A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 384 Sorry, Huang Billy is not my biological son

Chapter 384 Sorry, Huang Billy is not my biological son...

"What trouble did you get into again?"

Huang Dongni was driving passionately with his secretary in the car, and at the critical moment, Huang Billy called.

"Dad, I'm in the hospital..."

Billy Huang told the truth, his voice full of grievances.

When Tony Huang heard that his precious son had entered the hospital, he immediately pushed away the female secretary who was still heaving up and down, and asked anxiously: "What happened to you?"

"I was driving on the highway, and a bastard stopped my car without asking any questions. He dragged me and Commando out of the car and beat me..."

"Today I asked Lawyer Chen to go over and help me sue, but Lawyer Chen hasn't come back yet, so..."

Huang Billy processed the matter a little and told his father.

After Billy Huang finished speaking, Tony Huang also got dressed, sat in the driver's seat and drove towards the hospital.

Although Huang Billy spent a lot of time messing around with women, even his previous secretaries slept in Huang Billy's bed.

You must know that these women all have an affair with Huang Dongni, but after I play with my son, the inheritance can be regarded as orderly.

Although Huang Billy races every day regardless of other people's lives, he still pays more than 200,000 yuan in fines and compensation every month.

You must know that the fines for traffic violations alone cannot be used to spend so much money. The bulk of the more than 200,000 yuan is to compensate the residents who were killed or maimed by him.

How much does a life cost in this day and age?

Spending only tens of thousands of yuan to buy bad guys on the road shows how lawless Billy Huang is.

Although Billy Huang is a bastard in the eyes of others, he is a good boy in the eyes of Tony Huang.

Billy Huang is still a child, how can others have the heart to smear their own son like this?

Huang Dongni was worried all the way. Even the female secretary who was dissatisfied and wanted to dance on horseback was driven away by him because of the delay in driving.

"Boss, the transport truck of our printing factory had an accident, and all the magazines to be delivered today were burned..."

On the phone, the director of the printing factory carefully reported today's bad luck to Huang Dongni.

"You really deserve to die. How can I spend money to raise you to raise a fool like you?"

"When the goods are gone, hurry up and print them, and send the remaining ones first. At the worst, you can pay some liquidated damages... By the way, how many goods have been burned, and how much is the shortfall?"

After Huang Dongni cursed a few times, he thought of a solution. After all, things like car accidents were beyond the control of the factory director, so he just cursed a few times.

"Shortage..., boss, all the magazines to be delivered have been burned..."

"What the hell..."


When Tony Huang heard the bad news, he was so excited that he accidentally stepped on the accelerator harder, and the car immediately sped forward.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and stepped on the brakes, he would have crashed into the shop on the side of the street.

The magazine is not a newspaper. Several of his magazines are weekly magazines, and tonight is the deadline for the weekly magazines to be put on the shelves.

All the magazines that were to be delivered to all the stalls on Hong Kong Island were burned, which meant that the magazines that his printing shop had saved for a week were gone.

Even if it were printed now, it would be too late!

"Did you fucking offend someone?"

"There were more than a dozen trucks transporting magazines. Are you telling me that they were all burned?"

Parking the car on the side of the road, he didn't have time to calm his heart that was about to beat out of his chest, so he quickly asked what he thought.

"Boss, I'm in the factory every day, so I don't have time to offend people. Even if I have to offend people, it's only the young master who offends the talents. Last time our factory was smashed by the Young and Dangerous, it was the young master who broke Hong Xing Liangkun's The car….”

"you you……."

Huang Dongni opened his mouth and wanted to refute but thought of Huang Billy's naughtiness. His stomach almost exploded with anger, and he instantly suppressed it like a deflated rubber ball.

"Hurry up printing and find a few more printing houses for help. It doesn't matter if you spend a little money, but tonight's magazine must be delivered!"

After saying this, Huang Tony continued to drive towards the hospital.

Although the magazine's affairs are important, my precious son is more important!

After driving a few dozen meters, the phone rang again.

"What the hell is going on?"

Huang Dongni thought that this time it was still the director of the printing factory, so he answered the phone and asked impatiently.

"Is it Mr. Huang? This is the Tsim Sha Tsui Fire Department. Your magazine caught fire due to aging circuits, and the entire building was affected..."

Huang Dongni was confused, but with the printing factory's foreshadowing, he parked the car steadily on the side of the road.

After dealing with it for a few words, Huang Dongni's eyebrows knitted together, wondering if his son had really offended someone.

At this time, the phone rang again. I picked it up and listened:

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Huang? This is the Central District Fire Department..."

"Hello Mr. Huang, this is Wong Tai Sin District Fire Department..."

"This is the Kwun Tong District Fire Department..."

Huang Dongni's face became increasingly ugly, and the hand holding the phone was already trembling.

Just now I was wondering if my precious son had offended someone.

If you haven't figured it out by now, that traitor has really offended someone, and he's been living in vain for so long.

"Hey, Dad, bring some more treasures with you when you come. I want to buy a new sports car..."

Billy Huang's call came again, which finally brought Tony Huang back to his senses.

"Son of a bitch, you hit the wrong one!"

After roaring angrily, Huang Dongni started the car, turned around and drove towards the place where he left the female secretary.

Fuck Billy Yellow, fuck my baby boy.

Now I want to take advantage of my youth to have another one inherit the family property!

This crisis is much more dangerous than previous crises.

In the past, it was just business competition at most, just throwing money at it, and at most losing some money.

But now people don't play within the rules at all. They are strangulating his neck and killing him!

If we don't solve it this time, who knows if anything will happen to our industry?

"Hello, Lawyer Chen?"

Taking out his mobile phone and calling Chen Yiming directly, Huang Dongni wanted to ask who exactly Huang Billy, the traitor, had offended!

"Hello, Mr. Huang, Lawyer Chen is taking a break. If you have anything, just tell me..."

Looking at Lawyer Chen hanging on the side of the fishing boat, Wang Zuluo smiled and replied.

Huang Dongni on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, then asked in a hoarse voice: "How much will it cost to solve the problem?"

"Money?" Wang Zuluo raised his lips and said, "This is not a question of money. Your son provoked me by driving and even caused my subordinates to get injured in a car accident."

"I have been very restrained. I just taught him a lesson and let him go. Today, he actually asked a police officer to come to trouble me and even asked a lawyer to sue me..."

"I apologized for him. I wonder how much apology can make you stop?"

Tony Huang took a few deep breaths before suppressing the thought of driving to the hospital to strangle Billy Huang, and asked calmly.

"I heard that Mr. Huang has several jewelry stores under his name..."

"I'm sorry, Huang Billy is not my biological son. You can kill or chop him up as you please, just don't trouble me anymore..."

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