elf in chocolate.

Felix thanked him again and again.

"I have gifts for you, too," he said, and flying out of the ring hundreds of round chestnut wood chips flashing with gilt writing, engraved with the name of each house elf, and a phrase similar to 'Excellent Employee' ' sentence, on the back is the embossed pattern of the sword castle.


Harry and Ron had completed the first steps of the Animagos preparations a few days before the holiday, hid the crystal vials on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and then chanted the spell in the morning and evening.

The promotion of Animagus to Transfiguration spread among the students, and they gradually came to a consensus that if they wanted to learn Animagus, they must first learn the Patronus.

The Charms professor followed through on this idea and explained this part of the knowledge in the last class before the vacation.

"I heard that Professor Flitwick intends to include the Patronus Charm within the scope of the Professor's spell," said Ron.

"It's not easy to practice this magic." Harry said, he thought of the scene where he practiced the Patronus Charm. Even if he didn't count himself, others practiced intermittently for half a year, but in the end the two hands who mastered this magic could count. come over.

"There's always a way," Ron replied optimistically.

"What about Hermione?"

"Maybe go to Warren? If the professor is not here, Warren will be left alone. Sigh, we can go for a walk outside the castle, maybe we can meet a sniff and a beaver..."

"Or go watch the cartoon, the one I told you last time!"

"Forget it, I'll still think about Quidditch tactics, because after two weeks in the school hospital, we lost a game, the score was tight, and the last few games were crucial." Harry thought for a while and said.

"Didn't Dumbledore teach you during the holidays?"

Harry shook his head.

"Headmaster Dumbledore said he had some housework to do."

"Housework!" Ron's eyes widened, "Isn't he the only one left?"

"That's right," Harry said softly, "Aberforth Dumbledore of Hog's Head."

"Then the place he's staying this vacation is really bad." Ron shook his head and pretended to sigh.


Felix had also made a trip to the Ministry of Magic over the holidays, and Ms Burns had been intrigued by recent rumours that the monocle was lifted from a stack of papers.

So Felix conjured up a werewolf arm and smashed a cup in her face.

"That's my favorite water glass!" said Ms. Burns, eyebrows raised.

Felix shrugged, restored his arm and cup together, looked at a puzzle hanging on the wall, and said lazily, "I thought you liked this the most." But because he told the truth, was kicked out.

Before leaving, Ms. Burns told him something.

"Arginbad wants to see you."

"The new president of the International Confederation of Wizards?"

Ms. Burns gave him a positive look, and threw him a business card, and a faint magic power circulated in the card.

Felix showed a hint of interest.

"I see, but not now. Probably during the summer vacation."

"Whatever you want, everyone is busy," she said, and she glared at Felix with jealousy, "maybe I can consider teaching at Hogwarts for a few years after I retire, at least you have time to do research... "

Felix didn't like it, he withdrew his right hand on the doorknob and decided to let the woman know his real workload. The reason why he is so leisurely is that he is racing against time to squeeze out the time.

So when Tonks knocked on the door and came in, he saw their minister drowned in a thick stack of parchment, rubbing his forehead in pain, Felix smiled and whispered with a cup of tea, occasionally commenting on the results of her work. Give an evaluation.

"Efficiency, Amelia, efficiency! You've only graded one hundred and three assignments, and by the time you get off work—" He glanced at the time, "probably made two hundred." Somehow, Burns The nostrils on the woman's expressionless face kept moving, spitting rough air.

"Tonks!" Ms. Burns jumped up and asked solemnly, "Come on, how is the situation now?"

Tonks looked blankly at his boss.

What's the meaning? She has nothing to report. She just wanted to take a leave of absence. There is nothing to do recently. She wants to go back to the two-person world as soon as possible.

Ms. Burns's piercing vision was falcon-like through the monocle watching Tonks.

"I think... maybe a little serious?" Tonks said slowly, his tone turning several turns in the middle. There was a smile on the corner of Ms. Burns' mouth, and then she quickly retracted, "I see," she said solemnly, "I'll deal with it right away."

She left with steady steps, her eyes were firm and powerful, and there was a trace of decisive momentum.

Tonks froze in place, with a bunch of questions in his mind. Looking back, Felix had packed up his students' homework and was standing in the fireplace, letting the emerald flames climb up his cheeks.

Felix waved at her in a triumphant gesture, "I don't mind Remus skipping work occasionally." Then disappeared. Leaving Tonks stunned. Now that everyone is gone, who will give her a fake note?

Halfway through the Easter break, Felix is ​​finally back at school.

After thinking about it, he appeared directly in the secret room below the castle. The environment here is still very bad, the light is dim, the air is filled with a faint smell of decay and stench, and the ground is full of traces of his magic practice. Felix uttered a Parseltonian, and the mouth of the Salazar Slytherin statue slowly opened, revealing the space inside.

