A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 161 Preparations in the Bathroom

The principal's office was particularly lively tonight, and the principals hanging on the wall were chattering about Charles' prophecy.

Dumbledore frowned, and Professor McGonagall could only hear the words "ancient", "blood", "search" and "pain".

Charles was sitting opposite the desk, holding a teacup, also confused about the situation in his mind. This time the divination was true, and he had no memory of that time.

He was carefully recalling what happened before he made the prophecy. He was listening to the lecture and taking notes carefully, and then someone asked him to borrow ink, and then the fragment was broken.

From the prophecy, it appears that a wizard from an ancient family is looking for something, and the only clue to it is "pain".

It's just that the content of the prophecy is missing and forced interpretation will confuse the original meaning. Voldemort is a negative teaching material.

So now no one can interpret this prophecy of Charles, who knows which ancient family is so many, and what is "pain", what if the seeker is a shaker?

Dumbledore can only tell Charles to go back and have a good rest without thinking too much.

Charles swept away the candies on the desk and left.

He came to the fourth floor. There was an old theater opposite the library. Students from the Drama Association would perform here from time to time, and now it became the venue for the Dueling Club.

Today is the day of activities for members of grades 1 to 3. Bell and Professor Flitwick will talk about some fighting skills, and at the same time let some students come to the stage to resolve personal grievances and demonstrate at the same time.

Charles originally wanted to go and have a look, but saw Hermione coming out of the opposite library with a bunch of books in her arms, so he asked to help get half of them.

Seeing that these books were all about Transfiguration, he said to Hermione, "Professor McGonagall doesn't need to refer to so many books for his homework."

Hermione shook her head and replied, "Professor McGonagall asked me to take it to the office."

Charles asked her again, "When I was in Transfiguration class today, did I do anything before I lost consciousness?"

Hermione looked at him strangely, thought for a moment and said, "I didn't pay attention, it seems that Ron sitting behind you asked you for ink."

Charles nodded thoughtfully.

In the past, he would have direct or indirect contact with related people before real divination. This time, it seems that it has something to do with Ron?

Having said that, the Weasley family can indeed be regarded as an ancient family. The vice headmaster of Hogwarts was surnamed Weasley a hundred years ago. Recently, Ron was indeed looking for Slytherin's study.

If the prophecy was for Ron, it meant that Slytherin's study meant pain for him.

Charles was just thinking about it, as he said to Harry, lacking useful evidence.

Charles glanced at Hermione next to him. The girl was sitting next to him at the time, maybe it was her.

As for the ancient blood, maybe one day when Mr. Granger is off work, Voldemort will kneel on the side of the road with the representatives of the various families and shout, "The 300-year period has come, and the twenty-eight sacred families welcome the return of the Dharma God" and so on. Yes, and then Mr. Granger hooked his mouth and pressed Voldemort on the chair to check his teeth. Voldemort didn't dare to catch his breath...

Hermione frowned at this moment and said, "I think you're thinking something very bad."

"No." Charles said solemnly, "I was thinking, if you dress up properly, you will definitely look much better than you do now."

Hermione pouted, but said nothing.

Charles continued to think about it and said, "I have an idea. In a few days, I will cast a curse on your front teeth, and then you can go to Madam Pomfrey to make your teeth smaller. When your front teeth become like ordinary people Tell her to stop."

He was ready to be kicked by Hermione, but the girl thought seriously.

After all, Hermione is thirteen years old now, and it's the age when girls like to be pretty.

Charles continued: "Your hair is messy now. I'll help you buy a bottle of the instant hair smoothing agent invented by Harry's grandfather, which can make your hair smooth like a waterfall."

"Well, there are also jewelry, girls can't do without good-looking jewelry..."

"A beautiful little dress is also indispensable..."

"Shoes are inconspicuous but important in an outfit..."

At this point Charles went into "Hermione Miracle", "Hermione Shine" mode, talking non-stop along the way.

Seeing that he had entered this state again, Hermione stopped talking and just walked quietly.

The two came to Professor McGonagall's office, and the other two senior teaching assistants were also there, and they were helping with homework.

When Professor McGonagall saw Hermione came back, he gave a list and copied some of the contents of the book.

She looked at Charles, who was helping to move the books, and wanted to ask if she was free to help, but she didn't expect to see only the back of this guy running away.

Charles thought about it when he walked to the third floor, and turned a corner to the almost abandoned bathroom.

The place is gloomy, with only a few candles that are regularly replaced by the house elves giving off a dim light. The air is filled with a damp musty smell. All the facilities are very dilapidated and lifeless, making people feel extremely depressing.

According to the oriental magic theory, this place is extremely cold, and there might be some treasures from heaven and earth.

Charles disappeared, searched here, and started to act after confirming that Myrtle was not there.

Over the sink was a large mirror so stained and cracked that it was almost impossible to see people.

Charles found the entrance to the secret room, searched around the mirror above, and removed several palm-sized pieces of glass.

Then he took out the two-way mirror, cut it and installed it at the position where the glass was removed from the mirror, and it looked almost the same as before... no wonder.

These two-way mirrors can see the Pu Rongrong who is eating on the opposite side, and you can tell that there is a problem at a glance.

Charles had no choice but to go back and turn off the lights. When he came back, he saw that the mirrors were completely dark, and he was relieved that he was not conspicuous in the dim bathroom.

Then, he took out a few more GIFs and pasted them where the light of the candles couldn't reach them.

Everything is ready for tomorrow when Tom Riddle comes to unleash the basilisk.

He took a great risk in this matter, not because he was afraid of being discovered by Myrtle, but because he was afraid of being known by the school.

Installing two-way mirrors in girls' washrooms is a perverted act of voyeurism, no matter what school they are in, they will definitely be expelled if they are found out.

Charles quickly left the scene and returned to the common room to see an owl waiting for him.

This owl is from the Owl Post Office in Diagon Alley. After paying the money, it takes down a letter written by the old man.

He returned to the dormitory, lowered the curtain, and began to interpret the old man's secret words.

The content of the letter caught Charles off guard. The old man suggested that he go to deal with the Animagus during the Christmas holiday this year, as if asking him to go to the supermarket to buy a bag of tea.

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