A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 400 We’re not asking for money, we’re just here to kill people (big chapter)

"I remember Sky said he wanted to marry you?"

Naturally holding Lin Yuxi's waist, Wang Zuluo suddenly said something.

Lin Yuxi's body stiffened, then softened again:

"It's impossible for us to get together. He used to be a wealthy man, and I was just a car girl who was the co-pilot of a racing car."

"Do you know what other people call me?"

Lin Yuxi raised her head in Wang Zuluo's arms, with a sarcastic smile on her lips, and continued: "They call me Sky's horse. I don't even have a name, just like the horses before him..."

Wang Zuluo patted Lin Yuxi's shoulder comfortingly, and what the other party said was correct.

No matter how bastard Sky is, no matter how ignorant and obsessed with racing, he is still the rich second generation of a wealthy family.

How could a family that has connections with even the Commissioner of Police allow a young and charming girl to marry into their family?

Unless it's a case of being petty, at this time, Hong Kong still acquiesces to polygamy.

In 1971, Hong Kong Island declared concubinage illegal, but until the handover, Hong Kong Island still acquiesced to polygamy.

Even after the handover, this trend has not changed. Like chicken calling, it is a part of life here on Hong Kong Island.

Therefore, there are many Hong Kong celebrities who were caught engaging in prostitution in later generations... because this is part of life on Hong Kong Island.

By the way, during this period, Hong Kong's industrial and commercial bosses are vigorously opposing any maternity benefits for female workers in Hong Kong.

Among them are some superhuman figures in the real estate industry as leaders….

"I'm not a good person, and I won't get married."

Wang Zuluo looked at Lin Yuxi and said this as a matter of course.

Although Lin Yuxi was a little disappointed, in the end she remained silent and leaned into Wang Zuluo's arms without breaking away.

"Sky is inside, don't you want to meet him before he leaves?"

Wang Zuluo put his arms around Lin Yuxi and walked towards the bar.

The security employee standing at the door was already used to the way his boss hugged the woman.

Although it looked like this was the first time the boss had brought him to the bar today, they didn't take another look and continued to stand straight at the door.

After Wang Zuluo's figure disappeared, his straight back immediately relaxed.

"Don't be like this, Sky is still outside..."

Wang Zuluo's exclusive private room in Night Bar was renovated into a simple living room, with one guest, one bathroom and one bedroom.

When Sky was drunk before, Wang Zuluo left him on the sofa outside.

Although Lin Yuxi said so, her hand that stopped Wang Zuluo from making further moves was weak.

As Wang Zuluo blocked Lin Yuxi's objections with his mouth and pushed the words back into the other person's throat with his tongue, Lin Yuxi's eyes when she looked at Wang Zuluo became confused.

"I heard that you have been sitting in the passenger seat of Sky..."

Before Wang Zuluo finished speaking, Lin Yuxi glared over with annoyance, and then sat face to face on Wang Zuluo's lap...

At this time, the phone rang.

Wang Zuluo took it over and found that it was not his cell phone. Then he looked at Lin Yuxi's handbag hanging on the bedside.

After patting the other party's butt, Wang Zuluo raised his chin in the direction of his handbag.

"If I don't answer, it must be a call from Sky..."

Lin Yuxi leaned back and placed her hands on the bed.

After seeing Wang Zuluo continue to ask her to take the phone without mercy, his face became even redder.

"Don't worry, the bedroom has been soundproofed. If you fire a gun inside, you may not be able to hear it outside..."

Wang Zuluo smiled and helped her take the handbag over and took out the mobile phone inside.

"Hello, Sky?"

"Ah...I'm not crying. My voice is trembling because...it's just because I'm a little sad...what...are you on the plane tonight?"

He turned around and glared at the mischievous Wang Zuluo. With a little force on his legs, Wang Zuluo couldn't help but hiss...

The next day, Wang Zuluo walked out of the box holding his waist.

Sky had already caught a flight and left Hong Kong Island last night to go to Thailand to look for his long-lost biological father. At the same time, he was completely separated from his mother and stepfather.

"Brother Luo, the cripple took away two rifles, two submachine guns, six pistols..."

Wu Ying is in the process of committing a crime, so Aji temporarily acts as Wang Zuluo's secretary.

