A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 188 Mad Dog Luo, hand over the bond, or we will die together!

"Leader, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

Seeing that Brother Luo couldn't find the check after searching for two minutes, Li Xiangdong had to remind him.

Wang Zuluo was silent for a moment. He wanted to say that he was indeed looking for a check, but looking at Li Xiangdong's expression, it was obvious that the other party would not believe it.

"Let's go!" Wang Zuluo decisively took out his hand, took out his gloves and balled them up, trying to stuff them into Sasaki Miho's mouth.

"Jun Zuluo, take me with you. My men are outside. If you are discovered, you can use me to find a way to survive."

Because of Fei Rong's betrayal, Sasaki Miho even became suspicious of Shiro. If Bai Zha also betrays him, it would be safer to follow Wang Zuluo.

Bai Zha had not come to respond in person before, and one of the bodyguards sent later was a traitor. How could these combined not frighten Miho Sasaki?

It seems that Mr. Ma's power on the Thai-Myanmar border has been wiped out, and his men have also had their own evil intentions.

In this situation, let alone getting Ma Ye's funds to go back and stabilize the pink goods trading line in Thailand, whether he can leave Hong Kong alive is a question.

What's more, those who are chasing Fei Rong don't know when they will come back. If they don't leave, are they going to be left here to try their luck?

Bai Zha's men still don't know if they can find him. If no one finds him, starvation may be the final outcome.

Therefore, the bastard in front of him became Sasaki Miho's best choice. She can use her body to hitch a ride on Master Ma, and she can also use her body to follow Wang Zuluo.

At least Wang Zuluo is younger and handsomer than Ma Ye.

Wang Zuluo thought about it for a moment and felt that what this Japanese girl said was quite reasonable.

Soon, Miho Sasaki, whose hands and feet were tied up, and gloves stuffed in her mouth, was carried down the mountain by Wang Zuluo.

Outside, Tony was already preparing to retreat with his men. The losses on his side were too great. There were only so many people in the entire Vietnamese gang, so they couldn't all stay here.

Those on the opposite side were very good at shooting and even used cross-cover. If he hadn't brought two grenades, these two sides would have been dispersed by the opponent long ago.

"Brother, withdraw!"

Tony fired several shots at the other side, and while the other side was hiding, he rolled over to Brother Zha.

"Ahu has gone up the mountain. We don't have to worry about him. We can take the people to evacuate here first and pick up Ahu outside."

One of Brother Zha's arms was injured, but he still used a gun to shoot at each other. After hearing what Tony said, he nodded.

There is no cover here, so it would be a real disadvantage to fight.

He also knew A-Hu's skills. At least those people who were chasing him would definitely not be able to leave A-Hu behind on the mountain.

"Fight and walk at the same time, all those people in the province will go up the mountain to find Ahu."

Brother Zha gave his own suggestions, and Tony didn't object. As long as the bonds are obtained this time, these dead people can be recruited to replace them.

He knew very well that the place in his hometown only required a small salary, and there were many people working hard for them.

Wang Zuluo walked around the mountain road for more than half an hour and finally saw the gas station on Fengsheng Street outside.

There is only one bus to and from Diamond Hill Funeral Home. Unless you have a car, it's very difficult to leave.

This place was originally at the foot of the mountain and within the cemetery. It's okay to push the time back a few decades. Don't expect to encounter traffic in this era.

There were only two employees at the gas station. One was fast asleep with a newspaper on his head, and the other was looking at the TV and cheering loudly for the horse race he had chosen, comparing it with the tickets in his hand.

Wang Zuluo and his group didn't even notice when they passed by the gas station.

At this time, gunfire rang out at the intersection of Fengsheng Street and Po Kong Village Road where the gas station is located.

Wang Zuluo and his group hid in the woods next to the gas station.

The two cars were still accelerating crazily on the ramp, with several cars behind them chasing after them. The sound of AK gunfire can be heard clearly from a street away.

When these cars drove past, a black off-road vehicle that Wang Zuluo looked very familiar jumped out of the woods on the side of the street and parked directly next to the gas station.

"Brother Luo, your car!" The guy who drove Wang Zuluo before couldn't help but say.

Wang Zuluo looked over with a dark face. Sure enough, it was his Land Rover Defender with external bulletproof panels, but now the bulletproof panels outside were full of bullet marks, and none of the window glass that was not covered by the bulletproof panels was intact.

Two people got out of the car and walked straight into the gas station. They held the staff at gunpoint and came out to refuel.

"Damn it, Xiangdong, take someone to get the car back!"

Wang Zuluo handed the pistol to Li Xiangdong. Miho Sasaki didn't get the two million check he promised, but he couldn't lose the off-road vehicle he bought for two million.

