A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 188 What does Peeves know?

On the third day after Christmas, Harry and Ron were in the library looking for books according to the book list that Hemeow had issued.

Professor McGonagall told the two of them that the patient's mood is related to the effect of treatment. In order to keep Hemiao in a happy mood, let her do things she likes.

Naturally, He Miao's favorite thing to do is to do nothing but read.

Now that both Harry and Ron have new clues, Hemiao is responsible for finding out the identity of the monster from the book based on the clues.

When Harry and Ron were on their way to the school doctor's office each carrying a stack of books, they heard voices in the corridor beside them at the corner of the stairs.

"Peeves," Dumbledore's voice was serious, "I think we need to have a talk."

Peeves' voice came from the ceiling: "Professor, do you want me to stop playing pranks again?"

Dumbledore said solemnly: "You know that's not what I want to say."

Peeves turned around and said, "Are you going to ask me about the monster in the Chamber of Secrets?"

"I think you already guessed who released the monster fifty years ago. It was clear that a dose of Veritaserum could solve the problem, but you were unwilling to use it. As a result, Hagrid was expelled."

"Maybe the punishment at that time will be a good thing for him and more people, right?"

Dumbledore was silent. He had indeed suspected that Tom Riddle had released the monster to kill Myrtle, but there was no evidence and he was unwilling to obtain evidence illegally. In addition, Grindelwald was having a lot of fun. In the end, this matter was just Let the Ministry of Magic take care of the whole process.

He also thought later that if he could spare some time for in-depth investigation and be firmer at that time, maybe Tom's personality would be corrected by then, and Voldemort would be gone in the future.

Harry and Ron hid at the top of the stairs and listened, breathing slowly for fear of being discovered.

The two suddenly realized that they had missed something. People like Peeves who had lived in Hogwarts for many years must know a lot of things. Why didn't they ask them at this time?

Moreover, Peeves also mentioned Hagrid. The two of them had no idea that he would be involved, and it sounded like he was still the central figure in the incident.

"Peeves," Dumbledore asked calmly, "You seem to know a lot of things. Can you tell me about it?"

Peeves asked seriously: "I do know many things. Great Lord Dumbledore, can you keep these things secret?"

Dumbledore replied firmly: "I can."

Peeves imitated his tone and said, "So can I."

Dumbledore's long beard trembled, but he didn't expect Peeves to stop talking.

He used a roundabout tactic and asked again: "Peeves, can you tell me a story from the past?"

Peeves fell in front of him, looking thoughtful, and finally nodded and said, "You want to hear me tell a story, that's fine. The last person who listened to me tell a story was Riddle."

Dumbledore became serious and waited for the next step.

Peeves deliberately cleared his throat and said slowly: "Let me tell you, in another world, there is Hogwarts there."

"In that castle full of laughter and laughter, Dumbledore and Riddle once spent seven years of sweet life there. Even sweeter than them were Miss Potter and Mr. Snape who looked like their mother. …”

"Peeves!" Dumbledore was angry, "This story is not interesting!"

Peeves laughed loudly and said to him: "So in another world, what about the love story between Riddle and an old lady named Liu in the East?"

Dumbledore finally understood why Voldemort wanted to study a spell that could slap Peeves when he was a student, and he would have done the same.

Well, it seems that Voldemort taught Charles this spell. Should we wait until he comes back to ask how to use it?

"There is no such world." Dumbledore felt helpless, "Can we have a good chat?"

Peeves shook his head and said like a professor asking a question in class: "Why are you so sure that there is no other world outside this world?"

Dumbledore was stunned. Although Peeves was usually unreliable, if this sentence was reliable, it seemed to explain some mysteries.

He frowned and asked Peeves: "Have you ever seen someone from another world, from another Hogwarts? That person knew what would happen now and in the future, and then told you, so you That day you took a camera to the bathroom to take a picture of Granger turning into a cat?"

"Is this something special? What does it mean? Does it deserve special treatment from you?"

Generally speaking, Peeves would taunt students when they encountered misfortune. This was the first time he took out a camera to take pictures. Dumbledore, who was tense because of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, smelled something different from it.

