A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 179 Brother Luo’s hot-tongued Mandarin

Is Wei Ge so particular?

Wang Zuluo looked at the woman in front of him in surprise, and then he clicked his tongue twice and shook his head.

"Let you accompany me?" Wang Zuluo kicked the woman directly in the stomach, knocking her back and causing the chair legs in her hand to fall to the ground.

Damn it, all the flies have been taken away, how can I have time to talk to this woman now?

Taking a step forward, before the woman stood up, she directly pressed her knees on the other person's back, then put her hands together and tied them up with the previous wire.

He put away the spray, held the fly in one hand, and the woman in the other, and walked under the boat regardless of her struggle.

Now I have to send Brother Wuying to the hospital to see if he comes over in a big storm and falls on a chair leg.

"Brother Luo, is this...?"

The gangsters below who were treating the wounds of the stowaways saw Brother Luo's appearance and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

"Brother Wuying was knocked unconscious by this bitch's sneak attack. Send him to the hospital first."

Wang Zuluo threw the wild bitch in his hand among the women who had just been rescued. Then let the gangsters take out a few people to go up and search again, and take down the valuable things.

"Brother Luo, Brother Wuying is fine, he just has a bulge."

A hunter looked at Wu Fei's condition and immediately reported it to Wang Zuluo.

They were all boxers in the past, and you could tell if they had a concussion or just a minor injury as soon as they started fighting.

Before I followed Brother Luo, I would always treat my injuries myself. If it can't be cured, then fight hard. If you really can't bear it, find a clinic. The last option is the hospital.

Don't think that hospitals on Hong Kong Island are cheap. The practices of a certain field hospital in later generations can only be regarded as normal operations in today's hospitals on Hong Kong Island.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Wang Zuluo then glared at the wild bitches and said, "I almost beat you to death after saving you so kindly. It's so fucking unkind to repay you for your kindness!"

Wang Zuluo spoke Mandarin, and although his accent sounded a bit hot due to his physical condition, the women who were huddled together hugging their knees all looked up.

"Don't look at me like that. I'll take you to Mong Kok later. If you have relatives you can seek refuge with, call them and ask them to pick you up."

After Wang Zuluo finished speaking, he saw that they were a little confused, so he asked again: "Do you know where Mong Kok is?"

"I don't know. Before we boarded the ship, we only knew that we could make a lot of money in Hong Kong Island."

The wild girls also noticed it at this time, and they haven't seen that bastard Snake Touwei come out until now, so Wang Zuluo and the others should not be bad people.

"Make a lot of money..." Wang Zuluo imitated angrily, then squatted down and untied the wire from the opponent's wrist.

"A waiter on Hong Kong Island can earn more than 1,900 Hong Kong dollars a month." Seeing all the stowaways' eyes light up when they heard this number, Wang Zuluo said the next sentence ruthlessly:

"But you don't have ID cards, so those who recruit workers will squeeze you hard. You can't get even 19 yuan, let alone 1,900 yuan."

"I don't believe you can't make money without an ID card. I'm very hardworking and can do anything."

It was that wild bitch again who opened her mouth to help everyone ask their questions.

Wang Zuluo glanced at her. It seemed that she was very prestigious among these women.

As for the men, although they were all strong and strong, they were so hungry that they could not speak. He was enjoying the food that the gangsters had collected from the boat.

"Hard work is useless. If it were really useful, one-third of the people in Hong Kong would not be unemployed."

"There are so many stowaways like you every year, so why are you used? Southeast Asians still come in groups to smuggle in. There are many people without ID cards on the construction site!"

Wang Zuluo looked at the wild girls who had just spoken and continued: "Originally, Snakehead Wei wanted to sell your girls to the horse stable. You know the horse stable, it is a brothel with the door ajar."

"You men will be sent to the police station to take the blame. Those cases for which no one can be found will be pinned on your head for no reason and then thrown into prison."

After Wang Zuluo finished speaking, the stowaways fell silent. On the ship these days, Snake Touwei discussed with his men where to sell them to, and he never avoided them.

These people are from coastal cities and can speak Cantonese to a greater or lesser extent, otherwise they would not have thought of smuggling to Hong Kong Island.

Seeing their eyes gradually losing their brightness, Wang Zuluo sighed.

He just couldn't bear to see such a tragedy, otherwise he wouldn't have helped his migrant workers ask for money in his previous life.

