A Certain Marvel Super Player

Two hundred and forty-two, the start of live broadcast


The best thing is for nothing to happen.

That's pretty good.

Locke thought in his heart, and looked at Patty Finn with a smile: "Superintendent Stacey is a principled superintendent, but not such a stubborn person. I think, Superintendent Stacey You will understand that your job is to provide quality ratings for the sake of your job, Superintendent Stacey will understand.”

Patty nodded: "I hope so."

There was a pause.

Patty looked at Locke: "Mr. Wushuang, he seems to know Superintendent Stacey very well."

Locke smiled and put away the tablet: "After all, he is an opponent. It is right to know more about your opponent. Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win every battle, right?"

Patti said: "Eastern Kingdom, Sun Tzu's words."

Locke nodded: "Yes, Sun Tzu's Art of War!"

Patty nodded thoughtfully.


Locke and Patty were already in position at the warehouse.

It was still similar to the way it was in the studio of New York's First Television Station at that time. It has to be said that for this live broadcast, the employees here who signed the confidentiality agreement almost spent less than an afternoon to completely reproduce the studio. The hall looks like now.


When viewers look at it, they may think they are still at New York's No. 1 TV station.

But to an insider, it can be seen at a glance that this is not inside the building of New York's First Television Station.

When the time reached half past eight.


The moment the live broadcast equipment was turned on, the ratings increased almost by the second.

Especially when Locke is in the shot as well.

"Thick and greasy Xie Te!"


"What, didn't you just say that the Wushuang assassin was arrested at the port?"

"What are you talking about? If the New York Police Department can catch the Wushuang assassin, can it still be called Wushuang?"


"Come on, stop playing around, the show has started."

"No, there's a witch we promised?"

"Is the unparalleled assassin also a witch?"


"Is the Wushuang Assassin a woman?"



The news that the Wushuang Assassin was a witch spread almost as quickly as possible after it started airing.

Gwen, who was video chatting with Locke at home, looked at the frightened and surprising news that Kem sent over that the unparalleled assassin was a witch that was being discussed in the group. She laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears.

Sitting in the study, the multitasking clone smiled politely.


you again!

Just wait for me.

When you go to Paris next summer, don't rush to the auction. I will arrange a tense and exciting game of Human Skin Inn for you to experience it. Then, you can go to the auction again.

With a smile on his face, Locke directly added value to Kem's trip to Paris.

at the same time.

The clones who were at home did not stop using their hands. Almost at the moment the broadcast started, they detected the Aegis signal and kicked out the Aegis signal one by one.

In the live broadcast room.

Ms. Patty Finn once again played a supporting role, although Locke mentioned last time that the weather goddess from the Weather Channel would interview him.


These are Patty Finn's resources. Even a gold medal producer will not give up his resources to others casually.


Since that time, Patty Finn also had a premonition that the Peerless Assassin might come again, so she also deliberately imitated and practiced it, and became more skillful and calm. After the opening words from her hand were read out, she immediately This issue of "Exploring the Mystery" opens.

"Explore the truth of the world and gain insight into the mystery behind the truth."

"Good evening, dear viewers."

"I am Patty Finn. This time, the mystery we are going to tell is a topic that has been closely related to us since we were born. Where do we go? I am Patty. This is our guest. , Wushuang!"

Patty Finn was very good at Typhoon. After the camera spread, she immediately looked directly at Locke who was sitting on the guest sofa: "Mr. Wushuang, I am very happy that we meet again."

Locke, who was leaning on the sofa, nodded: "I'm glad too, Ms. Finn. In fact, I don't want to come over."


"My original plan was to take a year off this year."


"But it's a pity."

Locke sighed, shook his head and said, "Just a few days ago, I suddenly discovered that a slave of the devil who sold his soul to hell appeared in New York City."


Locke adjusted his sitting position and looked at the camera: "Believe me, the appearance of such a devil's slave in New York City is not a good thing for New York City."

"why is that?"

"Because when demons appear on the earth, they only have one action, and that is, they want to make the earth a hell."

