A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 383: Be generous and take him to talk to him for three hours.

Wang Zuluo looked at the lawyer named Chen Yiming strangely, then interrupted the other party and asked strangely:

"Lawyer Chen, I wonder if you carefully investigated the situation when you took over this case?"

"Also, I don't know if you have known me in detail, but I still advise you to go back and ask a colleague, so as not to die without knowing how."

Wang Zuluo folded the summons a few times, held it in his hand and patted Chen Yiming's face with it. He smiled and put it to his ear, reminding him softly: "You have such a bad mouth, be careful and you won't be able to speak anymore."

"Can I understand that Mr. Wang is trying to intimidate me?"

Chen Yiming opened the summons in Wang Zuluo's hand and stared at Wang Zuluo with an ugly expression.

"This is not a threat, this is a kind reminder..."

Wang Zuluo also put away his smile, stared at Chen Yiming and said: "Don't risk yourself because of Billy Huang..."

Unfortunately, Chen Yiming did not understand what Wang Zuluo meant. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the bar behind Wang Zuluo again, and said disdainfully:

"I know that the night bar under your name is a chain industry, and there are six large and small ones in Mong Kok. But let me remind you, with this little capital, in the eyes of real rich people, it is not even a piece of shit... ….”

Wang Zuluo sneered and shook his head, no longer planning to argue with the lawyer.

This guy obviously came here in a hurry to deliver the subpoena, and he probably didn't even investigate himself carefully.

But this is normal. The other party’s business card says Barrister Chen Yiming.

People with this kind of status usually deal with people from the upper class.

How could he have time to get to know Wang Zuluo, whom he had never heard of in the upper class circles?

"This lawyer Chen Yiming seems to be an educated man. Since he likes to talk so much... take him to the alley over there and talk for three hours."

Wang Zuluo gave instructions to the gangsters who came out of the bar, then balled up the summons in his hand and threw it into the trash can.

He stopped the two patrol policemen who saw the gangsters dragging Chen Yiming. He took out the cigarette case from his arms with a smile, knocked out two cigarettes and handed one to each of them:

"Don't worry, I'm in charge of the surveillance here. The scenes of you smoking will be cut out."

Seeing that the two patrol officers did not light the fire directly, Wang Zuluo smiled and hugged the two people, and continued: "You patrol this street, you must know who I am, right?"

"Do you think a person of my status should go to the trouble of looking for you two little people?"

This time, the two patrol officers looked at each other and finally put the cigarettes in their mouths.

In Mong Kok, Wong Cho Lo is not well-known to the big shots, and probably not many people have heard of this name.

But they, the lower-class citizens, still know it.

Shops of all sizes on the streets of Mong Kok have signed contracts with Wang Zuluo's security company.

The employees of the Red and White Umbrella Security Company patrol the streets every day with equipment even more luxurious than theirs.

Patrol policemen like them do not need to go to disputes or petty thefts that occur in the store or even on the sidewalk outside the store.

As long as you wait a few minutes, those who are causing trouble will be dealt with by these security guards, and those who have become more honest after being taught a lesson will squat in place and wait for them to take over.

It can be said that the security of half of Mong Kok has become much better now because of Wang Zuluo's security company.

Of course, big cases don't count, but these big cases don't fall on patrol policemen like them, right?

I heard that Officer Gui Lao here at the Mong Kok Police Station also proposed outsourcing some street patrol tasks to the Red and White Umbrella Security Company.

Of course Wang Zuluo knew about this matter. Just to get a few ghost inspectors to speak, Wang Zuluo spent nearly one million.

This matter seemed like a child's play, but Wang Zuluo never thought that it could really be done.

He just wanted to help the security company's name in the police station.

There will be an exhibition at the Cointreau Hotel soon, and now the doctor has three generals in his hands.

Although there is no doctor in Macau, I believe that even if the other party does not get the gold, they will not have any evil thoughts about the Cointreau Hotel without three generals.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Wang Zuluo even if he has his own thoughts, as long as he guarantees not to cause trouble when entering the venue.

