Chapter 180 Chili~

"Leader, can we be bodyguards first and then make a choice after we settle down?"

Li Xiangdong asked Wang Zuluo quickly. He heard Wang Zuluo say just now that ID cards are not something ordinary people can get.

But Brother Luo in front of them doesn't look like an ordinary person. Now that they have just arrived in Hong Kong Island, their eyes are dark, and they don't know who to ask for an ID card. Now there is an opportunity in front of them, and they must seize it.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't want you back when I'm angry?"

Wang Zuluo looked at the three brothers Li Xiangdong in a funny way. Wang Zuluo was still very optimistic about the abilities of the three of them.

In a face-to-face gunfight, the opponent draws his gun first, and they can protect the enemy in a three-on-four manner. If they defeat the opponent in a group, they will not be hurt at all.

"Don't worry, leader, we will do a good job as bodyguards. As long as I, Li Xiangdong, am alive, I will not let the leader get hurt at all!"

When Li Xiangdong saw the expression on Wang Zuluo's face, he knew that the matter was settled.

"By the way, boss, the three of us just don't have to pay for the first few years. Can you help us get ID cards?"

Li Xiangdong decided to strike while the iron was hot. ID cards were the obsession of the three of them to start a new life. Aren't you abandoning everything and coming to Hong Kong just to get ahead and live a happy life?

"ID card..." Wang Zuluo pondered for a moment. In fact, if they had come here a few years earlier, there would be no need to apply for ID cards specially, and they would be issued directly in the city.

But now Hong Kong Island has more people and fewer jobs. Even the locals have no jobs, let alone issuing ID cards to outsiders to take their jobs.

"It's not easy to apply for an ID card now. In the past, the immigration department used paper documents. You could just find someone at the immigration department and give it some money, and it would be done without anyone noticing."

"But now that everything has been replaced by computers, paper information is entered into the computer, and it is no longer possible to stuff money."

Wang Zuluo looked at the three brothers Li Xiangdong with difficulty. When disappointment began to appear on their faces, Wang Zuluo smiled and patted Li Xiangdong's shoulder habitually.

"Don't worry, just because others can't do it doesn't mean that I, Wang Zuluo, can't do it."

Since the entry time can be checked on the computer, the staff at the Immigration Department will definitely be in trouble if their superiors find out.

But you can go directly to their boss, the boss, and at the worst you can give them more money.

But Brother Luo is not prepared to do this. It will cost at least hundreds of thousands to get an ID card from Gui Lao. Without money, Gui Lao will not even look at you.

"Now there are two ways to help you apply for ID cards."

Wang Zuluo glanced at the stowaways who were listening with their ears pricked up. He simply walked among them and said loudly to these people: "You also know that there are many villages on Hong Kong Island, which are called walled villages."

"The village chief is responsible for recording all villagers' household registration information, and some villagers will never leave the village a few times in their lives. If you are willing to spend some money to have the village chief add a few more records, you will be recognized as a member of the village."

"Then call the immigration office and you can get your ID card. Of course, you also have to give the immigration clerk a small amount of money to let them go through the expedited lane."

Wang Zuluo was afraid that these people would be deceived by others after they went out, so he wanted to popularize the methods in this area to them. They were all poor people, and any help they could give would be helpful.

"The second one is similar to the first one, but this time you need to get to know someone first."

"You know, Kowloon Walled City. Many people have lived in the Walled City all their lives. They are also Hong Kong Islanders, but few of them would even think about applying for identity cards."

"You can go to the police station in the Kowloon Walled City, say that you are from the Walled City, and ask them to issue a certificate for you. You can then take it to the immigration department to apply for an ID card."

Wang Zuluo paused for a moment, letting these people digest what they just said, and then continued:

"But I don't recommend that you go to the Walled City to find someone to handle it. The reason is very simple, that is, they are too greedy. No matter what they do, the charges are too expensive."

"Also, in Hong Kong Island, people who come from the Kowloon Walled City will be discriminated against invisibly. Being a young and Dangerous boy is an advantage, but it is not easy to find a job."

Wang Zuluo took out a cigar and held it in his mouth, squatting in front of Hong Kong students. He raised his chin and deliberately dropped the lighter on the ground in front of her.

I almost gave Brother Luo a slap in the face just now, this revenge must be avenged. Brother Luo is a generous man. He just lights up a cigarette and the matter is over.

Hong Kong students were also very smart, picking up a lighter and lighting Wang Zuluo's cigarette.

Looking at it from this angle, a pair of rabbits were dangling, and Luo Ge deliberately raised his head to dodge, making the dangling even more realistic.

Looking at it, Brother Luo choked on the cigarette directly into his lungs, coughing and tears flowed out.

Wiping the tears from the corner of his mouth, Wang Zuluo stood up and continued: "You don't look like rich people. I suggest you go to the village to find the village chief. Speak politely, carry something with you, and apply for identity. The proof of the certificate can be obtained for about 5,000 yuan."

"Remember, don't just gather in one village to handle the matter. Go to a few more villages separately. If you meet someone you can talk to, let each other know. Finally, find a reliable village to handle the matter."

"Also, don't spread the idea. Just know it yourself."

After saying that, Wang Zuluo retracted his gaze from Hong Kong Sheng's chest, then coughed and walked towards the three brothers Li Xiangdong: "Do you remember how to handle it?"

Seeing the three brothers nodding, Wang Zuluo continued: "Then start working now. After the first month's salary is paid, you can use the money to apply for an ID card. If you can't get it, I can help."

Li Xiangdong immediately stood at attention and saluted, saying: "Please rest assured, leader!"

Wang Zuluo pressed the other party's hand and said: "Don't salute at all times, otherwise others will think you are a swindler."

It didn't matter whether they were treated as pawns, but it would be terrible if Brother Luo was treated as a pawn.

Other prefixes will definitely isolate Wang Zuluo, and his subordinates will not be convinced. Even if the explanation is clear, there will be a lot of trouble in the end.

After saying that, Wang Zuluo walked towards the safe that the gangsters had moved down. Unexpectedly, Snake Touwei still had money to buy a safe. It seemed that he had saved a lot of money.

Snakehead Wei had just been tied to a rock by a fly, hung on a cable and submerged in the water. It was no longer possible to find him and ask where the key was. The only way was to find something to pry it open.

"Boss, let me try." Guo Xuejun stepped forward, looked at the safe, then put his ear to the safe and started to turn the combination lock.

It didn't take more than ten minutes before he actually opened the safe.

"Okay, you have special skills!" Wang Zuluo put out his cigar and looked at the three of them curiously: "Jingsheng, what skills do you have?"

Qi Jingsheng scratched his head and said, "I used to be a radio soldier. I can repair walkie-talkies like this."

He pointed at the walkie-talkie in Wang Zuluo's hand that buzzed every time someone made a call.

Wang Zuluo turned to look at Li Xiangdong again. Since both of his brothers have skills, does he also have hidden skills?

"I've been a battalion commander, and I'm good at commanding operations, but nothing else..."

Wang Zuluo understood instantly that he could train soldiers to command operations, but not much else.

Although the conditions on Hong Kong Island do not allow Brother Luo to train soldiers, it is still possible to help him train these gangsters who have been following him.

He is also a talent, the most talented among the three brothers.

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