A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 189 Tony’s ruthlessness, Brother Luo’s men were beaten to death


When both sides were silent, Li Xiangdong shot Brother Zha directly in the chest.

Tony subconsciously pointed the gun at Li Xiangdong, but he didn't expect Liangkun to suddenly get angry, push Tony's arm and hit the door of the off-road vehicle.

In pain, the gun in Tony's hand fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the gangsters surrounding him swarmed up. Taking the dagger he had pulled out from nowhere and the finger tiger he had prepared earlier, he attacked Tony.

After Liangkun knocked the gun out of Tony's hand, he was kicked in the stomach by Tony. Now he was slumped next to the tire of the off-road vehicle, coughing desperately with his mouth wide open.

"Brother!" Tony's eyes immediately turned red when he saw Brother Zha lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Although he is treacherous, ruthless, and does bad things, he values ​​his family very much.

The two brothers plus his mother are Tony's weaknesses.

Now he doesn't know whether Brother Zha is alive or dead, and he is on the verge of going berserk.

He cut two holes in his back with a dagger, smashed the throat of the beater in front of him with one punch, grabbed the hair of another beater, raised his knee and hit the beater's face one after another.

When he let go again, the boy had lost consciousness and fell limply to the ground.

Finally, he hugged the body of a beaten boy and pushed him out of the encirclement, heading straight for Li Xiangdong, who had just fired.

These shots were very fast. By the time Li Xiangdong reacted, Tony was already less than five meters away from him.

Behind him were the chasers, and Li Xiangdong didn't dare to continue shooting. Brother Zha was far away from the gas pump just now, but now Tony was rushing towards the tanker.

After losing his pistol, Li Xiangdong went straight to 60% of his abilities. Tony was no match for him in close combat. After a few moves, he could only parry.

Tony's eyes were red and he ignored the dagger stabbed by the kid next to him. He ran a few steps quickly, jumped up, bent his knees, and hit Li Xiangdong on the head, who had been knocked backwards by his kick before.

Li Xiangdong's pupils were so frightened that they shrank violently. If the blow had been real, he would have been carried directly to the crematorium not far away.

But Tony's body was picked up by one hand while he was jumping in the air, and then he was hit hard on the ground.

At some point, Wang Zuluo, who saw Tony without his gun, actually ran over!

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, Tony looked up at Wang Zuluo, who had just blocked his killing move, his eyes full of solemnity.

You can throw him to the ground with one hand. Is he still a human being?

Wang Zuluo then kicked Tony in the chest, who was lying on the ground.

But soon Wang Zuluo felt that he missed the kick, and Tony actually put one hand on the ground and stood up again.

He also put his hands on Wang Zuluo's kicked leg, raised his foot and kicked Wang Zuluo's crotch.

But Tony underestimated Wang Zuluo's strength. How could one foot support Wang Zuluo's brute strength? The foot he kicked out was only halfway up, and his body was swept away by the force.

He staggered a few times and then sat on the ground again.

Li Xiangdong rushed over in time. He was much more experienced than Wang Zuluo. He flew over and hugged Tony's back.

The two people rolled in a circle on the ground, and Li Xiangdong had locked Tony's hands. If Wang Zuluo hadn't been there, Tony would have been able to break away quickly.

But Wang Zuluo kicked him again, and now Tony had no place to hide. He received the kick forcefully, and with a crack, several ribs were broken by the kick.

Here Wang Zuluo was already holding his own feet and started screaming miserably.

Tony's cry of pain got stuck in his throat, and he didn't know whether he should continue to spit it out.

It was really Wang Zuluo who threw himself on the street and screamed a little too miserably. People who didn't know better thought he was the one who got kicked and broke his ribs.

The effect of force is reciprocal. Brother Luo was wearing leather shoes and could not exert force. This kick was completely kicked on the bone with the instep, which was so painful that he burst into tears.

Just like when I accidentally hit a chair while wearing slippers, it took me a long time to recover.

At this time, Tony was already pinned to the ground by Li Xiangdong. With his broken ribs, he was afraid that the ribs would be inserted into his lungs even if he took a big breath, and he had no strength to continue to resist.

After wiping the blood that Tony sprayed on his face, Li Xiangdong looked at Wang Zuluo's feet with lingering fear.

