A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 160 I seem to be able to talk to snakes

2 kg of flour, about 1 kg of butter, 8 eggs, about half a kg of raisins, an appropriate amount of milk, some salt and a little baking soda to make a hard dough, roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5mm and cut out round slices, pan Heat the oil and fry for 3 to 4 minutes per side, until they are golden brown and puffed up slightly. Sprinkle with icing sugar and the Welsh cakes are ready.

In the common room, as soon as Charles took out the Welsh cake, countless hands appeared. Even Ruby joined in the fun and stretched out his head to grab it with everyone. After a while, there was nothing left in the basket.

Charles glared at the triumphant Eleanor, this eldest sister actually used the flying curse to grab the cake!

All Gryffindors knew by now that Charles was sure to have a snack whenever he returned around nine-thirty in the evening.

It's just that grabbing snacks has nothing to do with the official members of the Quidditch team. They practiced in the rain on the court after dinner, and continued to conduct tactical training at the simulated Quidditch in the corner of the common room under Wood's leadership after returning.

Harry was a little thankful that he was a Seeker, and he was a free man on the court, so he could read a book while eating cake at the long table.

He seemed to be possessed by Hermione tonight, holding a book and reading it so seriously that everyone in the common room went back to the dormitory. Hermione was chased away by Charles, and a drop of spray was dripped on the cake. I don't know about hot chili oil.


The flame spewed out of Harry's mouth was two meters long, which was very spectacular, but the temperature was not high enough to hatch the eggs.

The culprit asked him from behind him: "Why are you so fascinated by watching?"

Harry turned to see that they were alone in the common room, and whispered, "Charles, I suspect I'm a Parseltongue!"

Charles frowned, sat on the chair next to him, saw that he was holding a book of "World Famous Wizards", and asked him curiously: "Why?"

Last semester, after Seamus came back from Africa, he often bragged with everyone. When he and Vivian were looking for the eggs of the rune snake, he heard Vivian say what Parseltongue is. Naturally, he would not miss this when bragging. Can blow up the knowledge points for a long time.

This semester, he had bragged a lot in front of the freshmen who came here admiringly, and Harry had learned something new by reviewing the past.

Charles knew that Harry was Parseltongue, and he didn't expect to know it now himself.

Harry whispered, "Do you remember, last year on Dudley's birthday, you and Mr. Smith went out, and the Dursleys took Peel and me to the zoo."

"There was a boa constrictor from Brazil at the zoo, and I talked to it, and then I disappeared the glass that held the boa constrictor, and it ran away."

"Because of this incident, I was locked up for a week."

Charles nodded. He had heard about this from Harry last year.

But he wouldn't say that he was watching the excitement not far away with the old man at that time.

The boa constrictor was caught by the old man and sent back to the zoo. The boa constrictor that had lived in the zoo for a long time suddenly returned to nature and committed suicide.

Harry continued, "Madame Pomfrey said I'm not physically sick, probably just tired."

"But I have been getting enough sleep recently. Although I have practiced a lot of Quidditch, I am not tired at all."

"So I was thinking, maybe it's cold now, and the snakes in the wild came to hibernate in the castle, and I heard them talking when they passed by me."

Charles felt that what he said made sense, but it was far-fetched from the perspective of an uninformed bystander. He shook his head slightly and asked, "How do you know that there are snakes hibernating in the castle? Have you or anyone seen it?"

Harry thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Not really."

Charles said to him very seriously: "I told you before, make bold assumptions and carefully verify, if your arguments are not sufficient and untrue, you will not be able to support your point of view."

"What if you are still a rat speaker, a cockroach speaker, and a mosquito speaker, or what other animals you hear?"

"If you are a Parseltongue, how did this ability come about, and why did you acquire it?"

Harry began to doubt his own judgment, but said gloomily, "I'm sure I can't talk to a mouse, or I'll understand what Scabbers is saying."

Charles thought, if you could understand what Scabbers was saying, maybe you would catch him and roast him.

Harry went on to say seriously, "I'll try talking to cockroaches and mosquitoes, and let them all go to your bed."

Charles just chuckled.

On the second night, the puffs that Harry ate were full of flaming chili oil, and his whole body was surrounded by raging flames. When the flames disappeared, pumpkin juice was all over his head and face-this was frightening Ginny did it.

"I'm doing this for your own good!" Charles said with a smirk on his face. "Seeing that you were soaked in the rain all night and then locked up in wet clothes, I want to keep you warm."

The rain has been particularly heavy these days, but Wood still has all the members of the Quidditch team train on the spot, and must fully grasp the performance of the new broom in the shortest possible time.

Harry came in with muddy feet and made a string of muddy footprints in the corridor of the castle. As a result, Filch took him to the prize showroom to clean the exhibits inside, and came back very late in wet clothes.

Now he looked warm, the water on his clothes was dried by the flames just now, and his face was flushed, just like Ginny now.

Seeing that he was back, Ron handed him a letter: "This is from Hedwig this afternoon."

"So soon?!" Harry said in surprise, "I thought it was tomorrow."

Charles asked him, "Who are you sending it to?"

Harry replied, "I wrote the letter last night and sent it to Mr. Lupine this morning."

Charles smiled and said, "Lupine lives in Hogsmeade now, so the reply will be fast."

Harry asked him in surprise, "How do you know?"

Charles shrugged: "Lupine is my subordinate now, and he will report to me while replying to your letter in the morning."

In order to legally go to Hogsmeade to buy things, this guy used the privilege of the director of the Centaur Liaison Office, and went to the Pig's Head Bar every two weeks to listen to Lupine's report on work.

This application left Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore speechless, and Charles agreed because he was very good in the past.

Harry rushed back to the dormitory to read the letter, and didn't have time to tell everyone that Nick, who was almost headless on Halloween, invited them to attend the 500th anniversary of his death.

Charles had an event that day, so in order not to be invited, he avoided contact with Harry for the next few days.

In a Transfiguration class the day before Halloween, Professor McGonagall had just finished his lecture when he suddenly noticed that Charles' eyes were dull, as if he was distracted in class.

She walked up to Charles, and just about to hit the guy on the head with her wand, she heard Charles mutter in a low voice: "Ancient...blood...search...pain..."

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