Seeing Wang Zuluo coming out holding his waist, Ah Ji raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

"I just gave him the gun, and he didn't have much money. Call Gao Gang. Didn't he go back to the mainland to pick up people? Ask him to bring a few tiger whips and other things when he comes back..."

After noticing the strange expression on Ah Ji's face, Wang Zuluo coughed dryly: "What are you looking at? I've been too busy these days and my back was injured... just to patch it up."

The two of them came to the bar lobby while talking, and Yuan Haoyun was already waiting at the bar.

"My informant told me that Xinji's men seem to be making big moves. If you have seized someone else's belongings or some treasure, I advise you to put them back as soon as possible..."

Wang Zuluo ignored him. He didn't believe that Xinji Yaoren was here to deal with him.

What's more, a large society like Xinji must be followed by people from the Triad Investigation Section of the region. If those guys really go out on a large scale, Wang Zuluo won't be the first one to be anxious.

"Don't worry, our company's gun license does not prohibit the use of automatic weapons..."

Wang Zuluoyi said something pointedly, which made Yuan Haoyun couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows with his hands.

In addition to those who act as security guards on the streets, there are also a group of security guards who specialize in escorting cash to small bank sites, currency exchange offices and other places.

If Wang Zuluo really had bad intentions and guided the people from Xinji to the escort vehicle route, and then told them that these people were robbing the escort vehicle and asked the guards to shoot them with guns several times, that would be bad.

Glancing at Wang Zuluo, Yuan Haoyun thought more and more that he could definitely do such a thing.

"You have been too pushy recently. If you continue like this, the district will ask for your file. The superintendent named Mike in the district has mentioned this to us several times."

There was no other way, Yuan Haoyun could only move Mike out to beat Wang Zuluo.

"Authentic Cuban cigars, want to try them?"

Wang Zuluo didn't reply, instead he handed a cigar to Yuan Haoyun.

Sighing, Yuan Haoyun stopped talking about club-related topics.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. I just keep a low profile..."

Looking at the other party's appearance, Wang Zuluo smiled and comforted him, and handed the cigar forward again.

"If something happens again, you don't need to tell me, I will go to the police station interview room to find you!"

Wang Zuluo said it categorically and acted openly and aboveboard.

Jordan, Baixiang Building.

Zhou Weisheng walked out of the elevator with a few Americans, walked through the front desk of the building laughing and talking, and came to his car.

"Drive to To Wah Road, Yau Ma Tei."

After giving instructions to the driver, Zhou Weisheng leaned on the back of the seat and exhaled a long breath.

Soon, a convoy of three cars started to move and turned from the parking lot in front of the building onto the highway.

"Hey..., no matter what happens to me, you have to do something, otherwise what am I going to do with you?"

After picking up the phone and seeing that the caller number displayed on it was an acquaintance, Zhou Weisheng frowned and answered the call.

"He was shot in the dark, and there will definitely be extra help around him..."

A woman's voice came from the phone, but before she could finish her explanation, she was interrupted by Zhou Weisheng:

"He is a pervert. I believe it is not difficult to approach him with your beauty... Well, I have something to do today, remember to solve it as soon as possible!"

After speaking, Zhou Weisheng threw the phone on the seat and secretly cursed trash.

"Boss, someone is watching us!"

When the driver saw Zhou Weisheng hang up the phone, he immediately reported what he noticed was wrong.

"Can you tell who it is?" Zhou Weisheng sat up straight and looked out the car window, looking for suspicious vehicles on the street.

"Could it be that the police are targeting us... No, the pink goods business has just started. It's impossible for them to target us so soon..."

As soon as he expressed his thoughts, Zhou Weisheng denied it himself.

Money laundering is very common in Hong Kong Island, and he used overseas channels. The Economic Investigation Bureau of Hong Kong Island will not find evidence so easily.

And this kind of thing is not considered a crime in Hong Kong Island, otherwise those ghost guys would be the first to be caught.

The Chinese in Hong Kong Island only have more young and Dangerous people. Speaking of things that the Young and Dangerous do, most of the things that the Young and Dangerous do have Gui Lao involved.

For example, in any money-making business such as helping to launder money or sell stolen goods, which one does not have a ghost guy involved?

Real estate development and other businesses that are closely related to societies are even more important targets for ghost guys.

