A Certain Marvel Super Player

Two hundred and forty-three, the evil spirit demon is deflated again

Witch heart demon.

The eldest son of the Lord of Hell.

If you want to gain his power, do you need to sacrifice the people closest to you?

Some people wanted to laugh and thought it was ridiculous.


Carrie's voice was cold and mechanical. If it were any other voice, such as sweet, no doubt everyone would first wonder if she was reciting lines, but Carrie's voice seemed to tell everyone.

believe it or not.

This is very subtle.

The people sitting in front of the TV looked at Nick Reese who was sitting on the chair like a bereaved dog on the screen, making their own judgments in their hearts.

But many have already made their judgments.

"record it."


"Ask our witch allies about this Syndra."

"The Dark Head?"

"Concentrate on dealing with hell for a hundred years?"

In SHIELD, after Maria Hill gave several orders in succession, she immediately looked at Commander Victoria Hand: "Have you contacted the Dolan Church?"

Victoria Hand nodded: "We are in contact."

Dolan Church.

A church that has focused on dealing with witches for hundreds of years, let's put it this way, just like Locke firmly believes that those who have anything to do with hell are bad, the Dolan church also firmly believes that all witches are bad.

Located in a very modern looking building in New York City.

An old priest wearing a priest's robe from the Dolan Church turned on the TV, looked at Carrie appearing on the screen, and the dark orb that Carrie was playing with, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then asked The young priest on the side asked: "Where is Kader now?"

The young priest said: "I just contacted him. He is in Sokovia."

The old priest held his cross intently and looked at Carrie on the TV, his lips trembling slightly: "With such a powerful force, how could there be such a powerful witch? Did she come here for that thing? "

The young pastor didn't speak, but he looked at the TV screen with a subtle look.

In a water plant in New Jersey.

Carrie stood up, and the dark magic ball in her hand had already hit Nick Reese's face: "You can, call your master up."

Locke has disappeared from the shot.

Although this mission is called a five-star good citizen of New York City.


That's just the unique evil of the system. If you think about it, this task should actually be called exposure! Witch heart demon! ’ That’s right.

When the evil spirit comes out, Carrie can at most fight against it, but cannot crush it.


It's time for Bright Cero to appear.

Nick Reese, who was restrained in the chair, was full of desire to survive. Looking at Carrie, who had a cold expression in front of him and was just slowly pushing the dark ball, he didn't even have time to repeat the conditions for his survival. He let out a roar, which was as if he was praying to God. Likewise, he sent an invitation to his master, Wu Xinmo.

In an instant.

Nick Reese's eyes turned white at once, and the blackness spread instantly.

The power of hell is rising rapidly.

The next second.


With endless black energy pouring out from Nick Reese's body, after the black energy enveloped Nick Reese's body, with a bang, the seat that restrained Nick Reese collapsed directly, and with a roar, no. The same voice came from Nick Reese's mouth: "Sero!!!"

At this moment, the one occupying Nick Reese's body is already the inner demon.


The inner witch demon who had just come up from hell dropped to the ground with traces of mucus. The witch inner demon made a burning sound and stared at Carrie in front of her. He looked directly at the source of Carrie's power: "Sai." Luo, it’s you again.”


"Record it quickly."

"Who is this Zero?"

"How is the signal positioning?"

"It has been confirmed that it is in New Jersey, but the specific location is not yet known."

"Calling extraordinary energy satellites to scan New Jersey."


Commander Victoria Hand crossed her arms and stared at the TV screen, filled with endless black fog, and a sinister face looming in the darkness with flashing eyes.

At this point, ratings continue to soar.

But in the real-time discussion, some voices began to enter the special effects section again.

In the water plant in New Jersey, accompanied by the thick black mist that made a burning sound like lava dripping on the ground, the black mist became more and more intense, and the Witch Heart Demon poked out of the black mist with a ferocious expression. His demonic claws fell towards Carrie in front of him.

at this time.


A light appeared on Carrie.


In front of Carrie, Carrie's power surged like a tide, and then the light gathered and blocked in front of Carrie, forming a human-shaped outline.

The Witch Heart Demon had a ferocious expression: "Sero!"



Locke raised his head, and the endless power evolved into light, turning into the appearance of Light Cerro.

Covered in silver.

Just looking at the appearance, he is a completely righteous character.

"Thick and greasy Xie Te!"

"Who is this again?"

"Another witch?"

"It seems like I still know this Witch Heart Demon."

"Old rival?"