Dozens or hundreds of creatures that exist only in fantasy came out of it.

Felix looked at them. These 'spell creatures' are not really creatures, at least Felix thinks they can't be compared with the wisdom of the Sorting Hat. He hopes to create real creatures, rather than having to live in the world he has worked hard to create. in a special environment.

As the magic of the Thinking House slowly radiated from the body, these rune creatures that were not well adapted to the surrounding environment became more agile. Felix stretched out his hand, and a swift with a golden red flame on his body fell on his hand. Jumping around in the palm of your hand.

Felix rubbed his chin.

"Ancient rune as a carrier, memory nodes lock memory fragments, tsk, this is a low-profile wizard body and wizard soul, but everything is a little bit worse..."

Swift's body suddenly spread out, and the flame stirred into a golden-red flame vortex in front of Felix. Felix stared at the scenes of memory flashing in the flame, or the word 'record' was more accurate, Swift itself It lacked the emotion it should have, and its reactions were all Felix expected.

After a while, the flame gradually subsided and condensed into a wizard chess piece with residual warmth in front of him.

Day by day, Felix started to transform the secret room into a playground. The memories are all ready-made, but the material is the trouble. With a secret thought, he did not make a big deal, but ran ten times without hesitation. several places.

He also went to Newt's house in the middle to learn how to integrate different environments.

So by the end of the holiday, the space in the secret room had expanded thousands of times, and was divided into more than a dozen different terrains and entertainment projects. The ceiling was also raised, and Felix sat on a swing hanging from the clouds, looking down at the natural landscape below.

A meandering river runs through all the different terrains, starting from the snow-capped mountains, and a thousand feet below is a plain, surrounded by vast forests, swamps, deserts, stone forests, lakes...

The only pity is that there is no real life here.

But Felix can create rune creatures. After doing all this, Felix looked at the rune creatures running on the ground under his feet with satisfaction. In the lower left corner of his line of sight, there was still an empty space, bare and stone. There is only a thin line of grass between the floor and the edge.

The entertainment project scheduled there is the Flying Valley, and he estimates that the materials will not be available for the time being. However, at least it is similar to the appearance in memory, and the rest can be gradually improved.

On the last day of the holiday, Felix sat on the stone steps in front of the castle and looked up at the moon.

There was a rustling sound around him, and he grinned.

"Warren, Miss Granger?"

Two heads appeared in the grass, one belonged to Sniff and the other belonged to Beaver, and Beaver immediately retracted his head. A witch appeared on the spot, and Hermione walked out with heavy steps, waving quietly to Warren.

Warren took a wand from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Er... Professor? What are you doing?" Hermione decided to skip a topic she was embarrassed about and said preemptively.

Felix stared at the moon, "I'm thinking about finding some building materials... Forget it, it feels a little dangerous."

"Building materials?" Hermione looked at him puzzled, and then followed his line of sight to the sky, with an expression that was half understanding and half incredulous: "You want to go to the moon? This, this is too—" She I found that I couldn't keep up with the professor's ideas at all.

"It's okay to think about it." Felix suddenly became interested, and asked in the usual way of discussing magic: "Do you think there is hope?"

Hermione fell silent.

Warren looked up and left, then jumped to the steps to stare at the bright moon, intrigued. It has followed the Great Demon King to many places, but it has not yet reached the moon, but the moon is only so small, what is there to see?

"Professor, what's the longest distance you can Apparate?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"I haven't tried it. It's probably a few thousand kilometers." Felix said, the longer the distance of Apparition, the more dangerous it was. He didn't think so much, but it was basically no problem to go from one country to another. Once Apparating, it takes two or three transits to the United States.

"If that's the case," Hermione took a deep breath, "it is indeed possible. I remember that the distance from the earth to the moon is about 380,000 kilometers. If you can guarantee survival in a vacuum environment, it only takes two or three hundred phantom shifts. Shape—Professor, do you know about vacuums? And cosmic rays?"

"I know." Felix glanced at Hermione.

"That's good, if Professor, you really plan to... go to the moon, be sure to be fully prepared." Hermione said awkwardly, she didn't know why she was discussing such an outrageous topic so seriously, maybe it was because he really It is possible to do it.

"I remember that Muggles have special books describing the environment outside the atmosphere, and it has to be done step by step, any reckless and reckless behavior can have serious consequences. Professor - I don't want your name to be used in some strange way. Record it, like that idiot flying to the moon on a broomstick—" Her tone grew more urgent and stern.

"I know, I know." Felix said in a perfunctory manner.

"This is no joke!"

"Ah, it's my problem, I assure you, I'm just thinking, I don't have any plans for a long trip yet."

"Professor, you swear!"

"Hmm... it can't be a magic contract, right? That won't work..."

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