He is now a little worried whether this incident will be the starting point or turning point of a big event.

Peeves ignored Dumbledore's questions and said with a playful smile: "I believe in your wisdom, one of the smartest professors at Hogwarts..."

Dumbledore wanted to ask again, but Peeves said: "The only thing I can tell you is that what happened is very different from what I know!"

When his voice disappeared, his entire body had already penetrated the wall and disappeared in front of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stood in the corridor for a long time before leaving. Harry and Ron only dared to continue going downstairs when they heard the footsteps receding.

Ron noticed that Harry's face was very dark, so he said: "How can you believe Peeves' nonsense? How can you be a girl?"

Harry frowned and said, "What I care about is another thing. Why did Peeves mention my mother? Is there any grudge between her and Snape?"

Before this, he had only heard from Lupine that his parents were in the same grade as Snape, and that his father had an affair with Snape, but he had never heard anything else.

Harry had always been concerned about his parents' affairs, and he felt uncomfortable if this matter was not resolved.

But he thought about it and realized that the only person who could ask was Aunt Petunia.

Harry didn't notice that the mouse sticking its head out of Ron's robe pocket was looking at him with some indescribable look.

When he was about to walk to the school doctor's office, Harry made up his mind and said, "I want to go back to Privet Drive tomorrow."

Ron asked strangely: "What are you doing back?"

Harry replied: "I think Aunt Petunia will know about mother's past."

When they entered the ward, they found that there were many people here, from the eldest to the sixth Weasley family.

Originally, the Weasleys were going to Egypt to visit Bill during this Christmas holiday, but something happened to Percy, and Bill and Charlie, who was raising dragons in Romania, came back.

Now that the eldest and second eldest children are getting ready to go back to work, they come to see Percy again before leaving.

Percy and Penello were petrified together when they kissed, and Dumbledore finally separated the two of them by relying on the disembodiment bug.

Madam Pomfrey allowed them to stay longer today, and now she, Fred and George were discussing the note brought out from Slytherin's study with Hemew behind the curtain in a low voice.

Now Madam Pomfrey claimed that Hemew had used homemade skin lotion and her face became ugly, so no one else was seen. The hospital bed was surrounded by a curtain, and only Harry and Ron went inside because they knew what the situation was.

Bill was forced to wear a standard suit by his mother today. He felt a little uncomfortable. After greeting Ron and Harry, he said, "I will ask my colleagues after I return to Egypt. Maybe they know what kind of monster is afraid of chickens. I have some news." I will inform you as soon as possible."

Charlie patted Ron on the shoulder with a strong hand, making the sixth man grimace, and said: "When I returned to Romania, I took a trip to the Velebit Mountain in Croatia. The Veela have their own historical records, maybe You can get useful information."

Bill, Fred and George's eyes suddenly became strange. Only Ron didn't know what happened.

Charlie felt uncomfortable looking at them and shook his head and said: "There is a Veela elder who often comes to the dragon farm to buy dragon blood and other materials. I can ask her for help."

Bill said seriously: "I'll go with you, you are too stupid and can't speak."

Charlie gave him a "fuck off" look.

"Let's go." Bill pretended that Charlie didn't exist. "Ginny caught a cold a few days ago and has been feeling low. Please take good care of her."

The three Weasleys who stayed at Hogwarts were stunned for a moment. Fred asked doubtfully: "Isn't Ginny at home?"

Bill was also stunned and said strangely: "Yesterday, Ginny said she was worried about Percy, so she took the Knight Bus back to the castle."

"No way!" said George, "We were in the common room all day yesterday and didn't see Ginny come back!"

Fred immediately rushed out of the ward and returned to the dormitory. When he took out the Marauder's Map and opened it, he was surrounded by a circle of red heads and a scar on his forehead.

Half an hour later, Fred said in a deep voice: "Ginny is not in the castle."

Ginny left home, did not arrive at Hogwarts, disappeared, and the problem was huge.

"Don't panic!" Bill held down Ron who was about to rush out of the dormitory. "Let's use the missing person spell first."

After saying that, he took out his wand and held it in his palm to cast a spell. As a result, the wand spun like a helicopter propeller and stopped after half an hour.

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