Melon eaters, when they are enthusiastically eating melon in front of the TV, suddenly they feel the program flash, and then, there seems to be a line of special effects watermark in the upper right corner of the program.


Current impact bonus: 88! 』

Current impact bonus: 92! 』

Current impact bonus: 99! 』

Current influence bonus: 100 maximum multiplier! 』

"That's it."

Locke felt the influence value that had reached its peak in an instant since Zero appeared. After secretly saying something, he immediately looked at the Witch Heart Demon: "You should not come to the human world and try to turn it into a part of hell. The eldest son from hell. Witch Heart Demon.”

He has no interest in playing anything and letting people know the truth about the world.

Who told the task to be settled through influence?

Everything is just for the mission.

Therefore, when his mission reward was refreshed to the highest multiple, the clone in the study no longer intercepted SHIELD's invasion signal and allowed SHIELD to do its best.

The mission is completed, and it’s time for the Witch Heart Demon to leave.

The Witch Heart Demon roared: "It is indeed you, I will definitely catch you, and then, just like my father did to Zatanos, I will turn your head into my wine pot and urinal!"

In fact, when Nick Reese prayed, he, a son of the King of Hell, would not pay attention to such a prayer, nor would he respond.


The Witch's Heart Demon suddenly noticed that Nick Reese's body had some aura that was in contact with Zero, so the Witch's Heart Demon came up.

He wants revenge!

No one can take away what belongs to the son of the great Lord of Hell from his hands.

Finally, the Witch Heart Demon saw Zero again.

Although the appearance is different, there is no doubt that the smell is the same.

Just as arrogant, even more arrogant than him.

The evil spirit has a ferocious expression!

Then, there is no more.

His power...

Why does it seem to be getting stronger again?

The Witch Heart Demon stared at Locke in front of him with a gloomy expression. Although his face was full of anger, if rage was useful, what was the use of strength?


Locke, however, did not intend to give the Witch Heart Demon a chance to speak. A Cero pointed at the Witch Heart Demon in front of him: "Go back to hell, Witch Heart Demon. In this world, a filthy devil like you is not allowed to set foot!"

Feeling the power of oppression that once again drove him away, the Witch Heart Demon roared: "Damn it, Zero, I will definitely come back. When my true form comes, I will let you know what it means..."


The endless black mist, accompanied by the endless light, disappeared without a trace in an instant under Locke's finger.

There was a brief silence in the warehouse.

The next second.

There was a pop.

Nick Reese rolled his eyes and fell to the ground instantly.

There was also some sweat on Carrie's forehead.

at this time.

Nick Reese, who was unconscious on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes and screamed miserably. The sound was so cruel that it was quite penetrating.

"what happened?"

"The Witch Heart Demon plans to take him back to hell."

Patty Finn looked at Locke who appeared next to her again, and looked at the scene on the ground. Suddenly, a wisp of ghost fire appeared on Nick Reese: "Mr. Wushuang, that Cero just now... "

Locke smiled and said: "Any extraordinary power must be exchanged for a certain price, without exception."

"Ms. Sindra..."

"Yes, just like if you want the power of the Witch Heart Demon, you need to sacrifice the soul of the person closest to you."

Locke said calmly: "It's just that the price Syndra has to pay is not to bow her head."

Ms. Patty Finn was slightly startled: "Don't bow your head?"

Locke smiled and stopped talking. He just stared at Nick Reese who was on the ground, his screams getting lower and lower, and then turned into gray in a ball of ghostly fire.

Ding! 』

Mission accomplished: "Five-star Good Citizen of New York City"』

Mission basic rewards: “Achievement Points*500”, “Potential Points*500”』

Multiplier: "100 times"』

The final reward of the mission: “Achievement Points*5W”, “Potential Points*5W”』

Status refreshed! 』

Name: Locke Broughton The Only Player』

Identity: "Peerless Assassin" can switch between extraordinary witch form and emperor vampire form』

Achievement points: 16W』

Potential points: 19W』

The highest heaven..."


After Locke settled the rewards for this mission, the sound of the law enforcement agency's helicopter appeared in the sky on time and without any surprise.

"I have to go now."

Locke smiled towards Ms. Patty Finn and extended his right hand: "I hope we can continue to cooperate next time."

Ms. Patty Finn came to her senses and shook hands with Locke: "Goodbye, Mr. Wushuang."

Locke retracted his right hand, nodded to Carrie, who looked as cold as ever, and then disappeared in the direction of the back door of the warehouse almost at the moment when George led the team to break open the warehouse door.

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