A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 399 Brother Luo, let go of my brothers (big chapter)

Taking a deep breath, Peng Xinjian patted his head, which was about to explode with anger, and said: "Sand, the video tape has been taken back. I assume you did nothing today. As for the customs..."

Looking at Azhi who looked frustrated over there, Peng Xinjian continued: "You just complain about that bastard and cause such a big mess, who cares whether he lives or lives?"

After saying that, he walked towards the PTU transport truck that had just arrived.

Wang Zuluo raised his hands to prevent Yuan Haoyun from successfully opening the handcuffs, and the reporters around him took pictures.

"I didn't offend you, did you? You fucking want to kill me?"

After Yuan Haoyun was busy for a while, he grabbed Wang Zuluo's collar and his eyes were red with anger.

That bastard Peng Xinjian slipped away with the arrival of PTU, and now all the photos taken by reporters are of him.

"Don't worry, when it is published tomorrow, I will suggest that they cover your face and put on a mosaic or something..."

Yuan Haoyun let go of Wang Zuluo's collar, raised the key and shook it, saying with a sullen face: "If you don't open it again, then I will try my best to strip off these clothes, and I will have to take you back and take good care of you. At worst, I will be transferred to be an undercover agent." !”

When Wang Zuluo heard this, he immediately put down his arm. This guy has such a bad temper, no wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend.

After successfully opening the handcuffs, Yuan Haoyun glared at Wang Zuluo and ran towards the PTU team members.

"Brother Luo, I have captured him and he is in Saigon..."

Aji came over and said softly, and thrust a walkie-talkie over him.

Wang Zuluo nodded, grabbed the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Stop work and go home for supper. Double salary today..."

Immediately, the security company employees who had been lining up on the street just now dispersed.

Those who needed to take a ride took a ride, those who were closer walked home, and the rest walked to the minibus parked on the side of the road.

"Brother Hao, I've been waiting for you for three years. Do you know how I got here in these three years?"

In a booth at a nightclub in Tsim Sha Tsui, Mark Lee grabbed the whiskey bottle and took a swig.

"Now that you come back and say you want to be an ordinary person, have you ever thought about me?"

"Can you help me once? Although Mad Dog Luo is a little crazy, he has never broken his promise in what he said!"

Putting down the bottle of wine, Mark Li raised his bad leg on the table for Song Zihao to take a good look.

Without saying a word, he just stared at Song Zihao.

"Xinji's Jiang Sheng is not so easily plotted, otherwise he would not have lived well for so many years..."

Song Zihao sighed, and the scale in his heart finally wavered.

He realized that it was a mistake for him to return to Hong Kong Island, which not only caused his brother to be transferred to a patrol policeman, but also gave Mark Lee the ambition he did not want to see.

"We asked Mad Dog Luo to get a gun. We heard that his boss Lin Weilong is in the arms business..."

Mark Li saw Song Zihao's relaxed attitude and immediately expressed his thoughts.

"When did you get that information? As far as I know, Lin Weilong's wife was with Mad Dog Luo. If Luo Wei from Macau hadn't been there to persuade him, maybe one of them would have been buried in the ground now. inside……."

Song Zihao grabbed the whiskey bottle and also raised his head and took a sip.

Wiping his mouth, he turned to look at Mark Li for a long time, and suddenly the two of them laughed at the same time.

The chaos in Mong Kok Ladies Market lasted until around four o'clock in the morning. Lawyers who were called to help ran around. In the end, Wang Zuluo donated 500,000 to the Mong Kok Police Station, which generally calmed down the subsequent impact of the incident.

As for the vendetta between the brothers Lian Sheng and Chen Yaoqing during the period, it seemed to have gone down the drain and calmed down with only a few ripples.

How to file a case without a body?

"Godfather, I paid more than 100,000 yuan to take out the body from the police station morgue. Isn't this money..."

The next afternoon, Sai Kung Pier.

The plane leaned on the front of the van. When he saw Wang Zuluo's motorcade approaching, he immediately went up to them and said with a smile.

"I'll go back to the fat sheep for hundreds of thousands of dollars... I'll ask for it from the manager of the milk tea chain, Lei Zhilan, and I'll tell you and Lian Sheng that this month's health fees will be collected by you and Liansheng."

Wang Zuluo slapped away the hand that was coming for a hug, threw a cigarette, and followed him towards a warehouse on the seaside.

When the door was opened, Chen Yaoqing was tied to a chair with his upper body naked. His good brother Acong was hanging upside down near the wall of the warehouse.

"Brother Luo, I'm not a fan, you believe me!"

When he heard the door open, Chen Yaoqing immediately opened his eyes, resisting the pain in his body and looked up at the door.

"Who owns the flour mill warehouse on Duhua Road?"