On the other hand, if someone is cruel, they will just play rogue and blame the construction site or just abandon them and run away. Who will help them?

"Okay, why do you want me to look pitiful on you?" Wang Zuluo softened his tone and said:

"After I go to Mong Kok later, I'll contact my relatives. If your relatives want you to be young ladies, you can come to Mong Kok and see me, Wang Zuluo. Although I'm not a good person, I can still arrange for you to do the work individually."

Anyway, the milk tea shop has opened in the past few days. These people are sent to be trained to be hard-working waiters.

"Same for you old men, don't be deceived into working as coolies on the pretext of getting ID cards for you. ID cards are not something ordinary people can get."

It is normal for Wang Zuluo to be soft-hearted towards those women. After all, it is much more difficult for them to resist when something happens.

There are club members everywhere on Hong Kong Island, and these women are helpless. If they go out like this, there is no other way out except going to the stables.

It's different for men. If they can't go to the construction site, they won't starve to death even if they are young and Dangerous.

There were so many people showing off their horses every day, and in the past, just one person could earn dozens of dollars. If you're lucky, the two sides start a fight, and you can earn hundreds of dollars if you go up and fish.

"Brother Luo, can we follow you now and help you with your work?"

Hey, this wild bitch is pretty good at following snakes. She seizes the opportunity when she sees that she is soft-hearted. It's amazing.

"You should contact your relatives first. It is better to follow your relatives than to be an outsider like me. By the way, what is your name?"

It was too dark, and all of these women had disheveled hair and gray faces. Wang Zuluo couldn't tell whether these women were beautiful or ugly.

But those who can be kept by Snakehead Wei to be sent to the stable will not be too embarrassed.

"My name is Hong Kong Sheng..." As soon as Hong Kong Sheng spoke, Wang Zuluo glanced at the other person's back strangely, wanting to see if there was any striped snake on it.

Gee, Brother Luo watched the uncut scenes in the movie several times.

Of course, that is viewed with a critical eye.

"You were born on Hong Kong Island. What's your name?"

Wang Zuluo interrupted the long speech made up by the other party. It's not like he hasn't seen the movie. Brother Luo has to believe it if you make it up.

"You don't have anywhere to go?" Wang Zuluo looked at the remaining women again. Seeing them all looking at Hong Kong students, Wang Zuluo knew what they were thinking.

"Okay, you can become a waiter and help me sell milk tea from now on."

Wang Zuluo didn't want to continue talking to them. The gangsters had already brought down the valuables. Brother Luo had to go and find the four million in cash Snake Touwei owed him.

"Leader, we also want to work with you!"

Wang Zuluo had just taken a few steps when he was stopped by a male stowaway.

Looking back, he saw that the other person had a beard that Brother Luo envied. You didn't see anything when he didn't stand up, but now that the opponent stood up, his back was straight, and he looked like he had been on the battlefield.

"What's your name?" Wang Zuluo stopped on the spot. His security company was short of such instructors who had been on the battlefield.

"Reporting to the leader, my name is Li Xiangdong."

Li Xiangdong wanted to salute out of habit, but stopped halfway and continued to introduce: "This is Qi Jingsheng, this is Guo Xuejun, we came here together."

These three fierce men were actually tricked by the snakehead?

But think about it, the three of them have just escaped from prison, and they are not wary of the Hong Kong Island that they yearn for. It is normal for them to be tricked.

Wang Zuluo immediately turned around, smiled and walked back to shake hands with Li Xiangdong.

Good guys, these three are the security company instructors who come to your door. Of course, you can also serve as bodyguards when you have nothing to do.

There is no need to think about letting them follow the Young and Dangerous. Wang Zuluo remembers Li Xiangdong's words: "In mainland China, no police officer has ever turned into a thief!"

People with a bottom line can also use it to make Luo Ge feel confident to leave his back to them.

It's absolutely fine to let Aji kill people, but when it comes to protecting people, it's a far cry.

"Have you ever been a soldier?" Wang Zuluo looked at the three Li Xiangdong brothers and said, "No, from the looks of you, you should have been a policeman."

Seeing Li Xiangdong's expression change slightly, Wang Zuluo raised his hand with a smile and continued: "You can see it, I am not a good person, but I will never let you do bad things that are harmful to nature."

"You can choose to be a bodyguard or an instructor in my security company. If you are a bodyguard, you will be responsible for my safety. Your monthly salary will definitely be higher than that of an instructor in the security company."

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