A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 306 Set up a staff canteen

Mr. Delacour came to Hogwarts to be a professor, and the school arranged for him to live in Hogsmeade, so it is not surprising that Mrs. Delacour would appear here.

Mrs. Delacour works in France as an editor for a magazine. Her job is relatively relaxed, so she can come to visit her husband on weekends.

Charles went over to greet her and introduced several classmates who came with him.

Mrs. Delacour didn't say much after greeting everyone. Today is the children's play time, and her identity will only make them cautious.

Charles only chatted with her for a few words and learned that she was worried that her husband would not be used to British food, so he came over to cook some French dishes on the weekend.

Mrs. Delacour also invited Charles to have lunch at her residence, but Charles declined. Gabrielle said that she also wanted to be a sister.

Hogsmeade is very attractive to the students of Hogwarts, but that's all it seems to Charles. In the past two years, he often came to do things as an official of the Ministry of Magic, and many of his bosses got to know him.

The supplies for the centaurs will not arrive until next weekend. Fallbottom Castle is being renovated and renovated by professionals. People in the company are temporarily working in Diagon Alley due to the influence of dementors. Charles feels that there is nothing to do for a while.

"What are you doing here?" Aberforth gave Charles a glass of fizzy drink. "You should go to Mrs. Puddy's Tea House."

Charles thought it was soda, took a sip, and then blew out the bubbles and said, "What's the fun in going there alone?"

"Oh, let me go, what is this?"

Now every time he speaks a word, a soap bubble flies out of his mouth, and the word is displayed on the bubble, which can be gathered into a sentence above his head.

Aberforth shrugged and said, "A trinket given by a foreign guest to pay for the meal."

Charles smiled and said, "I suspect that the food here is too bad, and the guests don't want to pay, so they use this to fool you."

Aberforth ignored him. At this time, guests came, so he went to give them an hourly room upstairs.

Charles glanced at the bar and felt that Percy and Penello were not here to study alchemy homework.

The only person in the Pig's Head Bar is Aberforth, a hundred-year-old man. His cooking skills are far inferior to those at the Three Broomsticks Bar. Most people will not come here to eat.

That is to say, there is accommodation here, but not at the Three Broomsticks Bar. There is this difference between the two parties, otherwise the centuries-old restaurant will fall into his hands.

Charles suddenly pinched his chin and started thinking.

After Aberforth came back, he still remembered that he had just complained about the taste of the food he cooked, and asked him angrily: "What, are you considering becoming a chef at my place?"

Charles thought thoughtfully and asked, "There are no professional restaurants in Hogsmeade, right?"

Aberforth replied: "Not in Diagon Alley either."

There are also bars, teahouses and restaurants over there in Diagon Alley, but there are no specialized restaurants.

He knew that the kid in front of him had many evil ideas, so he asked, "Are you planning to take over the Pig Head Bar because you think I'm about to enter the grave?"

Charles said seriously: "There is such a plan."

"I will work at Farbarton Castle in the future. It is foreseeable that many people will come. Food for employees is a big problem."

"So I plan to drive you away and convert the Pig Head Bar into a restaurant. It will be open to the public and provide catering services for company employees."

Aberforth sneered, raised his head and said, "Brother, someone wants to bully your brother and drive him to the streets."

Charles turned around suddenly and found that Lao Deng was standing behind him at some point.

Lao Deng said to A Deng: "It doesn't matter, I can find a position for you in the Horse People's Liaison Office."

Now the two parties have changed homes.

Old Deng no longer cares about Charles making money. This kid is more energetic and has to find something to do. Making money is better than studying black magic. Lucius Malfoy is better than Voldemort.

He came here to borrow the fireplace and play games at No. 3 Privet Drive.

Charles knew what Aberforth meant. He had called this place his home for decades.

"I have an idea." Charles added, "What do you think if I open a restaurant and allow customers here to order food and give you a certain commission?"

Seeing that he was serious, Aberforth thought for a moment and asked, "Are you asking Dobby and the others to cook?"

Charles nodded.