Wang Zuluo walked up to Chen Yaoqing, lit a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, and asked with a smile.

"Luo...Brother Luo, that's...that's Lin Kun's warehouse..."

Chen Yaoqing's heart skipped a beat, but he still luckily defended himself.

"Okay, even if it is Lin Kun's warehouse, you just send people to help watch the scene."

Wang Zuluo looked at the whip marks on the other party's body and continued to ask: "Then...you didn't know about the three twenty-five boys who were sent to Wuying?"

Wang Zuluo casually grabbed a pair of pliers from the table in front of Chen Yaoqing, held it in his hand and started playing with it.

Chen Yaoqing's face suddenly turned pale, and he looked at Wang Zuluo in horror.

"If you want to rise to the top, no one will stop you. Even if you don't agree to transform with Xin Lianying, for the sake of our brothers, I won't hold you back and prevent you from leaving..."

Wang Zuluo reached out and pinched the other person's chin, and the cigarette suddenly fell to the ground.

Ignoring the cigarette, he put away his smile and inserted the pliers into Chen Yaoqing's open mouth.

As for what Brother Luo just said about not stopping the other party from leaving, just listen to it.

He didn't believe it after he said it. Not only did he not believe it, but no one in the warehouse believed it either.

But that's how Jianghu is. It doesn't mean that it won't let you leave, and it doesn't mean that it won't let you start your own business.

The blame is that you know too much...

As Chen Yaoqing struggled and screamed from his throat, one of his front teeth was pulled out by pliers.

"Lin Kun's milling factory is in Kwun Tong, Cheung Fai Industrial Building..."

After saying this into Chen Yaoqing's ear, Wang Zuluo continued to play the role of a dentist, helping Chen Yaoqing pull out teeth.

Wang Zuluo finally stopped after pulling out half of his teeth.

Seeing that the left side of his face was swollen to a bun, Chen Yaoqing was injected with morphine by the club doctor to stay awake.

Putting down the pliers, Wang Zuluo let out a long breath. Seeing Chen Yaoqing being splashed with cold water and waking up, he finally began to ask:

"Whose warehouse is it?"

"Who inserted the shooter?"

"How do you contact the money laundering bastard you work with?"

Chen Yaoqing endured the pain and raised his head, saliva dripping onto his pants.

"Brother Luo, I can die, but my brothers are innocent. As long as you promise to send them across the sea to Southeast Asia, I will tell you everything you want to know..."

Chen Yaoqing reluctantly glanced at A Cong hanging on the wall, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Wang Zuluo was silent for a while, then showed a smile and said: "Okay, I, Wang Zuluo, spit and nail, I promise you to send them to Southeast Asia!"

Chen Yaoqing stared at Wang Zuluo's face for a long time, and after realizing that Wang Zuluo didn't feel guilty at all, he explained:

"The warehouse belongs to Han Chen, and the gunmen are also his. There were more than 40 people sent, but only three got around Wuying..."

"The money launderer, Zhou Weisheng, came to contact me on the orders of a man named Uncle Chao, saying that you took a lot of their money... as long as you die..."

There was no further words left, and Wang Zuluo could guess what the other party was going to do.

It's nothing more than spending money to support Chen Yaoqing's rise to power. The other party is a mafia in the United States, so he must be very skilled in doing this kind of thing.

"Where to connect?"

Wang Zuluo was not surprised when he heard that the shooter was Han Chen's man.

That guy can pack people into the police station, let alone pack a few skilled gunmen around him.

"Damn it, if you don't mess around in the world, why are you playing Infernal Affairs!"

Wang Zuluo has always hated such insidious guys.

Wang Zuluo is very clear about his identity, that is, he is definitely not the opponent of these people if he plays tricks.

That's why he chose his current behavior.

Revenge on the spot when you have a grudge sounds majestic when you say it, and it also looks very chic.

But whoever does it knows, this is simply a choice made out of desperation.

But Wang Zuluo still chose to take this path, because this is the path that is most suitable for a person with an innocent personality like him.


"The joint is in Jordan... Brother Luo, please give me a pleasure."

After Chen Yaoqing finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on the pistol on Wang Zuluo's waist.

“The gun was too loud….”

Wang Zuluo pulled up his clothes to cover the handle of the pistol, then stretched out his hands and grabbed his neck and twisted it hard.

With a click, Chen Yaoqing's eyes saw his own back.

"Brother Qing~!!!"

Acong, who was hanging, woke up at some point and saw the scene before Chen Yaoqing's death.

Constantly shaking his body, A Cong struggled in mid-air like crazy.

Seeing this, Wang Zuluo walked over with a smile: "Chen Yaoqing begged me before he died, saying that I would let you brothers go... How about packing up and preparing to live in Southeast Asia?"