Only two people got out of the car, and there were more than a dozen gangsters in front of him. As long as he touched them, Wang Zuluo didn't believe that they dared to shoot at the gas station.

Of course I didn't dare to shoot. Bullets don't have long eyes. If it hits the tanker, everyone will die together.

"Brother, turn off the insurance. If there is a fire, we will all die here!"

Tony saw Brother Zha still holding the gun against the opponent's head while the staff was cheering, and quickly went over to hold down the opponent's arm.

Their evacuation just now was quite successful. Although several men died, they still retreated to the vicinity of the garbage truck.

But when I got in the car, I discovered that all the tires of the dirt truck had been punctured by his mother.

Fortunately, they caught Poujie who punctured the tire. If Poujie hadn't taken out the keys to the bulletproof car, Tony would have really wanted to shoot him.

"Brother Tony, you've already run out, how about you let me go. Next time you go to Mong Kok, I will definitely arrange a sauna and hotel package for you."

Liangkun's shoulder hurt when Tony grabbed him, but he didn't dare to resist.

He just wanted to take advantage of the gunfight between the two sides to puncture the tires of the garbage truck to avenge his Rolls-Royce, which was smashed into scrap metal.

Who knew that before he could drive away in Mad Dog Luo's beautiful car, he would be caught by these bastards.

He got the car key from the boy who parked the car for Wang Zuluo. I wanted to drive away from here, but when I saw the two garbage trucks, I couldn't hold back my hand.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and recognized Tony among them, he might have gone down to accompany Ba Guan by now.

"Stop talking nonsense, the batch of goods you put in Tsim Sha Tsui should be regarded as an apology for this matter. Otherwise, even if you hide in Jiang Tiansheng's bed in Hongxing, our brothers will arrest you and give you an explanation!"

Tony punched Liangkun directly in the face. If he hadn't jumped on the street, he wouldn't have been entangled by the group of Thais.

What was originally planned as a tactical retreat has now turned into a rush. Without the garbage truck, his group of men were directly blown up by the AK fire.

When they were shooting against each other before, they were on the offensive side, and they could still rely on their numbers to fight back and forth with the opponent.

Once they evacuated, they highlighted the straggler nature of these people. People were snatching cars, running around, and some even surrendered.

Tony and Brother Zha had no choice but to follow Liangkun into the bulletproof car, rush out first and park in the woods on the side of the road to take shelter.

He waited until the professional mercenaries had chased his men far away before they dared to come out and cheer.

There was simply not enough gas in the car's mailbox for them to drive back to Tsim Sha Tsui. Cops were definitely looking for them on the street now, so filling up the gas nearby was the best option.

Liangkun covered his face. Although his smile remained the same, the anger in his eyes was about to burst out.

Soon, his eyes lit up and he saw the gangsters in white shirts surrounding him from behind.

Everyone who came to Changli's funeral was wearing a fucking white coat, and no one else except Mad Dog Luo's men.

It seemed that Mad Dog Luo had seen his car, otherwise he wouldn't have had people surround him and prepare to take action.

"Don't fucking come over here or I'll shoot him!"

Tony saw something was wrong from Liangkun's expression, and when he turned around, he saw the gangsters surrounding him. He thought it was Liangkun's men who came up to him, and immediately put a gun to Liangkun's head.

"Second brother, look, it's that bitch!"

Brother Zha had already let go of the gas station clerk and hid on the other side of the car with a gun.

After seeing Sasaki Miho standing in the distance with Miho Sasaki on her shoulders, she immediately shouted.

"Fuck, what does Ahu do for food?"

Tony cursed secretly, Ahu, that loser, led people to chase him up the mountain, and with the cooperation of the mole, he was still robbed.

"Hand over the bonds or we all die together!"

Tony decisively pushed Liangkun in front of him and pointed his pistol at the gas pump.

Brother Zha also stood out from behind the car. The previous submachine gun had been empty of bullets. Now he was holding the Black Star in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Wang Zuluo's position.

"Bond?" Wang Zuluo put down Miho Sasaki in front of him and pulled her back toward the corner of the gas station wall.

"Don't act stupid, the 40 million bearer bond is with that woman, don't say you didn't get it!"

Brother Zha had a bad temper and couldn't stand Wang Zuluo pretending to be stupid, so he shouted out.

"You guys are so fucking clever. The bearer bond is at least as big as a folder. Can you hide it on this woman?"

After Wang Zuluo finished shouting, the atmosphere at the scene fell silent.

Tony and Brother Zha were reflecting on who gave the information that the bearer bond must be placed on this woman.

Wang Zuluo was silent because he heard the amount of the bond.

40 million, if sold, his security company will be on the right track immediately, and Xin Lianying can also use the security company to slowly clear his name.

Why the hell are you selling jewelry when you have bonds?

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