The current business climate on Hong Kong Island is still in charge of the Gui Lao faction.

"I don't know who he is, but he doesn't look like a cop. A cop wouldn't follow him so openly."

After hearing the driver's words, Zhou Weisheng turned his attention to the commercial vehicle driving alongside them in the lane next to them.

Upon seeing this, his eyebrows immediately knitted together.

No wonder he didn't find the suspicious vehicle just now. With the way the other party wanted to stick to his car, who could tell that the other party was following him.

Those who didn’t know better thought it was road rage.

How could anyone do this? Who could send someone so unprofessional?

Zhou Weisheng's temples jumped a few times, following so closely, he felt as if the other party was insulting his IQ.

At this time, the window of the commercial car next to him was rolled down, and a young man wearing sunglasses smiled at this side.

Then something happened that made Zhou Weisheng's eyes widen.

I saw the other party leaning half of his body out of the window, and took out two explosives with detonators wrapped with tape from the bag on the chair, and casually stuck them on the roof of Zhou Weisheng's car.

"Stop, stop quickly!"

Zhou Weisheng's voice became much sharper. Who the hell would install a bomb so openly?

It's fucking broad daylight!

It is still at an intersection with dense vehicles. If this explodes, the West Kowloon Region will definitely set up a task force to investigate the case.

Although under the leadership of Gui Lao, the detection rate of serious crimes on Hong Kong Island is extremely low, this kind of explosion is different. This is already a major and vicious incident!

The driver had just seen what the bastard in the car next to him was doing. He turned the steering wheel decisively and stepped on the brakes. He wiped the clothes corners of several pedestrians and stopped the car on the side of the road.

Zhou Weisheng had opened the door before the car stopped, and had already jumped out of the car when the speed slowed down.

He rolled on the ground a few times, then stood up nimbly and ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction of the car.

It didn't take even a minute from the time he planted the bomb to when he jumped out of the car.

But in just one minute, Molotov cocktails were thrown into the two cars carrying ghosts that were following his car just now.

A car whose body was on fire had crashed into a shop on the street. Another car collided with other cars because the driver was too nervous.

Zhou Weisheng just glanced at it, pushed aside a few pedestrians who were about to gather around to watch the excitement, and ran further away.

Use the time to think about who you have offended.

After searching through his enemies, Zhou Weisheng still couldn't find the guy who could use such a big deal to deal with him.

As for Wang Zuluo?

How could Zhou Weisheng think about Wang Zuluo?

There is no grudge between them. There is grudge between Uncle Chao and Wang Zuluo. He is just a worker.

As he ran through an alley, several strong men in white shirts ran out. Just when he wanted to move away from them, he felt pain in his knees.

After hitting Zhou Weisheng's knee with the stick in the white-shirted beater's hand, he raised it again and hit his head.

He tilted his head and shrank his head, then swung the stick across the back of his head.

Zhou Weisheng turned around and kicked sideways, knocking down the attacker who was coming towards him.

He straightened his arm and shook it slightly, and a dagger slipped into his hand. He turned around and directly wiped the ear of Dazai who was wielding the stick. The latter covered his face with one missing ear, screamed and fell to his knees on the ground.

Turning around again, he leaned his shoulder against the last person, just in time to get out of the way of the machete that the other person stabbed at him.

He grabbed the knife-wielding arm supported by his shoulder with one hand, kicked his feet back, and bent over to twist. The last one was thrown over his shoulder and thrown more than a meter away.

In just a few rounds, all three people blocking the way fell.

Zhou Weisheng didn't stay long, turned around and got into the alley where the white shirts came out.

Not far away, a dozen people in white shirts were gathering around them. If they didn't leave, they wouldn't be able to leave.

But after running a few steps, he still stopped where he was.

In the alley, a pistol was pointed in his direction.

"You're pretty good at fighting. If you can hit me again, how many more can you hit?"

Wuying shook the pistol in his hand and motioned to the men behind him to go and get someone.

"Stop struggling, we have hundreds of people nearby, you can't run away!"

While he was talking, the pursuers at the entrance of the alley also blocked up, led by Airplane wearing sunglasses.

"Are you seeking wealth or revenge?"

Zhou Weisheng held the dagger behind his back and stared closely at Wuying who just spoke.

"We are not seeking revenge or wealth, we are here to kill..."

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