He had felt the force of the kick behind Tony just now. Tony was kicked away and slid on the ground for a while, causing him to hit the concrete under the tanker.

The blow was quite serious, but fortunately Tony lost the strength to resist before him, otherwise he would have definitely received a few blows.

The scene where Tony jumped up and hit his head with his knee was still etched in his mind. In close combat, even he was no match for Tony.

Fortunately, Brother Luo is powerful enough, otherwise it would be impossible to win over Tony today. It's okay to defeat the opponent, but if Tony really wants to leave, they can't stop him at all.

"I...I admit defeat...first...send my eldest brother to...the hospital..."

After Tony finished speaking, the blood in his mouth had stained the clothes on his chest red.

Wang Zuluo nodded, then looked at Li Xiangdong. He didn't know if Li Xiangdong had killed someone just now. If he really hit a vital point, it wouldn't matter whether he was sent to the hospital or not. Instead, it would be more appropriate to send the two brothers directly to the crematorium.

"My shooting skills were very accurate and I didn't hit his vitals, but if I delayed it for a long time, I would definitely not be able to save him."

Li Xiangdong moved his shoulder that had just hit the concrete.

He had just come to Hong Kong Island, and he didn't want to be sent back to the mainland for shooting and killing people. So when he fired the gun just now, he was not going to kill people at all.

In the movie, the reason why he kills decisively is because the people at the police station gave him a guarantee, and he is accompanied by the undercover Wang Dada, so he can let go of his hands and feet.

Now he doesn't even have an ID card. If he shoots and kills people, he won't even have to go to the court to be sent back to the mainland. He will be taken away for target practice.

Seeing Wang Zuluo nodding, Tony finally fainted.

Wang Zuluo ignored Tony and walked to his off-road vehicle. He touched the bullet marks on the bulletproof plate distressedly and wondered whether there was any warranty service at Gui Lao.

"Brother Luo, take me to the hospital quickly. I feel like my intestines are about to break."

Liangkun screamed beside him, causing Wang Zuluo to come back to his senses. He glanced at Liangkun and saw that he still had the strength to scream. He turned around and pushed away the thugs around him, and came to the side of the thug who had been knocked down by Tony just now.

"Brother Luo, they are not breathing."

A beater knelt down to check the breathing of the two people, raised his head and said something.

One of them's face turned purple, and he couldn't throw himself into the street at the first sight. The other one looked better, but his entire face was deformed by Tony's knee, and he probably didn't wake up until he died.

"Call the police!" Wang Zuluo ordered, then found Li Xiangdong and took the pistol back.

Wiping off the fingerprints on it, he looked up at the gangsters who had already crowded over. He picked one at random and handed over the pistol.

Illegal gun possession can last for more than ten years at most, but it depends on the circumstances. Now they are assisting the police in arresting criminals, and the fact that they were armed with guns and injured people will probably not appear in the records.

But everything is safe. Li Xiangdong doesn't even have an ID card. If he is taken back, the police officer will probably be too lazy to help cover it up. How much trouble would it be to just send him back?

But these gangsters are different. After checking one by one, they are all locals from Hong Kong Island.

If you take the blame this time, not only will you have a small chance of being sentenced, but you will also be appreciated by Brother Luo. The most important thing is that the settlement fee will be a lot.

Brother Luo is famous for his generosity in taking action. When one of his subordinates is captured, no matter if he is the lowest level bad guy or not, he will seek help from a lawyer.

This is also the reason why Wang Zuluo's gangsters are very loyal.

Counting the prefixes of Hong Kong Island, big bosses like Wang Zuluo, whose subordinates were injured, and who not only paid for medical expenses but also nutrition expenses, can't find many big bosses even if they hold a lantern.

The bad boy who was showing off his horse was dragged away by the note, and the big boss who was willing to try his best to help escape the crime was even rarer.

After the kid died, he still arranged jobs for his family at a fraction of the settlement allowance. It can be said that there is no other prefix boss in Hong Kong who can do this to this extent.

Of course, it is possible that other prefixes have also been used. But it has to be done by a close subordinate, and it can only be done after the subordinate has made a promise in front of everyone before going out to do the work.

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