Locke showed a smile: "Without exception, I caught this devil's slave. Of course, this crime was too unbelievable, so I found Ms. Finn. After all, I never kill innocent people. If you find that I killed an innocent person and feel that the charges are not consistent, then you are welcome to call New York TV Station 1, and I will help answer and resolve questions with Ms. Finn as soon as possible."

This was requested by Patty when the show just started.

Patty also seemed to see that Locke planned to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with her, so he came up with such a method.


Although the New York Police Department is clamoring to catch the Unparalleled Assassin, this does not prevent the Unparalleled Assassin from becoming popular among the people of New York City.


In last month's New York City popularity poll, Locke overwhelmed Tony Stark, who had been the most popular in New York City for consecutive years.

Locke doesn't care about popularity.

But he still cares about the fact that he can defeat Tony Stark.


Locke feels that this is not a bad thing. To put it simply, it is to hand over the public Weibo of the Wushuang Assassin to Ms. Finn. If you find someone outside, you will need to spend money. Right now, there is There is no need to spend any money and you are volunteering to help, so why not?

Of course.

As soon as Locke said this, real-time attention focused on only one piece of news.


Demons from hell, and slaves in New York City who sold their souls to the devil.

"Oh my god, is it true?"

"Is there really a demon in this world?"

"It's true. I saw it when I was a child. If an exorcist hadn't found me, I might have been replaced by that demon."

"So, angels are also real?"

"Oh, I didn't go to church yesterday. No, I have to go to the priest tomorrow to repent!"

"Devil, hell, hey, how many divisions does he have?"


The SHIELD Sanfei Decoration Center is also connected to the SHIELD Operations Center in New York at this moment.

But it's not just for the sake of questioning.

But to provide support.

All the major computer experts from SHIELD came to the battle, but almost every time they wanted to find this communication address, they would be directly pointed out by the experts on the opposite side, and his host computer would be reimbursed.

In just a short time, more than a dozen hosts have been sold out.

"Where's Walter O'Brien?"

"The California branch has been contacted. We still have three minutes to get to the computer."


Commander Victoria Hand nodded, and then stopped talking. Instead, while talking to Maria Hill over there, she was watching the live TV program like an ordinary audience.

Their backup plan is already being prepared. Again, they have a way to make most people believe that the birds are monitors. It is not that difficult to make most people believe that this live broadcast is also a movie special effect. matter.

in the program.

As Nick Reese, who was tied to a chair, appeared in the camera, at the same time, Carrie, with white hair and boots, appeared.

Locke and Patty Finn stood up together.


Adhering to the rules of the live broadcast, Locke introduced to Patty Finn as if for the first time: "This is Syndra. In the field of hell, she is known as the formidable leader of darkness!"

Patty Finn's expression was spot on, and she shook hands with Carrie: "Ms. Syndra, may I ask, are you a witch?"

Carrie's expression was as cold as usual, but she opened her right hand and a dark magic ball condensed directly out.



"Queen Yu Jie, I love you!"

"Oh my god, how much have we been deceived by the Federation."

"Is this world still the world we know? White buildings should publicly explain this."

"Yes, we have the right to know the truth about this world!"

Immediately after Carrie appeared on the stage, the staff member monitoring the ratings was already excitedly making faces at Patty Finn. This time, the ratings not only returned to the peak of this show, but even Far more than that.


After Patty Finn invited Carrie to sit down with her, she clapped her hands together, looked at the camera, and then looked at Carrie: "I think the audience is very curious, what can this so-called hell demon, Ms. Syndra, do? Can you explain it to us?"

Carrie's tone was cold: "The Witch is the eldest son of the Lord of Hell. Anyone who makes a deal with the Witch needs to sacrifice his most beloved person in order to gain the power of the Witch. And this Nick Reese, It is the demonic power obtained by sacrificing her to the Witch Heart Demon using his fiancée."

After all, this is Carrie's first time on live broadcast.

It is inevitable that I will be a little nervous, and I will speak like an endorsement.

But not in the way.

The colder and more mechanical the voice is, the more it makes people feel that Carrie, the leader of darkness, is well-deserved.

Everyone who was watching this live broadcast felt that the surroundings were cold.

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