Opening a restaurant like this in Hogsmeade is no different from opening it next door to a wizard's house. If you add a meal delivery service to Floo fans, maybe some wizards will directly use it as a restaurant.

Moreover, this restaurant does not only sell British food. It is foreseeable that in the future, the company will have employees from different countries and can operate in other countries.

Now Dobby has recruited a lot of working elves, but the market at Hogwarts is too small, the communication system will not be available for a while, and the logistics company has not even thought of a name, so they have to find work for them.

Aberforth said: "No problem, but there is a condition."

"If you ask Dobby and the others not to come every night after I'm ready to go to bed, I'll be angry too."

Charles asked in surprise: "Are they bothering you?"

He felt very strange in his heart. Dobby was not an ignorant elf, so why would he come to cause trouble?

Aberforth said gloomily: "They always wait until the shop is empty before they come together to buy a glass of juice and a small plate of biscuits and sit there for half an hour."

"If they don't want to see anyone, I can prepare a private room for them and don't come when I'm getting ready to go to bed."

"Honeydukes candy store too, they always go there when Ambrosio starts to close."

Charles was overjoyed when he heard this.

Paying them wages cannot break the shackles in their hearts. If they still think of themselves as before and only keep money, only when they start spending for hobbies, socializing and other survival reasons can they start to change their self-positioning and Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

It's just that the concept of not appearing in front of others is still deep in the elves' minds, and they only come when there are no customers in the store.

"Let's do this," Charles suggested. "You open two or three private rooms in the bar so that they don't feel like they are being treated specially. I'll talk to them."

Aberforth said it was no problem, it was a little troublesome, but it was nothing compared to letting himself go to bed early.

However, he had to ask Lao Deng to set up the anti-Apparition magic in the box, otherwise it would be troublesome for the guests to leave their orders.

"I would like to ask you a favor." Charles continued, "Is there any place in Hogsmeade suitable for a restaurant?"

Without thinking, Aberforth said, "The Screaming Shack."

The Shrieking Shack was used by Hogwarts specifically for Lupine to turn into a werewolf. He spread ghost stories in the village in order to prevent people from approaching him. He was responsible for spreading rumors.

Charles shook his head. It would be troublesome if Dobby stewed Black.

There are many buildings in Hogsmeade, but the prime real estate on both sides of the main street has long been divided up. If you want to open a store, you must either build a new building or choose a building in a side alley like the Pig's Head Bar and Mrs. Puddieffe's Teahouse.

Aberforth had lived here for decades and was familiar with the buildings here, so he gave him some suggestions.

Half an hour later, the two came to a four-story house next door to Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse.

After Aberforth opened the door with his wand, Charles did not go in, but asked him: "Is it really okay to go in without the owner's consent?"

"You don't know?" Aberforth looked a little surprised, "Pubs have been helping landlords find tenants for hundreds of years."

Charles thought for a while, and it made sense. The bar was an intelligence station. The bar owner was very well-informed, and it was normal for the landlord to ask them to help rent a house.

I understand that the house is not as big as the Pig's Head pub or the Three Broomsticks pub, but the internal space is not that big for a wizard, and it is not impossible to make it as big as a football field.

The first floor can be used as a fast food restaurant serving light meals, the second floor can be used as a formal restaurant, the third floor can be used as private rooms, and the fourth floor can be used as an office area and warehouse.

These are not problems, the problem is...

"You asked me to borrow money?" Grindelwald put down the book in his hand and looked at Charles who sneaked back in disbelief.

Charles said seriously: "Don't big bosses with villains like you always leave treasures and the like so that they can come back in case of failure?"

Grindelwald said with a dark face: "Do you think, if I had such a treasure, I would still be here now?"

Charles scratched his head. It was true. If he had money, he wouldn't eat and drink here.

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows and said, "How about we go rob Gringotts."

"Forget it." Charles shook his head, "It's too slow to get money from us."

"Well, you reminded me that I know how to make money."

Next to Hogsmeade, Harry pointed to a big black dog in the distance and said to Hermione: "Look, that dog is sneezing."

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