A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 189 Seaside Cave

On the rough seaside, the snow flakes were smashed by the strong wind, leaving no space to get into.

"Mom, the fireplace is out!"

Ginny subconsciously said something after being woken up by the cold, but the sound of the howling wind and the sound of the waves hitting the rocks made her realize that the place where she was now was not a warm home.

She sat up straight and leaned against the cold rock wall. She tightened the scarf around her neck to prevent the cold wind from getting into her clothes, and pulled down her plush hat to cover her ears that were red from the cold.


The sound from her stomach made Ginny feel even colder, but there was no hot tea, fragrant fried bacon, or steaming stew. There were only some purple-wrapped foreign chocolates in her pocket, which were sent by Charles in advance. A Christmas present that I just opened the day before yesterday.

The cold air made the chocolate crispy, and it made a clicking sound when you first bit into it. After eating a few pieces, your body seemed to feel a little warmer.

There was a vast expanse of white between the sea and the sky. Ginny sat by the entrance of the cave and looked at the snowflakes flying on the sea. Her eyes were dull and her heart was empty.

After an unknown amount of time, cold tears kept sliding down his face, seeping into the scarves Fred and George bought during the summer.

It was getting dark, and Ginny's stomach growled again.

"Have something to eat."

A plate of hot sandwiches appeared in front of Ginny without any warning. The person holding out the plate was wearing a black robe, and his face was so dark under the hood. The hands listening to the voice and looking at the plates should be the same. Old man.

Ginny thought she was dreaming at first, but the cold wind made her feel like it was reality.

She shook her head, fearing that the person who suddenly appeared was not a good person, and subconsciously touched the Nimbus 2001 on the side.

Jack pointed at the red hair exposed under Ginny's hat and said in a coaxing tone: "Don't be afraid, I will not harm the descendants of Professor Matilda Weasley."

"Professor Weasley gave me a lot of help when I first arrived at Hogwarts, allowing me to adapt to school life quickly."

Ginny, slightly less frightened, hesitated, then picked up a sandwich and wolfed it down after another growl of her stomach.

Jack waited for her to finish eating and handed her a bottle of orange juice and asked curiously: "Little girl, why are you here? Are you lost?"

This is no ordinary cave, Voldemort hid one of his Horcruxes inside.

Jack learned from Charles' memory that Dumbledore would drink poison here in the future. He didn't want his friends to suffer, so he came to do some tricks and released a warning spell at the entrance of the cave.

The spell reacted, and Jack rushed over immediately. Unexpectedly, the person who came here was Ginny, and she had no intention of going deep into the cave.

Ginny drank half a bottle of orange juice and said, "I...I ran away from home and flew here on a broomstick."

"Sir, do you live here? I'll leave right away."

Some eccentric wizards lived in a strange place, and she regarded it as the front door of Jack's house.

And she couldn't tell why she came to this place. She just felt like she was going somewhere after leaving the Knight Bus and riding the broomstick, and ended up here.

Jack asked her: "Why did you run away from home? Your family will be very worried."

Ginny's eyes began to well up with tears again at the mention of her family.

In previous years, the family was full of laughter and joy. Mother kept making delicious food for everyone, Fred and George kept making everyone laugh, and Percy talked seriously with his father about working in the Ministry of Magic. Ron looked into the kitchen every five minutes to see if his mother was making chicken legs.

This year was different. Percy had turned into a stiff stone. His parents and brothers had gloomy faces all day long. The house was cold and there was no laughter at all.

And the culprit who caused all this is himself.

Ginny still remembered that night, when Percy was kissing Penello in front of the mirror on the first floor. When he saw the eyes of himself and the monster in the mirror, his whole body hardened instantly. The eyes of the basilisk were hit at the same time.

When Percy fell, he wanted to cry out, but that was because his body was out of his control, and everything he did was in vain.

I thought about never touching the notebook again, but my body seemed to be enchanted. Every time I saw the notebook, I would involuntarily open it again.

As a result, more and more victims appeared, and I could only watch, unable to stop them.

Jack knew what happened to Ginny and Hogwarts. As a bystander, he saw that confessing the matter to Dumbledore was the best solution. However, this would lead to the possibility of living in Azkaban for a lifetime. For a little girl, this was something more terrifying than death. It was not surprising that she ultimately chose to run away.

Guilt about the past and confusion about the future swirled around Ginny's mind, making her cry non-stop.

Although Jack raised Charles so big, this guy is special, so it can be said that he has no experience getting along with normal children.

Now that the little girl couldn't stop crying, there was nothing he could do. If it had been anyone else, the Imperius Curse would have stopped her from crying, but this was a member of Professor Weasley's family, so he couldn't do it.

"Let me tell you a story." Jack ignored Ginny and told her. "Many years ago, there was a young man who was doing the right thing by following what he thought was a great master."

"Until one day, the young man's master asked him to call his... friend to do something. As a result, the friend was greatly hurt and almost lost his life."

"The young man believed that he had harmed his friend and began to reflect on whether what he had been doing was right or wrong."

At this time, Ginny stopped crying and raised her head to look at the mysterious old man, waiting for the next step.

Jack paused deliberately before continuing: "The young man finally discovered that his master was wrong and what they did was a huge mistake."

"Facing the mistakes that have been made, young people finally chose to face them and correct them themselves."

Ginny couldn't help but ask: "Has he changed his mind?"

Jack sighed: "He was very brave and did the best within his ability, but he also lost his life because of it. Only his friend knew about his achievements."

"Miss Weasley," Jack's tone became very serious, "people always make mistakes. I think Gryffindor students should have the courage to face their mistakes. Running away is shameful and useless."

Ginny lowered her head and bit her lip tightly with her teeth, fighting fiercely in her heart.

Jack stood aside quietly, not planning to say anything else. Ginny could only choose her own choice for the next step.

Ginny finally made a decision in her mind. When she raised her head, she found that the surroundings were empty. If it weren't for the half bottle of orange juice in her hand, she would have felt like she had just had a dream.

She turned her head and found a roll of parchment placed on Nimbus 2001.

The parchment roll suddenly flew up on its own, igniting like fireworks in mid-air, and the sparks formed a brilliant "Merry Christmas".

When the flames went out, two black objects fell out. Ginny reached out to catch them, and found that they were a pair of earrings, and the pendant was a cat's head carved from black crystal.

Jack stood on the top of the mountain, watching a flying car getting closer and closer, thinking that the Christmas gift originally given to McGonagall next year would now be given to the children of Professor Weasley's family, and he would have to find a replacement. superior.

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