He patted the other person's face and then quickly retracted his arm.

Ah Cong, this bastard born in the year of the dog, actually bites people.

"There's no need for you to pretend to be kind. What's wrong with the pink goods business?"

Not biting Wang Zuluo's hand, A Cong stared directly at Wang Zuluo. It was also difficult for him to keep looking at each other while curling up in mid-air.

“There are so many pink goods businesses on Hong Kong Island, which society wouldn’t touch them?”

"Isn't it the same with the old fish head logo on the airplane? Can you just think that Brother Qing is a rag doing dirty work for the club?"

"Why do we have to kill them all...why?"

Ah Cong roared with snot and tears, making Wang Zuluo take a few steps back.

"You can do the dirty work, but you have to give me the nod. You guys do this kind of thing privately, you are just a fucking kid, do you know that it costs three cuts and six holes?"

This bastard told him a lot of lies, what's the use?

If you do something wrong, you will do something wrong. If everyone does what they do, how can Brother Luo still be the boss?

"Clean him up and then put him on the boat with those guys..."

After Wang Zuluo finished speaking, he led the people out of the warehouse. He had asked all the questions that should be asked, and the remaining trivial matters were not worth wasting time.

"Anan, I need your help to transport a few people... Yes, just dump the bodies in the waters of Southeast Asia..."

Our ancestors said it well: Cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, but they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

"Wu Fei, go to Jordan and call Zhou Weisheng out. He should be near Baixiang Building..."

"If you are guilty and have meritorious service, do a good job and don't let others find fault..."

After giving the instructions, Wang Zuluo put away his mobile phone and sat in the car smoking quietly.

It goes without saying that Wuying is loyal, but his ability to do things is definitely at the bottom compared to others.

But Wang Zuluo still wants him to stay in his current position.

Sometimes whether you are strong or not is not an important factor in whether you can rise to the top.

Loyalty is!

Wang Zuluo is not an emperor, and there is no entire empire for him to worry about.

It's just Xinlianying, only a few people, how big is the chassis?

Loyalty of your subordinates is enough, ability comes second.

Chen Yaoqing's ability to do things is not that great, but his ability is too strong, and his ambition has skyrocketed along with his ability, so he jumped into the street.

In the evening, night bars on Shanghai Street.

Wang Zuluo looked at Sky, who was sipping cocktails in front of him, with very strange eyes.

"Have you really decided to go to Thailand to find your father?"

Sky put down his wine glass and nodded heavily.

"I sold... hiccup~, I sold all the sports cars and the stocks in my name, and I will go my separate ways with them... from now on..."

After saying that, Sky took another big gulp of cocktail, pushed the draft beer glass in front of the bartender, and shouted drunkenly:

"Give me another drink...a glass of this...this blue enchantress..."

The bartender really wanted to throw the mixing bottle in his hand at the other person's face.

Who the hell drinks cocktails out of such a big beer mug?

"Tune it for him. This guy can only eat curry and drink beer in Thailand from now on..."

Wang Zuluo smiled and asked the bartender to do as he was told, while taking out a few Hong Kong dollars from Sky's pocket and stuffing them as a tip.

"Curry is from India... what Thailand eats is that yin gong soup or something..."

Although Sky drank too much, he still remembered basic common sense, but after he finished speaking, the other party fell asleep on the bar.

With a dark face, Wang Zuluo took out a few more big golden bulls from the other party's pocket and slapped them hard on the bar: "Tell him when he wakes up that the price of cocktails has increased!"

Standing up, holding the piece of paper with the phone number and address in his hand, Wang Zuluo walked out of the bar.

How can anyone put his/her responsibility into someone else's care?

Sky is so fucking sick!

Besides, is Brother Luo that kind of person?

"Your name is Lin Yuxi, right? Let's have a cup of coffee together?"

At the door of the bar, Wang Zuluo walked up to Lin Yuxi who was standing at the railing on the street, smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Is Sky leaving?"

Lin Yuxi did not reach out, but looked into Wang Zuluo's eyes and asked seriously.

"He went to Thailand and said he wanted to find his father... but it looks like he won't come back in the future."

Wang Zuluo retracted his hand, walked to her side and also lay on the railing, looking at the night scene on the street.

"My grandma is in poor health and needs long-term treatment in the hospital..."

Lin Yuxi was silent for a while, then continued: "It has to be in a private hospital. Sky helped arrange it before..."

Wang Zuluo nodded understandingly, Sky, a rich second-generation man, was so sophisticated in his methods of making love with horses.

"Don't worry, I promised Sky that I will help take care of your grandma in the future..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Zuluo felt a warm body appear in his arms...

Please order all of them, just a few dozen of them.

Can you please support me by ordering all the Yanzu...

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