Before entering the venue, his security company was responsible for clearing the way for the rich.

After these rich people entered the Cointreau Hotel, even if they were shot dead when they entered the door, it had nothing to do with Brother Luo.

But in order for his security company to complete the contract safely, the doctor had better take action later.

Watching the two patrol policemen slowly walking away, Wang Zuluo looked back at the alley where the screams came from, and the expression on his face darkened.

I thought that after giving Huang Billy a lesson, he would know that he was not easy to mess with.

But Billy Huang, this crazy head, might have been strangled by the umbilical cord when he was born.

Don’t you have such an obvious IQ to assess the situation?

"Azhen, as you can see, I have something to do today, so can I change the shopping to tomorrow?"

Wang Zuluo forced out a smile and looked at Le Huizhen, while shaking the summons in his hand.

Although Le Huizhen was a little reluctant, she still agreed with a smile for the sake of Xiao Jiujiu in her heart.

"Brother Luo, do you need to find a few men to come over..."

As Duan Kun spoke, he put his hand on his neck and made a gesture, the meaning was self-evident.

He had been standing at the door of the bar just now, and he didn't come over until Le Huizhen left.

Just now I didn't come because I was afraid of disturbing my old friend, but now I come here to show my loyalty.

"Xinlianying is now a regular company, so don't kill people easily..."

After Wang Zuluo reprimanded Duan Kun, he changed the topic: "It's too rough to kill people directly, and it's easy to get into trouble..."

"Brothers, please get involved. Billy Huang's father is Tony Huang. He is known as the salty tycoon. He owns magazines and printing plants all over Hong Kong Island..."

Speaking of this, Wang Zuluo patted Duan Kun on the shoulder and lowered his voice and said: "The wiring in the printing factory is aging, and a fire is not impossible. It is normal for the magazine editors to have disputes with gangsters when they go home, right? ?”

Duan Kun couldn't help but twitch his lips, thinking that after Xin Lianying became Xin Lianying Group Company, Brother Luo's tolerance became bigger...

"Also, that guy named Huang Billy, I heard that all the horses around him are beautiful girls..."

When Duan Kun heard this, he immediately flattered him and said, "Brother Luo, don't worry, I'll have people catch Huang Billy's brat who jumped on the street right away. He will be clean and appear in Brother Luo's bed tonight..."

Wang Zuluo hissed, looked at Duan Kun as if he saw a scumbag, and took a step away in disgust.

"Can you think of more useful things in your mind instead of filling it with yellow waste..."

"What I mean is: Billy Huang, the man who spends all his time as a groom every night, is either suffering from kidney failure or easily infected with AIDS."

Duan Kun was confused when he heard this. He didn't know what Brother Luo was going to say. He could only look at his boss with a dry smile.

"Why are you so stupid?"

Wang Zuluo sighed and continued: "Find some women with AIDS, draw some blood, and then send them to the hospital for Billy Huang to enjoy."

"Isn't he seriously injured? How can he not receive a blood transfusion if he is seriously injured?"

"Let that person who rushes into the street spend the price of one blood bag to enjoy the treatment of two blood bags... Remember to do good deeds without leaving your name. We are not the kind of people who want to repay a favor, you know?"

But after Wang Zuluo finished speaking, he saw that Duan Kun had no reaction and was still standing where he was.

He sighed. It seemed that the practice of letting his subordinates go to night school could not be stopped. Even though he said it so straightforwardly, Duan Kun still had this expression...

Duan Kun didn't know what Brother Luo was thinking. He just asked strangely: "Brother Luo, what is AIDS?"

Wang Zuluo was stunned for a moment, and then realized that AIDS had just been discovered at this time, and it would not appear in Asia until three years later.

So he changed his mind and said, "You heard me wrong. I was talking about syphilis or other sexually transmitted diseases..."

"Why are you so stupid? There are so many patients in the hospital. Just find some who look very serious and buy some blood, and arrange it for the one who rushes to the street..."

After Duan Kun heard this, goose bumps immediately appeared on his back. He nodded quickly and took a few steps away from his old man.

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